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2014-2015学年高中英语(课标外研版必修4)课时作业:MODULE 6 课时作业(十二)  WORD版含解析.doc

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2014-2015学年高中英语(课标外研版必修4)课时作业:MODULE 6 课时作业(十二)  WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、课时作业(十二)Cultural Corner & Writing.单词拼写1The children are finding it hard to _(适应)to their new school.2The ships seem to have _(消失)off the face of the earth.3If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become_(绝种)4Many people were shocked by the idea that Man had _(进化)from lower f

2、orms of life.5I have read an article about Yao Ming,one with good _(名誉)at home and abroad.6Hundreds of people leave their village to seek their_(运气)in cities.7He _(暗示)that in fact your help was not welcome.8At present the experts are still uncertain of skeletons(尸骨)_(身份)9The fire which broke out las

3、t week caused the _(毁坏)of our bookstore.10I had wanted to borrow his bike for an outing,but he gave me a _(正面的)refusal.单项填空1Look!The black clouds are gathering,which _that it will rain soon.AindicatesBexplodesCclaims Dthinks2Without nature reserves,more animals are likely to become_,which is known t

4、o us all.Aprecious BvaluableCextinct Dcommon3These findings _the burial customs of the ancient Indian tribe of that area.Athrow light on Bhave a word withCset foot in Dlight up4The information,which she thought_,was_ to me.Ano value;very usefulBof no valuable;very usefulCno valuable;of great useDof

5、no value;of great use5Its bad news that quite a few rare animals _ each year.Adie of Bdie outCdie from Ddie down6_the heavy rain and flooding,ten million people have been forced to leave their homes.AAs a result BBecauseCThanks to DDue to7(2013太原高一检测)The _caused by the earthquake in Yaan was serious

6、,which left thousands of people homeless.Aoffer BforceCstrength Ddestruction8How do these insects _themselves to new environments?It is just what the scientists want to find out.Aadapt BapplyCreact Dspread9After a long investigation,the _of the murdered man has been confirmed.Aevidence BabilityCfort

7、une Didentity10Mom.Ive won the first place in the singing contest._! Congratulations!AThats quite somethingBThats something goodCGood luckDThat sounds fine.阅读理解AMore than one slippery(狡猾的)creatures are said to be living in the Loch Ness.In many cases,people have reported seeing a humped(背部隆起的)“whati

8、sit”for over 30 years.For a long time the mysterious monster was considered just a joke.But things changed in 1966.Then,some photo experts of the Royal Air Force reported on their study of a film of the“monster”They said that there really was some huge object in the Loch Ness and its probably alive!

9、The man who “caught” Nessie on film was Tim Dinsdale.One day in 1960,he was driving slowly along a road above the black water of the Loch Ness.Suddenly,he spotted a reddishbrown,humpbacked object floating about 1,600 yards away.He hurriedly stopped his car and grabbed his camera.The thing began movi

10、ng toward the far shore.Dinsdale filmed what he was sure was the back of a huge animal.It was half in and half out of the water.The creature swam away in a slow zigzag(之字形 )course.Soon it disappeared in a giant splash of foam(泡沫)But Tim Dinsdale had Nessies picture on 40 feet of film!The film was sh

11、own on TV programs all over the world.Unfortunately,scientists who study animals(zoologists)still laughed about Nessie.But a small group of interested people decided to investigate further.They set up the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau.In 1964,the group gave Dinsdales film to the photo exp

12、erts of the Royal Air Force.“Heres a film,”said the group.“Tell us whats on it.”The 1966 report of the RAF made “Nessie” respectable.1Who made Nessie believable?AThe small group. BTim Dinsdale.CSome zoologists. DSome experts of RAF.2Which statement is true?AThe RAF studied Nessie carefully for six y

13、ears.BTim Dinsdale once caught Nessie.CBefore 1966,few believed there was a monster in the Loch Ness.DZoologists studied Dinsdales photo at first.3What does the word“investigate”mean in the last but one paragraph?Atrack down BspotCfilm Dlook intoBAt 2:30 on December 5,1945,five US Navy training plan

14、es took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale,Florida.The planes flew east over the coast.and disappeared.The group was Flight 19,on a run between Florida and Bahamas.Tailor was the group leader.At about 3:40,Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly.The other planes follo

15、wed their leaders aimlessly,first east,then west,then northeast over the ocean,as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio.Then,suddenly Tailor was heard to give orders to dive.Quickly,two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19.Several hours later,the wind became stro

16、ng and visibility(能见度)dropped.A return to base was ordered.But only one of the Martin seaplanes landed.Four days later,the Navy and Coast Guard combed a 100,000 square miles area with more than 100 planes and ships.No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.Today,people have noted the disappearanc

17、e of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角区)The points of the triangle are Bermuda,Puerto Rico and a spot in the Gulf of Mexico,west of Florida.It is a twofaced water world of tiny islands,bright beaches and beautiful

18、 waters.Yet thick fogs,powerful currents(激流)and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.4Why did Flight 19 disappear?ABecause the wind became strong and visibility dropped.BBecause Tailor was given wrong orders to dive.CBecause Tailor couldnt read his compasses correctly.DBecause someth

19、ing unknown made the compasses unable to work as usual.5In what position did Flight 19 disappear?AIn the southwest part of the North Atlantic Ocean.BIn the northeast part of the North Atlantic Ocean.CTo the southwest part of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.DTo the northeast part of Bermuda in the Atla

20、ntic Ocean.6How many planes disappeared altogether that day?AFive. BSix.CTwo. DOnly one.7Which of the following shows the correct position of the Bermuda Triangle?(F Florida,Bm Bermuda,PR Puerto Rico,Bh Bahamas,MG the Gulf of Mexico,Atl the Atlantic Ocean,B Base)8The underlined word“combed”in the pa

21、ssage means_.Acovered withBflew overCdid up ones hair with a combDsearched all over.翻译句子1去国外时,你必须适应新的风俗习惯。(adapt)_2他的科学实验使这一问题明朗化。(throw light on)_3这项工程由于缺乏资金而不得不放弃。(due to)_4每一秒对我们来说都很宝贵。(be of n.)_5有这些机会,我们很幸运。(fortunate)_课时作业(十二).1.adapt2.disappeared3.extinct4.evolved5.reputation6.fortune7.indica

22、ted8.identity9destruction10.positive.1.A句意:看,黑云聚集起来了,这说明很快要下雨了。indicate“指示,说明”;explode“爆炸”;claim“声称”;think“认为,想”。2C句意:众所周知,如果没有自然保护区,很有可能更多的动物将要灭绝。precious珍贵的;valuable宝贵的; extinct绝种的;common普遍的,常见的。3Athrow light on帮助弄清楚,符合句意,have a word with与交谈;set foot in涉足;light up照亮。4D句意:她认为没有价值的信息对我来说却很有用。第一空作tho

23、ught的宾语补足语,用not valuable或of no value;第二空作表语,用very useful或of great use。故答案为D。5B句意:每年都有一些稀有动物绝种,这真是个坏消息。die out绝种,符合句意。die of/from死于;die down逐渐变弱。6Ddue to因为,由于;thanks to多亏了,幸好;because后面接句子;as a result结果,后面也接句子。7D句意:雅安地震引起的破坏很严重,这让成千上万人无家可归。destruction名词,“破坏”;offer“帮助”;force“力量,武力”;strength“力量”。8A问句句意:

24、这些昆虫是如何适应新环境的?adapt oneself to“适应”符合题意。apply“申请,应用”;react“反应”;spread“扩展”。9D句意:在长期调查之后,凶手的身份已被确认。evidence证据;ability能力;fortune财富;identity身份。10AThats quite something ! 真了不起!.1.D细节理解题。由最后一段可知D项正确。2C推理判断题。短文告诉我们:很长时间以来这个神秘的怪兽只被看做一个玩笑,但在1966年the RAF的报告报道后,这种情况改变了,人们开始相信水怪的存在。3D由下文“他们成立了尼斯湖现象调查局”可知,他们要对水怪进

25、行进一步的调查。look into“调查,研究”。4D根据第一段中的“At about 3:40,Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly.”可知选D项。5A细节理解题。根据第三段可知:今天,我们已经记录了很多船只和飞机在北大西洋西南部的百慕大失踪。6B细节理解题。根据第一、二段可知,共有七架飞机,只有一架生还。即:five US Navy training planes和one of the Martin seaplanes失踪。7A细节理解题。联系全文可知A项正确。8D词义推测题。从此词所在的句意看,combe

26、d意为“四处寻找”,故选D项。.1.When you go to a foreign country,you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.2His scientific experiments threw light on the problem.3The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of money.4Each second is of great value to us.5We are fortunate in having/to have these chances.


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