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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc

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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第9页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第10页
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2020-2021学年北师大版英语必修3教师用书:UNIT 9 SECTION Ⅳ LANGUAGE POINTS(Ⅱ) (LESSON 2 &LESSON 3) WORD版含解析.doc_第11页
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1、Section Language Points()(Lesson 2 & Lesson 3).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1There are three chapters (章节) of this book at most.2The contents of the letter were quite disappointing.3Most kindergartens (幼儿园) teach children how to speak English nowadays.4I wrote him a letter to show my appreciation of his tho

2、ughtfulness.5I have the impression (印象) that Ive seen the air hostess before.6An officer climbed on to the platform (平台) and spoke to him.7The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers safety.8The horse kicked out at them fiercely9We all know that the sun is the centre of the solar system

3、.10The morning sunlight flooded into the room.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1sense n意义;感官sensitive adj.善解人意的;敏感的sensible adj.意识到的;明智的2gentle adj.和善的,温和的gently adv.温柔地,温和地gentleness n温和;文雅3fierce adj.残忍的,凶猛的fiercely adv.猛烈地,厉害地4responsible adj.负责任的,有责任的responsibly adv.负责任地,可依赖地responsibility n负责,责任,职责5rely v依赖

4、,依靠reliable adj.可靠的6impress v给深刻的印象;使铭记impression n印象,感觉7appreciate vt.感谢,鉴赏appreciation n欣赏,感激.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1pull out(火车)驶离车站,出站2rely on 依赖,依靠3all the time 一直4take part in 参加5so far 迄今为止6take place 举行;发生7be impressed on 对有印象8pull up (车辆)停止,停车9be sensitive to 对敏感10be content with 对满足.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形

5、式填空1Are you content with your relationships,work,health?2The dying mans words were impressed on my memory,though I could not understand them.3Threequarters of the countrys workers took part in the strike.4We become friends and we call each other on the phone all the time5So far we havent been able t

6、o find anything,but were still researching.v.ableadj.v.on复合短语adjustable 可调节的exchangeable 可交换的;可兑换的classifiable 可分类的concentrate on 聚精会神,全神贯注count on 指望,依赖decide on 对做出决定,选定1. Solar cars are cars that use the suns energy for power.太阳能汽车就是以太阳能为能源的汽车。记句式结构that引导定语从句仿写促落实有关此事,凡是你所知道的请告诉我。Please tell me a

7、nything that you know about the matter2. People have been worried about pollution caused by fuels like petrol and gas for a long time now.人们一直为汽油、煤气等燃料带来的污染担忧。记句式结构过去分词作定语仿写促落实保安人员跟着的那个人是我们的主席。The man followed by security guards is our chairman. sensitive adj.敏感的;能理解的(教材P118)Mary,the American ambass

8、ador is a sensitive woman who is very friendly and gets on well with people.玛丽,那位美国大使是一位非常善解人意的女士,她非常友好,与人相处融洽。(1)be sensitive about/to.对敏感的be sensitive of. 意识到;认识到It is sensitive of sb.to do sth. 某人做某事是正确的(2)sensible adj. 明智的People must be sensitive to this possibility when they make volunteer acti

9、vities a must.当人们把志愿者工作当作必须做的事情时,他们一定对这种可能性很敏感。She is very sensitive about/to her appearance.她对外表很在乎。I think the suggestion is sensible(sense)我认为这个建议很明智。 likely adj.可能的(教材P118) “Hes most likely still in bed,” thinks Mary.“他很可能还在睡觉,”玛丽想。sb./sth.be likely to do sth.某人/某物极有可能做某事It is likely that. 是可能的W

10、omen are less likely to have(have) high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks.妇女患高血压或死于心脏病的可能性要小。The weather is likely to be fine.Its likely that the weather will be fine.天气可能会好转。 responsibility n负责,责任,职责(教材P118)“Id better take more responsibility for my own life,”she thinks.“我最好还是为我自己的生活多承担点责

11、任”,她想。(1)a sense of responsibility责任感take/have responsibility for. 对负责任Its ones responsibility to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任(2)responsible adj. 负责的be responsible for 对负责His son will take responsibility for the company after he retires.在他退休之后,他儿子将负责公司业务。Its my responsibility to take(take) good care of my pare

12、nts and children.照顾好父母和孩子是我的责任。Who do you think should be responsible for the car accident?你认为谁应该对这起事故负责? rely on(depend on) 依赖,依靠;信任,信赖(教材P118)I rely on Hao Qi too much!我太依赖郝奇了!(1)rely on sb./sth.to do sth./rely on sb./sth.doing sth.指望某人/某物做某事rely on it that. 依靠/信赖/指望(2)reliable adj. 可靠的(3)reliance

13、 n. 可靠性Dont rely on me to go to London.Dont rely on me going(go) to London.不要指望我去伦敦。You may rely on it that he will come to see you.放心好了,他会来见你的。 pull up(车辆)停止;训斥(某人)(教材P39)She pulled up suddenly at the traffic lights.她突然把车在交通灯前停下来。pull down拉下(遮帘、帘子等);拆毁,拆掉(建筑物)pull in(列车)到达,进站;(船、车)靠向一边,停靠pull out驶离

14、路边;驶出pull through渡过难关,摆脱危难pull over 向路边停靠The cinema she used to visit had been pulled down她过去常去的那家电影院已经被拆掉了。The train pulled in exactly on time.火车准时进站。 The policeman signaled him to pull over警察示意他把车停在路边。With the help of neighbours,the old man pulled through the cold winter.在邻居的帮助下,那位老人度过了寒冬。 content

15、 n内容 vt.使满意,使满足 adj.满意的,满足的(教材P39)contents of your luggage你行李中的东西be content to do sth.be willing/ready to do sth.乐意做某事;满足于做某事be content with sth.be satisfied/pleased with sth. 对某事满意/满足content oneself with sth. 满足于;对感到满意That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live in the country.那位富人厌

16、倦了城市生活,于是他愿意生活在乡下。To be honest,Im very content with my life at present.说实话,我对目前的生活心满意足。Martina contented herself(her) with a bowl of soup.马丁娜喝了一碗汤就心满意足了。图形助记 so far 迄今为止(教材P40)Ive designed five or six different cars so far.迄今为止,我已经设计了五六款不同的汽车。up to nowso far到现在为止as/so far as 远到;就所;就而言far from 远离,远远不

17、;完全不by far 得多;最far away from 远离As far as I know,she has been abroad.就我所知,她已经出国了。Conditions are still far from satisfaction.条件依然不能令人满意。The last of these reasons is by far the most important.这些理由中最后一条比其他的重要得多。名师点津so far在句中用作时间状语,表示从过去某时到“现在”(即说话时)的一段时间,相当于until now,因此常与现在完成时连用。它在句中的位置较为灵活,既可位于句首,也可位于句

18、末。 take place 发生(教材P40)Where do these races take place?这些比赛是在哪儿举行的?in place在恰当的位置in place of 代替take the place of 取代,代替take sb.s place 坐某人的座位;代替某人的位置give place to 让位于They put in place the tools of my new business.他们把我干这一新行当所需要的工具安放得井井有条。By and by electricity will take the place of coal.不久以后,电将取代煤。名师点

19、津take place为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。类似词语还有:happen,occur,break out,come about,turn out等。 impression n印象,感觉(教材P40)I want people to have a good impression of solar cars.我想让人们对太阳能汽车有个好印象。(1)have/get a good/bad/deep impression on对有好的/坏的/深刻的印象leave/make a good/bad/deep impression on 给留下好的/坏的/深刻的印象(2)impress vt. 给留

20、下印象;印上impress sb.with sth. 使某人铭记某事;用打动be impressed with. 对印象深刻impress sth.on sth./sb./ones mind 把某物印在某物上/使某人铭记某事(3)impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的We left/made the impression on audience that we were determined to win.我们给观众留下了这样一种印象我们志在必得。He impressed her with his honesty.他的诚实打动了她。Our teacher impressed the i

21、mportance of knowledge on us.老师使我们铭记知识的重要性。The general is an impressive(impress) man.这位将军是个令人肃然起敬的人物。 appreciate v欣赏,鉴赏;感激,感谢;察觉到,意识到(教材P41)Shell appreciate it.她会喜欢上它的。(1)appreciate doing.感激I would appreciate it if. 如果我将不胜感激(2)appreciation n. 欣赏;感激,感谢I would appreciate your keeping(keep) it a secret

22、.要是你能保守秘密,我将感激不尽。He appreciated it when you telephoned him.你给他打电话,他很感激。名师点津(1)appreciate表示“感谢”时,宾语为物(help,kindness等);thank的宾语则为人。(2)appreciate,like,hate,depend on等后接宾语从句时,需要在从句前加it。.单句语法填空1She is quite content with her job as a secretary.2The car pulled up on the parking lot outside the station.3You

23、 may rely on it that the work will be finished ahead of time.4The market is very sensitive to the result of the election.5The books,written (write) by Mo Yan,are popular with many Chinese people.6Id appreciate it if you will turn out the light.7We were impressed by the pianists wonderful execution.8

24、So far we have received(receive) no reply from them.9Studies show that people are more likely to suffer(suffer) from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.10The enemy attacked fiercely(fierce),but the line held firm.单句改错1I would appreciate if you can help me to solv

25、e the technical problem.if前加it2The collision took the place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world.去掉第二个the3So far no one admitted planting the bomb.one后加has4You should not content you with book knowledge only.第二个you改为yourself 5Some peoples teeth are highly sensitive of cold.ofto.完成句子1The meetin

26、g,attended by one thousand students,was a great success.这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千个学生出席了。2You should take responsibility for what you said你必须为你所说的负责。3We rely on them to be careful in doing experiments.我们相信他们在做实验的时候是非常谨慎的。4So far 50 people have died in the fighting到现在为止,已有50人在战斗中丧生。5I appreciate your giving me

27、 so much of your time.我非常感谢你花这么多时间帮助我。现在完成时和现在完成进行时 先观察原句后自主感悟1.People have been worried about pollution caused by fuels.2.Youve been designing solar racing cars for a long time.3.Ive been interested in cars since kindergarten.4.Ive designed five or six different cars so far.5.Ive been taking part i

28、n races for about four years.6.Well,so far Ive only written the first few chapters.以上六句话都表示过去开始的动作,延续到现在的过程。其中例句1、3、4、6的结构为:have/has过去分词,是现在完成时;例句2、5的结构为:have/hasbeen现在分词,是现在完成进行时。一、基本用法1现在完成时由“have/has过去分词”构成。表示过去所发生的动作或事情对现在造成的影响或结果。2现在完成进行时由“have/has been现在分词”构成。表示某一动作在过去某一时间发生,一直延续到现在,有可能到此为止,也有

29、可能继续下去。现在完成进行时是兼有现在完成时和现在进行时两者基本特点的时态。二、区别1现在完成时常表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,强调动作已完成;而现在完成进行时强调动作仍然在继续或动作的重复性。He has written a letter.他写了一封信。(已经写好)He has been writing a letter.他一直在写一封信。(仍在写)2现在完成时强调“结果”;而现在完成进行时强调“动作”,有时还含有喜悦、愤怒、不满、厌恶等感情色彩。I have waited for you for two hours.我已经等了你两个小时。(说明一个结果)I have been wai

30、ting for you for two hours.我一直等了你两个小时。(强调动作的持续性或不满意)3不可用于进行时的动词,不能用于现在完成进行时,但却可以用于现在完成时。I havent been seeing him recently.()I havent seen him these days.()最近我没有见过他。4一些表示静态的动词往往用现在完成进行时。这样的静态动词主要有lie,stand,sit,wait等。She has been lying in bed for a week.她已经卧床一周了。.单句语法填空1In order to find the missing ch

31、ild,villagers have been doing(do) all they can over the past five hours.2Alvin,are you coming with us?Id love to,but something unexpected has come(come) up.3I remember you were a talented pianist at college.Can you play the piano for me?Sorry,I havent played(not,play) the piano for years.4Look! Some

32、body has cleaned(clean) the sofa.Well,it wasnt me.I didnt do it.5The manager has been telling(tell) the workers how to improve the program since 9 am.6Tom has been working(work) in the library every night over the last three months.7In the last few years thousands of films have been produced(produce

33、) all over the world.8Im sure you will do better in the test because you have been studying(study) so hard this year.9His first novel has received(receive) good reviews since it came out last month.10It is the most instructive lecture that I have attended(attend) since I came to this school.单句改错1I h

34、ad grown not only physically,but also mentally in the past few years.hadhave2Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.去掉been3The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we are often up all night with the baby.havehas4Hard work have made him very ill.havehas5I have been missing you very much after I went to college a year ago.aftersince6Unfortunately,by the time I got back,they have finished the scene and the actor couldnt be seen anywhere.havehad


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