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1、高考高三英语12月月考试题04第一卷 (选择题 满分115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What day is it today? A. Friday. B. Thursday. C. Wednesday.2. Where will the woman probably stay this weekend? A. At home. B. A

2、t school. C. At the theatre.3. How does the woman feel about the cancellation of trip? A. Disappointed. B. Indifferent. C. Excited.4. Who do you think the man is? A. The womans neighbor. B. The womans boss. C. A policeman.5. Why was the woman scared yesterday? A. A fire broke out in the office. B. S

3、omeone was killed in a fight. C. A colleague tried to kill people.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where did the woman buy her new computer? A. In a sto

4、re. B. On the Internet. C. In a shopping center.11. Why has she never had any problems with online shopping?A. She uses a special pay card. B. She knows most of the sellers. C. She only buys cheap stuff.12. How do a lot of people feel about online shopping? A. They think its time-saving. B. They thi

5、nk its cheaper. C. They are afraid of being cheated.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why did the doctor give the woman some pills? A. She was running a fever. B. She had a headache. C. She didnt have any appetite.14. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Brother and sister. B. Classmates. C.

6、Teacher and Student.15. What will the man buy for the woman? A. Some bananas. B. Some apples. C. Some chocolate.16. What does the man promise to do? A. Help the woman with the test. B. Help the woman do the homework. C. Help the woman with the lessons she has missed.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What first

7、made T-shirts really popular? A. Soldiers. B. Films. C. Advertisements.18. Who began a new fashion in T-shirts for women? A. James Dean. B. Marlon Brando. C. Jean Seberg.19. When did they start to be used as“Walking advertisements”? A. In 1965. B. In 1959. C. In 1955.20. What role did T-shirts play

8、later on? A. people put their messages on T-shirts. B. They became popular with artists. C. They became a symbol of youngsters.第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. If I were in _ position of the mayor, I wouldnt allow _factory like this standing on the bank of the Yangtze River. A.

9、the;不填 B. the;a C. a;the D. ;the22. Hasnt the thief admitted his crime by now? No, _ questioned many times. A. if B. unless C. though D. once23. Bobs lectures a fairly wide range and I cant sum up what he says in a few sentences. A. considered B. conveyed C. covered D. commanded24. Jenny is always _

10、 for appointments. Why is she late today? She might have got trapped in a traffic jam in the rush hour. A. patient B. punctual C. grateful D. available 25. Dont forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know youve arrived safely. I wont forget. Good-bye then. _.A. With pleasure B. Its kin

11、d of you C. Have a nice trip D. Dont mention it26. Why didnt you chat with that friendly foreigner just now? Id like to, but the trouble was _ he said was difficult for me to understand.A. what which B. what that C. that that D. that what 27. If I have any further news, you will be the first person

12、_.A. to know B. known C. knowing D. knew28. The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _ up to half will be from abroad.A. of whom B. for whom C. with which D. in which29. You didnt wait for Elizabeth last night, did you?For a few years, I have been wearing a ring on my right hand. Its not a

13、lways the 36 ring, but its always a ring that has 37 on it so that when I look at it, Im 38 or reminded of something important. I have made a 39 of buying rings like this whenever I see one in a store. Sometimes I give them away as 40 to someone like Jennie.I first met Jennie in the 41 waiting room

14、and we had talked several times. One night I sat down beside her and 42 how her son was doing because I knew that he was in very 43 condition. She told me that she didnt know what to do any more because it seemed none of the 44 from the doctors was good. They werent at all sure her son was going to

15、45 the accident that had hurt him so badly. With 46 in her eyes she said, “Theyre 47 my hope.”I knew then that it was 48 just a coincidence that I was wearing the ring that I had on that day. As she 49 to talk, I 50 slipped the ring off my finger and placed it in Jennies hand. I told her to wear it

16、to remember that God loved her and He would be with her 51 all of this. 52 Jennie looked down at the ring, she got excited and then held it tightly, 53 the word written on the ring was “HOPE”.The last day I was at the hospital, I saw Jennie in the distance as I got on the lift. She 54 and held up th

17、e hand with the ring on it as she called out to me saying, “Look, I 55 have Hope!”36AspecialBsameCexpensiveDvaluable37AnamesBpicturesCwordsDsymbols38AencouragedBadmiredCtrustedDpuzzled39AplanBhabitClistDpoint来源: 40AthanksBprizesCawardsDgifts 41ArailwayBhospitalCschoolDairport42AthoughtBexplainedCask

18、edDfound43AseriousBnormalCfavorableDexcellent44AadviceBinstructionsCnewsDcomfort45AdefeatBsurviveCpredictDexperience46AapologiesBangerCtearsDdoubt47Akeeping upBtaking awayCcutting offDbringing down48Amore thanBrather thanCother thanDless than49AstartedBrefusedCattemptedDcontinued 来源: 50AcautiouslyBs

19、hylyCnervouslyDquietly 51AoverBthroughCbeyondDwithin52AWhenBWhileCSinceDUntil53AyetBsoCforDand54AshoutedBhesitatedCcheeredDwaved 55AeverBonlyCjustDstill 第三部分: 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。APupils work harder in lessons if they are taught by a man, a study ha

20、s claimed. Male teachers are more likely to improve pupils self-esteem and are judged by pupils to be more fair, according to a study published by the Department for Education. But there is a significant shortage of male teachers, especially in primary schools, with reports last month indicating tha

21、t almost one in three primaries has an all-female teaching staff. The latest figures heightened fears that schools are becoming dominated (主宰) by women and children are being denied access to male role models in the classroom. Researchers at the London School of Economics and Westminster University

22、conducted an experiment in which each of 1,200 pupils in 29 schools was given 2. They could use the money to buy up to 10 questions at a cost of 20p each, which they then had to answer. If they were right they were given an extra 20p, but if they were wrong they lost 20p. Boys and girls who had a ma

23、le teacher chose on average almost half a questionmore than those taught by women, indicating that they had a more positive outlook on the rewards of effort, the study said.Researchers wrote: One of the most significant results featured in this experiment is the positive effect of male teachers on e

24、ffort. The experiment suggests that higher ability pupils either believed that the teacher would reward them more favorably or had a preference for working hard to please the teacher. According to the Good Teacher Training Guide, 86 per cent of new teachers entering primary schools are female, along

25、 with 62 per cent of those entering secondary schools.Professor Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University, said: This is an interesting and somewhat surprising finding, but it does underline the importance of having a good mix of male and female teachers in classes.56. Which of the following is true o

26、f the passage? A. Male teachers are more fair than female teachers.B. Now most primary schools are in need of teachers.C. The author thinks that male teachers are better than female teachers.D. Most people are afraid that their children cant get access to male teachers.57. What is the authors attitu

27、de to the finding that pupils work harder in lessons if they are taught by a man? A. He is for the finding.B. He doesnt show his opinion about it.C. He is against the finding.D. He thinks its interesting and somewhat surprising.58. What does the author mainly tell us in the 3rd paragraph? A. The exp

28、eriment shows that students taught by male teachers had a more positive outlook on the rewards of effort.B. Students could use the money to buy up to 10 questions and then had to answer them.C. Boys and girls who had a male teacher chose on average almost half a question more than those taught by wo

29、men.D. Researchers at the London School of Economics and Westminster University conducted an experiment.59. It can be inferred that . A. if a student is taught by a man teacher, he will think that if he works harder he will make greater progress来源: B. one third of primaries has an all female staffC.

30、 86 per cent of new teachers entering primary schools are femaleD. this finding is interesting and surprising60. Where can we find the passage? A. It is from a PE section on the Internet.B. It comes from the social section of a newspaper.C. It is from an educational magazine.D. It comes from an Engl

31、ish teaching book.BEven a small reduction in salt in the diet can be a big help to the heart. A new study used a computer model to predict how just three grams less a day would affect heart disease in the United States.The result: thirteen percent fewer heart attacks. Eight percent fewer strokes. Fo

32、ur percent fewer deaths. Eleven percent fewer new cases of heart disease. And two hundred forty billion dollars in health care savings. Researchers found it could prevent one hundred thousand heart attacks and ninety-two thousand deaths every year.The study is in the New England Journal of Medicine.

33、 Kirsten, at the University of California, was the lead author. She says people would not even notice a difference in taste with three grams, or one-half teaspoon, less salt per day. The team also included researchers at Stanford and Columbia University.Each gram of salt contains four hundred millig

34、rams of sodium, which is how foods may list their salt content.The government says the average American man eats ten grams of salt a day. The American Heart Association advises no more than three grams for healthy people. It says salt in the American diet has increased fifty percent since the ninete

35、en seventies, while blood pressures have also risen. Less salt can mean a lower blood pressure.New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is leading an effort called the National Salt Reduction Initiative. The idea is to put pressure on food companies and restaurants. Mayor Bloomberg has already succeede

36、d in other areas, like requiring fast food places in the city to list calorie information. Now a study by the Seattle Childrens Research Institute shows how that idea can influence what parents order for their children.Ninety-nine parents of three to six year olds took part. Half had McDonalds menus

37、 clearly showing how many calories were in each food. The other half got menus without the calorie information.61. How many heart attacks will occur in the US every year? A. 24,000. B. nearly 800,000. C. 100,000. D. 92,000.62. We can learn from the passage that . A. Americans ate no more than 5 gram

38、s of salt per day in the 1970sB. the American Heart Association suggest less than 3 grams of salt every day.C. all the heart diseases result from eating more saltD. a reduction in salt in the diet helps lower blood pressure.63. The National Salt Reduction Initiative aims to . A. put pressure on food

39、 companies and restaurants.B. advise Americans to eat less salt.C. require fast food places to list calorie information.D. attract the public attention to the problem.64. All the following are related to the salt in diet except _. A. strokes B. stomach diseases C. blood pressures D. heart attacks65.

40、 The best title of the passage of the passage is . A. The National Salt Reduction Initiative B. Prevent heart attacks and deathsC. Less salt can mean more life D. Americans should eat less saltCTodays Britain is full of TV shows like Fame Academy, which claim to offer young hopefuls an instant passp

41、ort to fame and riches. But a very different kind of academy may provide a new generation of Brits with a slower, steadier path to wealth.A pig academy in the east of England is aiming to train up new pig farmers to help promote local agriculture and meet the UKs growing demand for pork. Last year c

42、onsumption of pork products increased by 6,000 tonnes. But British farmers have not benefited from this rise in demand. A combination of increasing feed prices, competition from cheaper imports and an outbreak of foot and mouth disease have all eaten into their profits. Pig numbers in the UK have ac

43、tually almost halved in the last decade. Now, Fresh Start Pig Academy in Lincolnshire is launching a course which intends to redress (修复) the balance. They say pig husbandry (养猪业) is a growth industry and newcomers are welcome. For those of you who fancy getting your hands dirty, the course will tea

44、ch you everything you need to know, from keeping pigs healthy to raising the capital needed to start up.Pig farmer Anne Longthorp followed her father into the industry and believes that farming pigs is very rewarding work: Theyre great, curious animals to work with. Just watching their behaviour its

45、 really interesting work. There is a lot more to pig farming than people give us credit for. Its very scientific.So, while most of Britains young people may continue to dream of overnight stardom, others will hope a more traditional career will help them bring home the bacon.66. The second paragraph

46、 is mainly about the pig academy come into being. A.whereB. how C. when D. why 67. Which is not the contribution to the decrease in pig farmers enthusiasm? A. competition from cheaper importsB. increasing feed pricesC. growing demand for pork D. outbreak of foot and mouth disease68. From the passage

47、 we can infer that the Pig Academy will . A. provide geilivable help for whoever attends the course There 40 students were selected from almost 2,000 contestants nationwide. They had to present original research to be judged by professional scientists. The students showed their research projects on

48、large posters. The winners were announced on March 15th, 2011.Wendy Hawkins is executive director of the Intel Foundation, Who says the 40 finalists represented excellence across many areas of science.Selena Li is from Fair Oaks, California, She wanted to find a more effective treatment for liver ca

49、ncer. She began her research four years ago. A scientist at the University of California, Davis, taught her how to design and do experimental work in the laboratory. Ms. Li placed 5th in the Intel Science Talent Search and was awarded 30,000 dollars. Scott Boisvert lives near Phoenix, Arizona. He be

50、gan using a laboratory at the university of Arizona at the age of 14. Over four years, he completed a project studying a fungus(真菌)linked to the decrease in amphibians(两栖类动物)around the world. He was trying to find out if different chemicals and substances in the water could kill of fungus. He collec

51、ted and tested water samples across Arizona. He says,“My results were able to identify a list of chemicals that were significant in the growth and in the movement of the fungus.”He placed 10th in the Intel competition and was awarded 20,000 dollars.Evan ODorney of Danville, California, won the top a

52、ward of 100,000 dollars in this years Intel Science Talent Search. For his mathematical project, He compared two ways to estimate the square root of an integer, a number with no fractional parts.Wendy Hawkins at the Intel Foundation says these young people represent the next generation of scientists

53、 who will help shape Americas future.71. This passage is mainly about . A. 40 students were invited to visit the White House B. President Obama awarded prizes to 40 students last week C. the top award of 100,000 dollars in this years Intel Science Talent Search D. some top students in the Intel Scie

54、nce Talent Search(2011)来源: 72. According to the passage, if you want to win the Intel Science Talent Search, you must . A. have high academic achievement B. offer original research C. be excellent in all areas of science D. do many experiments in a university lab73. Who will be probably engaged in m

55、ath study in the future and become a mathematician? A. Wendy Hawkins. B. Selena Li. C. Evan ODorney D. Scott Boisvert.74. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? A. Scott Boisvert found a new fungus linked to the decrease in amphibians. B. Scott Boisvert is the youngest winner among the 40

56、 students. C. The Intel Science Talent Search is an intense competition. D. The 1st, 5th and 10th students in the competition come from California.75. The Wendy Hawkinss attitude to these 40 finalist is . A. positive B. critical C. negative D. mixed第卷(非选择题满分35分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满

57、分10分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。1 Many students find it hard to make friends when they are in high school. Keeping my suggestions in mind may give you a hand. They certainly helped me, and by the end of my three years of high school I had formed my group of friends, with whom I still keep in t

58、ouch now.2 Here are my tips:3 Say hello anytime I see an acquaintance(相识的人)Because I was always smiling and greeting the people I knew, people naturally thought I was friendly(though I am not naturally sociable). And high school students want to be friends with sociable people.4 Take the first step.

59、All the girls there already knew each otherthey didnt need another friend. But I did, so I had to make the effort. I had to be the first one to invite somebody to go to a movie with me,or come to my house. Once I did that they started to respond(回应)with the same thing.5 Use classes to get to know pe

60、ople.I met most of my first friends because I sat next to them in class. Class (before, after, or even during class time)is a great opportunity to begin a conversation. For example, ask for help about homework.6 Make friends slowly.I couldnt get discouraged when it took a while to make friends. It r

61、eally takes some time to make new friends. In a word, _.7 Above all, remember that it can and will get better. You may have to work a little to make your high school experience a great one,but it s really worth(值得) it!76For what purpose does the writer write this passage? (no more than 15 words) 来源:

62、 .Com_ 77Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 5 words) I _ because of my friendly attitude towards others.78Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with a suitable sentence. (no more than 10 words)_ 79Why does the writer give the tip to use classes to get to know people? (no mo

63、re than 20 words)_ 80What does the word “they” (line 2, paragraph 1) probably refer to? (no more than 10 words)_ 第二节书面表达(满分25分)几天前,你校召开了高三年级的家长会。会后,英语老师要求你们用英语写一篇短文,谈谈同学们对家长会的看法。要点如下:1. 家长会的目的:相互沟通,提高学习成绩。2. 大部分同学赞同并陈述他们的理由。(至少写两点)3. 少部分同学不赞同并陈述他们的理由。4. 你的观点及理由。要求:1、 可适当增加细节。2、词数:120。参考答案参考范文 Parent

64、s meetings are often held in schools in order to have a contact with the school and teachers and improve the students study, but different people have different ideas. A few days ago a parents meeting was held in our school and here are our views on parents meetings.Most students think it is of grea

65、t importance to have the meeting for parents to know more about their children at school. What is more, parents can get some good advice and useful information from teachers. On the contrary, a minority of students hold the view that it is useless because they think their parents may know their poor marks and improper behavior at school.In my opinion, to understand children better, parents should keep in touch with teachers, so parents meetings are quite necessary.


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