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九年级英语上册 周周清12 (新版)外研版.doc

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1、检测内容:Module 12得分_卷后分_评价_一、单项选择。(101分10分)1Tina,did you go to_C_green school on Peace Street last week?Oh,yes.You should visit it some day.Aa Ban Cthe D/2Uncle Wang is trying_B_best to repair the car,but it just wont start.Ahe Bhis Chim Dhimself3Oh,its snowing so heavily.Yeah,the snow on the road is a

2、 danger_A_drivers.Ato Bof Cfrom Dwith4Look!Two young men are kicking a student over there.Oh,we should take_B_to stop the fight.Anotes Bsteps Cturns Dmedicine5Old Tom never listens to anyone,so its_C_trying to ask him to give up smoking.Ahelpful Bpossible Chopeless Dimportant6What does this sign mea

3、n,Andy?It tells us to_C_Areceive BreviewCrecycle Drepeat7It was_A_that they chose such a good man as their leader.Awise Bsilly Cfunny Dsurprising8Mum told me_D_the cake into four because there were six people.Adivide Bnot divideCto divide Dnot to divide9Though Mike spends_A_time on Chinese than othe

4、rs do,he is quite good at it.Aless Bfewer Cmore Dbigger10Timmy did his history paper so_B_that he was the first to hand it in.Abadly Bquickly Chappily Dcarefully二、完形填空。(102分20分)I came to China a month ago as an exchange student at East China Normal University.I was a bit_11_to come.I knew there woul

5、d be many new and different things.The food,weather,and people would all be new.But new things are_12_exciting.There are many amazing things to experience in a foreign country.To learn new thingsSince I came to China,I have learned some things that I_13_learn from books.I can now eat jiaozi with cho

6、psticks.I can avoid bikes on the streets.To only depend on yourselfWhen youre_14_your family and friends,you can only depend on yourself._15_,you will become more independent(独立的).My parents are now thousands of kilometres away.I cant call and ask_16_what to eat for lunch.I cant call and ask what I

7、should buy at the grocery store,either._17_,I need to make my own decision.And now I have begun to_18_it!To make friendsWhen you go to a new_19_,you meet new people and make new friends.I came to China alone.Every day I met new people and now I have had a few good friends here.To learn a foreign lan

8、guageMy_20_has gotten much better now!You know,the best way to learn a foreign language is to go to a foreign country.(A)11.A.afraidBexcitedChappyDsorry(C)12.A.never B.still Calso Deven(B)13.A.should Bcant Cneed Dneednt(C)14.A.in front of BwithCfar away from Dagainst(B)15.A.At first BAs a resultCAt

9、once DFrom now on(D)16.A.her Bhim Cyou Dthem(C)17.A.However B.Besides CInstead DAgain(A)18.A.enjoy BforgetCunderstand Drealise(A)19.A.place Boffice Cshop Dschool(D)20.A.life BEnglish Cmaths DChinese三、阅读理解。(102分20分)ABetty and I are best friends.Our birthdays are on the same day,so every year we have

10、a birthday party together.But this year,we had a costume party(化装舞会) instead.While we were writing the invitations,my mum came in and asked,“Why not invite John?” John had been in our class for only a few months,but he was already getting better grades in maths than anyone else in class.I wrinkled(皱

11、起) my nose,“Mum,he wears the same jeans to school every day.How could he even afford a costume?” Mum said nothing.The next day,Mum gave me an envelope with a shopping card in it.“I thought it would be nice for you to give this to John,” Mum said.But how?We didnt want to make John embarrassed(尴尬的).We

12、 discussed it for a long time.Finally,Betty and I had a good idea.On the day of our party,kids arrived,dressed differently.John arrived,in an old shirt,but still in the same brown jeans as usual.We danced,ate snacks and played games in groups.Before eating the birthday cake,Betty said in a loud voic

13、e,“Now its time for the great prize game.Its the following riddle.” It was a maths game.None of us was surprised when John thought up the right answer first and walked off with the envelope.Everything went on well as we planned.John wore a new pair of jeans and a new shirt the next week.He felt happ

14、y.So did we.When we help others,we need to find a proper way,or we may hurt them in another way.21The two girls and John were in the same_D_Agroup Bfamily Cteam Dclass22Johns family may be very_B_according to the passage.Afar Bpoor Crich Dsmall23How did John get the prize?_D_ABy helping others.BBy a

15、sking for help.CBy getting good grades in maths.DBy winning the maths game.24John_C_with the shopping card after the party.Awatched a basketball matchBsaw a movieCbought something to wearDmade a phone call25The two girls felt_A_when they found John wearing his new clothes.Ahappy Bsorry Csad DangryB配

16、对阅读。栏是对5个人某些生活习惯的描述,栏是7个环保建议,请从栏中为各人选出对应的环保建议。(E)26.Mrs White likes reading newspapers,but she always throws them away after reading them.(F)27.Wherever Miss Wang goes,she drives her car.(C)28.Mrs Li often buys things made abroad.(A)29.Terry often uses plastic bags to carry his lunch.(B)30.Mr Black

17、often uses paper cups to drink water.ADont you think its better to use a cloth bag?Plastics are bad for the environment.BYou should try to use a china cup.It lasts a long time.CIt takes much more energy to transport(运送) things made abroad.Why not buy things produced locally?DIf you feel hot,you can

18、open the windows to save energy.EWhy dont you take them to the recycling centre?It can help save paper.FCars cause pollution.Its a better idea to ride a bike for short trips.GDont leave lights on if you dont use them.四、请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。(102分20分)Have you ever heard of GenerationOn

19、Kids Care Clubs?In 1990,Debbie 31._and_a group of kids volunteered to water the garden for an old man.A few weeks 32._later_,the same kids made 150 bag lunches for a soup kitchen(a place where people with no money and no homes can get free food).Debbie told her friends 33._about_her experiences.Afte

20、r just a few weeks,34._the_group grew to over 50 young people.That was the beginning of GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs.GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs are groups of young people 35._who/that_work together to help people in need in their communities and around the world.They 36._can_be found in schools,ch

21、urches and volunteer centres.Today 37._there_are more than 1,800 GenerationOn Kids Care Clubs in the world.And there are about 80,000 members in the USA and other 38._countries_including Australia,Canada and China.Wherever there are kids working together to 39._help_others,there is a GenerationOn Ki

22、ds Care Club in the making.40._If_you are interested in starting a GenerationOn Kids Care Club,go to www.kidscare.org.五、读写综合。A)信息归纳。(53分15分)请仔细阅读下面材料,并按信息表中的项目要求填写信息。Which foreign language will you learn,French or JapaneseOur school provides foreign language courses during the summer holidays.This y

23、ear we can take a French course or a Japanese course.Which language will students in my class choose to learn?We did a survey last week.Here are the results.80% of the girls would like to learn French.They want to visit some famous sights in France.They think French is one of the most beautiful lang

24、uages in the world.Most boys prefer to learn Japanese.They are interested in Japanese cartoons and comic strips.Mount Fuji and delicious sushi attract them,too.As for me,I will choose French because I dream of visiting the Eiffel Tower some day.Information Card汈汈汈汈汈When does the school provide forei

25、gn language courses?41._During_the_summer_holidays_What language course can the students take this year?42._A_French_course_or_a_Japanese_course_How many girls like to learn French?43._80%_of_the_girls_What are the boys interested in?44._Japanese_cartoons_and_comic_strips_What does the writer want t

26、o visit?45._The_Eiffel_Tower_B)书面表达。(15分)假如你是学生会主席,请以学生会的名义写一份倡议书,号召全校学生从身边的小事做起,为保护环境贡献自己的一份力量。80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Boys and girls,Its everyones duty to make our school a green one.There are a number of things we can do.First,we can save paper by using both sides of it.Its also a good idea to use

27、recycled paper.Second,we can ride a bicycle or walk to school instead of using a car.Cars use lots of oil and cause much pollution as well.Third,its good to use china cups and lunch boxes because they last a long time.Plastic bags and bottles are difficult to recycle,so wed better not use them.Everybody,please join in and lets make a big difference!Thank you!The Students Union


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