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2020-2021学年外研版英语必修2课后作业:MODULE 2 READING PRACTICE AND CULTURAL WORD版含解析.DOC_第1页
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2020-2021学年外研版英语必修2课后作业:MODULE 2 READING PRACTICE AND CULTURAL WORD版含解析.DOC_第2页
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2020-2021学年外研版英语必修2课后作业:MODULE 2 READING PRACTICE AND CULTURAL WORD版含解析.DOC_第6页
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1、.完形填空Giving up smoking is very difficult. When I smoked with my family, I would feel so 1 and good that nothing else in the world seemed to 2 . I thought that smoking weed(烟草)was okay since many of my family members and people at my school smoked. 3 ever happened to them. 4 I started smoking weed a

2、lot more during lunch and after school. I never thought 5 of it just that I wanted to smoke. Not that it was actually 6 my mind and body. Then I began to fall behind in school. I would 7 classes, come home late and spend all my babysitting money. I would spend 8 8 to 18 dollars a day. I never though

3、t 9 that marijuana (大麻)had a bad effect on those things. Maybe my coming to class high(神志恍惚)was the reason why I was failing or coming home late. As I continued to smoke marijuana, I began to notice that I would always have the strong desire to smoke and that I would get 10 cigarettes if I smoked th

4、ose, but I dont. 11 I have learned more about marijuana, I have 12 the amount of marijuana that I use. I dont want drugs to be the most important in my life. Im not smoking every day, and not spending as much money. Now that I have 13 on my habit, I am 14 more money. Im ready to go back to school an

5、d do well, so that I can make 15 of myself. Everyone is always saying how weed 16 your mind and how it solves problems. I think it only brings more 17 . Marijuana is not good for your body or your brain. Im not trying to tell you not to smoke, Im just letting you know that marijuana can be 18 to you

6、r health, and 19 it may cause some longterm negative (负面的) effects. Help yourself now, before it is too late. I dont want to lecture anyone, just 20 my experience with you. I do still smoke, but not as often.1A.worried Brelaxed Cdisappointed Dmoved答案:B解析:根据下文的good可知,与之平行的词是relaxed,意为“感到轻松的”。2A.matte

7、r Bhappen Cappear Dwork答案:A解析:此处指“世上没有什么比这更重要的了”。matter“要紧,起作用”。3A.Something BEverythingCNothing DAnything答案:C解析:看到家人及学校一些人吸烟,他们也没有出什么事。nothing“什么也没有”。4A.By the way BNow and thenCIn my opinion DAt one point答案:D解析:at one point“当时,那时”,用以引出过去的事实。5A.too much Ba little Ctoo often Dany more答案:A解析:never th

8、ink too much of it“根本没有多加考虑”。6A.going over Btaking overCcoming across Dmaking up答案:B解析:此句的结构与前一句是同类结构,意为“也不知道它(烟瘾)在控制着我的身心”。take over“接管;控制”。7A.give Bhave Cattend Dcut答案:D解析:cut classes“旷课”。8A.at least Bat mostCno more than Das little as答案:A解析:根据意义判断,“每天至少有8到18美元的开支”。9A.once Btwice Cagain Dfurther答案

9、:B解析:此题中的think twice(about sth.)“认真考虑后再决定做某事”。10A.used to Bpaid for Clost in Dready for答案:C解析:get/be lost in“专注于某物,沉迷于某物”。11A.Although BEven if CNow that DAs long as答案:C解析:根据题意,此句的上下文存在因果关系,now that用作连词,意为“既然”。12A.reduced Bincreased Cbought Dcontinued答案:A解析:既然我知道了大麻的危害,我“减少”了其用量。13A.broken down Bcut

10、 downCturned off Dcut off答案:B解析:根据文章意义,作者并没完全戒掉毒瘾,只是“降低”对毒品的依赖。14A.wasting Bspending Cmaking Dsaving答案:D解析:此题与前面12小题相呼应,表示现在“节省”了更多的钱。15. Asomebody BeverybodyCsomething Deverything答案:C解析:根据语境,作者决定有所成就。make something of “有所成就”。16A.excites Bfills Crepairs Ddestroys答案:A解析:excite“刺激,激发”。17A.problems Bpl

11、easureCconvenience Dexcitements答案:A解析:用大麻不仅不能解决问题,反而引起更多的问题。18A.helpful Buseful Cdangerous Dstrange答案:C解析:根据语境可知,大麻可能对你的健康有危害。19A.in future Bin the distanceCin the long run Din the case答案:C解析:in the long run“从长远看,终究,最后”。20A.tell Bexplain Cregret Dshare答案:D解析:share sth. with sb.“与某人分享某事”。.阅读理解These d

12、ays, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like everyones doing them. Lots of people are tempted (引诱) by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer. But learning the facts about drugs can help you see the risks of chasing this excitement or escape. Heres what you need to know.How do

13、drugs work? Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. When you put them into your body (often by swallowing, breathing in, or injecting them), drugs find their way into your bloodstream and are transported (运输) to parts of your body, such as your brain. In the brain, dru

14、gs may either strengthen or dull (使迟钝) your senses, change your sense of alertness (机敏), and sometimes decrease physical pain.A drug may be helpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much it is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the

15、brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry.Although substances can feel good at first, they can eventually do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, ta

16、king illegal drugs, and sniffing glue can all cause serious damage to the human body. Some drugs seriously weaken a persons ability to make healthy choices and decisions. Teens who drink, for example, are more likely to get involved in (卷入,陷入) dangerous situations, such as driving at top speed under

17、 the influence or having unprotected sex.语篇大意:这是一篇说明文,讲述了毒品如何对人体造成伤害,以及会造成哪些伤害。1The underlined word “chasing” in the first paragraph most probably means .Aremoving Bseeking Ckeeping Dholding答案:B解析:词义猜测题。从第一段可以看出,许多人由于追求刺激或者由于吸毒之后能够逃避现实而去吸毒,那么了解一些有关毒品的资料会有助于你看到“追求”这种刺激或逃避现实所导致的危险。2Drugs get into ones

18、 body through the following ways EXCEPT .Aeating Bbreathing Cfeeling Dinjecting答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句话可知,毒品可以通过吞咽、鼻吸或注射进入体内,只有C项未被提及。3The third paragraph mainly talks about the drugs .Aeffects BtreatmentCproduction Dmanagement答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的第一句话(本段的主题句)可知,本段话主要讲了毒品可以是有益的,也可以是有害的,也就是吸食毒品所导致的后果。4Effects that drugs have on the body depend on .Athe amount of them Bthe frequency of themCthe kind of them Dall of the above答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句话可知,毒品所导致的后果由于吸食的种类、数量、频率、其到达大脑的速度以及是否同时服用其他毒品、食物或物质而有所不同,A、B和C项均被提及,故选D项。


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