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1、唐山市玉田县2016高考英语完形填空二轮练习(6)及答案完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Recently, one of my best friends, whom Ive shared just about everything with since the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I moved to a new town several years ago, weve both always _1_ the few times a year

2、 when we can see each other. Over the _2_, we spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the people she was _3_ around with. She started telling me stories about her new boyfriend, about how he experimented with _4_ and was into other _5_ behavior. I was blown away! She tol

3、d me how she had been _6_ to her parents about where she was going and even sneaking out to see this guy _7_ they didnt want her to keep in touch with him. No matter how hard I tried to tell her that she _8_ better, she didnt believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have disappeared. I tried to _9_ he

4、r that she was ruining her future and heading for big trouble. I felt like I was getting _10_. I just couldnt believe that she really thought it was _11_ to hang with a bunch of losers, especially her boyfriend. By the time she left, I was really worried about her and _12_ by the experience. It had

5、been so frustrating, I had come _13_ to telling her several times during the weekend that maybe we had just grown_14_far apart to continue our friendship - but I didnt. I put the power of _15_ to the ultimate test. Wed been friends for far too long. The chance was that she _16_ me enough to know tha

6、t I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that our friendship could _17_ anything. A few days later, she called to say that she had thought long and hard about our _18_, and then she told me that she had _19_ with her boyfriend. I just listened on the other end of the phon

7、e with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the truly rewarding moments in my life. Never _20_ been so proud of a friend. ( ) 1. A. worried aboutB. looked forward toC. paid attention toD. think of( ) 2. A. weekendB. monthsC. yearsD. days( ) 3. A. working B. falling in loveC. hangingD. ke

8、eping in touch( ) 4. A. books B. girlsC. friends D. drugs( ) 5. A. self-destructive B. self-respecting C. self-confident D. self-defensive( ) 6. A. explainingB. reasoningC. declaringD. lying( ) 7. A. when B. but C. because D. what ( ) 8. A. didB. deservedC. hadD. got( ) 9. A. told B. convinceC. forc

9、eD. warn( ) 10. A. somewhere B. everywhereC. nowhereD. anywhere( ) 11. A. acceptableB. believableC. reliableD. admirable( ) 12. A. exhaustedB. surprisedC. satisfiedD. terrified( ) 13. A. almostB. nearlyC. closeD. over( ) 14. A. very B. too C. so D. quite ( ) 15. A. loveB. friendshipC. truthD. justic

10、e( ) 16. A. thoughtB. rememberedC. valued D. hated( ) 17. A. meanB. conquerC. tellD. prove( ) 18. A. friendshipB. relationshipC. quarrel D. conversation( ) 19. A. broke awayB. broke down C. broke upD. broke out( ) 20.A .I had B. I have C. have I D. had I 完型填空:【文章大意】文章中作者通过讲述自己帮助一个非常亲密的朋友摆脱自己的困境 , 从这

11、件事中作者感受到了朋友的力量是巨大的。1.【考点分析】动词短语的辨析。【参考答案】 B。【解题思路】因为他们是最好的朋友,所以自从分开后一直盼望着在周末见到对方。2.【考点分析】名词在句子中的考查。【参考答案】 A。【解题思路】他们只有在周末才能见到对方。文章一开始就提到是在周末见面。 3.【考点分析】动词短语的辨析。【参考答案】 C。【解题思路】hang around with sb.同某人长时间呆在一起;如选B,则应把around去掉。4.【考点分析】名词的意思考查。【参考答案】D。【解题思路】根据后文作者劝她的朋友同其男朋友分手是因为她的男朋友吸毒。5.【考点分析】形容词的辨析。【参考答

12、案】 A。【解题思路】吸毒的结果只能是自我毁灭。destructive“破坏性的”; defensive“自卫的”; confident “自信的”。6.【考点分析】 动词意思的考查。【参考答案】D。 【解题思路】因为她的家人不想让她同她男朋友在一起,所以为了见到男朋友,她经常对家人撒谎。此处用because表示原因。7.【考点分析】连词的考查。【参考答案】C 。【解题思路】通过阅读文章我们可知上下句是因果关系,故此处用because引导原因状语从句。8.【考点分析】动词意思的辨析。【参考答案】 B。【解题思路】(如果她同男朋友分手)就能够得到更好的结果。deserve “应受,值得”。9.【

13、考点分析】动词短语的辨析。【参考答案】 B。【解题思路】convince sb.使某人相信,使其信服。句意为“我努力地想使她相信这样他她会毁掉自己的将来”。10.【考点分析】动词短语的辨析。【参考答案】C。 【解题思路】get nowhere “没有取得任何成就;毫无进展”。11.【考点分析】形容词的考查。【参考答案】A 。【解题思路】作者的朋友认为同她的男朋友在一起是可以接受的,所以才同他呆在一起。12.【考点分析】形容词的考查。【参考答案】A。【解题思路】根据后文可知作者曾一度想同好朋友分手,所以对此事感到精疲力竭,不想再去管她的事情了。13.【考点分析】固定短语的用法。【参考答案】C。【

14、解题思路】close to此处意为“几乎”;come close to doing“差一点做某事”。14.【考点分析】固定搭配的考查。【参考答案】B。【解题思路】tooto表示一个否定的意思, 意为“太而不能”,是固定搭配。15.【考点分析】名词用法的考查。【参考答案】B。【解题思路】此处意为“我希望友谊的力量能经得起最后的考验,能改变最终的结果”。16.【考点分析】动词辨析。【参考答案】。【解题思路】value“重视,珍惜”。很可能她非常珍惜我们之间的友谊,知道我是在救她。17.【考点分析】动词的辨析。【参考答案】B。【解题思路】 我相信友谊能战胜、征服一切。conquer “征服”,符合题

15、意。18.【考点分析】名词的辨析。【参考答案】D。【解题思路】 回去之后,对我们之间的谈话想了好久。19.【考点分析】动词短语的辨析。【参考答案】C。【解题思路】break up with sb.“同某人断绝关系”。文中指朋友与自己的男友分手。break away “脱离”;break down “分解,毁掉”。20.【考点分析】倒装句的考查。【参考答案】D 。【解题思路】该句是个倒装句,根据文中的时态,可知此处应该用过去完成时。完形填空。阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-45各题 所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案Each spring brings a new blossom of wil

16、dflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work.There is one _1_ blue flower that has always caught my eye. Ive_2_ that it blooms only in the _3_ hours. The afternoon sun is too _4_ for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers.This spring, I _5_ a wil

17、dflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the _6_ window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. Ive often _7_ that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would _8_ great in that bed alongside other wildflowers. Every day I drove past the flowers _9_ , “Ill stop on my way home and dig them

18、.” Gee, I dont want to get my good _10_ dirty. Whatever the reason, I _11_ stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel (铲子) one year to be used for that expressed _12_ .One day on my way home from work, I was _13_ to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pre

19、tty blue flowers were _14_ . I thought to myself, “Way to go, you_15_ too long. You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.”A week ago we were shocked and saddened to _16_ that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor(晚期脑肿瘤) . _17_ we havent been as close as we al

20、l would have liked. I couldnt help but see the _18_ between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husbands sister and us.And yes, _19_ I see the blue flowers again, you can bet Ill stop and _20_ them to my wildflower garden.1AparticularBexpensiveCpreviousDcolorful2A .imagined Bfelt


22、factionBdisappointmentCpurposeDanxiety13AsurprisedBsaddenedCencouragedDashamed14AunhappyBlonelyCgoneDalive15AwaitedBdroveCwentDstopped16ArealizeBlearnCobserveDdecide17ASurprisinglyBGenerallyCObviouslyDUnfortunately18AloveBdifferenceCsecretDconnection19AsinceBunlessCifDbefore20AtransportBsteal Cinvit

23、eDpull参考答案1-5 ACAAC 6-10 DBBDC 11-15 DCBCA 16-20 BDDCA(2014马鞍山市高中毕业班第一次教学质量检测)A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years.She_1_immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back._2_she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was h

24、erself hurt_3_the pain she caused._4_to cancel what she had done,she went to an older,wiser woman in the village,explained her situation,and asked for_5_.Listening to her,the older woman_6_the younger womans distress and knew she must help her.She also knew she could never_7_her pain,but she could t

25、each.She knew the_8_would depend only on the character of the younger woman.She said,“Tonight,take your best feather pillows and put a single feather on the doorstep of each house in the town_9_the sun rises.”The young woman hurried_10_to prepare for her chore,even though the feather pillows were ve

26、ry_11_to her.All night long,she labored alone in the cold.Finally the sky was getting_12_,she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house.Just as the sun rose,she returned to_13_.“Now,” said the wise woman,“Go back and_14_your pillows with the feather you have put on the steps.Then everyt

27、hing will be_15_it was before.”“You know thats_16_!The wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the_17_!” The younger woman was surprised.“Thats true,” said the older woman.“Never forget.Each of your_18_is like a feather in the wind.Once spoken,no amount of effort,_19_how heartfelt or

28、 sincere,they can never return to your mouth.Choose your words well and_20_them most of all in the presence of those you love.”1.Asaid Bfelt Cregretted Dexplained2A.That BWhich CWho DWhat3A.forBas CtoDof4A.By means BIn an effortCIn additionDOn account5A.questionBsuggestionCadvice Dpractice6A.sensedB

29、touched Csmelt Dbreathed7A.raise BreleaseCrelieve Drehearse8A.outlineBoutcome Coutput Doutbreak9A.until BunlessCafter Dbefore10A.home BsouthCinsideDoutdoors11A.heavy BbrilliantCcolorful Ddear12A.light Bdark Crainy Dsunny13A.her home Bthe older woman Cher bedroom Dthe feather pillow14A.reciteBrebuild

30、CrefillDrecycle15A.with Bjust ClikeDas16A.impossible Bimportant Cimaginable Dimmoral17A.house BdoorstepsCpillow Dbag18A.action Bfeather CwordsDbehavior19A.friendless BregardlessChomeless Dhopeless20A.guaranteeBsecure CmaintainDguard语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。一个善良的女人说了一些话伤害了她最好的朋友,她话一出口就后悔了。她的话伤害朋友如此之深,以至于这个善良的女人为

31、自己给朋友造成痛苦而伤心不已。这个故事告诉我们:覆水难收。所以在别人面前尤其是我们珍爱的人面前最好注意自己的言辞。1解析:考查动词辨析。由下文语境可知,她话一出口就后悔了。regret意为“后悔”,符合语境。答案:C2解析:考查名词性从句的引导词。空格处引导主语从句,且主语从句中缺少动词say的宾语,所以用what引导。答案:D3解析:考查介词辨析。这个善良的女人为自己给朋友造成痛苦而伤心不已。for意为“因为”,符合语境。答案:A4解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:为了努力消除她所做的一切,她去找村子里年长的、聪明的女人。in an effort to do sth.意为“试图做某事”,符合语

32、境。答案:B5解析:考查名词辨析。根据第二段第一句话中“she must help her.she could teach”可知,她来是寻求建议的。ask for advice意为“请求建议”。答案:C6解析:考查动词辨析。 句意为:听着年轻女人的述说,这位老妇人感觉到了她的忧伤,并且知道得帮助她。sense意为“感觉到”,符合语境。答案:A7解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:老妇人知道她不可能减轻她的伤痛,但可以让她从中吸取教训。relieve意为“减轻”,符合语境。答案:C8解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:她明白事情的结果只能是取决于她的性格。outcome意为“结果,结局”,符合语境。答案:B9解

33、析:考查连词辨析。句意为:她说:“今晚,拆开你最好的羽毛枕头,在太阳升起之前,在本镇每家的门前的台阶上放一根羽毛。”由下文语境可知,此处指在太阳升起之前,故选D项。答案:D10解析:考查副词辨析。句意为:年轻女人匆匆赶回家准备这件事。答案:A11解析:考查形容词辨析。由上文“take your best feather pillows.”可知,这些枕头是她非常心爱的。答案:D12解析:考查动词辨析。由上文可知,她是在晚上将羽毛放在每家的台阶上,由此可推出此处指天快亮了。答案:A13解析:考查名词辨析。由下文她和老妇人的对话可知,她在太阳升起时回到老妇人那里。答案:B14解析:考查动词辨析。句意

34、为:回去再用你放在每家台阶上的羽毛把枕头填满。refill.with.意为“重新填满”,符合语境。答案:C15解析:考查词汇辨析。句意为:然后,一切事情将会像以前一样。as意为“像一样,依照”,符合语境。 答案:D16解析:考查形容词辨析。由下文语境可知,羽毛被风吹走了,再将羽毛填到枕头里是不可能的。impossible意为“不可能的”,符合语境。答案:A17解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:我把羽毛一放在台阶上,风就把它们吹跑了!根据句意以及第二段最后一句话中的“doorstep”提示可知,应选B项。答案:B18解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:你要永远记住,你的每句话就像是风中的羽毛,覆水难收。本文中提到这个善良的女人用话语伤害了她的好友,且由下文“Once spoken.they can never return to your mouth.”提示可知应选C项。答案:C19解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:一旦话已说出,尽管你的愿望是如何真心、如何诚意,但所说的话如泼水不可收回。regardless意为“不管,不顾”,符合语境。答案:B20解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:在那些为你所爱的人面前,适当选择并且控制你的言辞。guard意为“控制;使(言辞等)谨慎”,符合语境。答案:D。


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