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2019-2020学年新素养导学英语必修二人教全国版文档:UNIT4 PERIOD FOUR WORD版含答案.docx

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1、 Period FourGrammarThe Present Progressive Passive Voice感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题1Were being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.2Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.3I wonder what is being done to help you.4So good things are being done here to save local wildlife.1以上例句中所使用的时态和语

2、态是现在进行时的被动语态。2现在进行时的被动语态的谓语构成是:am/is/arebeingdone。一、含义现在进行时的被动语态表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的被动动作,强调主语是动作的承受者。二、结构1肯定式:主语am/is/arebeing done Some trees are being cut down in the park.公园里的一些树木正在被砍伐。2否定式:主语am/is/arenot being done It is reported that the water in the lake is not being protected now.据报道,这个湖里的水现在没有得到

3、保护。3一般疑问式:Am/Is/Are (not)主语being doneAre the babies being taken care of by this nurse? 这些婴儿正由这个护士照看吗?4特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词am/is/are (not)主语being doneWho is being trained for the coming English speech contest?谁正在为了即将到来的英语演讲比赛接受训练?三、用法1表示说话时正在进行的被动动作。句中常用now,at the moment等时间状语。The topic is being discussed by t

4、hem at the moment.这个话题此刻正在被他们讨论。He is now being treated in China.现在,他正在中国接受治疗。2表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作(说话时不一定在进行)。These animals are being hunted at such a speed that they will disappear soon.以如此速度捕杀动物,它们很快就会消失。Preparations are being made for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.东京正在为2020年奥运会做准备。3表示一种习惯的被动行为,常与alw

5、ays,constantly,often等词连用,表示有赞赏、羡慕、讨厌等感情色彩。I feel very surprised that the window of our classroom is often being broken.我感到非常吃惊的是我们教室的窗户经常被打破。Tom is always being praised by the teacher.汤姆总是被老师表扬。4与某些情态动词连用,表示对正在发生的动作的推测。Jim may be being interviewed by the reporters at the very moment.吉姆此刻可能正在被记者们采访。D

6、o you know what Smith is doing?He is ill.He may be being examined by the doctor.你知道史密斯正在做什么吗?他病了。他可能正在接受医生的检查。四、现在进行时的被动语态注意要点1不可遗漏being。现在进行时的被动语态表示说话时正在进行的一个被动的动作,如果我们把being漏掉,即成为一般现在时的被动语态或系表结构。Look!The children are being taken care of by their aunt.瞧!孩子们正由他们的姑妈照看着。Children are taken good care of

7、 at school.孩子们在学校被照顾得很好。(一般现在时的被动语态)The report is being written by one of the best students.报告正由一名最优秀的学生写着呢。The report is well written.(系表结构)这个报告写得很好。2现在进行时的被动语态也可以表示将来。现在进行时的被动语态有时可表示按计划或安排将要进行的一个被动动作(此种用法仅限于少数及物动词hold,take等)。A party is being held tonight.今晚将要举行一场晚会。3没有现在进行时的被动语态的动词(短语)。一些表示状态、心理活动

8、、拥有、存在等的动词(短语),如stay,love,have,want,belong to等,一般不用现在进行时的被动语态,而常用一般现在时的被动语态。Xiao Wang,come here.You are wanted on the phone.小王,过来,有你的电话。Football is becoming more and more popular.In other words,it is loved by more and more people.足球现在变得越来越流行了,换句话说,它被越来越多的人所喜爱。4“beunder/in等介词名词”结构可表示现在进行时的被动语态的含义。The

9、 problem is under discussion(is being discussed) at the meeting.这个问题正在会上讨论。The telephone is in use(is being used) now.这部电话正在使用中。单句语法填空1In fact,tradition also refers to(涉及) the things that have been developing and that are still being created(create)(2018全国)2My washing machine is being repaired(repai

10、r) this week,so I have to wash my clothes by hand.(2018天津)3Now similar concerns are being raised(raise) by the giants(巨头) that deal in data,the oil of the digital age(数字时代)(2017江苏)4Apple Days are being held(hold) at all sorts of places with an interest in fruit.(2016全国)5As busy people,we are always

11、looking(look) for ways to save time and make our lives easier.(2015安徽).句型转换1The teacher is grading the students schoolwork now.The students schoolwork is being graded by the teacher now.2The police have arrested a young man and they are questioning him now.A young man has been arrested and is being

12、questioned by the police now.3The building is being constructed.The building is under construction.4We have to take another road because this road is being repaired.We have to take another road because this road is under repair.5The boys and girls are decorating the classrooms.The classrooms are bei

13、ng decorated by the boys and girls.6The manager is punishing the worker for his fault.The worker is being punished for his fault by the manager.用括号内单词的适当形式填空We are sad to know that nowadays great damage 7.is being done(do) to animals by human beings.Many animals are endangered because their habitats

14、 8.are being threatened(threaten) now.Rainforests 9.are being cut(cut) at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.Rivers and lakes 10.are being polluted(pollute) by factories.Another reason why many species of animals are dying out is that they 11.are being killed(kil

15、l) either for food or for clothing.What if we continue to do whatever we like?Thankfully,there is an organization 12.called(call) WWF,which is very concerned about this problem.With its help,wildlife parks 13.have been set(set) up to protect endangered animals 14.recently(recent)For example,the Afri

16、can elephants now 15.are being protected(protect) in a wildlife park by WWF and their number 16.is increasing(increase) quickly.基础巩固.完成句子1By the way,have you moved into the new house?Not yet.The walls are being painted(正在被粉刷)2The famous actress,together with her group members,is being interviewed(正在

17、被采访) by several interviewers now.3The evening party the children are looking forward to is being held(正在被举行) now.4You arent allowed to go into the meeting room.A secret plan is being made(正在被制订) there.5Some new songs are being taught(正在被教) by the teacher.语法填空(用所给词的正确时态、语态填空)Li Ming:Hi,Lin Tao,its se

18、veral months since we 6.met(meet) last time.You said you were tired of your work and you 7.would find(find) a new job.What are you doing now?Lin Tao:Oh,Im 8.being trained(train) for the work in the supermarket this month.You know,a supermarket 9.is being built(build) in our town,and it 10.will be(be

19、) open in about two months.Where are you going now?Li Ming:I 11.am going(go) to the centre stadium,where the spring sports meeting 12.is being held(hold)Lin Tao:I hear that a car exhibition is also 13.being held(hold) there.Why dont you drive there?Its a long way from here.Li Ming:There is something

20、 wrong with my car and it 14.is being repaired(repair) in a company.I 15.am losing(lose) weight recently,so Id like to go there on foot.Lin Tao:I see.Then wish you a good day!Li Ming:Thank you!Bye!Lin Tao:Bye!能力提升.阅读理解The loneliest chimp(黑猩猩) in the world just got the best surprisea hug from a new f

21、riend.Ponso has been by himself for nearly three years,finding himself alone after his wife and children died on the island where they were abandoned by a medical testing company many years ago.For years a nearby villager named Germain has been Ponsos only company,visiting him so often to bring bana

22、nas and breadthe chimps only source of food on the tiny island.It was clear how much Ponso missed companionship when he was recently visited by Estelle Raballand,the director of Chimpanzee Conservation Centre.The chimp immediately embraced Estelle Raballand in a huge hug and laughed as she reached o

23、ut to him,with his smile from ear to ear.For those who know Ponsos backstory,his immediate ease and trust in humans might be surprising.Ponso was one of 20 chimps,all between the ages of 7 to 11 years old,relocated to an island off the Ivory Coast after being used for testing by the New York Blood C

24、entre.After the tests were completed in 2005,the lab reportedly transferred the chimps to a string of islands,occasionally dropping off food and water because there was none in the chimps new homes.Disease and hunger soon left only Ponso,his mate and their two children standing.But at the end of 201

25、3 they died within days of each other and Ponso was now completely alone.A group called SOS PONSO is trying to raise money for the poor lonely chimp,already achieving its goal of 20,000all of which will be used for Ponsos care.语篇解读本文介绍了独自在孤岛上生活的大猩猩Ponso。它对新朋友Estelle Raballand的造访感到很兴奋。目前,很多人都很关心这只孤独的

26、大猩猩,并成立了一个专门的组织为其募捐。16What do we know about the chimp Ponso?AHe was deserted by his family.BHe found many sources of food.CHe came to the island for a test.DHe suffers from loneliness greatly.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Ponso has been by himself for nearly three years,finding himself alone after his wife and

27、 children died on the island.”可知,妻子和孩子死后,Ponso独自在岛上待了三年,非常寂寞,故D项正确。17How did Ponso feel about the visit of Estelle Raballand?AFrightened. BExcited.CEmbarrassed. DConfused.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The chimp immediately embraced Estelle Raballand in a huge hug and laughed as she reached out for him,with h

28、is smile from ear to ear.”可知,Ponso对Estelle Raballand的造访感到很兴奋,故B项正确。18What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AThe chimps new settlement.BWhy Ponso was used for a test.CHow Ponso came to the island.DThe medical test about chimps.答案C解析段落大意题。根据第三段内容可知,本段主要介绍了Ponso先是被用于做实验,然后在实验结束后被送到这个岛上,故C项正确。19What can be i

29、nferred from the text?AMany people show concern for Ponso.BA new lab will be built on the island.CGermain wont visit Ponso any more.DMore chimps will be brought to the island.答案A解析推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,人们成立了一个专门的组织为Ponso进行募捐并已募集到了目标捐款,可见很多人关心Ponso,故A项正确。.完形填空When I was five years old,I had a toy cat named

30、Smokey.I took the brown 20 everywhere I went.One day my parents and I went to the 21 with my toy cat.I remember I liked 22 with my parents.I always imagined that my 23 Smokey and I were going on a(n) 24 together.When I walked into the store I went 25 to the teddy bears.I made my toy cat Smokey play

31、26 his new friends Ted and Beary.By the time we got all the things we needed my parents told me it was time to 27 .They were already by the checkout counter 28 I left immediately.In my hurry I 29 the toy cat on the shelf.We walked to the car and I started to help my parents put what we bought 30 .Th

32、en we all started to 31 home.But then I realized that I left my toy cat at the store.So I started to 32 ,kicking my legs.But my parents didnt want to go back.So I 33 them to go back to get my cat.I ran into the store as fast as I could.Smokey was just sitting there in the same place, 34 .I ran to my

33、 toy cat and 35 it up.I still have my toy cat sitting on my desk.I havent played with it since I was five or six. 36 when I look through my 37 and see it,the cat brings back many 38 memories.Even the 39 things in life,like a brown cat named Smokey,can influence you in a very personal way.语篇解读作者主要讲述小

34、时候和一个玩具猫的故事,说明即使是最小的事物也会对个体产生影响。20A.cat BdogCpig Dhen答案A解析根据空前的“I had a toy cat named Smokey”可知,作者有一只玩具“猫”。故选A项。21A.station BfactoryCstore Dschool答案C解析根据后文中的“When I walked into the store.”可知,作者和父母一起去了“商店”。故选C项。22A.traveling BshoppingCsailing Dplaying答案B解析根据文中提到的商店及后文内容可知,作者是跟随父母去“购物”。故选B项。23A.mother

35、 BsisterCbrother Dfriend答案D解析通读全文可知,Smokey是一只玩具猫,作者把它当成了“朋友”。故选D项。24A.fight BexerciseCtrip Ddiet答案C解析作者总是想象着自己和玩具猫一起去“旅行”。故选C项。25A.straight BtogetherChardly Dfinally答案A解析作者进入商店,直接走向泰迪熊玩具那里。go straight to.径直走向。故选A项。26A.of BtoCin Dwith答案D解析作者让自己的玩具猫“和”泰迪熊玩。play with.与一起玩。故选D项。27A.stop BsettleCleave Dr

36、ecover答案C解析选好了需要的东西,父母告诉作者该“走”了。故选C项。28A.for BbutCor Dso答案D解析作者的父母已经在收银台那里付账,“因此”作者马上离开了。故选D项。29A.left BwentCcame Dreturned答案A解析匆忙之中,作者把玩具猫“忘”在了货架上。故选A项。后文中的“But then I realized that I left my toy cat at the store.”也是提示。30A.outside BinsideCoutdoor Dindoor答案B解析他们走到汽车那里,作者开始帮助父母把买的东西装到车“里”。故选B项。31A.wa

37、lk BdriveCfly Dfind答案B解析根据设空前一句“We walked to the car.”可知,作者一家人完成购物之后就“开车”回家了。故选B项。32A.cry BattackCsmile Damaze答案A解析在回家的路上,作者发现玩具猫忘在了商店,因此“哭”了起来。故选A项。33A.ordered BnoticedCallowed Dbegged答案D解析作者想去商店取回玩具猫但是作者的父母却不愿意回去,于是作者“乞求”他父母。故选D项。34A.unaccepted BunlockedCuntouched Dunforgotten答案C解析返回商店后,作者迅速跑到自己放玩

38、具猫的地方,发现它还在原地,“没有被动过”。untouched未被触摸的。故选C项。35A.picked BlookedCkept Dset答案A解析作者跑到玩具猫那里把它“捡”起来。pick sth.up把某物捡起来。故选A项。36A.Sometime BSome timesCSometimes DSome time答案C解析作者的玩具猫仍然在桌子上,从五六岁开始作者就不再玩它了。“有时候”看到它,仍然能勾起美好的回忆。sometimes有时,表频率,符合语境。sometime某个时候;some times几次;some time某段时间,常和for连用。故选C项。37A.kitchen B

39、boxCshelf Ddesk答案D解析根据上文“I still have my toy cat sitting on my desk.”可知,作者是把玩具猫放在了“桌子”上。故选D项。38A.good BnewCbad Dsad答案A解析玩具猫给作者带来许多“美好的”回忆。故选A项。39A.best BbiggestCsmallest Dworst答案C解析根据后文中的“like a brown cat named Smokey”可知,设空处要表达的是,甚至是最小的事物也会对个人产生影响。故选C项。.语法填空Everyone has a childhood and childhood exp

40、eriences are often very 40. (interest)Children often make us laugh.I often remember my childhood,the years 41. many funny things happened.When I was a twoyearold child,both my parents were always very busy 42. their work.My mother worked as 43. sales manager in a company while my father served in th

41、e army.So I 44. (live) with my grandma in a village.I was always waiting for my parents at home.Once my father sent 45. (we) a photo of his in soldiers uniform,which 46. (post) on the table reminding me of him.Once my mother came to see me and we were going to the downtown together.On the way we saw

42、 a group of 47. (soldier)And when I saw them,I became very 48. (excite)I shouted in a loud voice,“This is my father,that one is my father,and he is my father,too.”49 (hear) this,my mother laughed and said she would remember that moment all her life.语篇解读作者小时候由于父母工作忙而被送到农村和奶奶一起生活,由于很少能见到父亲且曾见过父亲穿军装的照片

43、,一次出门见到一队穿军装的人,作者把他们中的很多人误认成了自己的父亲。40答案interesting解析考查形容词。根据后一句“Children often make us laugh.”可知,童年的经历是有趣的,故填interesting。41答案when解析考查定语从句。本句是一个定语从句,先行词是the years,后面定语从句的句子结构完整,所以使用关系副词when引导这个定语从句,when在从句中作时间状语。42答案with解析考查介词。be busy with sth.忙于做某事。43答案a解析考查冠词。一位销售经理a sales manager。44答案lived解析考查时态。文

44、章讲的是作者儿时的经历,应该用一般过去时态。45答案us解析考查代词。send sb.sth.寄给某人某物,sb.用宾格形式,故填us。46答案was posted解析考查时态和语态。根据句意“被邮寄过来的照片放在桌上”可知用被动语态,又因为文章讲述过去的事情,需要用一般过去时,故填was posted。47答案soldiers解析考查名词复数。a group of soldiers一队士兵,故用名词复数形式。48答案excited解析考查形容词。根据句意可知,作者非常激动,故填excited。49答案Hearing解析考查非谓语动词。hear和my mother之间是主动关系,用动词ing形

45、式,且在句首,首字母应大写,故填Hearing。.短文改错(2018河北衡水高一检测)My school life is very interesting but meaningful.I usually get up at a quarter past six.After I wash his face,I read English for about half an hour.I think what it is a good habit.I always go to school by bike,to eat lunch at school and have a short sleep

46、on the classroom.In the afternoon school is over at 5 oclock.After school,I often play basketball or do some other sport on the playground happy.I went home at about five forty.Having had supper,I watch TV for while,and then I do my homeworks.I go to bed at about 930.答案My school life is very interes

47、ting meaningful.I usually get up at a quarter past six.After I wash face,I read English for about half an hour.I think 或what it is a good habit.I always go to school by bike,to eat lunch at school and have a short sleep the classroom.In the afternoon school is over at 5 oclock.After school,I often play basketball or do some other on the playground .I home at about five forty.Having had supper,I watch TV for while,and then I do my .I go to bed at about 930.


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