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1、2021届高三冲刺联考英语试卷(新高考)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Wildlife Crossing BridgesThe Wildlife BridgeIn 2018, Utah built a wildlife bridge over the busy highway 1-80. A 4.8-kilometer fence was created to help guide animals to the bridge. Normally, animals take a long time to

2、 discover and begin using wildlife bridges, so experts didnt expect the bridge to get much traffic for several years. But recently, theyve discovered many different kinds of animals are beginning to move by using the bridge.The Rope BridgeOn Chinas Hainan Island in 2015, scientists created a bridge

3、for Hainan gibbons that are the worlds most endangered primates and normally cross the forest by swinging high in the trees. But after a 2014 typhoon, landslides caused huge gaps in the forest, which were forcing the gibbons to make dangerous jumps. Scientists created a simple and cheap rope bridge,

4、 which settled the problem.The Eco-BridgeIn Uttarakhand state in India, the forest department has built a special eco-bridge , made from all-natural materials. Its 27.5 meters long and runs over one of the busiest highways in the area. Though the bridge is high in the trees, forest department worker

5、s hope the bridge will help smaller animals on the ground, too. Already, the bridge has gotten a lot of attention on the Internet, with many people taking photos in front of it every day.The Park BridgeThe Phil Hardberger Park lies in San Antonio, Texas, and recently it has opened what they say is t

6、he largest wildlife bridge in the US. This bridge, unlike the others mentioned here, was built for use by both animals and humans. The park says they have already seen deer using the bridge.1. What has made experts feel unexpected about the Wildlife Bridge?A. Its been completed within 2 years.B. Its

7、 being used by animals already.C. Its become an Internet-famous site.D. Its Americas biggest wildlife bridge.2. Which bridges run over highways?A. The Wildlife Bridge and the Eco-Bridge.B. The Wildlife Bridge and the Rope Bridge.C. The Eco-Bridge and the Park Bridge.D. The Rope Bridge and the Park B

8、ridge.3. What is the common purpose in building the four bridges?A. To attract more tourists.B. To reduce traffic accidents.C. To save endangered animals.D. To create wildlife passageways.【答案】1. B 2. A 3. D【解析】【分析】本文属于应用文。介绍了四座专门为动物搭建的桥的特点和用途。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据The Wildlife Bridge部分中“Normally, animals ta

9、ke a long time to discover and begin using wildlife bridges, so experts didnt expect the bridge to get much traffic for several years. But recently, theyve discovered many different kinds of animals are beginning to move by using the bridge.(通常情况下,动物需要很长时间才能发现并开始使用野生动物桥,所以专家们预计这座桥在几年内不会有太多交通流量。但最近,他

10、们发现许多不同种类的动物开始利用这座桥来移动)”可知,专家们对野生动物桥已经被动物使用感到意外。故选B。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据The Wildlife Bridge部分中“In 2018, Utah built a wildlife bridge over the busy highway 1-80.(2018年,犹他州在繁忙的1-80号高速公路上修建了一座野生动物桥)”以及The Eco-Bridge部分中“Its 27.5 meters long and runs over one of the busiest highways in the area.(它长27.5米,横跨该地区最

11、繁忙的高速公路之一)”可知,野生动物桥和生态桥横跨高速公路。故选A。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据The Wildlife Bridge部分中“A 4.8-kilometer fence was created to help guide animals to the bridge.(一道4.8公里长的围栏被用来引导动物们到桥上)”;The Rope Bridge部分中“But after a 2014 typhoon, landslides caused huge gaps in the forest, which were forcing the gibbons to make danger

12、ous jumps. Scientists created a simple and cheap rope bridge, which settled the problem.(但2014年的台风过后,山体滑坡在森林中造成巨大缺口,迫使长臂猿做出危险的跳跃。科学家们发明了一种简单廉价的吊桥,解决了这个问题)”;The Eco-Bridge部分中“Though the bridge is high in the trees, forest department workers hope the bridge will help smaller animals on the ground, too

13、. (尽管这座桥位于高高的树上,森林部门的工作人员希望这座桥也能帮助地面上的小动物)”以及The Park Bridge部分中“This bridge, unlike the others mentioned here, was built for use by both animals and humans. The park says they have already seen deer using the bridge.(这座桥不同于这里提到的其他桥,它既是供动物使用的,也是供人使用的。公园表示,他们已经看到鹿在桥上行走)”可知,建造这四座桥的共同目的是创建野生动物通道。故选D。BLi

14、nda Tutt High School opened a unique grocery store in the city of Sanger, where instead of paying for products with cash, their community can earn points which they then trade in. How do they gain points? By performing good deeds! All students, staff members and families in the school district have

15、access to the daily goods they need to get through COVID-19free of charge.The store is supplied through a partnership with First Refuge Ministries, Albertsons grocery store, and Texas Health Resources. It is open three days a week. They even offer a COVID-friendly curbside(路边) pickup on Tuesday nigh

16、ts! It is meant to provide necessary daily goods for families in need. Families are automatically awarded points based on their family size, but students can help the families earn more by helping out around the school, cleaning, or getting good referrals(推荐) from their teachers. Headmaster Anthony

17、Love called it “the ingenious method” , compared with the traditional approaches used to make students help others.The store is operated and managed entirely by the students. Not only are they encouraged to show others kindness, but they also have a sense of control during this uncertain time. “Many

18、 of them come from low-income families that need just a little extra support with food,” Anthony added.So the store has the extra profit of giving its student employees valuable experience. “I think this is the most exciting part of it, which they can carry with them as they graduate from high schoo

19、l and move on into the world,” Anthony said.What a brilliant way to support their community! Between providing daily goods for families, giving kids experience concerned, and making their school a better place through good deeds, traditional businesses could learn a thing or two from this approach!4

20、. What is special about the grocery store?A. Its owner is a local school.B. It is open three days a week.C. Students rent it free of charge.D Good deeds can be exchanged for its goods.5. Why did Linda Tutt High School open the grocery store?A. To help people in need.B. To get some incomes.C. To keep

21、 people at home.D. To offer students paid jobs.6 What does the underlined word ingenious” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Careful.B. Strict.C. Creative.D. Flexible.7. What is the added benefit of the grocery store?A. It makes more families get goods.B. It provides students with job skills.C. It encourages st

22、udents to graduate.D. It saves more traditional businesses.【答案】4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。琳达塔特高中(Linda Tutt High School)在桑格市(Sanger)开了一家独特的杂货店,学生、员工以及学校所在的社区不用现金购买商品,他们可以通过做好事获得积分,然后用积分进行交易。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“. where instead of paying for products with cash ,their community can earn points wh

23、ich they then trade in.”可知,该商店不用现金购买商品,而是靠做好事获取积分,以便购买商品。这是它的特别之处。故选D项。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“It is meant to provide necessary daily goods for families in need.”可知,商店的目的是为有需要的家庭提供必要的日常用品。故选A项。【6题详解】词义猜测题。本句前面“Families are automatically awarded points based on their family size, but students can help the

24、families earn more by helping out around the school, cleaning, or getting good referrals(推荐) from their teachers.”谈到:根据家庭规模,家庭会自动获得积分,但学生可以通过做好人好事帮助这些家庭获得更多积分,比如,在学校打扫卫生,或从老师那里得到好的推荐等。再结合本句后部分的“compared with the traditional approaches .”,说明相对于传统的方法,这些办法是有创意的。故划线词“ingenious”意为“有创意的”与creative同义。故选C项。【

25、7题详解】细节理解题。根据第三、四段内容,特别是第四段中的“So the store has the extra profit of giving its student employees valuable experience.”可知,这种商店还有一个额外的好处,那就是使它的学生“雇员”获得宝贵的经验。故选B项。CThe German ship Polarstern is normally designed to break up heavy ice. But in September, 2019, the ship set sail from Norway with the goal o

26、f getting frozen into the Arctic ice cap for a year. The mission (任务) was part of a $155 million project known as MOSAiC, led by Germanys Alfred Wegener Institute ( AWI), whose goal is to learn more about the ice that forms near the North Pole. The ice cap here isnt completely solid, and its a colle

27、ction of floes floating sheets of ice. As summer approaches, some of the ice melts and many floes break free.By October, 2019, the ship was frozen into the Arctic ice north of Siberia. The mission wasnt without its challenges. First and most importantly, the Polarstern had to find an ice floe that i

28、s used as its primary research base. The ice floe must be solid enough to anchor the ship and to support all the research equipment the scientists needed to use. However, doing it proved easier said than done. Once the ship was frozen in place, the scientists had to wrestle with the dangerous polar

29、bears that were wandering around. Dealing with extreme cold was another challenge. They also had to face the long and dark polar night, a period during winter when the sun doesnt rise at all in the central Arctic. In September, 2020, the boat finally returned to Bremerhaven, Germany.We are watching

30、the Arctic sea ice die, said the missions leader, Markus Rex. The team reports that the ice shelf is full of holes, and that the ice that remains is thin and melting. Recent satellite measurements support that idea. The size of this years ice cap is the second smallest ever recorded.Next comes the l

31、ong process of studying all the data that was collected during the last year. Thomas Krumpen, one of the scientists, said Well likely be busy with it over the next ten years.The scientists hope this abundant information will help them make better predictions about climate change.8. What does MOSAiC

32、try to do in the Arctic?A. Protect the ice cap.B. Stop the ice melting.C. Study the ice deeply.D. Break up heavy ice.9. What was the biggest challenge for the scientists on the Polarstern?A. Finding the right floe.B. Fighting the extreme cold.C. Avoiding polar bears.D. Reducing the loneliness.10. Wh

33、at is the authors attitude towards the situations of the Arctic ice?A. Carefree.B. Positive.C. Tolerant.D. Objective.11. Which of the following best describes the journey to the Arctic?A. Expensive.B. Confidential.C. Fruitful.D. Casual.【答案】8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。德国“极地号”在北极冰帽中冷冻了一年后,于20

34、20年9月终于回到了德国的不来梅港。该船收集了大量有关北极冰的信息,科学家们希望这些信息能够帮助他们更好地预测气候变化。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“The mission (任务) was part of a $155 million project known as MOSAiC, led by Germanys Alfred Wegener Institute ( AWI), whose goal is to learn more about the ice that forms near the North Pole. (该任务是一个名为“马赛克”的项目的一部分,该项目由德国的阿

35、尔弗雷德韦格纳研究所(AWI)领导,其目标是更多地了解北极附近形成的冰)”可知,“马赛克”项目的目的是更多地了解北极附近形成的冰。故选C。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“First and most importantly, the Polarstern had to find an ice floe that is used as its primary research base. (首先也是最重要的是,极地号必须找到一块浮冰作为它的主要研究基地)”和“However, doing it proved easier said than done.(然而,事实证明,说起来容易做起来难)”

36、可知,找到合适的浮冰对极地号上的科学家来说是最大的挑战。故选A。【10题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第三段“We are watching the Arctic sea ice die, said the missions leader, Markus Rex. The team reports that the ice shelf is full of holes, and that the ice that remains is thin and melting. Recent satellite measurements support that idea. The size of thi

37、s years ice cap is the second smallest ever recorded. (“我们正在看着北极海冰消失,”该任务的负责人马库斯雷克斯说。研究小组报告说,冰架上到处都是洞,剩下的冰很薄而且正在融化。最近的卫星测量数据支持了这一观点。今年的冰帽是有记录以来第二小的)”可知,作者只是客观描述北极海冰的现状,没有作评判。故选D。【11题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段“Next comes the long process of studying all the data that was collected during the last year. Thomas Kr

38、umpen, one of the scientists, said Well likely be busy with it over the next ten years.(接下来是对去年收集到的所有数据进行研究的漫长过程。其中一位科学家托马斯克伦彭说:“在未来的十年里,我们可能会忙于研究它。”)”和第五段“The scientists hope this abundant information will help them make better predictions about climate change.(科学家们希望这些丰富的信息能够帮助他们更好地预测气候变化)”可推知,“极地

39、号”此次北极之旅收获颇丰。故选C。DWhen a living thing gives off a glow, its called bioluminescence. Fireflies are a well- known example of bioluminescence. Many mushrooms are also bio-luminescent. Fireflies and other bio-luminescent creatures light up thanks to chemicals inside their bodies. These chemicals are kno

40、wn as luciferins, which cause a chemical reaction that gives off light.Plants dont naturally have luciferins, so there are no naturally bio-luminescent plants. In the past, scientists created glowing plants by adding DNA from glowing bacteria. But the glowing effect was weak. They also created glowi

41、ng plants by adding luciferins to plants. In 2017, a team at MIT was able to cause watercress plants to glow for about four hours. Now, researchers at a Russian company called Planta, working with scientists from the United Kingdom and Austria, have come up with a new method of creating glowing plan

42、ts which last as long as they are alive. The scientists focused on an acid that is found in both plants and mushrooms. By adding certain parts of the DNA from glowing mushrooms to ordinary tobacco plants, the scientists are able to create plants that can make their own luciferins using this acid. Th

43、e scientists report that the greenish light is about 10 times brighter than in earlier ones, which is strong enough to be easily recorded with an ordinary camera, but doesnt affect the health of the plants.Glowing plants reflect the way plants work. The scientists point out that the glowing isnt con

44、stant ,but seems to change, depending upon what is happening inside the plants. Younger parts of the plants glow more strongly than older parts. The flowers glow especially brightly. Theyve noticed moving patterns of light in the plants, which they think may show activity in plants that normally can

45、t be seen. The glowing also helps uncover how plants may be affected by things around them. For example, the plants glow much more strongly when a ripe banana skin is nearby.12. What does the first paragraph focus on?A. What bioluminescence is.B. What luciferins are used for.C. Why chemical reaction

46、 exists.D. Why some living things glow.13. How do tobacco plants produce luciferins?A. By glowing constantly.B. By using an input chemical.C. By making glowing bacteria.D. By absorbing natural light.14. What does the author convey about glowing plants in the last paragraph?A. The activities of their

47、 light.B. Their value to the scientists.C. Their effects on other plants.D. The spaces of their existence.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Scientists Create Glowing PlantsB. Glowing Plants Attract ScientistsC. Plants Glow Better and BetterD. Making Plants Glow Is Necessary【答案】12. D 13. B 1

48、4. B 15. A【解析】【分析】本文属于说明文。植物本身并没有荧光素,所以没有天然的发光植物。但科学家们经过不断尝试,创造出了能够发光的植物。文章介绍了这种植物的一些特性和发光植物对于科学家们的价值所在。【12题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段“When a living thing gives off a glow, its called bioluminescence. Fireflies are a well- known example of bioluminescence. Many mushrooms are also bio-luminescent. Fireflies and

49、other bio-luminescent creatures light up thanks to chemicals inside their bodies. These chemicals are known as luciferins, which cause a chemical reaction that gives off light. (当一个生物发出光时,它被称为生物发光。萤火虫是一个众所周知的生物发光的例子。许多蘑菇也有生物发光。萤火虫和其他发光生物之所以发光是因为它们体内的化学物质。这些化学物质被称为荧光素,它们会引起发光的化学反应)”可知,第一段的重点是为什么有些生物会

50、发光。故选D。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“By adding certain parts of the DNA from glowing mushrooms to ordinary tobacco plants, the scientists are able to create plants that can make their own luciferins using this acid.(通过将发光蘑菇的特定DNA片段添加到普通烟草植物中,科学家们能够创造出利用这种酸来制造自己的荧光素的植物)”可知,烟草植物利用一种加入化学物质产生荧光素。故选 B。【14题详解】推理判断题

51、。根据最后一段中“Glowing plants reflect the way plants work.(发光植物反映了植物的活动方式)”以及倒数第二句“The glowing also helps uncover how plants may be affected by things around them. (这种发光植物还有助于揭示植物是如何受到周围环境的影响的)”可推知,本段作者在传达发光植物对于科学家们的价值所在。故选B。【15题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段中“Now, researchers at a Russian company called Planta, working

52、with scientists from the United Kingdom and Austria, have come up with a new method of creating glowing plants which last as long as they are alive.(现在,一家名为Planta的俄罗斯公司的研究人员与来自英国和奥地利的科学家合作,提出了一种创造发光植物的新方法,这种植物可以一直存活下去)”结合文章说明了植物本身并没有荧光素,所以没有天然的发光植物。但科学家们经过不断尝试,创造出了能够发光的植物。文章介绍了这种植物的一些特性和发光植物对于科学家们的价

53、值所在。可知,A选项“科学家创造出发光的植物”最符合文章标题。故选A。第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Listening to music is relatively inexpensive and everyone can do it easily. As is known to all, music has many benefits. _16_ Meanwhile, you can also make use of it to create more joy in your life.

54、Here are some ways.Let music say “Good morning to you. _17_ This music eases you into the day like a beautiful sunrise, and starts you out in a good mood. This is easy to program if you have a Smartphone that allows you to choose a song as your alarm. A positive morning music ceremony is a sure way

55、to start your day off in a better mood. _18_Sing aloud with music as often as you can. If you want to take the positive effects of listening to music to another level, try singing. Singing is one of the best ways to regulate breathing and promote relaxation. Sing in the shower; sing in the car. _19_

56、 This is not about performing but about your relaxation. If you re going to sing, picking and singing the songs that you know will put you in a better mood, inspire you, or help you relax._20_ If you have a daily exercise routine, try taking music along with you. A morning walk or run can become eas

57、ier and more enjoyable if you have music as your personal coach and companion. Again, it is important for you to choose music that works for you and that you know will have the effect you are trying to achieve.A. Try waking to a familiar piece of music.B. Make movements with music every day.C. Spend

58、ing a few minutes singing aloud is necessary.D. Dont worry if you think that you arent a good singer.E. Find some beautiful and inspiring music while you re working.F. You can use music in your daily routine to help reduce stress and anxiety.G. This can also prevent your mind dragging you back into

59、the worries of yesterday.【答案】16. F 17. A 18. G 19. D 20. B【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。众所周知,音乐有很多好处,在日常生活中使用音乐可以帮助减少压力和焦虑,文章主要介绍了一些音乐的好处以及如何利用音乐来为生活创造乐趣的方法。【16题详解】根据上文“Listening to music is relatively inexpensive and everyone can do it easily. As is known to all, music has many benefits.(听音乐相对便宜,每个人都能轻松做到。众所周知,音

60、乐有很多好处)”以及后文“Meanwhile, you can also make use of it to create more joy in your life. Here are some ways.(同时,你也可以利用它来为你的生活创造更多的乐趣。这里有一些方法)”可知,上文提到音乐有很多好处,可推测本句承接上文进一步列举音乐的好处有哪些。故F选项“你可以在日常生活中使用音乐来帮助减少压力和焦虑”符合语境,故选F。【17题详解】根据上文“Let music say “Good morning to you.(让音乐对你说“早上好”)”以及后文“This music eases you

61、 into the day like a beautiful sunrise, and starts you out in a good mood. This is easy to program if you have a Smartphone that allows you to choose a song as your alarm. A positive morning music ceremony is a sure way to start your day off in a better mood.(这首音乐让你进入一天的状态,就像美丽的日出,让你心情愉悦。如果你的智能手机允许你

62、选择一首歌曲作为闹钟,那么这很容易设置。一个积极的早晨音乐仪式肯定会让你有一个更好的心情开始你的一天)”可知,本段主要说明的是通过音乐来叫自己起床,故A选项“试着在熟悉的音乐中醒来”符合语境,故选A。【18题详解】根据上文“A positive morning music ceremony is a sure way to start your day off in a better mood.(一个积极的早晨音乐仪式肯定会让你有一个更好的心情开始你的一天)”可知,上文提到了用音乐开始一天的好处,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文继续说明这一方法的好处。故G选项“这也可以防止你的大脑把你拖回到昨天

63、的烦恼中”符合语境,故选G。【19题详解】根据上文“Singing is one of the best ways to regulate breathing and promote relaxation. Sing in the shower; sing in the car.(唱歌是调节呼吸和促进放松的最佳方式之一。在淋浴时歌唱,在车里唱歌)”以及后文“This is not about performing but about your relaxation. If you re going to sing, picking and singing the songs that you

64、know will put you in a better mood, inspire you, or help you relax.(这不是表演的问题,而是放松的问题。如果你要唱歌,挑一些你知道会让你心情更好的歌曲,激励你,或帮助你放松)”可知,本段介绍的方法是唱歌来放松,且后文提到了不是表演的问题,可推测唱歌好不好听并不需要担心,重要的是放松。故D选项“如果你认为你不是一个好歌手,不要担心”符合语境,故选D。【20题详解】根据后文“If you have a daily exercise routine, try taking music along with you. A morning

65、 walk or run can become easier and more enjoyable if you have music as your personal coach and companion. Again, it is important for you to choose music that works for you and that you know will have the effect you are trying to achieve.(如果你每天都有锻炼的习惯,试着把音乐带在身边。如果你有音乐作为你的私人教练和伙伴,早晨散步或跑步会变得更容易和更愉快。再次强

66、调,选择适合你的音乐是很重要的,而且你知道它会产生你想要达到的效果)”可知,后文提到每天锻炼时听音乐,即跟着音乐做运动。B选项中movements对应后文中have a daily exercise routine。故B选项“每天跟着音乐做运动”符合语境,故选B。第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Paige Calendine of Zanesville, Ohio, may look a little different from her teammates, b

67、ut shes just as talented if not more so. Paige was born without legs, but she has _21_ a lot.Her parents, Sean and Heidi, chose early on not to place _22_ on her. When she was 18 months old, they enrolled (报名) her in gymnastics classes to help her _23_ upper body strength!“Because she was born witho

68、ut legs, she doesnt know its a _24_,” Sean explained. “We _25_ right away that we would not treat her like a disabled child or make things _26_ for her. We wanted her to learn how to _27_ the real world.”In the years since, Paige has _28_ herself to be a gifted athlete! Today, shes part of the XceL

69、Team at Zanesville Gymnastics. Not only has her _29_ inspired her coaches and teammates, but its also earned her _30_! In a gymnastics competition last October, the 8-year-old took first place! _31_, she is looking forward to trying other sports in the future, including swimming and archery (箭术)! Sh

70、e has never _32_ her abilities and hopes to encourage others to adopt the same _33_ “Face your disadvantage bravely, and you can _34_ anything that happens in your life,” she said.What an inspiration! Paige has _35_ that we don t have to let anything get in the way of doing what we love.21. A. suffe

71、redB. achievedC. thoughtD. seen22. A. attentionB. limitsC. associationD. goals23. A. buildB. evaluateC. controlD. discover24. A. phenomenonB. shameC. burdenD. disability25. A. announcedB. signaledC. decidedD. advocated26. A. accurateB. usefulC. easyD. clear27. A. adjust toB. care aboutC. depend onD.

72、 cheer for28. A. consideredB. provenC. believedD. encouraged29. A. honorB. potentialC. desireD. talent30. A. medalsB. skillsC. sympathyD. responsibility31. A. UnexpectedlyB. RandomlyC. UnreasonablyD. Differently32. A. analyzedB. describedC. doubtedD. shared33. A. hobbyB. attitudeC. luckD. concept34.

73、 A. conveyB. understandC. selectD. overcome35. A. concludedB. directedC. repliedD. shown【答案】21. B 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. D【解析】【分析】本文属于记叙文。佩吉卡琳(Paige Calendine)生来没有腿,但是她却是赞斯维尔体操队的一员,在去年的十月份,在一次体操比赛中年仅8岁的她获得了第一名。【21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:佩吉生来就没有腿,但她取

74、得了很多成就。A. suffered遭受;B. achieved获得;C. thought想;D. seen看见。根据“Paige Calendine of Zanesville, Ohio, may look a little different from her teammates, but shes just as talented if not more so.”可知,佩吉和队友们一样有才华;后文谈到她参加体操训练,成为赞斯维尔体操队的一员,而且还获得体操比赛的第一名,说明她取得很多成就。故选B。【22题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的父母肖恩和海蒂很早就选择不给她设限。A. att

75、ention关注;B. limits限制;C. association社团;D. goals目标。根据“When she was 18 months old, they enrolled (报名) her in gymnastics classes to help her _3_ upper body strength!”可知,佩吉的父母在她18个月大的时候,就给她报名上体操课。由此可知,她的父母很早就选择不会因为她残疾就给她设定一些限制。故选B。【23题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她18个月大的时候,他们给她报名参加体操班,帮助她锻炼上肢力量!A. build建造;B. evaluate

76、评估;C. control控制;D. discover发现。根据“Because she was born without legs,”可知,佩吉生来就没有腿,所以她父母将她送去上体操课,帮助她锻炼上肢力量。故选A。【24题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“因为她生来就没有腿,所以她不知道这是一种残疾,”肖恩解释说。 A. phenomenon现象;B. shame羞愧;C. burden负担;D. disability缺陷。根据“Because she was born without legs,”可知,因为生来就没有腿,所以佩吉不知道这是一种残疾。故选D。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意

77、:我们立刻决定,我们不会把她当作残疾儿童来对待,也不会让她的事情变得容易。A. announced宣布;B. signaled发信号;C. decided决定;D. advocated提倡。据“When she was 18 months old, they enrolled (报名) her in gymnastics classes to help her _3_ upper body strength!”可知,佩吉的父母在她18个月大的时候,就给她报名上体操课,所以他们在佩吉出生后,马上决定不会像对待残疾人一样对待她。故选C。【26题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们立刻决定,我们不会

78、把她当作残疾儿童来对待,也不会让她的事情变得容易。 A. accurate精确的;B. useful有用的;C. easy容易的;D. clear清晰的。根据“We _5_ right away that we would not treat her like a disabled child”可知,佩吉的父母决定不会像对待残疾人一样对待她,所以也不会因为她是残疾人,让她的生活变得轻松。故选C。【27题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们想让她学会如何适应现实世界。A. adjust to适应;B. care about关心;C. depend on依靠;D. cheer for为欢呼。他们这样

79、做的目的是为了让她学会如何适应现实世界。故选A。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那以后的几年里,佩吉证明了自己是一个有天赋的运动员!A. considered考虑;B. proven证明;C. believed相信;D. encouraged鼓励。根据“Today, shes part of the XceL Team at Zanesville Gymnastics.”和“In a gymnastics competition last October, the 8-year-old took first place!”可知,她现在是赞斯维尔体操队的一员,在比赛中还获得第一名,这些说

80、明她证明了自己是一个有天赋的运动员。故选B。【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的天赋不仅激励了她的教练和队友,也为她赢得了奖牌!A. honor荣誉;B. potential潜力;C. desire要求;D. talent才能。根据“In the years since, Paige has _8_ herself to be a gifted athlete!”可知,她的天赋激励了她的教练和队友。gift与talent属于同义词。故选D。【30题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的天赋不仅激励了她的教练和队友,也为她赢得了奖牌! A. medals奖牌;B. skills技巧;C. sy

81、mpathy同情;D. responsibility责任。根据“the 8-year-old took first place!”可知,说明她获得了奖牌。故选A。【31题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:没想到,她还期待着将来尝试其他运动,包括游泳和射箭!A. Unexpectedly意外地;B. Randomly随意地;C. Unreasonably不合理地;D. Differently不同地。根据“she is looking forward to trying other sports in the future, including swimming and archery (箭术)!”可

82、知,在体操方面她取得了成就,作为残疾人,她正期待在未来尝试其他运动,包括游泳,射箭等,这是令人意想不到的。故选A。【32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:她从不怀疑自己的能力,并希望鼓励其他人也采取同样的态度。A. analyzed分析;B. described描述;C. doubted怀疑;D. shared分享。根据前文谈到的内容和后面“hopes to encourage others to adopt the same _13_”可知,佩吉对自己充满信心,从来没有怀疑过自己的能力。故选C。【33题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她从不怀疑自己的能力,并希望鼓励其他人也采取同样的态度。A.

83、hobby爱好;B. attitude态度;C. luck幸运;D. concept观念。佩吉希望以自己的事迹鼓励其余人对待残疾或其他事情也采取同样的态度。故选B。34题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说:“勇敢地面对自己缺点,你就能克服生活中发生的任何事情。”A. convey表达;B. understand理解;C. select选择;D. overcome克服。根据“Face your disadvantage bravely,”和佩吉的故事可知,勇敢地面对自己的劣势,你可以克服生活中发生的任何事情。故选D。【35题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:佩吉已经表明,我们不必让任何事情妨碍我们做

84、自己喜欢的事情。A. concluded得出结论;B. directed指示;C. replied回复;D. shown展示。根据“What an inspiration!”和“we don t have to let anything get in the way of doing what we love.”可知,这里是作者针对佩吉事迹的议论:多么好的激励故事啊!佩吉向我们诠释了:我们不要让任何事阻碍我们做自己喜欢的事。故选D。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。During the 18th century, s

85、easide holidays began. However, at that time, it was only a luxury (奢侈) for the wealthiest people. Only the upper class _36_(visit) the seaside in their free time. _37_ first British seaside town was Scarborough, _38_ became popular when a stream of acidic water was found in the south of it. It was

86、believed that the water could contribute to _39_(treat) small diseases. Brighton, in the south of the UK, was also an early seaside town. It was _40_(extreme) popular with the wealthy. King George IV especially enjoyed visiting it. In 1815 , he transformed his home into a palace by the sea. Part of

87、his home has now been turned into a museum.Great changes about seaside holidays _41_(take) place over the last few decades. In the beginning, only the rich could enjoy them, but nowadays, they are _42_(access) to all. In the 1840s, the _43_(invent) of the railway allowed a wider range of people to v

88、isit the beach, as it was a cheaper way to travel than before. As a result _44_ this, more hotels were built beside the sea. Beaches became more popular too. Bathing machines were made available for people to get _45_(change) in. It was beach etiquette (礼仪) to use them, particularly for women.【答案】36

89、. visited 37. The 38. which 39. treating 40. extremely 41. have taken 42. accessible 43. invention 44. of 45. changed【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了18世纪两个海滨度假胜地Scarborough和Brighton。以及近几十年海滨度假相对18世纪海滨度假的变化,逐渐平民化、人性化、也更便捷了。【36题详解】考查动词时态。句意:只有上层阶级在他们的闲暇时间,去海滨游玩。根据前文可知,讲得是18世纪的事实情况,因此用一般过去即可。故填visited.【37题详解】考查冠

90、词。句意:第一个英国海滨城市是Scarborough。First是序数词,前面需要使用冠词the表示特指。另外,此处位于句首,需要大写。故填The.【38题详解】考查定语从句。句意:第一个英国海滨城市是Scarborough ,当酸性水流在其南部被发现的时候,Scarborough变得受欢迎。空处非限制性引导定语从句,来修饰Scarborough。先行词是Scarborough,关系词在从句中做主语,指代先行词Scarborough。在非限制性定语从句中,指物,作主语,只能使用which。故填which。【39题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:据说那里的酸性水有助于治疗小病。contribute

91、to有助于,其中to是介词,因此后面使用动名词形式做宾语。故填treating。【40题详解】考查程度副词。句意:Brighton在富人中非常受欢迎。此处修饰形容词popular,需使用副词形式,意为极度或非常受欢迎。故填extremely.【41题详解】考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:海滨度假在过去的几十年里发生了巨大的改变。根据时间状语over the last few decades可知,此处使用现在完成时。需要注意的是,take place是没有被动形式的。又因为主语changes是复数,故填have taken。【42题详解】考查形容词。句意:最初,只有富人可以享受海滨度假,但是现如今

92、,所有人可以享受。空处做表语,根据句意“可接触到;可以享受”,可知这里需要用形容词。也可以当作固定搭配来记忆be accessible to“可为所理解;可接近”。故填accessible。【43题详解】考查名词。句意: 铁路的发明使更多的人可以游览海滩,因为这是一种比以前更便宜的旅行方式。前面有冠词the,所以后面应该用名词。另外也可以这样理解,“A名词+of +B名词”译为“B的A”。故填invention.【44题详解】考查介词。句意:由于这个原因,更多的旅馆建在了海边。As a result of为固定短语,意为“由于;出于原因”。故填of。【45题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:洗浴机也

93、制作出来让人们可以换衣用。此处考查get done结构,表达状态的变化(动作的结果)。get changed意为“换衣服”。类似还有get dressed穿衣服;get shaved刮胡子等。故填changed。第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)46. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter给你发邮件说他即将参加英国高考(A-level),但现在感到紧张,不知如何办。请给他回复邮件,内容包括:1. 以具体事例安慰对方;2. 提出建议。注意:1.词数80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Peter,_Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua【答案

94、】One possible version:Dear Peter,Receiving your e-mail and learning youre worried about your A-level, Im writing back immediately.Actually I fully understand you because I had the same experience as you. I once had to participate in an important exam, but I was so stressed that I almost gave it up.

95、However, my English teacher comforted me, saying that if I tried every effort, everything would go on well. Hearing this, I calmed myself down and successfully passed the exam.So Id advise you to ask your teachers for help. Theyre experienced and skilled in dealing with problems. Why not have a try?

96、Best wishes !YoursLi Hua【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于普通书信,要求考生给英国朋友Peter回信,帮助他缓解考前压力并提出一些建议。【详解】1.词汇积累收到:getreceive马上,立刻:at onceimmediately参与:take part inparticipate in处理:handledeal with2.句式拓展原句:So Id advise you to ask your teachers for help. Theyre experienced and skilled in dealing with problems.拓展句:So Id advi

97、se you to ask your teachers for help because theyre experienced and skilled in dealing with problems.【点睛】高分句型1 Receiving your e-mail and learning youre worried about your A-level, Im writing back immediately. (现在分词短语作状语)高分句型2 I once had to participate in an important exam, but I was so stressed that

98、 I almost gave it up. (that结构引导的结果状语从句)第二节(满分25分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Lynn Marchessault and her two children packed up their car in Georgia and settled in for a five- day ride. They were going to meet up with Lynns husband in Alaska, where he is stationed as a soldier.Because of

99、COVID-19 regulations, they had to stick to a strict five-day schedule to reach their destination. Unfortunately, once they entered Canada, things began to take a turn for the worse. Lynn, s phone didnt have signal without an Internet connection, so they had no GPS. Not to mention ,her windshield wip

100、ers (雨舌器)wouldnt work, she was having an extremely difficult time driving in the snow, which she had never done before, and she wasnt allowed to stop anywhere for help because of the travel restrictions.Thankfully, a woman named Teena noticed her crying in her car at a gas station. Upon hearing Lynn

101、 s story, she decided to take a look at their tires. She found that Lynn had summer tires. Thats why she was having so much trouble driving in the snow. Teena helped Lynn get to a tire shop, where the owner helped her swap out her wheels for some that were better suited to the winter weather and cha

102、nged her wipers even though it was Sunday and the business was actually closed.Lynn got back on the road, only to stop at a hotel that was meant only for oil field workers. But when Andy, the hotel manager, saw that Lynn was struggling, he bent the rules to let the mom and her kids spend the night s

103、o they didnt have to get back on the road in cold weather.Unable to bear driving another three days alone, Lynn decided to hire a driver to take them the rest of the way to the Alaskan border, another 1,000 miles away. She reached out to Teena to see if she could help her find someone. Between Teena

104、 and the power of social media, they were connected with Gary Bath, a Canadian Ranger (护林员)who offered to help them get to Alaska!注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Over the course of their three day drive, Lynn and Gary had great conversations._Difficulties may occur to all of us._【答案】One possibl

105、e version:Over the course of their three-day drive, Lynn and Gary had great conversations. Gary told her that he was once a soldier too and that he was happy to drive them to Alaska to meet her husband and let her kids meet their dad. He drove like a hero through the conditions that had caused her s

106、o much anxiety. Lynn was planning to pay for Garys trip back home, but by the time they made it to Alaska, Garys community had already donated and paid for a flight to get him home safely !Dificulies may occur to all of us. However, there are many kind-hearted people around us, like the strangers Ly

107、nn met in this story.Time and time again, when Lynn reached her breaking point, the people around her stepped up in a big way to help out. So we should be grateful to theworld, because we need each other to get by. No wonder Gary said later,“Thanks to everyone who was involved in donating. It was yo

108、ur kind help that made me finish the work.”【解析】【分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Lynn Marchessault和她的两个孩子去阿拉斯加州见她的丈夫,遇到很多困难,先是手机没有信号,雨刷器坏了,车子在雪地上很难开,只能坐在车里哭泣,后来一名叫Teena的女人帮助了她们,让她们可以继续赶路,又得到酒店经理Andy的帮助可以住宿,最后通过Teena的帮助,联系上护林员Gary帮助她驾车到达阿拉斯加州,一次次陌生人的帮助,让Lynn Marchessault感叹我们应该感谢这个世界,因为我们身边有很多善良的人。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容

109、“在他们三天的车程中,Lynn和Gary进行了很棒的交谈。”可知,第一段可描写Lynn和Gary的谈话内容已经最终安全到达阿拉斯加州。由第二段首句内容“我们大家都可能遇到困难。”可知,第二段可描写Lynn对于旅行中遇到好心人的帮助进行感叹和感谢。2.续写线索:开车捐赠支付善良的感谢3.词汇激活行为类开车:drive/drive off/drive sb. back捐赠:donate/giveto a charity支付:pay for/pay off/make a payment情绪类善良的:kind-hearted /warm-hearted/friendly感谢:be grateful t

110、o/ show his gratitude 【点睛】高分句型1 Gary told her that he was once a soldier too and that he was happy to drive them to Alaska to meet her husband and let her kids meet their dad.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句作told的宾语)高分句型2 He drove like a hero through the conditions that had caused her so much anxiety. (由关系代词that引导限制性定语从句)高分句型3 It was your kind help that made me finish the work(It was+that强调句型)


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