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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Unit 3 A taste of English humour Section Learning about Language课时精练(人教版必修4,课标通用).短语填空react to,in a mess,in a whisper,be amused by,slide into,on this/that occasion,be particular about,in the open air,burst into laughter,pick off1His sunburnt face and rough skin suggests he works _ th

2、roughout the year.2Her room is _,which is unexpected to me.3A lot of cyber citizens actively _ our survey about Guo Meimei Event.4The audience _ the humour of Zhou Libo in MR ZHOU LIVE SHOW.5We all _ while watching the babys funny behaviour.6A thief _the Accountants Office and stole about 60,000 yua

3、n.7She earns only 1,000 yuan a month but _her clothes.8He told me _that he earned 2,000,000 yuan in a lottery.9It took him quite some time to _ the furs that had stuck to his coat.10_,what attracted me most was her fair skin,her charming hair,her young looking miniskirt,her tall and slim figure.答案1.

4、in the open air2.in a mess3.reacted to4were amused by5.burst into laughter6.slid into7.is particular about8.in a whisper9.pick off10.On that occasion.单项填空1With the boy _ the way,we had no trouble _ the way _ to Zhongshan Park.Aleading;finding;leadingBto lead;found;to leadCled;finding;ledDleading;fou

5、nd;led答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:有小男孩带路,我们毫不费力就找到了通往中山公园的路。第一空考查with 的复合结构,with的宾语the boy和lead是主动关系,故用现在分词;have no trouble doing sth做某事是没有麻烦的;第三空考查现在分词作后置定语,由于lead和the way是主动关系,故也用现在分词。2Is this the path _ to the village?Yes,it is.Aleads Bled Cleading Dto lead答案Cleading to the villagewhich/that leads to the villa

6、ge,v.ing形式(现在分词)用作定语。3Do you know the boy _ under the big tree?Alay Blain Claying Dlying答案D考查非谓语动词。句意:你认识正躺在大树底下的男孩吗?句中the boy 和lie之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。lay是“放,搁;下蛋,产卵”的意思,其现在分词是laying。lie是“躺”的意思,其现在分词是lying。4As is known to us all,travelling is _,but we often feel _ when we are back from travels.Ainte

7、resting;tired Binterested;tiringCinteresting;tiring Dinterested;tired答案A第一个空考查v.ing形式(现在分词)作表语;第二个空考查形容词化的过去分词作表语。interest和tire都是情感动词,其形容词有ing和ed两种形式,其中ing形式修饰物,ed形式修饰人。5The bell _the end of the period rang,_ our heated discussion.Aindicating;interrupting Bindicated;interruptingCindicating;interrupt

8、ed Dindicated;interrupted答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:预示着这一时段结束的铃声响了,结果打断了我们激烈的讨论。 the bell 和indicate是主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语,第二空是现在分词作结果状语。6(2013石家庄高一检测)I was really anxious about you.You _ home without a word.Amustnt leave Bshouldnt have leftCcouldnt have left Dneednt leave答案B考查情态动词have done 的用法。句意:我真的非常担心你。你本不该一句话不说就离

9、开家。shouldnt have done本不该做某事但实际上做了。A项是表示禁止做某事;C项表示不可能做但做了;D项表示不必做某事。7Id like to give my thanks to all of you on this special _.Aatmosphere BoccasionCinstruction Dtradition答案B句意:在这个特殊的场合,我想表达对大家的感激之情。occasion“时机;场合”,on this occasion“在这个场合下”,符合题意。atmosphere“气氛”;instruction“说明;指导”;tradition“传统”。8(2013太原

10、高一检测)The old man sat in his rocking chair,_ himself by listening to Beijing Opera.Ainteresting Badmiring Camusing Dinspiring答案C句意:老人坐在摇椅中,听着京剧自娱自乐。amuse动词“逗乐,使某人愉快”。此处为现在分词作伴随状语。9One common _of UFOs is that they are just lights of planes in the sky.Aobservation BcuriosityCorigin Dexplanation答案D考查名词词

11、义。句意:对不明飞行物的一个普遍解释是那只是天空中的飞机发出的光。explanation“解释;说明”,符合题意。observation观察;curiosity好奇心;origin起源。10(2013商丘高一检测)In order not to let the others hear what he said,he _ the news to me.Ashouted Btold Cwhispered Dsaid答案C考查动词词义。句意:为了不让别人听到,他只好小声地把消息告诉了我,所以用whisper,指“耳语;低声说”。其他选项不合句意。11(2013泰安高一检测)How did he _t

12、he punishment he was given for his cruel conduct?No reaction at all.He knew unkindness often reacts upon the unkind person.Arespond with Breact toCrespond for Dreact against答案B考查动词短语辨析。respond with“答复;以回应”;react to“对作出反应”;respond 作动词时常与to搭配,表示“对起反应”;react against“反对;反抗”。根据句意选B。12(2013徐州高一检测)The road

13、 became so slippery after rain that several cars _ sideways into the ditch.Aslide Bsliding Cslid Dslides答案C考查slide的时态。从句中became 可看出本句时态为一般过去时。slide的过去式为slid。所以选C。13Once _ in the forest,you ought to remain _ you are waiting for help.Alosing;where Blosing;thereClost;there Dlost;where答案D考查分词短语作状语及表语从句中

14、的连接词。句意:一旦你在森林中迷路,你应该待在等待求助的地方。be lost in./lose oneself in.“在迷路”;where 引导表语从句。14(2013蚌埠高一检测)Although my son is four years old,his room is always _,which always makes my wife angry.Ain good order Bin a messCin order Din research答案B考查名词词组。句意:尽管我儿子四岁了,可是他的房间总是弄得乱七八糟的,这总使我妻子生气。in good order和in order都表示整

15、洁、干净、有序的意思;in a mess乱七八糟;in research搜寻,查找。15(2013新余高一检测)My brother likes eating very much and he isnt very _ about the food he eats.Aspecial BparticularlyCparticular Dunusual答案C考查形容词词义。句意:我弟弟特别喜欢吃,并且他不大挑食。be particular about 对挑剔;A、D两项不与about 搭配;B项为副词,不能选。故选C。.完成句子1他为了买一件衬衣而花费这么长时间在店铺中搜索的原因是他对着装特别挑剔。

16、The reason why he spent so much time searching shops for a shirt was that he _ _ _ _ his clothes.2你妈妈对这个消息的反应怎么样?How did your mother _ _ the news.3我的滑稽的图画把孩子们给逗乐了,于是他们也想试一试。My funny drawing _ _ _ and they wanted to have a try.4妈妈小声对我们说:“安静!你们的小妹妹正在睡觉。”Mom _ _ _ ,“Be quiet!Your little sisters sleepin

17、g.”5凯特难过的原因是她在教室里滑倒了。The reason why Kate was upset was that _ _ in the classroom.答案1.was very particular about2.react to3.amused the children4.whispered to us5.she slid.完形填空Charlie Chaplin was the first international star of the modern era.He was especially beloved for his Little Tramp_1_.He was the

18、 first screen artist to write,_2_ and perform in his own films;in fact,_3_,Charlie Chaplin even wrote the music for his movies.He was also the first artist to use his work to pass a _4_ of equality and justice for all_5_ for the “little guy”Charlie Chaplins career and life made _6_ the first global

19、icon(偶像);his toosmall hat,his too large shoes and his trademark moustache were instantly _7_by audiences from Chicago to China,from Iowa City to India.And they _8_ are today.All of these make Charlie Chaplin the first citizen of our global village.Chaplin,a native of London,was born in _9_ on April

20、16,1889 to music hall performers.Chaplin only saw his _10_ twice until the age of seven.The man _11_ him and his mother about a year after Chaplin was _12_.During Chaplins earliest years,his mother was a(n) _13_ and performer.Then her voice gave out,her stage career _14_,and she began actively _15_

21、Church of England services.At the age of _16_,Chaplins mother was considered as the insane and sent to Cane Hill lunatic asylum(疯人院),and the _17_ sent Charlie and his brother to live with his father,_18_ had by then stopped all payments of child support.Charlie Chaplin lived with his father only a s

22、hort time _19_ his mother was released from the lunatic asylum and then _20_Charlie and his brother,to live with her once again.1A.character BbehaviourCpersonality Dgentleman答案A卓别林因其扮演“小流浪汉”的角色而深受大家喜爱。此处character指“角色”,符合句意。behaviour意为“行为;举止”;personality指“个性”;gentleman意为“绅士”。2A.act Bshoot Cdirect Ded

23、it答案C卓别林以其自编、自导、自演出名,句中提到了write(编剧)和perform(演出),所以direct(导演)符合逻辑。act和perform都可指“表演”;edit意为“编辑”,shoot可指“拍摄”,都与上下文不符。3A.in case of Bin this caseCin case Din some cases答案Din some cases指“在某些情况下”或“有时”。in case of 意为“假设,万一”;in this case 意为“既然这样”;in case 意为“万一”。4A.possibility Bmessage Cculture Dpromise答案Bpa

24、ss a message 指传递信息;possibility意为“可能性”;culture意为“文化”;promise意为“允诺”。5A.generally Bwidely Cespecially Dtotally答案C卓别林在电影中传达了一种平等和正义的信息,especially(专门)面向小人物。6A.him Bthem Cus Dit答案A全文谈卓别林的生平、事迹,他成为人们的偶像,所以应该选him,前后逻辑一致。7A.believed BrecognizedCrealized Dknown答案B他的小帽子,肥大的鞋子和标志性的小胡子为观众所“认可”。8A.really Balways

25、Cstill Dever答案C用still指前面提到的内容在今天仍然被人们接受。9A.happiness Bluck Cpoverty Dpeace答案C通过下文看出卓别林的童年是贫困的。10A.brother Bteacher Cmother Dfather答案D根据下文可以看出是他父亲,后面讲他和妈妈一起生活。11A.taught Bleft Cloved Dexpected答案B上文提到只见过其父亲两次说明其父亲“离开”了他们。12A.born Byoung Cill Dold答案A此处讲述卓别林童年的事情,侧重他爸爸离家的时间是在卓别林出生后一年左右。13A.actor Bartist

26、 Cdancer Dsinger答案D通过下文“her voice gave out”推断,她应该是一名歌手。14A.ended Bbegan Cbroke Dcontinued答案A根据上文看出其演艺生涯结束了。15A.attending BworkingCjoining Dasking答案Aattend意为“出席,参加,参与”。16A.eight Bseven Cnine Dten答案B从第10空所在位置的句子,可以看出是在他七岁的时候。17A.mother Bpolice Cfamily Dcourt答案D四个选项中只有法庭有权力让他父亲再抚养他们。18A.which Bwhat Che

27、 Dwho答案D此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词为人,所以用who。19A.then Bwhen Cbefore Duntil答案C根据下文看出他妈妈从精神病院出来后把他们接走,说明在妈妈出院前,他们是和爸爸在一起。20A.took away Bpicked upCtook apart Dbrought up答案Bpick up指“接走”。take away指“取走”;take apart意为“拆开,粗暴对待”;bring up 意为“教育,培养”。根据句意选B。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What makes one person mor

28、e intelligent than another?What makes one person a genius,like the brilliant Albert Einstein,and another person a fool?Are people born intelligent or stupid,or is intelligence the result of where and how you live?_1_We know,however,that just being born with a good mind is not enough.In some ways,the

29、 mind is like a leg or an arm muscle._2_Mental exercise is particularly important for young children.Many child psychologists think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about._3_If,on the other hand,children are left alone a great deal with nothing

30、to do,they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent._4_According to some psychologists,if parents are always tellling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot,then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things.So it is probably better for parents to say very positive th

31、ings to their children,such as“That was a very clever thing you did.”or“_5_”AA healthy body contributes to ones intelligence.BParents should also be careful about what they say to young children.CWhat people want to express is like this.DThe children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent.EIt needs exercise.FYou are such a smart child.GThese are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.答案1.G2.E3.D4.B5.F- 9 - 版权所有高考资源网


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