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《名师伴你行》2016届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:选修七 UNIT 2 ROBOTS.doc

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1、课时作业(三十二)Unit 2Robots.用所给词的适当形式填空1.The superstar showed up at the court,_(accompany) by his manager.2.The young lady dressed_(elegant) when she went to work.3.He was right in his_(assess) and wrong in his prediction.4.He is an_child.He always_his parents and never_rules in school or laws in society.

2、(obey)5.Everyone knows she is a_girl who has a_for singing.(talent)6.It_in his_that the country was in a messy_.(state)7.To the_of the boss,his products could_the need of the customers.(satisfy)8.The old blind man asked me to do him a_and find his_book.(favour)9.It is reported that the lost boy_(not

3、 find)so far.10.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains_(see) whether they will enjoy it.答案:1.accompanied2.elegantly3.assessment4.obedient;obeys; disobeys5.talented; talent6.was stated; statement; state7.satisfaction; satisfy8.favour;favourite9.hasnt been found10.to

4、be seen.完成句子1.John_(极其渴望)to become a writer of the science fiction.2._(据宣布)the new library which is under construction would be opened to the public next year.3.His father isnt_(支持)his thought while his mother always_(陪他去书店)4.Do your parents often_(打电话)to ask your recent progress?5._(且不说费用多少),do we

5、actually need a second car?6.Owing to his hard work,his classmates all think John_(注定会成功)7.Im about to_(转身)and see who he is but my phone rings.8.Her only fear was that her little son would_(让一个人留下)in the world in case something happened to her.答案:1.has a strong desire2.It was announced that3.in fav

6、our of;accompanies him to the bookstore4.ring up5.Leaving the expense aside6.is bound to succeed7.turn around8.be left alone.阅读理解A(2014山东卷)The kids in this village wear dirty,ragged clothes.They sleep beside cows and sheep in huts made of sticks and mud.They have no school.Yet they all can chant the

7、 English alphabet,and some can make words.The key to their success:20 tablet computers (平板电脑) dropped off in their Ethiopian village in February by a US.group called One Laptop Per Child.The goal is to find out whether kids using todays new technology can teach themselves to read in places where no

8、schools or teachers exist.The Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers analyzing the project data say theyre already amazed.“What I think has already happened is that the kids have already learned more than they would have in one year of kindergarten,”said Matt Keller,who runs the Ethiopia

9、program.The fastest learnerand the first to turn on one of the tabletsis 8yearold Kelbesa Negusse.The devices camera was disabled to save memory,yet within weeks Kelbesa had figured out its workings and made the camera work.He called himself a lion,a marker of accomplishment in Ethiopia.With his tab

10、let,Kelbesa rearranged the letters HSROE into one of the many English animal names he knows.Then he spelled words on his own.“Seven months ago he didnt know any English.Thats unbelievable,”said Keller.The project aims to get kids to a stage called“deep reading,”where they can read to learn.It wont b

11、e in Amharic,Ethiopias first language,but in English,which is widely seen as the ticket to higher paying jobs.语篇导读:本文主要介绍了一个被称作One Laptop Per Child的项目计划,它旨在帮助那些没有学校、没有教师的地方的孩子学会阅读。1.How does the Ethiopia program benefit the kids in the village?AIt trains teachers for them.BIt contributes to their se

12、lfstudy.CIt helps raise their living standards.DIt provides funds for building schools.答案:B解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“The goal is to find out whether kids using todays new technology can teach themselves to read”可知答案。2.What can we infer from Kellers words in Paragraph 3?AThey need more time to analyze data.B

13、More children are needed for the research.CHe is confident about the future of the project.DThe research should be carried out in kindergartens.答案:C解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段中Keller所说的话可知,Keller认为孩子们在现代技术设备的帮助下学到了更多东西,故Keller对这个项目的未来充满信心。3.It amazed Keller that with the tablet Kelbesa could_.Alearn English wor

14、ds quicklyBdraw pictures of animalsCwrite letters to researchersDmake phone calls to his friends答案:A解析:考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“With his tablet,Kelbesa rearranged the letters HSROE into one of the many English animal names he knows”可知,在这种情况下,Kelbesa学习英语很快。4.What is the aim of the project?ATo offer Ethiopians

15、higher paying jobs.BTo make Amharic widely used in the world.CTo help Ethiopian kids read to learn in English.DTo assist Ethiopians in learning their first language.答案:C解析:考查细节理解。从最后一段第一句“The project aims to get kids to a stage called deep reading,where they can read to learn”可知,C项正确。B(2015毕节市高三第二次联

16、考)Drive through any American city or suburb,and you will see large space where huge stores are grouped together,sometimes even under one roof.The sight of such huge stores would have been unusual for our grandparents,who shopped in small neighborhood stores.There shopping areas reflect some major ch

17、anges in American society.The construction of new supermarkets and shopping centers has been continuing over the past forty years.Supermarkets continue to appear because they offer the shopper a wide choice of products in one placeanything from food to small appliances.Because of the large amount of

18、 goods sold,supermarkets can offer lower prices than small neighborhood stores can.The convenience and value of large stores and shopping areas make them an important part of the way of American shopping.With the rise of supermarkets and shopping centers,American society has experienced some changes

19、.Most obviously,many small neighborhood stores have disappeared,driven out of business by the large stores.Now Americans use cars even more in order to get to and carry products from the shopping centers,which are typically located farther from many homes.Another change is perhaps the least easy to

20、describe.Americans_are_now_more_isolated.In the neighborhood store,the owner knew about the customers and their families.People in the neighborhood could gather and talk there.Now Americans shop in huge spaces,where no one knows anyone else.Supermarkets have made shopping more personal.It is clear t

21、hat the number of supermarkets and large shopping areas is still increasing.The pattern of“bigger is better”will probably continue into the future.语篇导读:社会的变迁是多方面的,购物区由邻里店发展到远距离的大型购物广场,自有其原因所在。“大即好”这种观念将会一直延续下去,大型购物广场在将来也会一直存在。5.A major change in American society listed in the passage is_.Athe develo

22、pment in the neighborhoodBthe place for shoppingCthe development in the suburbsDthe relationship between shop owners and customers答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,购物地点的改变是文章中谈到的主要改变:购物的地点由小商店变为大型购物广场。6.Compared with small neighborhood stores,supermarkets_.Aare located everywhereBare built far away from each o

23、therCsell various goods at lower pricesDhave limited space for further development答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Because of.neighborhood stores can.”可知,应选C。7.Now Americans do shopping_.Ain typical neighborhood storesBin faraway supermarkets or shopping centersCin stores where they can chat with the ownersDin

24、stores within walking distance答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Now Americans use cars.from many homes.”可知,应选B。8.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means_.Ashoppers in supermarkets usually dont know each otherBsupermarkets are a good place for shoppingCsupermarkets are controlled by machinesDshoppers will ea

25、sily get lost in supermarkets答案:A解析:细节理解题。从画线部分后边的内容可以看出,以前在小邻里店购物时,邻居们可以聚在一起说话,商店的主人也都认识大家。现在大型购物广场的数量还在增加,购物时,大家都互不认识,故选A。.语法填空(2015河南中原名校第二次联考)W:Dr.Carters Office.M:Yes.Id like to make_1_appointment to see Dr.Carter,please.W:Is this your first visit?M:Yes,it is.W:Okay.Could I have your name pleas

26、e?M:Yes.My name is Ronald Schuler.W:Okay.How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 PM.?M:Uh.Do you happen_2_have an opening in the morning?I_3_(usual) pick up my kids from school around that time.W:Okay.How about Tuesday at 8:00 AM.or Thursday at 8:15 AM.?M:Uh,do you have anything_4_(ear

27、ly),like 7:30?W:No.Im sorry.M:Well,_5_that case,Thursday would be fine.W:All right.And_6_is the nature of your visit?M:Well,to tell the truth,I fell from a ladder two days ago while_7_(paint) my house,and I hurt my ankle when my foot landed in paint can.Im most concerned that the swelling in my ankl

28、e hasnt gone down yet.W:Well,did you put ice on it immediately_8_this happened?M:Well,yeah.I just filled the paint can_9_ice and.W:And so after you removed the paint can.Sir,sir,Mr.Schuler,are you still there?M:Well,thats part of the problem.Uh,the paint can_10_(be) still on my foot.W:Look,Mr.Schule

29、r.Please come in today.I dont think your case can wait.语篇导读:本文围绕病人与医生助理的对话展开,这位病人在粉刷房屋时,不慎从梯子上摔落,脚踝受伤,还不幸把脚卡在涂料罐里拿不出来,于是打电话给医生预约时间。1.答案:an解析:考查冠词。“make an appointment”表示“预约时间”。根据下文提示,这位男士是第一次预约,故应用an,表示泛指。2.答案:to解析:考查固定用法。“happen to do sth.”表示“碰巧做某事”。3.答案:usually解析:考查副词。修饰动词应该用副词,usual应改为usually。4.答

30、案:earlier解析:考查形容词。7:30比8:00和8:15早,故应使用early的比较级形式earlier。5.答案:in解析:考查介词。“in that case”为固定用法,表示“在那种情况下”。6.答案:what解析:考查特殊疑问词。根据男士的答语来看,女士询问的是“你此行的本意是什么?”故用what。7.答案:painting解析:考查状语从句的省略。从句补全为“While I was painting my house”,故填painting。8.答案:after解析:考查连词。主句谓语动词“迅速敷上冰”发生在后,“这件事”发生在前,故用连词after,表示时间上的先后顺序。9

31、.答案:with解析:考查介词。“fill.with.”为固定搭配,意为“用填满”。10.答案:is解析:考查主谓一致及时态。“the paint can”为单数名词,且本句陈述的是现在的一般状况,故用is。.书面表达(2015甘肃兰州、张掖联合诊断)作为中学生,我们应该如何理解父母对我们的严格要求和爱护呢?下面是三名高中生想对父母说的话,请你就此谈谈自己的看法。想对父母说我需要放松,希望有时候能看看电视,上上网。我需要朋友,希望能和朋友们一起说笑、玩闹。我希望得到父母的信任,希望他们能像朋友一样对待我。注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2.词数100左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。I

32、n China,children are the centre of each family._答案:In_China,children_are_the_centre_of_each_family.All parents wish their children,especially senior high school students,could go to top universities and have a bright future.So all the children are always expected to make full use of their time to st

33、udy.They are not allowed to watch TV,play computer games or go out to play with their friends.Some students just complain that their parents are only concerned about their grades and not their other needs.They wish to have their own time to watch TV or surf the Internet.They also hope to chat or pla

34、y with their friends.In my opinion,our parents are responsible for us.Perhaps out of nothing but love,they are sometimes too strict with us.But I think we should learn to communicate with them,telling them that well work hard and will never let them down.Only by doing this will we earn trust and respect from them.


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