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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修一精品教学设计:UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS DISCOVERING USEFUL STRUCTURES WORD版含答案.doc

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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修一精品教学设计:UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS DISCOVERING USEFUL STRUCTURES WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修一精品教学设计:UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS DISCOVERING USEFUL STRUCTURES WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修一精品教学设计:UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS DISCOVERING USEFUL STRUCTURES WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修一精品教学设计:UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS DISCOVERING USEFUL STRUCTURES WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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1、教学设计课 题Unit3 SPORTS AND FITNESSPeriod 3 Discovering Useful Structures学 科英语班 级Class 授课教师教 学目 标1. 能够理解并正确运用附加疑问句。2. 进一步培养学生实际运用语法的意识和运用本单元语法项目开展小对话的能力。3. 形成正确的健身意识和习惯。重 点引导学生得体地使用附加疑问句及恰当的语调,开展小对话。难 点让学生关注语言表达的得体性。提高学生运用语法项目的准确性,体会在真实场景中运用附加疑问句的意义。教 学方 法Self-learning approach; asking-and-answering act

2、ivity. 教学内容与过程Step1 Leading-inRead the conversation aloud and pay attention to the tones of the tag questions. Explain the meaning that different tones express. A: We re all so busy; but we cant just sit around and study all the time can we?B: No; we can t. Sometimes I just have to get up and do a f

3、ew jumping jacks.A: Jumping jacks? Those are a kind of exercise; arent they?B: Yes; they are! You jump and bring your hands together above your head and move your feet apart. Then you jump again; bringing your hands to your side and your feet together. Im sure youve done them before, havent you?A: I

4、 know what you mean now. They are also called star jumps; aren t they? Why dont we do a few now?B: Sure.Step2 Discovering观察和发现的阶段,要求学生归纳附加疑问句的基本形式和功能。1. 学生结对,分角色朗读活动1中的三段对话,画出附加疑问句及回答,归纳其功能。教师补充以下问题引导学生思考。When Amy said “Its not a real sport, is it?”, what does she mean? What is she asking Shen Qi fo

5、r? (She means she is not sure whether the sport is real or not and is asking Shen Qi for agreement.)2. Write the following questions or similar ones of your own on the board before class. Ask students to add a few more. When is your birthday?What do you have for breakfast?What is your favourite spor

6、t?What sports events have you been to?Can you ski?3. Ask students to add a few more questions.4. As a warm-up activity, have students ask each other the questions in pairs, swapping pairs a few times. 5. Model the activity with a student first.Tell students not to write down any of the answers, and

7、continue with your class on tag questions. 6. At the end of the class, ask the student you modelled with a tag question based on the questions from the start of the class. For example,Teacher: Your birthday is in June, isnt it?Student: Yes, it is.Pretend you are not sure of the answer by using a ris

8、ing tone for the tag question. Then ask another question where you are sure of the answer, using a falling tone. For example,Teacher: You can play basketball, cant you?Student: Yes, I can.Teacher: I thought so!7. Elicit the difference between the two tones, then write questions on the board, highlig

9、hting positive/negative forms and tones. Then have students ask their partners tag questions to practise. By the end of the class, students may have forgotten some of the answers while remembering others, so can practise using rising or falling tones as well as tag question forms.Step3 Teaching教师引导学

10、生对附加疑问句的结构特征和表达的语义进行总结。Can you fifigure out how tag questions are structured? When do we usually use tag questions?附加疑问句还可以用来表示对某人刚说过或暗示过的事情的反应,表达对它的兴趣、怀疑、吃惊或者愤怒等感情,这时,肯定陈述之后可以用肯定式附加疑问,而否定陈述之后可以用否定式附加疑问。例如:1. So the other girl won, did she? (根据语境,可以表示兴趣)2. Oh, youve made another mistake, have you? (

11、根据语境,可以表示愤怒)3. So I cant, cant I?(根据语境,可以表示挑战)4. So you dont like my idea, dont you?(根据语境,可以表示不满)教学提示:教师可以让学生参考语法附录中对附加疑问句的介绍,以巩固相关知识,同时也应提醒学生附加疑问句主要用于口语,其作用是说话人向对方验证自己的陈述或者判断。疑问句的含义类似“这是真的吗?”或“你同意吗?”Step4 ConsolidationPractise what has been learnt using tag questions in active role-play in context

12、of sports event.Sample Conversation 1A: The Sports Day is coming soon, isnt it?B: Yes, it is. They need some volunteers, dont they?A: Yes, they do. We should volunteer, shouldnt we?B: Yes, we should.Sample Conversation 2A: Wow, Chen Liang can jump really high, cant he?B: He sure can! We are going to

13、 win, arent we?A: I think so. The other team must score 10 points in two minutes. It cant be done, can it?B: I dont think so. Ill be right back . Oh no! The other team didnt win, did they? A: Im afraid so! Sample Conversation 3 A: Excuse me. This is badminton hall, isnt it? B: Yes, it is. Can I help? A: Coach Wang works here, doesnt he? B: Yes, he does. He is practising on the basketball court right now. Its over there, next to the football pitch. A: Thanks!Step5 Homework基于健身的话题,学生结对自创对话,要求使用所学问句。备注


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