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1、【由2013界广东省广雅中学高三上第一次月考改编】 完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。I used to walk my dog every morning. Later when we got back home, I would give it some food. This usually caught the 1 of a mynah bird. The most 2 feature of this bird was its brightly-coloured 3 mouth, so I found it a bit strange.La

2、ter I read a book and found that the colour yellow 4 “communication, optimism and inspiration”. I took the “c” from 5 , “o” from optimism, and “in” from inspiration to form the word “Coin”. This became the birds 6 .Every time when my dog finished his 7 , Coin would look at me and sing , “Raack! Raac

3、k!” After singing, she would start picking up the food left by the dog. When winter came, Coin 8 . It was the longest winter that we had ever had. When spring 9 came, it was the time for the birds to fly back and I often 10 what had happened to Coin. One day after I had given my 11 its food , a myna

4、h bird flew down. It was then that I heard the 12 “Raack! Raack!” Coin was back! Sometimes, I wondered how Coin knew to come back to the same 13 she had left.Each morning Coin would come with her sweet 14 . Both I and my dog accepted her as a member of our family. Now, I understand that if we have o

5、ptimism and inspiration in our life, and if we communicate often with others, we are sure to be 15 by everyone.1. A. realizationB. viewC. sight D. attention2. A. specialB. commonC. centralD. possible3. A. black B. white C. yellow D. sad4. A. stands forB. achievesC. organizes D. changes5.A.communicat

6、ionB. festival C.celebrationD.custom6. A. foodB. cage C. nameD. story7. A. song B. communicationC. meal D. walk 8. A. died B. hidC. disappeared D. escaped9. A. suddenly B. finally C. happily D. luckily10. A. complained B. recordedC. wonderedD. wished11. A. doorB. bird C. daughter D. dog12. A. strang

7、e B. familiar C. crazy D. terrible13. A. placeB. cat C. person D. sky14. A.songB. face C. appearanceD. voice15. A.confirmed B. acceptedC. agreed D. impressed1.【答案】D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. realization实现; B. view观点; C. sight视力; D. attention注意力。根据After singing, she would start picking up the food left by the

8、 dog.可知这引起八哥的注意,故选D。 2.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. special特别的; B. common共同的; C. central 中心的;D. possible可能的。因为它的喙的颜色令人注意。根据这种鸟最特别的(special)特征非常亮的黄色的喙,故选A。3.【答案】C【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. black黑色的; B. white 白色的;C. yellow 黄色的;D. sad伤心的。根据下文found that the colour yellow可知,这种鸟最特别的(special)特征非常亮的黄色(yellow)的喙,故选C。4.【答

9、案】A【解析】考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. stands for 代表;B. achieves获得; C. organizes组织; D. changes改变。根据句意黄色是这几个单词中的字母。后来我读过一本书发现黄色代表“交流、乐观、灵感”,故选A。5.【答案】A【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.communication 交流;B. festival 节日;C.celebration 祝贺;D.custom习惯。因为只有communication的首字母是C。我从communication取一个字母C,故选A。6.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. food食物; B. cag

10、e笼子; C. name名字; D. story故事。根据Coin would look at me and sing , “Raack! Raack!” 可以推测这是它的名字,这就形成了鸟的名字,故选C。7.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. song歌曲; B. communication交流;C. meal 一餐;D. walk步行。根据she would start picking up the food left by the dog.每一次等狗完成了它的大餐(meal)以后,故选C。8.【答案】C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. died死; B. hid躲藏; C.

11、disappeared消失; D. escaped逃离。根据常识咱们知道鸟有迁徙的习惯。冬天来了八哥就消失(disappeared)了,故选C。9.【答案】B【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. suddenly突然; B. finally终于, 最后;C. happily 高兴地;D. luckily幸运地。这里用最后表示作者盼着鸟的归来。当最后春天来时,鸟又都回来了,故选B。10.【答案】C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. complained 抱怨;B. recorded 记录;C. wondered纳闷; D. wished希望。根据what had happened to Coin可

12、知我常常纳闷我的小八哥怎么样了,故选C。11.【答案】D【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. door门; B. bird 鸟;C. daughter 女儿;D. dog狗。根据上文可知作者常常喂狗。有一天当我喂狗的时候,小八哥飞了下来,故选D。12.【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. strange 奇怪的;B. Familiar熟悉的; C. Crazy疯狂的; D. Terrible可怕的。根据上文可知作者非常了解八哥的叫声。就在那时我又听到了熟悉的声音,故选B。13.【答案】A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.place地方; B. cat 猫;C. person人; D.

13、sky天空。有时我纳闷鸟怎么会又回到它以前离开的同一个地方,故选A。14.【答案】A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.song 歌曲;B. face 脸C. appearance外貌; D. voice声音。根据上文可知八哥爱唱歌。每天早晨八哥就带着甜甜的歌曲来了,故选A。15.【答案】B【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.confirmed 确认;B. accepted 接受;C. agreed同意; D. impressed给人印象。根据Both I and my dog accepted her as a member of our family.可知如果我们经常能和其他的人交流,我们肯定

14、能被接受其他的每一个人,故选B。【参考答案】完型填空 115、DACAA CCCBC DBAAB 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。It amazed me every time I saw Joe he was smiling. It didnt matter whether he had to 26 at a stop light, or if he were the seventh person in 27 at the bank , and the tell

15、er closed her window just 28 he got there. Joe always smiled. It made me wonder why he always seemed so 29 . Having observed Joe with other people, I also noticed something else. Joe 30 people how they were doing, and really seemed to listen to their answers. He was 31 if someone was hurt , and had

16、kind words, and 32 to help in any way he could. It made me think what if I tried to smile more? An 33 of sorts began when I went to a grocery store. I 34 as I went up and down the aisles(过道) and people I didnt even 35 smiled back at me. Some even 36 ! The little kid in the cart who was giving his mo

17、ther a 37 time saw me smile and stopped talkingand, you guessed it he made a little 38 attempt at a smile. The man in the handicapped cart 39 a person to reach something I could get that for him. The smile even 40 to him, and he thanked me and smiled at me. As I 41 home, I was smiling. I thought abo

18、ut what I had just 42 , and when someone passed my car and gave me a gesture, I smiled at him. He looked 43 . Now I know a smile is a 44 thing, but what if we were all to try to smile a few more times each day? I couldnt believe how great I felt. 45 in my life had changed but maybe it had. For what

19、I learned was that such a small thing could lift not only my spirits,but thosearound me as well. 26.A. waitB. sufferC. lookD. slide27.A. advanceB. additionC. totalD. line28.A. thoughB. beforeC. whileD. because29.A. patientB. activeC. happyD. wise30.A. askedB. observedC. recorded D. allowed31.A. angr

20、yB. nervousC. fearfulD. sympathetic32.A. agreedB. offeredC. refusedD. used33.A. exampleB. experimentC. instanceD. arrangement34.A. sangB. noddedC. smiledD. talked35.A. welcomeB. greetC. recognizeD. know36.A. spokeB. laughedC. whisperedD. shouted37.A. pleasantB. hardC. smoothD. good 38.A. weakB. poli

21、teC. shyD. sincere39.A. requiredB. demandedC. orderedD. needed40.A. spreadB. approachedC. advancedD. reached41.A. learnedB. droveC. ranD. moved42.A. facedB. paidC. wastedD. sacrificed43.A. scaredB. disappointedC. puzzledD. annoyed44.A. funnyB. worthyC. valuableD. small45.A. NothingB. EverythingC. So

22、methingD. Anything参考答案 26-30 ADBCA 31-35 DBBCD 36-40 ABCDA 41-45 BACDA【2013高考英语广东省潮州市二模】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Last weekend, my kids along with few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my carMy 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of 1

23、 other peoples cars as wellIt was pretty 2 outside and I had no plans tocontinue being in the bright sunShefurther wanted to give lemonade to passers-by for freeI had seen little kidsserve and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not freeAlthough I felt 3 , I decided to help herThen she asked me

24、, “What if wemake this a smile car wash?” I couldnt hold back my tears and 4 her and the other kids to go outside the house and come up with 5 ideasWhile I kept myself busy in drying the car, they walked up to me with a(n) 6 with beautiful images of smilesThey had “Free Car Wash” written on it and t

25、he 7 of their exercise was “smile”It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5-11 years with the 8 to do something for othersAll that seemed 9 and came right from their heartNothing seemed to 10 to them: their playtime, the heat outsidethey just wanted to 11 others and do something nice in the

26、 community!I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional 12 to help clean carsPassers-by were 13 and one even shouted back to them saying “God Bless You, my kids” One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars, which they refusedA pretty heartwarming 14 !I feel blessed by bein

27、g 15 by such wonderful and loving souls1Adrying Bwashing Crepairing Ddecorating2Awarm Bhot Ccold Dcool3Aworried Bpopular CconfusedDdifficult4Achallenged Bexpected C.invited Dencouraged5Acreative Bready Cdifficult Dfamiliar6Apicture BideaCboard Dcar7Atheme Btrouble Csecret Dpurpose8Aorder Bduty Cimag

28、ination Dneed9Aimportant Bdisappointing Chopeful Dnatural10Amatter Bmean Cbelong Drefer11Arelax Btry Chelp Dsmile12Arags Bfood Cmoney Dfruit13Ainterested Bbored Camazed Dfrightened14Ascenery Bscene Cstory Dview 15Asupported Bunderstood Crefused Dsurrounded文章摘要“在作者女儿的倡议下,几个孩子们自发地奉献他们的爱心,组织了一次主题为“微笑”的

29、活动-帮助别人洗车,并为路人提供柠檬汽水。作者也情不自禁地提供帮助,并由衷地感到高兴和自豪。1.【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。A.把弄干;B.洗;C.修理;D.装饰。根据上一句的后半部分以及as well可知,作者的女儿想出了清洗别人车辆的主意。2.【答案】B 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A.温暖的;B.炎热的;C.寒冷的;D.凉爽的。根据本句后面的in the bright sun 可知,外面非常炎热。3.【答案】C 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A.担心的;B.流行的,受欢迎的;C.困惑的;D.困难的。根据上文提到作者看到过一些孩子想方设法地赚取收入,可是自己的女儿

30、却打算免费地帮助别人,所以作者没有想到自己的女儿会有这样的想法,感到困惑不解。4.【答案】D 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.挑战;B.期望;C.邀请; D.鼓励。依前半句内容可知作者很感动,由此推断答案应选D.encouraged,鼓励他人参与。5.【答案】A 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A.创造性的;B.准备好;C.困难的;D.熟悉的。根据句中“come up with”可知,作者想让孩子们在屋内想出有创造性的主意。6.【答案】C 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.图片;B.主意;C.木板;D.车。根据上文提到“他们是想给别人清洗车辆并免费提供柠檬水”,以及下一句中“They had

31、 “Free Car Wash” written on it”,可知答案选C。7.【答案】A 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.主题;B.麻烦,烦恼;C.秘密;D.目的。他们行动的主题是“微笑”。 故答案选A。8.【答案】B 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.命令;B. 责任;C. 想象;D. 需要;这群孩子把帮助别人看作是他们的责任。9.【答案】D 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A.重要的;B.令人失望的;C.有希望的;D.自然的。后半句提到这是发自他们内心的想法,由此可知,一切看起来应该是十分自然的。10.【答案】A 【解析】考查固定搭配及语境的理解A.原因,有关系,要紧;B.意味,用意

32、;C.属于;D.指,提到。由于他们是真心真意地想帮助别人,即使是牺牲了玩耍时间,而且外面非常炎热, 对他们来说也没有关系。11.【答案】C 【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A.放松,休息;B.尝试;C. 帮助;D.微笑。上文提到他们的愿望是给别人带去快乐,因此他们只是想帮帮别人,为社区做贡献。12.【答案】A 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.抹布;B.食物;C.钱;D.水果。根据本句后面的“to help clean cars”可知,作者又拿出一些碎布用来擦车。13.【答案】C 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A.感兴趣的;B.无聊的;C.惊奇的;D.害怕的。过路人简直不敢相信会有如此善良的孩子,所以惊奇不已。14.【答案】B 【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.风景,景色;B.场面,情景;C.故事;D.观察,视野,风景。作者目睹了所发生的一切,认为这种场面感人肺腑。故答案选B。15.【答案】D 【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A.被支持的;B.心照不宣的;C.遭拒绝的;D.被环绕着的。孩子们是在作者的身边劳动,而且是孩子们自发产生的想法。由此判断答案应选D。【参考答案】1-5 BBCDA 6-10 CABDA 11-15 CACBD


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