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2014高中英语(外研版必修4天津)同步精练:MODULE 3-4 单元综合检测 (WORD版含答案).doc

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1、综合仿真测试Modules 34第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1They went on ,not_of the danger waiting for them.Ainterested BproudCconscious Dfull 解析be conscious of 意识到,符合句子语境。句意为:他们继续往前走,没有意识到有什么危险在等着他们。be proud of 对感到自豪;be full of 充满;装满。答案C2With the news_quickly,peopl

2、e all over China knew LiuXiang had missed the chance of winning the gold medal for false start(抢跑)in Sweden.Aspread Bspreading Cto spread Dhaving spreaded解析考查with 复合结构的用法。newes 与spread 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故应用现在分词形式作宾补。句意为:随着消息的快速传播,全国人们都知道了刘翔由于抢跑而失去了在瑞典夺冠的机会。答案B3She said she didnt know the truth,but her ner

3、vous expression gave her_.Aup Bback Cin Daway解析考查动词短语的辨析。give up 放弃;give back归还; give in让步; give away 泄露;暴露。句意为:她说不知道事情的真相,但她那紧张的表情把她暴露了。答案D4Tell me how to improve the quality of the new product and Ill show you our new design._.AThats all right BForget itCIts a deal DDont mention it 解析考查情景交际。A、D两项均

4、为Thank you.的答语;B项意为别提了,都不符合语境。Its a deal.成交。答案C5Theres no need for you to get_in their meaningless quarrel.Ahurt Binvolved Cconnected Dlinked 解析考查短语搭配。be/get/become involved in 参与;卷入。句意为:你没有必要卷入他们毫无意义的争吵。答案B6Government leaders should learn about the difficulties of its people by_with them.Avisiting

5、BlisteningCcommunicating Dwriting 解析communicate with sb 与某人交流;B、C两项后接介词to;visit 为及物动词,后不接介词。句意为:政府部门的领导者们应该通过与人们交流的方式来了解他们的困难。答案C7When they first met,he just_at her ,which made her shy.Astared Bglared Cnoticed Dwatched 解析stare at 盯着;凝视着;glare at 怒目而视;notice 注意到;watch 注视。句意为:他们第一次见面的时候,他只是盯着她看,这使得她很害

6、羞。答案A8He wanted to introduce a set of new equipment,but no one_him for lack of money.Aagreed Bnodded Csupported Dvoted解析考查动词词义辨析。A项同意,其后需接相应的介词;B项点头,表示向某人点头应为nod to sb;C支持;D项投票,常与介词for 搭配。句意为:他想引进一套新设备,但由于缺少资金而没有人支持他。答案C9To be a successful businessman,you must pay more attention to the_rather than t

7、he_.Aquality;quantity Bquantity; qualityCsize ;number Dnumber ;size解析考查名词词义辨析。quality质量; quantity 数量;size尺寸; number数字。由句子语境可知A项正确。句意为:要想成为一个成功的商人,你必须更注重质量而不是数量。 答案A10I dont know why they dont believe him_he tells the truth.Aas if Bif Ceven if Dthough解析考查状语从句的引导词。even if 即使,符合句子结构及语境。句意为:我不知道为什么即使他说实

8、话他们也不相信他。答案C11When she_what she thought of the film,she just said it was worth seeing a second time.Aasked Bwas askedCbeing asked Dhad asked 解析分析句子结构可知,空格处应为谓语动词形式,故排除C项;A、D两项后应接宾语;故B项正确。句意为:当有人问她对那部电影的看法时,她只是说电影值得再看一次。答案B12As a young boy ,he was_to think carefully before he said something impolite.

9、Ataken up Bmade upCpicked up Dbrought up解析考查动词词义辨析。take up从事; make up编造;弥补; pick up拾起;恢复; bring up 教育;抚养。句意为:他小的时候就被教育在说不礼貌的话之前要先进行仔细考虑。答案D13At the age of fortyseven,Ha Lunda Sandoz,the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken,came into dispute(争端)with his competitors_the billboard hanging problems.Athanks

10、 to Bas far asCaccording to Das a result of 解析考查介词短语的辨析。A项幸亏;多亏了;B项据;C 项根据;按照;D项由于的原因。句意为:47岁的时候,肯德基炸鸡店的创始人哈兰桑德斯由于广告牌的悬挂问题与他的对手发生了争端。答案D14Many people are worried that man_by robots in the future.Awill replace Bwill be replacedCwill have replaced Dhave replaced解析考查动词时态。man与replace之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用被动形式,

11、且时间状语为in the future,应用将来时,故B项正确。句意为:许多人担心将来人类会被机器人所取代。答案B15The father promises to his daughter that he will have come back from abroad by the time she_from university.Awill graduate Bis graduatingCgraduates Dgraduated 解析主句用一般将来时或含有将来意义时,从句用一般现在时。句意为:父亲向女儿许诺说她大学毕业的时候他就从国外回来了。答案C第二节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满

12、分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada.There are two teachers from these countries that really_16_me even though they are very_17_.When I moved to Canada,I couldnt even_18_food on the flight.After two months on

13、an ESL (English as a Second Language) course,I got my first_19_card.My mark in English was 65.I was very_20_.I couldnt_21_what would be said at the parentteacher interview.“Hello!” Mrs Franceschini welcomed my parents.“Richard just came to Canada a few months ago.I am amazed at how his English has_2

14、2_so fast,” she said.“On his first day,he was very shy and only used_23_words.Now he can answer and ask questions using whole sentences.”_24_ many other Chinese parents,my mom asked if she could give me_25_homework.“Dont worry.Richard is already working very hard,” Mrs Franceschini laughed.Then she

15、shook my hand.“Richard,you did a good job.I am_26_of you!” she said.Back in Shanghai,my teacher Miss Li was very_27_.In a test,my average (平均分) was 97,top of the class.I was proud to take parents to the_28_.Miss Li told my parents: “Feng Yu is doing pretty well.But because of his_29_he lost 3 points

16、 in math._30_he would be the top of the school.”I thought she was being_31_to me.But when I was _32_to leave,I realized Miss Li was very nice.She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card.Her phone number and email address were on the card.“Feng Yu,you are my best student.I_33_you a successful li

17、fe,” she wrote.“If you want to talk or need any help,I am always here for you.”Miss Li and Mrs Franceschini are both great teachers,just in different ways.One_34_my learning abilities._35_gave me tons of confidence (信心) and made learning enjoyable.Im proud to have had them as my teachers.16A.loved B

18、understoodCimpressed Ddisappointed解析下文内容分别介绍了自己印象最为深刻的两位教师,即加拿大的Mrs Franceschini和中国的李老师。答案C17A.kind Bstrict Csimilar Ddifferent解析由最后一段 Miss Li and Mrs Franceschini are both great teachers,just in different ways.可知此处指两位老师是不同的。答案D18A.order B .choose Cfind Deat解析由on the flight可知,“我”在飞机上甚至不知道该怎么点菜。order

19、 点(酒菜等)。答案A19A.birthday Bgreen Creport DID解析report card 成绩单。答案C20A.satisfied Bupset Cserious Dcurious解析第一次考试成绩太差,“我”的心情非常低落。upset难过的;沮丧的。答案B21A.imagine Btell Cwonder Ddoubt解析由于考试成绩太差,“我”根本无法想象老师在家长见面会上会说些什么。答案A22A.changed Bimproved Cspoken Dincreased解析由Now he can answer and ask questions using whole

20、 sentences.可知,Mrs Franceschini是在表扬“我”的进步。improve 改善;提高。答案B23A.long Bpopular Csimple Dcomplete解析对应下一句中的whole sentences (完整的句子),此处指“我”刚到加拿大的时候只会使用简单的单词。答案C24A.With BExcept CAgainst DLike解析like 像一样,为介词。答案D25A.extra Bless Chard Dproper解析由Dont worry.Richard is already working very hard.可知,“我”妈妈也像其他一些中国的父

21、母一样,问老师是否可以给“我”额外布置点作业。答案A26A.certain Bproud Cafraid Dfree解析be proud of 对感到自豪,与前文的you did a good job.相呼应。答案B27A.patient Bstrict Cfriendly Dhardworking解析97 分的成绩在班里是最优秀的,但李老师认为如果不是失了三分的话,“我”就是全校最优秀的了,由此可知李老师是一个要求严格的人。答案B28A.class Bparty Cinterview Dpublic解析下文中提到 Miss Li told my parents,由此可知,“我”考97分后很自

22、豪的把父母带到学校去面谈。答案C29A.method Battitude Chabit Dcarelessness解析老师对“我”的评价是学得很好,考试失了分,是由于粗心而引起的。答案D30A.Otherwise BSo CBut DThen解析otherwise要不然,常用于虚拟语气。答案A31A.nice Bunfair Crude Dpolite解析由But when I was_32_to leave,I realized Miss Li was very nice可知,此处指“我”对老师产生了误解,觉得老师这样说是不公平的。答案B32A.able Bused Cabout Dwill

23、ing解析be about to do sth 将要干某事。答案C33A.hope Bprepare Coffer Dwish解析wish sb sth 表示祝福的用语,意为“祝某人。”答案D34A.built up Bpicked upCbrought up Dmade up解析build up 增强。Mrs Franceschini 提高了“我”的学习能力。pick up拾起;恢复; bring up 抚养;教育;make up 编造;弥补。答案A35A.Other BThe other CAnother DThe others解析表示两者之中的“一个另一个”应用one.the other

24、。答案B第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ARae Armantrout,who has been a poetry professor at the University of California San Diego(UCSD) for two decades,has won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry category for her most recent book,“Versed”“Im delighted and amazed at how

25、much media recognition that the Pulitzer brings,as compared to even the National Book Critics Award,which I was also surprised and delighted to win,” said Armantrout.“For a long time,my writing has been just below the media radar,and to have this kind of attention,suddenly,with my 10th book,is reall

26、y surprising.”Armantrout,a native Californian,received her bachelors degree at UC Berkeley,where she studied with noted poet Denise Levertov,and her masters in creative writing from San Francisco State University.She is a founding member of Language Poets,a group in American poetry that analyzes the

27、 way language is used and raises questions to make the reader think.In March,she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for “Versed.” “This book has gotten more attention,” Armantrout said,“but I dont feel as if its better.”The first half of “Versed” focuses on the dark forces taking hold of the

28、 United States as it fought the war against Iraq.The second half looks at the dark forces casting a shadow over her own life after Armantrout was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.Armantrout was shocked to learn she had won the Pulitzer but many of her colleagues were not.“Rae Armantrout is a unique voi

29、ce in American poetry,” said Seth Lerer,head of Arts and Humanities at UCSD.“Versed”,published by the Wesleyan University Press,did appear in a larger printing than her earlier works,which is about 2,700 copies.The new edition is scheduled to appear in May.36According to Rae Armantrout,_.Aher 10th b

30、ook is much betterBher winning the Pulitzer is unexpectedCthe media is surprised at her worksDshe likes being recognized by her readers解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段的叙述可知,Armantrout对于自己获得普利策奖是很惊讶的,所以B项正确。答案B37Which of the following is true of Rae Armantrout?AShe published a poetry textbook.BShe used to teach Denis

31、e Levertov.CShe started a poets group with others.DShe taught creative writing at UC Berkeley.解析细节理解题。文章第四段中的She is a founding member of Language Poets,a group in American poetry可知C项正确。答案C38What can we learn about “Versed”?AIt consists of three parts.BIt is mainly about the American army.CIt is a bo

32、ok published two decades ago.DIt partly concerns the poets own life.解析细节理解题。根据文章中的The second half looks at the dark forces casting a shadow over her own life after Armantrout was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.可知D项正确。答案D39Kae Armantrouts colleagues think that she_.Ashould write more Bhas a sweet voic

33、eCdeserves the prize Dis a strange professor解析细节理解题。根据文章中的倒数第二段可知C项正确。答案C40What can we learn from the text? AAbout 2,700 copies of “Versed” will be printed.BCancer made Armantrout stop writing.CArmantrout got her degrees at UCSD.D“Versed” has been awarded twice.解析推理判断题。根据文章中的won the 2010 Pulitzer Pr

34、ize in the poetry category for her most recent book,“Versed”以及In March,she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for “Versed.”可知D项正确。答案DBCharles Dickens (18121870),the great nineteenthcentury English novelist,was born near Portsmouth.His father ran heavily into debt and when he was twelve,he ha

35、d to go and work in a factory for making boot polish.The only formal education he received was a twoyear schooling at a school for poor children.In fact,he had to teach himself all he knew.He worked for a time as a junior clerk in a lawyers office.After that,he worked as a reporter in the law courts

36、,and later in Parliament,for London newspapers.His career as a writer of fiction began in 1833 with short stories and essays in periodicals(期刊),and in 1837 his comic novel The Pickwick Papers made him the most popular author at his time in England.He was a great observer of people and their places b

37、ecause he was attracted by life and conditions in midnineteenth century London.He wrote 19 novels all his life and in many of them,Dickens gave a realistic picture of all classes of England society,showing deep sympathy for the poor and unfortunate,exposing the injustice and inhumanity of the middle

38、 class.Many of his novels like Oliver Twist,David Copperfield,Nicholas Nickleby,Great Expectations,A Tale of Two Cities and so on drew attention to the unsatisfactory social conditions that existed in England over a hundred years ago.Dickens criticized capitalist society from the point of view of bo

39、urgeois humanism.He wished to see improvement in the living conditions of the poor,but failed to find any effective means to achieve that end.41Dickens only received a little formal education because_.Ahe wanted to teach himselfBhe wanted to work and made a lot of money Che was too poor to afford an

40、y more formal educationDhe wanted some working experiences to be a novelist解析细节理解题。由文章第一段信息His father ran heavily into debt and when he was twelve,he had to go and work in a factory for making boot polish.可知他太穷上不起学,故C项正确。答案C42According to Dickens,society at his time in England was_.Ajust BpoorCcomfo

41、rtable Dunsatisfying解析推理判断题。由文章信息He wrote 19 novels all his life and in many of them,Dickens gave a realistic picture of all classes of England society,showing deep sympathy for the poor and unfortunate,exposing the injustice and inhumanity of the middle class.可推知,他对当时社会不满,故D项正确。答案D43Which of the fo

42、llowing novel made Dickens the most popular writer at his time in England?AOliver Twist BThe Pickwick Papers CA Tale of Two Cities DGreat Expectations解析细节理解题。由文章信息in 1837 his comic novel The Pickwick Papers made him the most popular author at his time in England.可知B项正确。答案B44According to the passage,

43、which of the following about Dickens is true?AHe didnt go to school at all.BHe only wrote about poor people and showed deep sympathy for them.CHe began to write fictions when he was 22 years old.DHe found some effective ways to improve the living conditions of the poor.解析细节理解题。狄更斯出生于1812年,在1833年开始写作

44、,即:22岁时开始写作,故C项正确。答案C45It can be inferred from the passage that_.ADickens had a miserable(悲惨的;可怜的)childhood BHis career as a writer of fiction began in 1833CDickens wrote many novels but only some of them are popularDDickens criticized capitalist society and helped to improve the living conditions o

45、f the poor解析推理判断题。由文章第一段可知,狄更斯小时候家里很穷,只上了一点点学,12岁时就开始工作等等信息表明狄更斯的童年很悲惨,故A项正确。答案ACAsk a young person in the street who the greatest American film director is,and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg.He has certainly made more successful films than any other director in the west.Spielberg was born

46、in the state of Ohio,America,in 1946.He showed that he had unusual abilities when he was very young,completing his first 15minute home movie at the age of 13.When he was 16 he made a 135minute home movie called Firelight.This was shown at a local cinema and made $100.At the age of 24,Spielberg made

47、a 26minute film called Amblin.A Hollywood film studio liked it and employed Spielberg to make a fulllength film.This film,Sugarland Express,made in 1974,had some success.Spielbergs next film was Jaws,a film about a shark that ate people.This was one of the most successful films of all times.Other wo

48、nderful films followed: ET.The Exra Terrestrial(1982),The Indiana Jones Trilogy,Jurassic Park (a film about dinosaurs),and Schindlers List(1993)For this last film Spielberg won an Oscar as a director,Hollywoods highest prize.And he won his second Oscar due to Saving Private Ryan in 1998.He received

49、the Award for lifetime achievement at the Golden Globes(金球奖) in 2009. For many years,Spielberg could not make a mistake.However,some of his films have been less successful.But it is generally agreed,that he,more than anyone else in the history of films,understands the meaning of the word “entertainm

50、ent”46Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?AA successful film directorBAn American genius actorCAn introduction Spielbergs filmsDStories of filmmaking解析主旨归纳题。文章全文介绍了美国伟大的电影导演史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格所拍摄的著名电影,故A项正确。答案A47How old is Steven Spielberg now?AAbout 66. BAbout 50.CAbout 55. DAbout 60

51、.解析细节理解题。根据第二段spielberg was born in the state of ohio,America,in 1946.可知,他现在的年龄大约为66岁。答案A48Which film did Spielberg make $100 from?AHis first 15minute home movie.BFirelight.CAmblin.DSugarland Express.解析细节理解题。根据第二段When he was 16 he made a 135minute home movie called Firelight.This was shown at a loca

52、l cinema and made $100.可知答案为B项。答案B49Which film did Spielberg win his first Oscar as a director for?AJaws. BE.T.CJurassic Park. DSchindlers List.解析细节理解题。根据第三段Other wonderful films followed: ET.The Exra Terrestrial(1982),The Indiana Jones Trilogy,Jurassic Park (a film about dinosaurs),and Schindlers L

53、ist(1993)For this last film Spielberg won an Oscar as a director,Hollywoods highest prize.可知使他获得第一个奥斯卡奖的是电影Schindlers list。答案D50Which of the following is NOT true about Spielberg?AHes made money out of films since 16.BHe has won more than one Oscar till now.CAll of his films and TV shows were very s

54、uccessful.DHe was awarded the lifetime achievement at the Golden Globes.解析细节理解题。根据最后一段However,some of his films have been less successful.可知C项描述与文中内容不符。答案CDThe Peales were a famous family of American artists.Charles Wilson Peale is best remembered for his portraits of leading figures of the American

55、 Revolution.He painted portraits of Franklin and Jefferson and over a dozen of George Washington.His lifesize portrait was so realistic that George Washington reportedly once tipped his hat to the figures in the picture. Charles Wilson Peale gave up painting in his middle age and devoted his life to

56、 the Peale museum,which he founded in Philadelphia.The worlds first popular museum of art and natural science mainly covered paintings by Peale and his family as well as displays of animals in their natural settings.Peale found the animals himself and found a method to make the exhibits more real.Th

57、e museums most popular display was the skeleton (骷髅) of a huge,extinct elephant,which Peale unearthed on a New York farm in 1801.Three of Peales seventeen children were also famous artists.Paphaelle Peale often painted still lives of flowers,fruit,and cheese.His brother Rembrandt studied under his f

58、ather and painted portraits of many famous people,including one of George Washington.Another brother,Rubens Peale,painted mostly landscapes and portraits.James Peale,the brother of Charles Wilson Peale,specialized in miniatures (小画像)His daughter Sarah Miriam Peale was probably the first professional

59、 female portrait painter in America.51What is the main topic of the passage?AThe life of Charles Wilson Peale.BPortraits in the 18th century.CThe Peale Museum.DA family of artists.解析主旨归纳题。本文主要讲述了艺术家Charles Wilson Peale及他的三个也同样是艺术家的孩子的成就,故D项正确。答案D52The author mentions in Paragraph 1 that Washington t

60、ipped his hat to the figures in the painting to show that_.ACharles Wilson Peales painting was very lifelikeBWashington respected Charles Wilson Peales workCWashington was friendly with Raphaelle and Titian PealeDthe painting of the two brothers was very large解析细节理解题。根据第一段His lifesize portrait was s

61、o realistic .可知他画的肖像是非常逼真的。答案A53The underlined word “unearthed” is closest in meaning to“_”Ashowed Blooked overCinvented Ddug up 解析词义猜测题。该博物馆中最受欢迎的展品是一头巨大的、已经灭绝的大象的骷髅,由常识可知,这具骷髅应该是从地下挖出来的。dig up 挖掘。答案D54Which of the following is NOT the child of Charles Wilson Peale?ASarah Miriam Peale. BRubens Peal

62、e . CRaphaelle Peale. DTitian Peale.解析细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,Sarah Miriam Peale是Charles Wilson Peale的哥哥的女儿。答案A55The authors attitude toward the Peales is in general_.Apuzzled Bexcited Cadmiring Ddisappointed解析推理判断题。从作者使用的一些词,如:famous,be best remembered,realistic 等可以看出,作者对Peales是钦佩的。答案C第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节

63、阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。THYSSEN ELEVATORS is one of the leading elevators companies in the world with more than 120 branch companies around the globe.GUANGDONG THYSSEN ELEVATORS LTD.In Zhongshan produces highquality elevators.We are offering the following positions:Plant ManagerE

64、xcellent Senior Engineer with experience in this field to manage our plant in ZhongshanSenior Engineers(Mechanical and Electrical)For production and Engineering Department,good command of InternetJunior positionsFor those who wish for successOne purchaser(购货员)Preferably with experience in a mechanic

65、al engineering company and international marketsCost Accountant(会计)5 years experience in mechanical factory costing,good knowledge in Office 95,CET level 4.For these senior level Positions,we expect preferable a university degree or an excellent job Record. 35 years of experience on the job and good

66、 command of English.If you are ready to work with us,we will offer attractive salary packet and bright future.THYESSENGUANDONG THYESSEN ELEVATORS LTDLONGHCAN HUANCHENGZhongshan(5284655)Guangdong Province(1)SecretaryUniversity graduateGood at English speaking,writing&translatingGood PC knowledge and

67、typing skillPleasant character with good personal skill(2)AccountantsCollege or university graduateGood command of English and PC operationWork experience(3)Production TraineesCollege or university graduateFood engineering/machinery or chemistryGood command of English12 yeas experience in food facto

68、ryLeadership ability and PC knowledge(4)Production workersPolytechnic school(中专)graduateFood technology or chemistryKnowledge of basic English12 years experience in food factoryNESTLEDONGGUAN NESTLE COMPANY LTD56If he or she doesnt know how to use a computer,what had he or she better do?(No more tha

69、n 15 words.)_.答案He or she had better ask for the position of a production worker in NESTLE.57What skills do you think are most important in those jobs?Why?(Open)(No more than 20 words)_.答案Open.58As a graduate from university this year,what kind of job can you get in this passage?(No more than 15 wor

70、ds)_.答案I can probably get a job as a secretary in NESTLE.59What does the underlined word“positions”mean in English?(No more than 5 words)_.答案Jobs/Occupations.60How many branch companies around the world in THYSSEN ELEVATORS?(No more than 5 words)_.答案120 branch companies.第二节书面表达(满分25分)请你根据以下个人资料写一篇不少

71、于100词左右的短文,介绍我国著名田径运动员刘翔,并简述他的事迹给你的启示。注意:1.内容包括全部信息;2.结构完整;3使用连接语句使文章连贯。 Name:刘翔Date of birthJuly 13,1983Place of birthShanghaiIn his childhood对体育表现出极大的兴趣,课余接受专业训练训练期间严格要求自己,成绩进步显著2004年,雅典(Athens)奥运会金牌,成为中国田径(track and field)获奖第一人2006年,瑞士(Switzerland)创一项新的世界记录因伤入院治疗。不放弃,出院后训练更加努力。战胜压力和伤痛重返赛场2009年世锦赛

72、(the World Athletics Championships)银牌_【参考范文】Liu Xiang is a wellknown athlete in track and field in China.At an early age,he expressed a keen interest in sports and received a professional training in his spare time.While training,he was strict with himself and made amazing progress.In Athens 2004 Ol

73、ympic Games,he won the gold medal and became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic track and field title.In 2006,he set a new world record.Unfortunately,he got injured and had to leave the field and stay in hospital for medical care.But he didnt give up and trained even harder when he got out of hospital.In 2009,he won the silver medal at the World Athletics Championships.What impresses me most is his determination,which helps him overcome the pressure and pain,so that he can stand again.In this way,he sets a good example for us to follow.


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