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三维设计2013届高考英语一轮复习提能力创新演练: UNIT16 STORIES(北师大版选修6).doc

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1、A卷.单项填空1The government placed _ on the numbers of foreign cars that could be imported.Alimitations BrestraintCrequirements Drestrictions解析:restriction“(可数名词)限制性规定(与on搭配)”;limitation“局限性,不足之处,不利之处”,与to搭配。句意:国家对进口的外国车的数量有限制性规定。答案:D2Have you seen that huge new building going up near the market?Yes. I c

2、ant _ what its going to be. An apartment? A hotel?Ahand out Btake outCfigure out Dgive out解析:考查动词短语辨析。语境:我不清楚那座楼要用作什么。figure out make out表示“弄懂,弄清楚”;hand out“分发,提出”;take out“切除,获得”;give out“分发,用完”。答案:C3An excellent teacher is believed to be one who devotes himself to the children but asks for nothing

3、 _.Ain turn Bin advanceCin short Din return解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:人们相信一名优秀的教师是把全部身心投入到孩子身上并且不求回报的人。in return表示“作为(对的)回报”。前三项分别表示“依次”“提前”“简言之”,都不符合句意。答案:D4(2012郑州月考)I think he should be punished for doing that.I agree with you _.Ain a way Bin the wayCon the way Dby the way解析:考查短语辨析。A项意为“从某种程度上说”;B项意为“妨碍,挡路”;

4、C项意为“在路上,即将发生/到来”;D项意为“顺便说一下”,在句中作插入语。后句意为:在某种程度上,我同意你的观点。答案:A5Hi, Bob, are you going to attend tomorrows conference?Oh, Im afraid not, _ invited to.Aeven if Bas ifCas Dsince解析:考查连词。根据语意“即使被邀请也不去”可知用even if。even if“即使”;as if“好像”;as“因为”;since“既然”。答案:A6(2012蚌埠一模)In the last few years, a growing number

5、 of Americans in their 20s and 30s _ for China for employment, attracted by its fastergrowing economy.Aheaded Bare headingChave been heading Dhad headed解析:根据前面的时间状语in the last few years及句意可知,后面应该用现在完成进行时,因此C项正确。答案:C7The young man was _ of having taken the womans wallet.Asuspected BblamedCdoubted Dco

6、nsidered解析:考查动词辨析。句意:这个年轻人被怀疑拿了那个妇女的钱包。be suspected of .“被怀疑”。答案:A8Jimmy is always the first student _ to school; he is a very good student.Ato come BcomingCcome Dcomes解析:考查不定式作定语。句意:Jimmy总是第一个到校,他是一个好学生。当被修饰的普通名词前有序数词或最高级修饰时,该名词的后置定语须用不定式。答案:A9Why didnt you come to the cinema with us last Saturday?

7、Oh,sorry.But I _ the film.Asee BsawChave seen Dhad seen解析:考查动词的时态。由语意可知,这个电影在上周六(last Saturday)之前就已经看过了,也就是说动作发生在“过去的过去”,因此应该用过去完成时。答案:D10It was in the darkness that Frank _ me _.Aknocked; over Bknocked; atCran; out Dran; across解析:句意:正是在黑暗中弗兰克把我撞倒了。knock sb.over “撞倒某人”;knock at (the door)“敲(门)”;run

8、out“用完,耗尽”;run across“偶然遇见”。答案:A11(2012龙岩调研)Generally speaking, I never show _ for students who get caught cheating in exams.Aassistance BcriticismCsympathy Dconfidence解析:句意:一般说来,我从不对考试作弊的同学有任何同情。assistance“帮助”;criticism“批评”;sympathy“同情”;confidence“信心”。答案:C12What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at

9、the airport because my car was _ in the traffic jam.Abroken up Bkept awayCheld up Dkept up解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:真可惜!因为拥挤的交通阻碍了我的车,我在机场没接到老板。hold up“耽搁”,符合句意。break up“破裂”;keep away“远离”;keep up“保持”。答案:C13Does the old man know the museum very well?No, this is the first time he _ here.Awas BcameChas been Dis c

10、oming解析:This is the first time that .句型中,从句中谓语动词用现在完成时;This was the first time that .句型中,从句中谓语动词用过去完成时。答案:C14His proposal is _ to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.Aapparent BpracticalCreasonable Dabrupt解析:考查词义辨析。句意:他的建议对我们所有人来说很明显,你不必过多地告诉我们。apparent“明显的”,符合句意。practical“实用的”;re

11、asonable“合理的”;abrupt“突然的”。答案:A15The chief manager has decided to put _ he thinks is energetic, clever, and has good qualities in the position of the leadership of the company.Awhoever BanyoneCwhomever Dthose who解析:句意:总经理已经决定让只要他认为有活力的、聪明的、品质好的职员担任公司的领导位置。whoever引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语(从句中的he thinks为插入语),等于an

12、yone who。答案:A.阅读理解A(2012厦门质量检测)Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the henhouses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the door.With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side, he drew himself a last glass of beer and made his way up to bed.As soon as the light

13、in the bedroom went out, there was a big noise all through the farm buildings. Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle White pig, had had a strange dream on the previous night and wished to communicate it to the other animals. It had been agreed that they should all meet

14、in the big barn (谷仓) as soon as Mr.Jones was safely out of the way.At one end of the big barn, Major lay on his bed of straw comfortably. He was twelve years old and had lately grown rather heavy, but he was still a nicelooking pig, with a wise and easygoing appearance. Before long the other animals

15、 began to arrive and make themselves comfortable after their different fashions. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately beside Major. The two carthorses, Boxer and Clover, came in together, walking very slowly and settin

16、g down their vast hairy hoofs (蹄子) with great care for fear that there should be some small animals hidden in the straw. Clover was a motherly big horse approaching middle life, who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth kid.Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and

17、as strong as any two ordinary horses put together. A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of firstrate intelligence, but he was well respected for his steadiness of character and extraordinary abilities. After the horses came Benjamin, the donkey.

18、Benjamin got angry easily. He seldom talked, and when he did, it was usually to make all such remarks for instance, he would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would rather have had no tail and no flies. Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed. If asked

19、 why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at.语篇解读:本文向我们展示了Manor Farm 中动物们的外貌及其性格。1All the animals came to the barn to _.Avote for a farm masterBlisten to Majors strange dreamCdiscuss how to win a prizeDshare how to drive Mr. Jones away解析:细节理解题。第二段的“Word had gone round.had had a strange dream.w

20、ished to communicate it to the other animals.”可知,动物们是来听Major的怪梦的。答案:B2According to the passage, Clover was _.Aconsiderate and in good shapeBoldaged and out of shapeCa fat horse with a gentle heartDa pretty horse with a nice character解析:推理判断题。从倒数第二段的“.with great care for fear that.Clover was a mother

21、ly big horse.who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth kid.”可知,Clover是一匹很胖的马,但心肠很好,所以选C项。答案:C3What earned Boxer high respect?AHis strong build and great wisdom.BHis calm character and great powers of work.CHis good temper and strong build.DHis steady character and quick mind.解析:细节理解题。

22、从最后一段的“he has well respected for his steadiness of character and extraordinary abilities.”可知Boxer 因其性格平和、工作能力强而受到较高的尊重,所以选B项。答案:B4Which remark could be to Benjamins taste?ALife is like a box of sweets.BLife is an interesting journey.CLife is a battle.DThere is nothing exciting in life.解析:推理判断题。从最后一段

23、的“Alone.he never laughed.If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at.”可知,Benjamin 觉得生活没有乐趣,没什么值得好笑的地方,所以选D项。答案:DB(2012陕西省宝鸡市高三教学质检)Today we will explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rockandroll music. That saying is “A rolling stone gathers no moss”It has several

24、meanings. One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not be successful. Another is that someone who is always moving, with no roots in one place, avoids responsibilities.This proverb was said to be first used in the 1500s. But in the 1960s, the expression “rolling stone” b

25、ecame famous in the world of rockandroll music. It became the name of a song, a rock group and a magazine.Experts say it all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters. He was one of the countrys top blues musicians until his death in 1983. His music influenced singers lik

26、e Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. In 1950, Muddy Waters recorded a song called “Rolling Stone”A British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters song. The Rolling Stones performed for the first time in 1962.The groups members called themselves “the worlds greatest rockandroll band”In

27、 1965, Bob Dylan released his song “Like a Rolling Stone”It is one of his best known and most influential works.It is an angry song about a woman who was once rich and successful. But now she is on her own,“with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone”In 1967, a young man na

28、med Jann Wenner started a magazine and he named it “Rolling Stone”The magazine reported on rock music and the popular culture that the music created. By 1971,“Rolling Stone” had become the leading rock music and counterculture publication. It is still popular today.语篇解读:本文讲述的是谚语A rolling stone gathe

29、rs no moss.“滚石不生苔,改行不攒财”对滚石音乐的影响以及滚石杂志的诞生。5Which person can be described as a rolling stone according to the proverb?AA person who always changes his jobs.BA person who has a successful career.CA person who has no family.DA person who is out of work.解析: 推理判断题。从第一段的最后两句话可知这句谚语有两种含义,一种是那些不安心待在某个地方的人不会

30、成功,另一种是那些扎不下来根儿的人不负责任。A项指的是经常换工作的人,符合题意。答案:A6All of them are musicians except _.AElvis PresleyBBob DylanCMuddy WatersDJann Wenner解析:细节理解题。根据第三段可知Elvis Presley,Bob Dylan和Muddy Waters都是音乐家;根据最后一段可知Jann Wenner是开办杂志滚石的人。故选D。答案:D7Who first used “rolling stone” as a name for music?AJann Wenner.BBob Dylan.

31、CElvis Presley.DMuddy Waters.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“Experts say it all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters.”可知,rolling stone作为音乐的名字最早是被Muddy Waters使用的。答案:DB卷.完形填空(2012南通市第二次调研)My husband Jeff and I moved into our new home in Scottsbluff last year just before Christmas.

32、I did not have the _1_or energy to carry out my traditional Christmas decorating and baking activities. What was the point, anyway? It was going to be a _2_Christmas after all._3_, the neighborly nature of west Nebraska residents started to trickle in.There was a _4_on the door one evening. It was J

33、effs new colleague, John Smith, and his wife, Phyllis. The Smiths had stopped by to _5_us to town with a loaf of homemade bread. They pointed out a _6_on the porch (门廊). Apparently the doorbell wasnt working in the cold snowy weather and we had _7_a visit from the Browns, our acrossthestreet neighbo

34、rs, who brought us a Christmas card and more Christmas cookies.The _8_feelings brought by these thoughtful gestures lasted longer than the food.As Jeff and I were clearing preChristmas _9_from our driveway, Ernie Guzman came over from next door to _10_us to dig out.Then, we received an invitation to

35、 _11_a Christmas Eve meal with our neighbors, Ernie and Nancy Sommer, and their _12_ a 90yearold lady, who also had no family in the immediate area with whom to spend the holiday.Our Christmas Eve was quite merry, thanks to our _13_. Our Christmas morning _14_was special, thanks to the Smiths gift o

36、f bread. I was so _15_for these gestures of welcome, especially during the holidays.This year, we were again unable to be with our families for Christmas. The _16_and work schedules just made things too difficult. _17_that sense of Christmas isolation (孤立) all too well, we decided to try to round up

37、 some other folks who were _18_in the holidays.Lonely people are all around us, but most of us _19_notice them. Just take a look around you. Sometimes, the smallest _20_gesture can make a world of difference.语篇解读:圣诞节,一个家庭团聚的节日,但对许多孤独的人来说,却是一个伤感的日子。作者一家因为他人的关心而过了一个温馨的圣诞节。1A.chance BtimeCanxiety Dabil

38、ity解析:从上下文知,我们刚搬来,所以没有时间(time)和精力为传统的圣诞节作准备。答案:B2A.merry BfreeClonely Dusual解析:根据上下文可知,因为刚搬来,不能跟我们的家人一块过圣诞节,所以对我们来说,这将会是一个孤独的(lonely)圣诞节。答案:C3A.Therefore BMeanwhileCSomehow DHowever解析:从上下文知,我们的圣诞节因为当地居民的举动而变得不再孤独,这里表示转折,故用however。答案:D4A.card BsignCknock Dnote解析:从下文知,有一天晚上有人来敲门,原来是Jeff的新同事John Smith和

39、他妻子Phyllis。答案:C5A.welcome BinviteCdrive Dsend解析:Smith夫妇用自家做的面包欢迎(welcome)我们的到来。答案:A6A.tree BpackageCmail Dflower解析:从上下文知,门廊上放着一包东西, 这是我们对街的邻居Brown夫妇送来的圣诞卡和圣诞饼干。答案:B7A.forgot BarrangedCreceived Dmissed解析:从下文知,门铃坏了,因此我们错过了Brown夫妇的来访。答案:D8A.deep BtrueCwarm Dmixed解析:同事和邻居对我们的关心带给我们的温暖远比食物带来的持续得长久。答案:C9A

40、.snow BrubbishCdust Dleaves解析:从上文“in the cold snowy weather”可知,我们在清除路上的积雪。答案:A10A.teach BhelpCurge Dforbid解析:这时我们隔壁的邻居Ernie Guzman过来帮忙。答案:B11A.share BprepareCtaste Dexchange解析:从下文知,我们被邀请去与邻居共享(share)平安夜晚宴。答案:A12A.aunt BguestCmaid Dpartner解析:从下文知,这是一位90岁的老太太,附近没有她的家人,所以她肯定是他们的客人(guest)。答案:B13A.folks

41、BrelativesCcolleagues Dneighbors解析:从上一段可知,这个晚宴是邻居邀请我们参加的,所以我们感谢邻居。答案:D14A.call BgreetingCbreakfast Dmeeting解析:由morning提示知,我们的圣诞早餐(breakfast)因为Smith夫妇送来的面包而很特别。答案:C15A.sorry BeagerCready Dgrateful解析:从语境知,我对邻居的这些欢迎方式非常感激(grateful)。答案:D16A.distance BexpenseCseason Dsituation解析:从下文知,由于距离(distance)远和工作繁忙

42、,我们还是无法与家人在圣诞节团聚。答案:A17A.Studying BShowingCKnowing DDiscovering解析:我们知道那种圣诞节所带来的孤独感,所以决定把那些在圣诞节孤独的人聚集到一块儿过节。答案:C18A.alone BbusyChappy Dactive解析:参见上题解析。答案:A19A.always BseldomCfinally Dusually解析:我们周围有很多孤独的人,但我们很少(seldom)注意到他们。答案:B20A.careful BpatientCvague Dkind解析:有时候微不足道的善举能发挥巨大的作用。答案:D.阅读理解(2012龙岩市质量

43、检测)A severe heatwave sweeping India, with temperatures of almost 44, the highest in 52 years, has killed at least 80 people this month, officials said on Sunday. The hot weather, which officials said would continue over northern, northwestern and central India in the next 48 hours, also may have som

44、e impact on wheat production, exporters and flourmill associations said.New Delhi recorded a maximum temperature of 43.7 on Saturday, indicating a hot summer in the next two months in the nations capital and other parts of northern and eastern India.The highest temperature in the past 24 hours was 4

45、7 at Ganganagar city, in Rajasthan state.Summer temperatures have been 46 above normal over most parts of northern and central India since March, weather officials said.In the eastern state of Orissa, authorities have decided to shut down schools from next Tuesday, advancing the annual summer holida

46、y.Authorities said they were investigating reports of 53 deaths from various parts of the state.“District collectors have been asked to investigate and submit reports on other deaths,” Bhimsen Gochhayat, a government official said. Other deaths were reported from northern state of Uttar Pradesh and

47、central Madhya Pradesh states.India is expected to produce about 82 million tons of wheat in 20092010, but there could be a shortage of 1 million 1.5 million tons due to the heatwave, said Veena Sharma, Secretary General of the Roller Flour Millers Federation of India. “Most of the harvesting is ove

48、r, but there definitely will be a slight shortage of 1 million 1.5 million tons due to the extreme weather conditions,”she told Reuters. India is relying on an abundant wheat crop to make up for a 14.2% drop in rice output, the major summersown grain, marred by the worst monsoon (季风) in 37 years las

49、t year. Weather officials said with summer temperatures in India set to remain above average, there were hopes of heavy rain at the start of the monsoon that would help early sowing of rice, soybeans and lentils.语篇解读:一场罕见的热浪席卷了印度,给其造成了巨大损失。1The purpose of the passage is _.Ato tell a piece of news of

50、 a heatwaveBto record the highest temperature in IndiaCto report the deaths in the heatwaveDto inform people of a drop of rice output解析:作者意图题。本文是一篇新闻报道,第一段第一句点明了文章的中心话题,根据本句内容可知文章的目的是报道一条关于热浪席卷印度的新闻。答案:A2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe highest temperature in the histor

51、y of India is 44.BSchools were closed because of the hot weather throughout India.CIndia is expected to produce about 82 million tons of rice in 20092010.DIndia has a good harvest of wheat while the rice output is decreasing.解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的开头部分可知印度的小麦喜获丰收;最后一段的开头部分提到印度正依靠小麦丰产来弥补大米产量降低14.2%的损失,由此可推

52、知印度的大米产量在下降。答案:D3. The underlined word “marred” in the last paragraph probably means “_”Adropped BdamagedCblown Dfollowed解析:词义猜测题。大米是印度最主要的夏季种植的农作物,去年受37年来最严重的季风的“毁坏”,产量下降14.2%。故选B项。答案:B4What is the main idea of the passage?AA severe heatwave would continue over India.BAt least 80% people were kille

53、d in the disaster this month.CA severe heatwave swept India with a great loss.DA slight shortage of 1 million 1.5 million tons of wheat is due to the heatwave.解析:主旨大意题。本文是一篇新闻报道,第一段是文章的中心段,根据该段内容可知文章主要讲的是一场严重的热浪席卷印度后对其造成的巨大损失。答案:C.选做题任务型读写 Youve seen news reports about people who need assistance aft

54、er a natural disaster or animals in need.Or perhaps youve watched TV programs about how lonely and isolated older people can get.So what can you do about any of those things? The answer: You can volunteer.Volunteering gives you an opportunity to change peoples lives, including your own.If youre feel

55、ing frustrated by the news of a disaster, volunteering to help can be a great way to deal with.If youd like to support a cause but cant afford to donate money, you can donate your time instead.Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills from working as part of a team to setting and reaching goal

56、s.It gives you a chance to discover what kinds of things youre best at and enjoy the most.A volunteer job that you love can even help shape your ideas about your career goals.Volunteering also can provide you with a sense of responsibility because people really depend on you.And it can help you deve

57、lop a new understanding of people who are different from you people with disabilities, people in financial distress, sick kids, or the elderly.Volunteering helps people feel they make a difference that they do have the power to change things for the better.When people depend on you, it can change th

58、e way you look at yourself.You can feel proud of the goals that youve achieved.Volunteering can also help save you from being bored,which gives you a place to be where you can have a good time and keep busy.In addition to all the other reasons, volunteering can look impressive on job applications.Th

59、ats not the main reason for volunteering, of course dont do it just to please others or only to look good.But it does show others that you are reliable enough.It also shows employers that you believe in making the world a better place and that youre willing to sacrifice your time and energy to do it

60、.TitleVolunteering(especially for Teens)ThemePeople can (1)_a lot from doing volunteer work(2)_ExpandYour(3)_It is a great way to learn new skills.It helps to find jobs youre best at and your (4)_ones.A volunteer job that you love can help shape your ideas about your career goals.It provides you wit

61、h a sense of (5)_It helps understand people different from you in (6)_ way.FeelGoodIt helps people make things (7)_It can change the way you look at your-self.You can take (8)_ in the achieved goals.It contributes to get (9)_ of your boredom.Look GoodIt can leave a get (10)_ on employers.答案:1.benefi

62、t2.Reasons3.Mind/Ability4.favorite5.responsibility6.another7.better8.pride9.rid10.impression短文填词Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our village! This village is a small one with nearly100 _ (家庭) and about 500 people. It used to be very 1._poor. However, it has _ (变化) a lot during the last ten 2._years a

63、nd has been developing very f_. People here are 3._living a much b_ life than before. They have moved into new 4._and big houses. Now the whole village is t_ on a new look. 5._ _ the past, the school here was very small and most 6._children couldnt a_ to go to school. But now it has been 7._rebuilt

64、and _ of the schoolaged children in the village 8._can study in the newlybuilt teaching building, _ has 9._four floors. Whats more, they enjoy free _ (教育). May 10._you have a pleasant time here! Thank you!答案:1.families2.changed3.fast4.better5.taking6.In7.afford8.all/each9.which10.education任务型阅读To se

65、nd and to read email has quickly become one of the most common daily activities around the world, either for business or pleasure._1_Several reasons why email has become a great tool is that it is fast, convenient, and affordable._2_ In the past, teachers often organized pen friends project where th

66、eir students would exchange letters with another group of students in another country._3_ And by that time, students might lose interest in the project or the class might and before a serious of meaningful exchanges can take place. _4_ With email, however, messages can be sent at a click of a button

67、 at school, home, or an Internet caf, and if you are using a free email account, the cost is free(not taking into account any Internet Service Provider fees that you have to pay)_5_ Email has a lot to offer, for language learners and teachers in the classroom.AIn addition, students have to pay imita

68、tional postage to send the letters.BHowever, the turnaround time for sending and receiving traditional letters can take up months.CNow, more students are using this form of communication to improve their language skills.DStudents can develop friendships with people from around the globe.EWhile chatting online, never give out personal information including your age.FOne particular activity that takes advantage of these points is a key pal exchange.GInstead of waiting days or weeks for a response, students can receive a reply quickly.答案:15CFBAG


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