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2011高考英语创新设计提能训练:MODULE 3 UNIT 8 ADVENTURE(含解析)北师大版.doc

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1、【北师大版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 3Unit 8 Adventure综合训练 .品句填词1.The bus company provided e_ buses because there were so many people.2.Can you tell us the s_ between Confucius and Socrates?3.I warn you,Im beginning to lose my p_ with you.4.He is the most w_in our village,but he doesnt feed his parents.

2、5.Japan _(不同于)from China.6.The wounded soldiers were hiding in the_(庇护所).7.I am a teacher not a _(教授).8.It is_(无望的) for you to go to college if you dont work hard.答案:1.extra2.similarities3.patience4.wealthy5.differs6.shelter7.professor8.hopeless.短语识境turn up;across;put on;break out;break down;run out

3、 of;carry on;prepare for;put into prison;come down;think about1.When I was on my way to my hometown in a village my car_.2.The adventure team at last_food and water and had to wait for the rescue.3.At first her teacher could not _to her because she was both deaf and blind.4.He was_ for armed robbery

4、.5.Scott and his team_and finally reached their food bases.6.The quake _suddenly at midnight with the noise of breaking something.7.Getting up late,Tom hurried to school and_before us quite out of breath.8.The workers were busy_the project that should be completed in time.答案:1.broke down2.ran out of

5、3.get across4.put into prison5.carried on6.broke out 7.turned up8.preparing for.翻译句子1.这本书和那本书的写作风格不同。(differ from.in.)_2.我们白天走晚上也走。(as well as)_3.约翰在中国学习中国文化。(take up)_4.学生们一个接一个地被叫去见老师。(in turn)_5.竞选期间,一场大罢工爆发了(break out)_答案:1.This book differs from that one in the writing style.2.We travelled by n

6、ight as well as by day.3.John is taking up Chinese culture in China.4.The students were asked in turn to see the teacher.5.During the election period,a big strike broke out.单项填空1.Hu Juichou,_Taiwanese army majorgeneral involved in Typhoon Morakot rescue operations,said_700 or more still trapped incl

7、uded the residents trapped by amassive landslide.A.a;a B./;the C.the;the D.a;the解析:考查冠词。语意为:参与了 “莫拉克” 台风救援行动的中国台湾军队少将Hu Juichou说那700或更多的被困者中包括因大规模山体滑坡而被困住的居民。第一空处表示 “一个”,泛指;第二空处表特指(特指那被困的700或更多的人)。答案:D2.He has been working hard day and night,which,of course,_ his tiredness.A.answers for B.accounts f

8、or C.applies for D.stands out解析:考查动词短语。语意为:他日夜不停地工作是他劳累的原因。answer for “对负责”;account for “说明原因”;apply for “申请” ;stand out “突出”。根据语意可知B项正确。答案:B3.It is reported that those who were caught_in the NMET in Jilin Province will be punished.A.cheating B.cheated C.to cheat D.cheat解析:考查非谓语动词。语意为:据报道,在吉林省高考中那些作

9、弊的人将受到惩罚。catch sb.doing sth. “碰到某人做某事,抓到某人做某事”。答案:A4.Why didnt you go to the concert?I _ a close game between two American football teams.A.watched B.had watched C.was watching D.have been watching解析:考查时态。此处表示在音乐会举行期间正在进行的动作,第一句为一般过去时,故这里用过去进行时。答案:C5.As a kid,I was painfully shy.I mean,I wouldnt eve

10、n _ people in the face when they spoke to me.A.see B.stare C.watch D.look解析:考查动词辨析。后一句语意为:当别人跟我说话时,我甚至不敢正视他们。look sb.in the face是固定搭配, “直视某人的脸,正视某人”。stare sb.in the face “盯着某人看”,不符合语意。答案:D6._ he goes,theres always a spy hanging about.A.Whichever B.However C.Wherever D.Whatever解析:考查状语从句。语意为:不管他走到哪里,总

11、有密探跟着。wherever在此引导让步状语从句。答案:C7.About 15 percent of the patients were tested as optimists,about 15 percent as pessimists and _ as in between.A.the rest B.the others C.the same D.the other解析:考查代词。the rest意为 “剩余的” ,既可以指代可数名词,也可以指代不可数名词。others一般与some连用,表示 “一部分另一部分”,表示两部分中的一部分。答案:A8.To our surprise,we go

12、t_people to attend the meeting as we expected.A.as twice B.twice many C.twice many as D.twice as many解析:考查表示倍数的方法。一般说来,表示倍数时as构成下面结构:倍数asadj.n.(pl.)as其他部分答案:D拓展提升:(1)twice(three times,four times.)as much不可数名词as其他部分The coat needs three times as much money as that one.(2)倍数词as long(wide/high/big.)as其他

13、部分(在结构上相当于):倍数词longer(wider/higher/bigger.)than其他部分 倍数词the length(width/height/size.)of其他部分The room is twice as large(big)as that one.The room is twice larger than that one.The room is twice the size of that one.9.Internet shopping will really_when people make sure that it is safe.A.take off B.take

14、up C.set off D.set up解析:考查动词短语的意义。句意为 “当人们确信网上购物是安全的时候,它会真的大受欢迎”。take off意为 “(观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎;(产品的销量)急升”。take up从事,占有;set off动身,出发;set up建立。答案:A10.We can no longer_to consider water an almost free resource that we can use as much as we like.A.permit B.afford C.expect D.offer解析:考查动词在语境中的意义及用法。permit do

15、ing sth.允许做某事;expect to do sth.期望做某事;offer to do sth.主动提出做某事;afford to do sth.承受得起做某事。句意为 “我们再也承受不起把水看作随便取用的资源,想用多少就用多少了”。答案:B.阅读理解Lisa Warren thought she had it made.She was 16 and had her own sporty car.But before she had a chance to burn_rubber,her dad Mark and his electrical engineer fellow work

16、ers developed a way to make sure Lisa didnt become a junior road warrior(勇士).The result of their efforts was the Auto Watch,a little black box that monitors(监控)a cars onboard computers to determine how the car is being driven.What does Lisa say about all this?“I hate it because it told on(告发)me,”sai

17、d Lisa,now a wise 18yearold cashier at Chuck E Chinese in Tucson,Arizona.However,she unwillingly adds that the thing really worked.“When I first started driving,I had the gas down all the time.With that Auto Watch,I slowed down a lot.It was terrible.”she said.“If I ever had children,Id probably make

18、 them have one just for suffering.”The Auto Watch plugs(插上) under the dashboard of any cars built since 1995.It can be secretly fixed and hidden,or openly plugged in and left in full view on the passenger seat.Aline Zoldbrod,a psychologist said that as a parent herself,she can see the advantage of t

19、he device.“It could be an effective discouragement to dangerous driving,”she said.To use it,car owners enter into a personal computer the maximum speed,engine speed,gear(汽车排挡) position and load which the car will allow drivers.The limits are then sent through a cable to the walletsized Auto Watch un

20、it.When the driver returns,the Auto Watch is taken out of the car and plugged back into the personal computer that shows how fast the car was driven,how many times the gas pedal(踏板) was floored and whether the car was turned on and off.1.The underlined part“burn rubber”means_.A.bring about an accide

21、nt B.drive too quicklyC.examine the car tyres D.heat the car tyres解析:burn rubber字面意义指“烧坏轮胎”,其实它指的是开快车。开快车刹车时,轮胎与地面摩擦,使轮胎受损。答案:B2.From what Lisa said,we learn that _.A.the Auto Watch has affected her greatlyB.the Auto Watch makes her comfortableC.she wishes her father could invent a better device.D.i

22、f she had her own childern,she would not fix the Auto Watch on their cars.解析:Lisa 喜欢开快车,所以嫌此装置会告发她。同时她想将来用此装置治治她的孩子,让他们也吃点苦头,她也承认此装置的确有效。答案:A3.According to the passage,Aline Zoldbrod feels that_.A.the popularity of the Auto Watch shows that teenagers are bad drivers.B.the Auto Watch should be easier

23、 to buy and fixC.the Auto Watch is a great inventionD.the Auto Watch can put an end to traffic accidents.解析:根据“see the advantage of the device”与“an effective discouragement to dangerous driving”可知她对该装置的发明持积极肯定的态度。答案:C4.The last two paragraphs tell us_.A.how to fix and use the Auto Watch B.how to buy the Auto WatchC.how to find the Auto Watch in your car D.what the Auto Watch can do解析:归纳大意题,该部分介绍了,Auto Watch如何安装和拆卸,并如何接入个人电脑进行监测分析。答案:A


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