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1、2013届高考一轮复习浙江省高三上学期英语分类汇编二:完形填空一.( 金华一中2012学年第一学期期中考试)The letter was a great disappointment to me. It was from Holy Cross, the only school I really wanted to 21 . I scanned the page, “. We had a great applicant pool this year. We cant offer spaces to 22 and place you on our waiting list.” “What does

2、 it say, honey?” my dad asked, his voice full of 23 for me.“I didnt get in, but Im on the waiting list.” “Well, at least it isnt 24 ,” he said brightly.“Yeah, but 25 , I dont want to be on the waiting list; I want to be 26 . No one gets in off the waiting list. Its a way of saying Thanks for 27 .” “

3、Then lets go out there and tell them so.” “That sounds lame(站不住脚的), dad.” I said sadly, “It doesnt 28 ,.”Upset and annoyed, I 29 myself in my room. However,my fathers advice kept 30 in my head. I thought about it for a few days, finally coming to the 31 that he was right. And the next day I seated m

4、yself across from Mr. Luis Soto, my admissions officer. “What can I do for you, Nacie?” he asked pleasantly. “Well, sir, I am here to tell you that I love this school and would love a 32 to be here. I just wanted to tell you how much going here would 33 to meit is my only dream college and that I wo

5、uld use my time here to the best 34 . I wanted to let you know that if you gave me a chance and reconsidered my application, you wouldnt 35 it.” The words had poured out 36 I could stop them or check their desperate tone. Mr. Soto looked me over for a minute before he smiled broadly. “OK, that is th

6、e kind of thing we love to hear. Congratulations, youre in.” It was so 37 and I asked, “Im sorry?” “We want people in the class who want to be here, who will 38 the best of this education. Im glad you came to talk 39 to me. Im happy to offer you a position in the Class of 2009.”The whole experience

7、taught me a lesson: if you truly want something, never, ever 40 . 21. A. attend B. study C. admit D. visit 22. A. everyone B. anyone C. someone D. no one 23. A. trust B. pity C. anxiety D. curiosity24. A. admission B. imagination C. restriction D. rejection 25. A. ever B. again C. also D. still 26.

8、A. recognized B. received C. accepted D. permitted27. A. writing B. trying C. replying D. waiting28. A. work B. act C. need D. hope 29. A. enjoyed B. comforted C. stayed D. buried 30. A. saying B. ringing C. showing D. reminding31. A. point B. conclusion C. agreement D. arrangement 32. A. chance B.

9、motivation C. degree D. change 33. A. refer B. turn C. mean D. stick34. A. contribution B. condition C. advantage D. result 35. A. suspect B. disappoint C. refuse D. regret36. A. as B. when C. until D. before 37. A. unbelievable B. unforgettable C. unbearable D. favorable 38. A. take B. get C. make

10、D. receive39. A. patientlyB. openly C. carefully D. calmly 40. A. get throughB. give up C. keep on D. try out21-30 AACDD CBADB 31-40 BACCD DACBB二、(浙江省北仑中学2012届高三上学期期中考试)Members of an elephant family may be out of sight but they are always in the minds of their leaders. Tests have found that female e

11、lephants are able to remember the whereabouts of 21 17 family members and perhaps as many as 30. They can know which of their relations are 22 of them when the herd searches 23 food, which of them are lagging behind and 24 are travelling in separate groups. Professor Richard Byrne said that the elep

12、hants performed an impressive skill of 25 by being able to recall where each of their relatives was in a changing environment. “Its hard enough for us to keep track of two 26 three children in a busy shopping centre.” he said. Researchers tested the ability of African elephants to remember where eac

13、h family member had got to by 27 their behaviour while sniffing (嗅) urine (尿). Elephants have poor eyesight but an excellent 28 of smell and are able to 29 one another from traces of urine on the ground. To test the memories of the elephants, samples of urine-soaked earth were 30 and placed in posit

14、ions where a herd was about to pass. Observations showed that the 31 exhibited (表现出) surprise when they could detect the 32 of a family member they knew was behind them. Interest was shown when the urine was 33 of a close relative travelling in the 34 group or in a separate herd, but samples left by

15、 unknown individuals were ignored. Evidence has suggested that 35 have good long-term memories but the study suggested that the ability to 36 where a female relative 37 be found was much more important. The researchers 38 : “It seems that female elephants have a general 39 in monitoring family membe

16、rs with whom they are travelling. Elephants order of travelling often changes and overtaking is common, suggesting that elephants must 40 update their expectation of where others are in relation to themselves.”21.A. at lastB. at mostC. at leastD. at first22.A. aheadB. afraidC. ashamedD. aware23.A. o

17、nB. of C. in D. for24A. whatB. whichC. whoD. that 25.A. search B. relationC. smellD. memory26.A. or B. and C. toD. in 27.A. lookingB. seeingC. watchingD. noticing28.A. sceneB. senseC. sightD. skill29.A. rememberB. identifyC. find D. recall30.A. selectedB. electedC. chosen D. collected31.A. animalsB.

18、 samplesC. positionsD. memories32.A. sightB. viewC. smellD. taste 33.A. thoseB. thatC. one D. the one34.A. differentB. separateC. sameD. individual35.A. elephantsB. femalesC. researchersD. professors36.A. exhibit B. showC. describeD. remember 37.A. shouldB. must C. could D. need 38.A. concludedB. su

19、ggestedD. conductedD. advised 39.A. ideaB. preferenceD. approachD. interest 40.A. seldomB. frequentlyC. alwaysD. hardly 三、(浙江省苍南中学2012届高三上学期期中考试) One of Britains bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected police killer David Bieber - and was thanked 21 flowers by the police. It w

20、as also said that she could 22_ a share of up to 30,000 reward money. Vicki Brown, 30, played a very important role in 23 the nationwide manhunt. Vicki, who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years, told of her terrible 24 when she had to steal into Biebers bedroom and to watch him 25 . Then she

21、 waited alone for three 26 while armed police prepared to 27 the building. She said, I was very nervous. But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen 28 in the car park I was so glad they were there.” The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious of the guest who 29 in at

22、3 pm the day before New Years Eve with little luggage and 30 sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his 31 . She said, He didnt seem to want to talk too much and make any eye contact. Vicki, the only employee on duty, called her boss Margaret, 64, and husband Stan McKale, 65, who phoned the police at

23、 11 pm. Officers from Northumbria Police called Vicki at the hotel in Dunston, Gateshead, at about 11:30 pm to make sure that this was the 32 man. Then they kept in touch by phoning Vicki 33 15 minutes. It was about ten past two in the morning 34 the phone went again and a policeman said Would you g

24、o and make yourself known to the armed officers outside?. My heart missed a 35 . Vicki quietly showed eight armed officers 36 passages and staircases to the top floor room and 37 over the key. I realized that my bedroom window overlooks that part of the hotel, so I went to watch. I could not see int

25、o the mans room, 38 I could see the passage. The police kept 39 at the man to come out with his hands showing. Then suddenly he 40 have come out because they shouted for him to lie down while he was handcuffed (带上手铐)。21. A. to B. with C. in D. at22. A. charge B. pay C get D. reward23. A. beginning B

26、. interrupting C. pausing D. ending24. A. stories B. experience C. moment D. day25. A. secretly B. happily C. interestedly D. unexpectedly26. A. seconds B minutes C. hours D. days27. A. burn B. destroy C. step D. storm28. A. come up B. crowded up C. lined up D. taken up 29. A. checked B. signed C. o

27、rdered D. handed30. A. stealing B. getting C. wearing D. moving31. A. shoulder B. face C. stomach D. ankle32. A. charged B. escaped C. wanted D. found33. A. each B. other C. every D. another34. A. when B. while C. which D. that35 A. knock B. hit C. beat D. slap36. A. across B. over C. into D. throug

28、h37. A. turned B. handed C. stretched D. reached38. A. and B. or C. therefore D. but39. A. speaking B. whispering C. shouting D. scolding40. A. would B. could C. must D. might四、(浙江省慈溪市2012届高三上学期期中考试)We should show respect to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of us in age, in wi

29、sdom and maturity, in experience and educationOur 21 have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us 22 everything to their kindness and loveWhen we 23 them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or 24 them with a smile, or offering them any help they need, it is one way of 25 our o

30、wn love and gratitude to them 26, elders have also been through all the years you are 27 and know a little more about the world than you doIt is 28 that you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing newAll younger generations have always 29 with their elders and it is these di

31、fferences that bring changes in human 30 However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their 31With changing times and 32 influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to eldersYoungsters should 33 express their views and if there are arguments, they should not

32、34 their voicesIf there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately 35 their places, and sit on the carpetIn buses and trains, youngsters are 36 to give up their places to older peopleThis is not a 37 of who has more rightsIt is simply that those who are younger have the strength to be

33、ar 38_, or tolerate unpleasantness, so it is natural to show consideration to those who are older and perhaps at a 39 disadvantageWhen you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become 40 that youngsters care for them, and they respond with affection and kindness21AyoungstersBelders CparentsD

34、juniors22Adevote BoweCpay Dcontribute 23AshowBexplain Cexhibit Dpoint24AgreetingBreceivingCdeclaringDshowing25Aexpressing BdescribingCsendingDsuggesting26AHoweverBThereforeCBesidesDThough27Aexperiencing with Bgoing throughCsuffering fromDworrying out28Amaybe BlikelyCpossibleDprobably29A quarreledBde

35、alt Clived Ddisagreed30Acommunity BorganizationCsocietyDpublic31AexperienceBrealityCemotionDinformation32AculturalBspecialCenvironmentalDposition33AquietlyBslightlyCsilentlyDcoldly34AriseBraiseCsupportDforce35Agive awayBget rid of Cgive upDsend out 36AexpectedBforced Cneeded Dreminded37AdoubtBquesti

36、onCwonderDchallenge38AsufferingBupset Ctrouble Ddiscomfort39AseriousBlightCheavyDslight40AawareBaliveCknowingDsensible五、(浙江省杭州市七校2012届高三上学期期中联考)Prana isnt with us anymore. She died of cancer several years ago. There are so many wonderful stories about the _21_ in this dog, but my favorite is one tha

37、t created an image of how to _22_ what is needed without reserve.It was an autumn day in Minnesota. _23_, the weather didnt seem to know the difference between fall and winter. Unexpectedly, we were _24_ a big snowfall for which no one was prepared. We have two apple trees in our backyard. Prana lov

38、ed apples. When she went outside, shed grab an apple, _25_ it far back in her mouth, and sneak (偷偷地带) it into the house to _26_ for nibbling (细嚼) on later. The apples had been on the _27_ and were often muddy, so I wasnt always _28_ that Prana had brought them into the house. _29_ my disagreement, s

39、he would turn her head so I wouldnt see her _30_ treasure. It was our little game. On the day that it snowed too _31_ in the season, Prana went outside and I watched her from the window. I _32_ that she was digging holes and bringing the apples to the _33_ so they could be seen above the snow. I won

40、dered _34_ she was doing this. She seemed to be _35_ with some kind of mission to dig up as many apples as possible during her yard time. When I called her back into the house, she had her _36_ one apple in her mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The yard was completely covered with _

41、37_. Prana had dug up all those apples for her friends to eat. She knew that the birds wouldnt have _38_ enough food to _39_ such an early winter!Tears sprung to my eyes as I witnessed this beautiful act of _40_ love from an animal who taught us how to serve life with such grace (感激)。 21. A. love B.

42、 pleasure C. faith D. memory22. A. gain B. get C. give D. abandon 23. A. Unfortunately B. However C. Therefore D. Besides 24. A. caught in B. trapped in C. hit with D. covered with25. A. take B. fetch C. return D. stick 26. A. share B. save C. remain D. have 27. A. tree B. house C. ground D. table 2

43、8. A. curious B. puzzled C. worried D. happy29. A. Sensing B. Imagining C. Grasping D. Avoiding 30. A. forbidden B. hidden C. unexpected D. unwanted 31. A. early B. much C. heavily D. hardly 32. A. recognized B. intended C. realized D. noticed33. A. bottom B. base C. surface D. appearance 34. A. if

44、B. why C. how D. that 35. A. content B. hard C. strict D. busy36. A. usual B. normal C. common D. ordinary 37. A. snow B. birds C. holes D. apples38. A. dug B. eaten C. stored D. left 39. A. suffer B. live C. bear D. survive 40. A. selfish B. favourable C. unconditional D. favourite 六、(萧山九中2011学年第一学

45、期期中联考)Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her three-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new baby. They found out that it was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael 21._ to his sister in Mommys tummy.

46、The pregnancy progressed 22._for Karen. Then the labor pains came. Every five minutes . every minute. But complications 23._ during delivery. Finally, Michaels little sister was born. But she was in serious 24._. With siren (警报)howling in the night, the ambulance 25._ the infant to the Intensive Car

47、e unit at St. Marys Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. 26._ inch by. The little girl got worse. The doctors told the parents, There is very little hope. Karen and her husband contacted a local cemetery (墓地) about a burial plot. They had 27._ a special room in their home for the new baby now they plan

48、ned a funeral. Week two in Intensive Care. It looked as if a funeral would come 28 _the week was over. Michael, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister, I want to sing to her, he said. Kids were never 29_in Intensive Care. But Karen made up her mind. She would take Michael 30._they liked

49、it or not. She 31._ him in an oversized scrub suit and 32._ him into ICU. He looked like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse33. _him as a child, Get that kid out of here now! The usually 34._ lady glared into the head nurses face, her lips a 35._ line. He is not leaving until he sings to hi

50、s sister! Karen towed Michael to his sisters bedside. He gazed at the tiny baby 36._ the battle to live. And he began to sing 37._ the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray 38. _ the baby girl responded. The pul

51、se rate became 39._ and steady. Keep on singing, Michael. You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please dont take my sunshine away The breathing became as smooth as a kittens purr. Keep on singing, Michael. The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, Michaels little sister relaxed as rest.Funeral

52、plans were 40_. The next day the very next day the little girl was well enough to go home!The medical staff just called it a miracle. Karen called it a miracle of Gods love!21. A. talked B sang C. played D whispered22. A. quietly B peacefully C hopefully D normally23. A. arose B. raised C rose D aro

53、used24. A situation B condition C place D position25. A took B sent C carried D rushed26. A The years B The months C The weeks D The days27. A fixed up B made up C built up D set up28. A until B before C after D when29. A asked B allowed C admitted D acquired30. A no matter B even if C whether D as

54、if 31. A put B dressed C wore D fit32. A marched B forced C hid D followed33. A required B replied C recognized D regarded34. A warm-hearted B well-managed C mild-mannered D cold-blooded35. A firm B strong C hard D tough36. A losing B lost C to lose D having lost37. A in B on C at D with38. A Finall

55、y B Instantly C Patiently D Interestingly39. A calm B quiet C slow D fast40. A put off B put away C put up D put down七、(浙江省南马高中2011-2012学年第一学期期中考试)For a few years, I have been wearing a ring on my right hand. Its not always the 21 ring, but its always a ring that has 22 on it so that when I look at

56、it, Im 23 or reminded of something important. I have made a 24 of buying rings like this whenever I see one in a store. Sometimes I give them away as 25 to someone like Jennie.I first met Jennie in the 26 waiting room and we had talked several times. One night I sat down beside her and 27 how her so

57、n was doing because I knew that he was in very 28 condition. She told me that she didnt know what to do any more because it seemed none of the 29 from the doctors was good. They werent at all sure her son was going to 30 the accident that had hurt him so badly. With 31 in her eyes she said, “Theyre

58、32_ my hope.”I knew then that it was 33 just a coincidence that I was wearing the ring that I had on thatday. As she 34 to talk, I 35 slipped the ring off my finger and placed it in Jennies hand. I told her to wear it to member that God loved her and He would be with her 36 all of this. 37 Jennie lo

59、oked down at the ring, she got excited and then held it tightly, 38 the word written on the ring was “HOPE”.The last day I was at the hospital, I saw Jennie in the distance as I got on the lift. She 39 and held up the hand with the ring on it as she called out to me saying, “Look, I 40 have Hope!”21


61、BexperienceCpredictDsurvive31AapologiesBtearsCangerDdoubt32Akeeping upBbringing downCcutting offDtaking away33Aother thanBrather thanCmore thanDless than34AcontinuedBrefusedCattemptedDstarted35AcautiouslyBquietlyCnervouslyDshyly36AoverBbeyondCthroughDwithin37AUntilBWhileCSinceDWhen38AforBsoCyetDand3

62、9AshoutedBwavedCcheeredDhesitated40AeverBonlyCstillDjust CABDA CACBD BDCAB CDABC八、(衢州一中2011学年度第一学期期中检测试卷)There was a wonderful old man who loved almost everything, animals, spiders, insects . One day, while walking through the woods, the nice man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly. He decided to take

63、 the cocoon home to watch its magic process of 21 from a little cocoon into a butterfly. He 22 placed the cocoon on his kitchen table and 23 it for days. One day the cocoon started to move, a small 24 appeared. The old man sat beside it and watched as the butterfly inside struggled for several hours

64、 to 25 its body through the little hole. 26 , the butterfly seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten 27 it could and it could go no farther. The old man felt 28 for the little butterfly inside so he decided to help the little 29 . He took a pair of scissors and cut the rem

65、aining bit of cocoon open. The butterfly then came out easily, but it had a 30 body and small, shriveled (枯萎的) wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, 31 , the wings would expand and be able to 32 the body, which would slim down in time. Neither happened! 33 , the b

66、utterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with an unusually fat body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man, in his 34 and eagerness, did not understand was that the restricting (限制,制约) cocoon and the struggle 35 to get through the tiny opening were natures way of forc

67、ing fluid (液体) from the body of the butterfly into its wings 36 it would be ready for flight once it achieved freedom.Sometimes 37 are exactly what we need in our life. If nature allowed us to 38 life without hardships or obstacles, it would weaken or even damage us over time both physically and men

68、tally. We would not be as 39 as we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for 40 . Have a great day, great life, and struggle a little. Then fly!21. A. advancing B. transforming C. growing D. developing22. A. gentlyB. randomly C. cheerfully D. casually23. A. took overB. watc

69、hed over C. checked overD. turned over24. A. spotB. passage C. openingD. butterfly25. A. expandB. push C. shrink(收缩,缩短)D. force26. A. SuddenlyB. Immediately C. Eventually D. Gradually27. A. as much asB. as far as C.as long as D. as deep as28. A. sympatheticB. responsible C. shameful D. regretful29.

70、A. victimB. companion C. slave D. creature30. A. swollen B. powerful C. awkward D. flexible31. A. in any wayB. by any chance C. at any moment D. in any case32. A. protectB. control C.liftD. support33. A. In factB. In general C. In conclusion D. In short34. A. concentrationB. kindness C. curiosityD.

71、willingness35. A. arrangedB. intended C. guaranteedD. required36. A. provided that B. if only C. so thatD. as though37. A. painsB. failures C. sufferings D. struggles38. A. go throughB. adapt to C. care forD. reflect on39. A. potentialB. strong C. optimistic D. energetic40. A. embarrassmentB. argume

72、nts C. regretsD. sorrow21-25 BABCD 26-30 CBADA 31-35 CDABD 36-40 CDABC九、(浙江省绍兴一中2012届高三上学期期中考试)Steve, a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents, was failing. Surprisingly, he could read, yet, 21 his reading skills, Steve had been failing since first grade. Steve was a big boy, yet, he went unnoti

73、ced. 22 Miss White. Miss White was a smiling, beautiful, young lady. For the first time in his 23 life, Steve couldnt take his eyes off his teacher; yet, 24 he failed. In the middle of the first term, the entire seventh grade was 25 for basic skills. Steve hurried through his tests, and 26 to dream

74、of other things, as the day passed slowly. One day, Miss Whites 27 voice broke into his daydreams. “Steve!” Startled (吓了一跳), he 28 to look at her. “Pay attention!” She began to 29 the test results. “You all did pretty well,” she told the class, “ 30 one boy, and it breaks my 31 to tell you this, but

75、.” She hesitated, pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp 32 . “. The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!” After that, Steve still 33 do his homework. “Just try it,” Miss White said one day. “Steve! Please! I care about you!” Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it! Someone cared about him? So

76、meone, so beautiful and perfect, cared about him! Steve went home from school, 34 , that afternoon.The following Monday he arrived at school on time, and waited for Miss White to enter the classroom. She walked in, all sparkle and smiles! Immediately, she gave a 35 on the weekend homework. Steve was

77、 the first to 36 his paper. With a look of 37 , Miss White took his paper. Steve walked back to his desk, his heart beating strongly within his chest. Miss Whites face was in total 38 ! Suddenly, her face broke into a bright smile. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just 39 his first test! Fr

78、om that moment 40 was the same for Steve. 21. A. in honor of B. in spite of C. in addition to D. in case of22. A. to B. before C. until D. upon23. A. rich B. young C. fresh D. simple24. A. still B. even C. also D. forever25. A. observed B. corrected C. selected D. tested26. A. struggled B. agreed C.

79、 continued D. declared27. A. cheerful B. impatient C. enthusiastic D. shy28. A. decided B. managed C. turned D. forgot29. A. go over B. run over C. turn over D. hand over30. A. except for B. due to C. as for D. up to31. A. will B. record C. heart D. back32. A. pain B. stare C. sense D. contrast33. A

80、. wouldnt B. couldnt C. mustnt D. shouldnt34. A. amused B. doubtful C. approved D. thoughtful 35. A. survey B. speech C. report D. quiz36. A. give up B. hand in C. turn down D. come across37. A. respect B. curiosity C. surprise D. fear38. A. victory B. shock C. sadness D. confidence39. A. escaped B.

81、 taken C. missed D. passed 40. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 21-40: BCBAD CBCAA CBADD BCBDA十、(浙江省新昌中学2012届高三上学期期中考试试题)Russ was a lovable kid with a variety of communication challenges-a speech impediment (语言障碍), dyslexia (诵读困难), and auditory problems. _21_ today he is walking con

82、fidently, standing tall to make an acceptance _22_ for having been chosen one of the “Outstanding Young Citizens” in Ocean County, New Jersey _23_ his remarkable volunteer service in the town of Toms River. As I listened, I closed my eyes. I found myself _24_ those memorable moments. My mind was ful

83、l of warm images of Russ as a loving, caring youth, a gentle soul, _25_ his challenges. And now, as he stood at the platform, I knew his heart _26_ be racing. As Russ continued to speak, I thought about the fateful day when he was diagnosed with all those impairments (损伤) and how _27_ his tutors wou

84、ld be if they could see him today. Here he was at twenty-nine, being honored for ten years of service as a volunteer _28_. Russ was _29_ for organizing clothing for the homeless, teaching preschool children about fire safety, and for playing Santa Claus for very sick children by driving up in a fire

85、 truck. Russ thanked his parents for providing him with dignity and for teaching him about morals. Then, pausing for a few seconds, he _30_ us by surprise by touching lovingly on the _31_ of his nephew, Austin. Austin was just three years old when he died from an incurable disease. At that moment, I

86、 had to close my eyes again _32_ a different set of tears ran down my cheeks. A silence _33_ the room as Russ owed his volunteer award to Austin.He _34_ his address by lifting the audience up with these words, “Austin taught me how to love.” I have never thought of this day. _35_, no one had ever th

87、ought that Russ would make _36_ as the star of the football team, and he had never been voted “most likely to succeed,” but he _37_ to be a true “star” in his community. Russ became a man of strong character _38_ his unselfish service to others. With so many impairments, Russ now sees and acts _39_

88、with his heart. His words and deeds inspire everyone who knows him. It is Russ, our son, who has shown us what _40_ is. 21. A. AndB. WhileC. AsD. Bu t22. A. pointB. speechC. callD. appeal23. A. in spite ofB. regardless ofC. because ofD. in face of24. A. recallingB. recordingC. seizingD. expecting25.

89、 A. putting up withB. concerning aboutC. escaping fromD. facing up to 26. A. couldB. mustC. wouldD. might27. A. nervousB. excitedC. proudD. surprised28. A. policemanB. tailorC. firemanD. tutor 29. A. gratefulB. responsibleC. anxiousD. fit30. A. tookB. gotC. shockedD. moved31. A. birthB. achievementC

90、. lossD. disease32. A. sinceB. afterC. whileD. before33. A. dropped downB. fell overC. took offD. got up34. A. concludedB. wroteC. deliveredD. started35. A. GenerallyB. SurprisinglyC. ActuallyD. However36. A. itB. himC. oneD. that37. A. happenedB. roseC. appearedD. reduced38. A. atB. onC. byD. in39. A. cautiouslyB. generouslyC. closelyD. clearly40. A. sharingB. loveC. sacrificeD. confidence21.DBCAD 26.BCCBA 31.CDBAC 36.ABCDB


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