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2016-2017学年高中英语选修六(人教版)练习:UNIT 3 A HEALTHY LIFE2 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、Section Grammar课时训练基础夯实.根据句意选择合适的代词填空(可重复使用)onethe onesthoseitthat1.(2015浙江高考改编)How would you like if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?答案:it2.The cost of buying a house in Beijing is higher than in most of the cities in

2、 China.答案:that3.looks as if it is going to rain.Wed better put off our picnic.答案:It4.The doctor had warned him not to have so much fat,but didnt help.答案:it5.Keep on trying,and youll make sooner or later.答案:it6.The techniques they have suggested are much better than we are adopting.答案:the ones/those7

3、.My father bought me a gold watch for my birthday last week,that I will treasure all my life.答案:one8.We can depend on that he will help us collect enough money for the project.答案:it.完成句子1.They (还没有公之于众) where they are to hold the conference.答案:havent made it known2.I think (对我们来说那是不可能的) to finish ou

4、r work on time.答案:it impossible for us3. (据报道) two people were injured in the accident.答案:Its reported that4. (那是没有用的) saying any more about it.答案:Its no use5. (那是我的职责) to help you improve your English.答案:Its my duty6. (众所周知) that smoking does harm to peoples health.答案:It is known to all7.You may de

5、pend upon it (我们绝不会灰心).答案:that we shall never lose heart8.I took it for granted (你会和我们待在一起).答案:that you would stay with us9. (我讨厌) when you say such things in public.答案:I hate it10.I would appreciate it very much (如果你能帮我做这件事).答案:if you could help me with it能力提升.七选五(导学号51970030)How can we all get mor

6、e laughter in our life?Here is what the experts suggest:1 Nancy Alguire,a teacher in Clifton Park,N.Y.,was once painfully shy and had a hard time laughing.Then she married a circus clown(小丑).“I became interested in the clowns,” she recalls.“One day I put on a costume and painted my face.That afterno

7、on my whole life changed.I learned to laugh and enjoy life in a way I had never done before.”2 To this day,she still makes it a rule to be with people who enjoy life and laughing.3 It doesnt take you too much time and can be easy.Collect favourite cartoons and jokes.Also,keep a paper for writing dow

8、n the humour you find in everyday life.“Good ideas come and go fast;you have to capture them quickly or they are gone,” says Virginia Tooper. Laugh when you need it most.“4” says comedian Bill Cosby.“And once you find laughter,no matter how painful your situation might be,you can survive it,” he ins

9、ists. Gray Alan,a sociology professor at the University of Minnesota,claims that laughter is a skill we all can gainbecause it comes naturally.5 Just remember:we are just here for a period,so get a few laughs.A.You can soften the worst blows through humour.B.Mix with people who laugh.C.Practise the

10、art of laughing.D.Keep a laughter file(文档).E.He who laughs last laughs best.F.But its also something that has to be developed(培养).G.Peoples joy can affect those around them.答案:15 BGDAF.完形填空(导学号51970031)Long long ago,a circle missed one piece of its own.The circle wanted to be whole,so it went around

11、 looking for its 1 piece.But because it was 2 and could roll only very slowly,it 3 the flowers along the way.It 4 with the worms.It enjoyed the sunshine.It found lots of different pieces,but 5 of them fitted.So it left them all by the side of the road and 6 searching.Then one day the circle found a

12、piece that fitted 7.It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll.8 it was a perfect circle,it could roll very fast,9 fast to notice the flowers or talk to the worms.After it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly,it 10, left its found piece by the side o

13、f the road and rolled slowly away.The 11 of the story,I suggest,is that in some strange 12 we are more whole when we are missing something.The man who has 13 is in some ways a poor man.He will never know what it 14 like to nourish his soul with the dream of something 15.When we accept that 16 is par

14、t of being human and when we can continue rolling 17 life and appreciate it,we will have 18 a wholeness that others can only desire,which,I believe,is 19 God asks of usnot “be perfect”, not “dont even make a mistake”,20“be whole”.1.A.otherB.missingC.restD.remaining答案:B解析:前面说这个圆形掉了一块,此处与前面的missed呼应,选

15、B项,表示“丢失的”。2.A.incompleteB.uglyC.ordinaryD.unusual答案:A解析:圆形掉了一块,因此它是不完整的。根据语意的连贯性和前面的to be whole可知,应选A项,表示“不完整的”。3.A.pickedB.wateredC.admiredD.planted答案:C解析:此处与后文的“It enjoyed the sunshine.”呼应,故选C项,表示“欣赏”。圆形因为缺少了一块而滚动得很慢,这样它就能欣赏沿途美丽的花朵了。4.A.playedB.chattedC.sangD.danced答案:B解析:此处与下文中的talk to the worms

16、呼应,应选B项,表示和小虫聊天。5.A.neitherB.eachC.allD.none答案:D解析:根据下文“So it left them all by the side of the road.”可知,圆形找到的这些不同的部分都不合适,故用none“没有一个”,表示全部否定。6.A.carried outB.put onC.worked outD.kept on答案:D解析:圆形找到的这些小块都不合适,因此它继续(keep on) 寻找。7.A.especiallyB.permanentlyC.perfectlyD.constantly答案:C解析:这里表示能完全吻合,故用perfect

17、ly表示“完全地”。8.A.AlthoughB.Now thatC.UnlessD.As long as答案:B解析:因为这个圆形完整了,所以它滚动得就很快。这里用now that引导状语从句,表示“既然,由于”。9.A.veryB.tooC.soD.how答案:B解析:这里用too.to.结构表示“太而不能”,因此选B项。此时圆形滚动得太快了,来不及欣赏沿途的花朵,也没时间和小虫交谈。10.A.stoppedB.continuedC.hesitatedD.cried答案:A解析:下文说圆形把装上去的那一块卸掉了,故选A项,表示圆形停(stopped) 下来。11.A.lessonB.root

18、C.reasonD.cause答案:A解析:作者在这里开始议论,故选A项,表示“教训,经验”。12.A.degreeB.levelC.senseD.manner答案:C解析:这里用短语in some sense表示“从某种意义上说”。13.A.nothingB.somethingC.littleD.everything答案:D解析:此处与后文中的dream of something呼应,故选D项,表示“一切东西”。14.A.smellsB.feelsC.looksD.sounds答案:B解析:这里用feel表示“感觉,感受”。什么都有的人永远也感受不到用梦想滋养自己的灵魂是什么滋味。15.A.


20、完整而没有缺憾的情况,故选C项。19.A.whichB.howC.thatD.what答案:D解析:本空连词引导表语从句并在从句中作ask的宾语,指物,因此用what。20.A.butB.whileC.andD.otherwise答案:A解析:此空与前面的not呼应,not.but.表示“不是而是”,故选A项。.语法填空(导学号51970032)(2016黑龙江省哈尔滨师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学联合模拟)People do have different ideas about what 1.(wear).While young people tend to consider mor

21、e about fashion,personality and how they look when 2.(choose) clothes,elderly people pay 3.(great) attention to whether they appear right,they feel comfortable as well as whether the material is worth 4. price.How people get dressed also changes over time.Take China 5. an example.In the 1960s and 19

22、70s,there were practically only two or three colors people woreblue,green and gray.The styles of the clothes 6.(be) also very dull.In the 1980s young people would only wear 7. was in fashion.8.(recent),we have come to understand that the way you dress 9.(you) is a reflection of your occupation,your background and your personality.So we see different people wear different clothes according to occasions,their likes and 10.(feel).答案:1.to wear2.choosing3.greater4.the5.as 6.were7.what8.Recently9.yourself10.feelings


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