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2021届新高考英语二轮专题复习 专题能力提升练十六 阅读七选五——段中题 WORD版含答案.doc

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2021届新高考英语二轮专题复习 专题能力提升练十六 阅读七选五——段中题 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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1、专题能力提升练十六阅读七选五段中题Test 12020合肥市高三第三次教学质量检测 A lot of misinformation about a disease can sometimes flood the Internet and experts call on the public to practise “information hygiene (卫生)”. What can you do to stop the spread of bad information? _1_ Before you share a piece of information, ask some basic

2、 questions about where the information comes from. You must be careful if the source is “a friend of a friend” or “my aunts colleagues neighbour”We recently tracked how a misleading post from someones “uncle with a masters degree” went viral (广为传播的) . Some of the details in the post were accuratesom

3、e versions, for example, encouraged hand washing to slow the spread of viruses. _2_ That was potentially harmful.Could it be false? Appearances can be misleading. They may possibly pretend to be official accounts and authorities, including some famous news agencies and the government. Screenshots ca

4、n also be changed to make it look like information has come from a trusted public body. _3_ If you cant easily find the information, it might be a trap. And if a post, video or a link looks fishyit probably is.Dont share if unsure whether its true. _4_ You might be doing more harm than good. Often w

5、e post things on places where we know there are experts like doctors or medical professionals. That might be OK, but make sure youre very clear about your doubts.Think about your preference. Are you sharing something because you know its true or just because you agree with it? “Were more likely to s

6、hare posts that support our existing beliefs,” says Carl Miller, research director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media. Its when youre angrily nodding your head that you are easily taken in. _5_ACheck your source.BConsider their opinions carefully.CCheck known and confirmed accounts and w

7、ebsites.DYou cant share things “just in case” they might be true.EBut others made unproven claims about how to diagnose the illness. FSo, above all, you just need to slow down everything that you do online.GYour followers read what you share, but they may disagree with you.Test 22020广州市综合检测二Tropical

8、 CyclonesHave you ever seen a TV weatherperson pointing to a large, white spiral of storm clouds spinning over the Earth on the video screen? If so, then youve gotten a small look at what the most powerful storm in the world looks likea tropical cyclone(热带气旋) ._1_ The warm air at the equator(赤道) ris

9、es into the atmosphere, cools off, and then sinks back down. As this cycle repeats itself over and over again, the storm begins to grow and the winds around the storm begin to move faster.Depending on where a tropical cyclone is in the world, it is called either a hurricane, a typhoon, or a cyclone.

10、 If tropical cyclones move over the northwestern Pacific Ocean, theyre called typhoons. _2_ In the South Pacific or the Indian Ocean, theyre called cyclones.The center of a tropical cyclone is called the “eye”. _3_ Most of the strong winds do not reach the eye of the storm, so it is the calmest part

11、._4_ A tropical cyclone that is rated a Category 1 is the weakest; it is still dangerous, but the winds are not as high. A Category 5 tropical cyclone is the strongest; this type of storm can cause catastrophic damage. Once these tropical cyclones come onto land, they no longer have the warm ocean w

12、ater they need to grow larger and consequently become weaker. This doesnt stop them from causing a lot of damage before they go away. _5_AThey still may produce strong rain and even tornadoes.BTropical cyclones are categorised based on their strength.CThey withdraw as quickly as they arrive and leav

13、e the land untouched.DThe rest of the storm moves in a circle around the eye at incredibly high speed.ETropical storms with wind speeds that reach 74 miles per hour are called hurricanes.FTropical cyclones start as tropical storms that form in warm ocean waters near the equator.GSuch storms moving o

14、ver the northeastern Pacific of the Atlantic Ocean are termed hurricanes.Test 32020烟台市高考诊断性测试The Slow Food Movement started in Rome Italy in 1986. When a new McDonalds was opening near a beautiful historic place, some people stood outside the restaurant and shouted, “We do not want fast food, we wan

15、t slow food!” _1_ One day Carlo Petrini went to a restaurant to eat a traditional meal. But the food didnt taste the same as he remembered. He learned that the peppers were shipped from abroad because the prices were low. This deeply concerned Carlo. Carlo wanted people to care about where their foo

16、ds came from and how their foods made their culture special. So he started a group to encourage this idea. It soon became the Slow Food Movement. _2_ First, what is good food? Good food is fresh. The vegetables are eaten close to the place where they are grown. The fish hasnt been sitting for days b

17、efore it is eaten. Good food is seasonable. _3_ Good food satisfies the senses. It should look good, smell good and taste good. And finally, good food is cultural food. Each country has special foods that make it different.Second, food should be clean. Today, there are great concerns about the way p

18、eople grow and produce food. Farmers use chemicals to kill insects and feed plants. But the chemicals can also harm the natural environment around farms. _4_ Clean food means food that does not harm our bodies or the environment.And third, food should be fair. _5_ All people should be able to purcha

19、se healthy food. The people who grow and make food should be paid fairly for their work. They should work in safe, healthy conditions.AFood should not cost too much money.BIts goal is to have good, clean, fair food for all people.COver time, they can cause health problems in people too. DThat was ho

20、w the Slow Food Movement came into being. EIt should be grown at the best time of the year for that food.FToday the Slow Food Movement has already expanded out of Italy.GThis event wasnt the only thing that started the Slow Food Movement.Test 42020南昌市高三一模Why Walking in Nature Makes You a Better Work

21、er?Were busy at work, distracted (注意力分散的) by technology and often live in urban environments far from wild spaces. _1_. The average American, for example, spends about 90% of their life indoors. But what happens if we make time for an hour outside each day? _2_. Youll have to go out for a walk, whic

22、h is beneficial if most of your day involves sitting in front of a screen. Research shows short breaks can improve work enthusiasm, and a quick break in natural light will deliver a shot of vitamin D.There are also a lot of mental benefits when you are in natureyou are happy and your brain can make

23、sense of life.“When people are all out in nature, even in urban nature, people tend to have more positive emotion and energy than when they are indoors. _3_,” said Lisa Nisbet, associate professor at Canadas Trent University.The idea that nature is good for us has been gaining grounds since the 1980

24、s. _4_. Afterwards, shinrinyoku, the Japanese concept, which is the practice of taking a short, leisurely visit to a forest for health benefits, followed that. Researchers of shinrinyoku have since found plenty of physical and mental benefits, while global studies suggest spending time in nature can

25、, for example, restore our ability to focus, increase our creativity, and even help us live longer. Of course, many of us live in cities with no ready access to forests or the wilderness. _5_ Various studies have shown that green environments in cities have beneficial effects.AWe also dont get out m

26、uchBBut it doesnt have to be a forestCPeople can get to a forest for a hikeDIn other words, people are happier in natureEThere are some obvious benefits when being outsideFGreen and blue spaces are better than busy city streetsGFirst came the theory that humans have a basic desire to be connected wi

27、th nature专题能力提升练十六阅读七选五段中题Test 1语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会社会生活阻止不良信息传播的方式【文章大意】关于一种疾病的大量虚假信息有时会充斥着互联网,专家呼吁公众养成“信息卫生”的习惯。本文主要介绍了阻止不良信息传播的方式。1答案与解析:A本空是中心句。根据空后一句“Before you share a piece of information, ask some basic questions about where the information comes from”可知,在分享一条信息之前,要问一些关于这条信息来源的基本问题,又结合本段第三句中的“t

28、he source”可知,A项适合作本段的中心句。2答案与解析:E根据空前一句中的“Some of the details in the post were accurate”并结合空后一句“That was potentially harmful”可知,本空应与空前一句形成转折关系,故E项符合语境。3答案与解析:C本空是一个过渡句。根据上文“Appearances can be misleading”和空后一句“If you cant easily find the information,it might be a trap”以及语境可知,一些信息源的外表可能会有误导性,我们应查看一些已知

29、的、已确认的账号和网站来确认信息的可靠性,所以C项符合语境。4答案与解析:D本空是一个过渡句。结合中心句“Dont share if unsure whether its true”可知,本段主要表述了如果拿不准信息是否真实,就不要分享,故D项符合语境。5答案与解析:F本空是一个段尾句。结合空前一句“Its when youre angrily nodding your head that you are easily taken in”和语境可知,后面讲的应该是怎样避免被骗,前后形成因果关系,所以F项符合语境。Test 2语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与自然自然现象热带气旋【文章大意】本文主要

30、介绍了热带气旋的形成、名称、级别等相关内容。1答案与解析:F根据空后内容可知,本段介绍热带气旋是如何形成的,且F项中的“near the equator”与空后一句中的“The warm air at the equator(赤道)”形成呼应,所以选F项。2答案与解析:G根据段首句可知,本段主要介绍产生于不同地区的热带气旋有不同的名称,又结合空前一句中的“theyre called typhoons”和空后一句中的“theyre called cyclones”可知,空处应是介绍在什么地区产生的热带气旋称作飓风,所以选G项。3答案与解析:D根据语境可知,D项中的“around the eye”

31、与空前一句“The center of a tropical cyclone is called theeye”呼应,此处应是介绍风眼周围的状况,所以选D项。4答案与解析:B本空是段首句。根据本段的关键词“Category”可推知,本段主要介绍热带气旋的级别,故B项符合题意。5答案与解析:A根据空前一句“This doesnt stop them from causing a lot of damage before they go away”可知,已经减弱的热带气旋仍然会有很大的破坏性,空处应是进一步介绍热带气旋带来的影响,故A项“它们仍然可能产生强降雨甚至龙卷风”符合语境。Test 3语篇

32、类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会合理饮食人们应该购买健康的食物【文章大意】主要介绍了兴起于意大利的“慢食运动”及其目的。1答案与解析:G上文提到当一家快餐店在历史名城罗马开业后,一些人坚决抵制而发起了“慢食运动”;下文是Carlo Petrini在餐馆尝出来自国外的辣椒的口感与传统的不同而集结了一群人并发起了“慢食运动”。所以空处应该是说除了前面提到的那件事,还有一件事促使“慢食运动”的兴起。故G项符合。2答案与解析:B本段说明Carlo Petrini发起了“慢食运动”,下面三段分层次说了食物应该质量优良、清洁和价格合理。故此空填B选项,说明该运动的目的是让人们有质量优良、清洁、价格合理的食物

33、,且B选项与下文对应。3答案与解析:E空前说好的食物应该是合时令的。所以此空应该与食物生长的时令有关,故E项符合语境。4答案与解析:C空前说化学物质会损害农场周围的自然环境。下文说清洁的食物不会伤害人的身体或者环境。所以此空应该是说化学物质对人体也有伤害。5答案与解析:A空前说食物应该价格公道,空后说所有人应该都能买健康的食物。所以此空应该说食物不应该太昂贵。Test 4语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与自然人与环境在大自然中散步有助于更好地工作【文章大意】到户外走走,而不是一直待在室内,对人们的身体和精神健康大有裨益。1答案与解析:A根据空后一句“The average American,for

34、 example,spends about 90% of their life indoors”可知,普通的美国人90%的时间都是在室内度过的,由此可推知,A项符合语境。2答案与解析:E本空是段首句,与下一段的首句“There are also a lot of mental benefits.can make sense of life”呼应,并结合对本段内容的整体理解可知,本段主要讲述了出去走走的一些明显的益处,所以E项与语境相符。3答案与解析:D本段表述大自然对人的精神健康有益。根据语境并结合空前的“people tend to have more positive emotion an

35、d energy than when they are indoors”可推知,D项“换句话说,人们在大自然中更开心”与此处匹配。4答案与解析:G根据空后一句“Afterwards,shinrinyoku,the Japanese concept.followed that”可推知,该空陈述的应是与大自然对人类有益的理论或概念相关的内容,选项G的内容与空处相符,所以选G项。5答案与解析:B空处承上启下。B选项中的“it doesnt have to be a forest”与空前一句中的“with no ready access to forests or the wilderness”相衔接,且与空后一句中的“green environments in cities have beneficial effects”相呼应,所以选B项。


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