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云南省曲靖市宣威市第九中学2020届高三上学期10月月考试英语试卷 WORD版缺答案.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家英语试卷试卷满分 150 分 考试时间 120 分钟第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 Where did the man put the womans bike?A. Under a street lamp. B. In a garage. C. In a backyard.2 Which floor is the Committee Room on?A. The se

2、cond floor. B. The third floor. C. The fourth floor.3 How does the man feel about the article in the end?A. Satisfied. B. Annoyed. C. Bored.4 Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a teaching building.5 Why does the man call the woman?A. To ask for

3、a sick leave.B. To ask about English classes.C. To discuss tomorrows schedule. 第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完 后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6 How will the woman send the package?A. By air. B. By sea. C. By express mail.7 Ho

4、w much should the woman pay?A. 20. B. 23. C. 26.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8 What problem does the woman have?A. Shes lost.B. Her shoes are broken.C. Her feet are uncomfortable.9 Why did the speakers come to the citA. To attend a meeting. B. To buy some shoes. C. To make a tour.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10 Why

5、 does the man want to get a summer job?A. To save money for a course.B. To pay his brother back.C. To save for a trip.11 How will the woman get money?A. By borrowing from her brother.B. By doing a part-time job.C. By asking her parents.12 What does the man decide to do in the end?A. Study in Spain.B

6、. Get a job in Portugal.C. Go to Latin America with the woman.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13 What are the speakers discussing?A. How to form clouds.B. How to present their research.C. How to explain different types of clouds.14 Why does the man suggest having small cards?A. To make the presentation more

7、interesting.B. To remind him of what to say.C. To organize all the research.15 What will the man do?A. Prepare the cards.B. Make the presentation slides.C. Look for pictures of clouds online.16 What part will the woman do?A. The low-level clouds part.B. The medium-level clouds part.C. The high-level

8、 clouds part.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17 What problem will the motorway bring to the village?A. Children will find it hard to go to the Streeve Beach.B. The well-known beauty spot will be destroyed.C. Fewer villagers will live there.18 What will be built on farmland?A. A swimming pool. B. A steel fac

9、tory. C. Houses.19 Where will the high-tech park be built?A. In the north of the village. B. In the south of the village. C. In the west of the village.20 What is most villagers attitude towards the government plans?A. Fully satisfied. B. Rather worried. C. Quite unexpected.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分)第一

10、节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA growing number of Chinese tourists are helping to save a dying town, after a like-knowntourist attraction was featured on a number of Chinese travel blogs.The residents of Sea Lake, a town of just 600 people, barely see tra

11、velers stop at their gasstation while driving by, but the sudden influx of Chinese tourists is helping keep the townseconomy alive.The tourists come to see Lake Tyrrel - a shallow, salt crusted and often dry lake just out oftown. According to a local teacher, Rachel Pearce,the extremely beautiful ni

12、ghtscape combinedwith the mysterious appearance of stars reflected on the salt lake gives people the impression ofwalking among the stars. Besides, the town is so far away that no light pollution ruins theparticularly attractive views, and as it is situated in a barren(寸草不生的), dry part of thecountry

13、, there are rarely any clouds to spoil the night sky.The attractions growing sought-after status has resulted in the towns motel rooms being fullalmost every night,and while local farmers are suffering in a two-year drought, tourism iskeeping the towns agricultural-based economy stable.Despite the p

14、opularity of the town and its attraction,locals are still confused as to why theirlittle town deserves so much attention. Sea Lakes population has fallen from around 1,200 adecade ago to 600 today. “Were still unsure why Lake Tyrrel is such a big,big tourist attraction,”one local says. “Its quite a

15、shock.”21. Which of the following best explains influx underlined in paragraph 2?A. Assistance. B. Adventure. C. Arrival. D. Advertisement.22. Which of the following together make Lake Tyrrel pretty impressive?A. Population, stars, clouds, cleanness and weather.B. Nightscape, stars, salt, remoteness

16、 and clear sky.C. Population, darkness, salt, remoteness and clear sky.D. Nightscape, darkness, clouds, cleanness and weather.23. Which column of a magazine is this text most likely from?A. Business. B. Education. C. Lifestyle. D. Culture.BThe sun was slipping down through the trees and it was time

17、to go home. Time was runningout. His mother would look at him and she would know. She always knew. A hot tear ran down hischeek. She trusted him. This was the first year she had left him alone for three hours between schooland the time she got home from work. She had to work to buy his clothes and t

18、o pay for their foodand for a place to live. He remembered the nice way she said, “You are a little man now, Joy.” Itmade him sad when his mothers words came back to him. She trusted him.Remembering this, he felt as if someone had stuck a sharp stick into his side. Her trust in himwas all he could t

19、hink about now. It drove everything else from his mind. “She trusted me.” He keptsaying to himself. “She trusted me.” This was most important. Next to this, the pipe and its magicpower meant nothing.Joy looked at the long shadows coming toward him. He now knew what he had to do. And hewas in a hurry

20、 to get it done. When he took the pipe, he left the store with slow unsure steps. Nowhis feet were quick, decisive, taking him straight back to the store like an arrow. He was out ofbreath when he reached the store.Mr. Dow was just inside the door. The big man smiled. Joy wished he had not. Somehow,

21、 abad friendly smile made it more difficult for Joy to do what he wanted to do. Joy was lost for amoment. His feet felt heavy. Suddenly, blindly, he held out the pipe. His voice struggled to comeout from deep inside of the painful chest.“Mr. Dow,” he said at last, “I didnt mean to take it.”“Thanks,

22、Joy.” Mr. Dow said as he gently took the pipe from the boys hand. “How aboutstaying around and helping me close up the shop?”Joy felt Mr. Dows big hand on his shoulder. And Joy felt his shoulders had become a littlebroader and stronger.24. What kind of a life did Joy and his mother live?A. A poor li

23、fe. B. A new life. C. A happy life. D. A modern life.25. Why did Joy feel like being hurt by something sharp?A. He felt sorry for his mother.B. He couldnt help the family.C. He had run away from school.D. He disappointed his mothers expectations.26. What do we know about Mr. Dows smile to Joy?A. Its

24、 broad. B. Its warm. C. Its false. D. Its secret.27. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. An Interesting Pipe B. A Powerful SmileC. Unconditional Love D. Magic TrustCFamous writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote 70 poems and 66 short stories during his life, butpublished only one novel

25、. That book, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, is fiction,focusing on Pyms bad luck on a whaling ship.The novel, published in 1838, involves an attempted rebellion of the whaling ship. Pym and twoothers drive back the rebels, killing or throwing overboard all but one. The spared rebel

26、, namedRichard Parker, is kept aboard in order to help operate the ship. But as the ship overturns, it has noadequate food. Parker suggests that cannibalism(食人)is the only way out, and they draw strawsto determine the victim. Parker loses and becomes dinner.But in 1846 a real-life Richard Parker die

27、d in a shipwreck (船滩). He and 20 others were onboard the doomed Francis Spaight, which sank, killing all on board. It was a mere coincidence, asit involved neither rebellion nor cannibalism.In 1884, the coincidence became extremely horrible. A boat named the Mignonette sank, andfour people went into

28、 a lifeboat. And just like in Pyms tale, the four found themselves lacking foodand were desperate. They did not draw straws; however, two of the remaining three simply killedthe youngest, a cabin boy who had fallen unconscious. All three then dined on the now-dead 17 yearold. The cabin boys name, of

29、 course, was Richard Parker.As for rebellion, one needs to travel back to 1797, before Poe penned his novel - althoughthere is little evidence that Poe had known about this Richard Parker or intentionally chose his namefor the Pym novel. That year, another man named Richard Parker led a rebellion of

30、 the British Navalbase at Nore, taking over a number of ships. But as food was running out, Parker ordered his fleetto head toward France. The ship he was on followed this order but none of the other ships did, andParker was arrested then was hanged as punishment.This series of coincidences has not

31、gone entirely unnoticed. In 2001, author Yann Martelpublished The Life of Pi, which was made into a movie for release in November of 2012. It tells thestory of a man who finds himself trapped on a lifeboat with a few animals, including a Bengal tiger.Martel showed respect for the shipwrecked men spo

32、ken about above by naming the tiger RichardParker. And while there is probably nothing to this strange occurrence, if your name is RichardParker, you may want to stay away from boats.28. The underlined part draw straws (Para. 2) suggests someone will be chosen to_A. deal with straws B. enjoy a good

33、opportunityC. make a clever decision D. do something unpleasant29. What made the coincidence in 1884 extremely terrible?A. Cannibalism without drawing straws. B. Shipwreck and rebellion.C. Rebellion and cannibalism. D. Hanging and cannibalism.30. What can be learnt about the name Richard Parker?A. I

34、t was chosen on purpose by Allan Poe.B. It seemed connected with strange coincidences.C. It was popular both in fiction and in reality.D. It was originally a name for a Bengal tiger.31. To those Richard Parkers who wish to sail on the sea, this passage makes for.A. a complete nonsense B. an accurate

35、 predictionC. an interesting warning D. an impressive jokeDAn article published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature sheds new light on an important,but up-to-now little appreciated, aspect of human evolution. In this article, Professors DennisBramble and Daniel Lieberman suggest that being

36、able to run was the necessary condition for thedevelopment of our species which enabled us to come down from the trees. This challengestraditional scientific thinking, which claims that the distinctive, upright body form of modernhumans has come about as a result of the ability to walk, and that run

37、ning is simply a by-product ofwalking. Furthermore, humans have usually been regarded as poor runners compared to suchanimals as dogs, horses or deer. However, this is only true if we consider running at high speed,especially over short distances. But when it comes to long-distance running, humans d

38、oastonishingly well. They can keep a steady pace for many kilometers, and their overall speed is atleast the same as that of horses or dogsBramble and Lieberman examined 26 physical features found in humans. One of the mostinteresting of these is the nuchal ligament(项韧带). When we run, this ligament

39、prevents our headfrom moving back and forth or from side to side. Therefore, we are able to run with steady heads,held high. The nuchal ligament is not found in any other surviving primates, such as apes andmonkeys. Then there are our Achilles tendons (跟腱) at the backs of our legs, which connect our

40、calf muscles to our heel bones and which have nothing to do with walking. When we run, thesetendons behave like springs, helping to push us forward. Furthermore, we have low, wide shoulders,virtually disconnected from our skulls(颅骨), a physical development which allows us to run moreefficiently. But

41、 what evolutionary advantage is gained from being good long-distance runners? Perhaps itpermitted early humans to obtain food more effectively. “What these features and facts appear to betelling us is that running evolved in order for our direct ancestors to compete with other meat-eatinganimals for

42、 access to the protein needed to grow the big brains that we enjoy today,” says Lieberman.Some scientists put forward the theory that early humans chased animals for great distances in orderto exhaust them before killing them. “Research on the history of humans ability to move has traditionally been

43、 controversial,” saysLieberman. “At the very least, I believe this theory will motivate many researchers to reevaluateand further investigate how humans learned to run and walk and why we are built the way we are.”32. In paragraph 1, what do the two professors suggest about humans ability to run? A.

44、 It is an evolutionary by-product of walking.B. It helps to form peoples ability to climb trees.C. It has played an important role in human evolution.D. It has not been adequately studied by scientists before.33. What is true about the physical characteristics examined by the professors? A. Achilles

45、 tendons assist people to walk long distances.B. The human skull helps people to run more efficiently.C. peoples shoulders allow them to look from side to side. D. The nuchal ligament enables people to hold their head steady.34. According to paragraph 3, scientists believe that early humans_. A. alw

46、ays came across dangerous situations in life B. ran after animals for long distances when huntingC. often failed to find food because they couldnt run fastD. developed their hunting skills by running long distances 35. Professor Lieberman thinks the new theory will _. A. completely explain how runni

47、ng developed B. revolutionize the theory of human evolution C. encourage more in-depth studies on the topicD. be widely supported within the scientific community第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Sports performance can be influenced by many different things. 36There

48、are many physical factors that play a part in sports performance. 37 The naturaltalent and strength of the players will make a difference. Also, it is important to get enough sleepbefore you are in a sports event. 38 Eating good meals is also important. When you arehungry, you cannot perform the sam

49、e. You might be thinking about food when you should bethinking about the game.Of course, the more a team or a player practices,the more likely they are to perform well.The same person with the same physical abilities might just become better as he practices.Researching your competitor can matter a l

50、ot in sports performance. Knowing their strengthsand weaknesses can help you adjust how you play to give yourself a better performance againstthem. 39 If you can figure out where to hit the ball in tennis that would confuse yourcompetitor, for example, then this can help you score points.40 If someo

51、ne is very pessimistic about a game, for example, and is sure that he will lose,then he might increase his chances of doing so. If he is very nervous then he might be thinkingabout that instead of focusing on the game. If he is focused then he might do better,achievingwhat he didnt even realize he c

52、ould. His confidence can also affect how the other team views him.A. It is important to be aware of these factors.B. It is necessary to get to know your competitor and yourself.C. Also, there are ways to play something smartly and do better.D. If you are tired, you may not perform as you normally wo

53、uld.E. If you have practiced enough to keep fit, you should have a rest.F. If someone is in good shape, then of course he will perform better.G. There are many psychological factors that can play a part in how well you perform.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 20 小题:每小題 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、

54、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The way in which children learn is an ever-growing area of study. It is 41 that childrendiffer from adult learners in many ways, but what is interesting is that there are also quite a numberof unexpected 42 across learners of all ages.For much of the 20th century, most p

55、sychologists 43 the traditional theory that a newbornsmind is a/an 44 sheet of paper upon which the record of experience is gradually impressed.During that time, scientists believed that oral 45 was necessary for abstract thought. In its 46 ,scientists assumed that a baby could not have 47 of abstra

56、ct concepts. As babies are born witha/an 48 range of behaviors and spend most of their early months sleeping, they certainlyappear passive and 49 . Therefore, it was commonly thought that babies 50 the ability toform complex ideas. Until recently, there was no obvious way for babies to prove anythin

57、g to the51 to the research.In time, however, challenges to this 52 arose. It became clear that with 53 designedscientific procedures, psychologists could find ways to 54 rather complex question about howmuch infants and young children know and what 55 they have. Psychologists began toemploy new meth

58、ods to 56 a large amount of data about the remarkable abilities that youngchildren 57 . Their research findings stood in great contrast to the earlier 58 in the field thatfocused almost 59 on what children lacked. The 60 of young children came to life throughthis research. It became clear that very

59、young children are both competent and active when it comesto their mental development.41. A doubtful B. necessary C obvious D. surprising42. A. examples B. personalities C possibilities D. commonalities43. A accepted B. resisted C. studied D replaced44. A. accessible B. blank C. concrete D. dark45.

60、A. agreement B. communication C. suggestion D. treatment46. A absence B. disappearance C. return D. sense47. A adaption B. burden C. comprehension D. satisfaction48. A. averaged B. unexpected C. limited D reasonable49. A. confident B. unbelievable C. lovely D. unaware50. A. learn B. require C. lack

61、D. remember51. A contrary B. good C. equal D. truth52. A. action B. proof C. problem D. view53. A automatically B. carefully C. naturally D. similarly54. A. take away B. show off C. turn down D. put forward55. A advantages B. abilities C feelings D. reasons56. A. collect B. mark C. restrict D. suppo

62、rt57. A. find B. process C. recognize D. lose58. A. scientists B. questions C. studies D. traditions59. A. entirely B. highly C relatively D. slightly60. A. difference B. focus C. idea D. mind第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Its hard to imagine two societies that deal

63、with their elders as differently as the U. S. andChina. And I am pretty sure about that. My wife Junling is a Shanghai native. Last month 61_the first time we visited my father at a nursing home in the U.S. She 62 (shake) by theexperience and later told me, You know, in China, its a great shame 63 (

64、put) a parent into anursing home.” In China the tradition has been straightforward for centuries: parents raise children;then the children care for the parents as they become old. For example, Jiang Xiaoli, a high schoolteacher, and his wife recently bought 64 new, larger apartment in Shanghai. They

65、 did so 65(part) because they know that in a few years, his parents will move in with them. Jiangs parents8will help take care of Jiangs daughter, and as they age, Jiang and his wife will help take care of66 (they). As China slowly develops a better and 67 (reliable) social - security system forreti

66、rees, 68 it has begun, the economic necessity of 69 (generation) living together willreduce a bit. But no one 70 (believe) that as China gets richer, the family affection will changetoo much.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两

67、处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ,并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。I learned the meaning of been trusted when I was in junior school. At that time, I was the veryshy girl and no one ever take notice of me. One day, we were

68、asked for to recite a text. Mr. Jiang,our English teacher, saying that only after we recited to him could we go home. My classmate leftthe classroom one after another. At last, I gathered courage to stand in front of him. But before Istarted, he said in a low and clear voice, “I trust you.” You cant

69、 imagine that much his words meantto me. Thanks to Mr. Jiang, I am confidently in both life and study now.第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)假如你是李华,计划在高考后自助去英国旅游。请给你英国的笔友 Peter 写封信,请他帮你在当地找一个旅伴,内容包括:1. 你的行程计划2. 你对旅伴的要求注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;3. 文中不得透露个人和学校信息;4. 信的开头和结尾已为你写出。9Dear PeterHow are you!_YoursLi Hua- 10 - 版权所有高考资源网


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