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2022九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi教学设计(新版)外研版.doc

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2022九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi教学设计(新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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1、Module1 TravelUnit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi.教学设计教学目标:在本堂课结束时,学生能够:1、通过听说活动,能够理解并运用本单元的话题词汇来完成相关的练习。flight,direct,pilot, succeed, as long as, school-leaver, exactly. 2、通过精讲点拨及小组合作,能够运用 be full of , be filled with, because of , succeed in doing sth , had better do sth, as long as, look f

2、orward to 等短语来造句。3、通过听力训练,识别对话中提及的人物,假期活动,旅行的方式和地点。4、运用功能句型,能够和同学交流有关假期生活的信息。教学过程:【课前延伸】预习词汇:布置学生预习词汇,能够根据音标读出并了解汉语意思即可。课前朗读:朗读本课的新单词及短语。(见幻灯片)(设计意图:在课前安排学生进行新单词的朗读活动,目的是让学生进一步熟悉词汇,为课上的听说活动扫清障碍,并尽快组织好课堂。)【课内探究】Step 1: Lead-in:展示自己在北京旅游时在天安门前拍的照片,及长城、故宫、颐和园等旅游景点及出租车、公交车的图片来导入本节课的学习。(设计意图:用自己的照片及旅游景点的

3、图片来导入新课,容易激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。)Step 2: Pre-listening:(设计意图:在描述旅游经历时,最常见的信息就是乘坐了哪些交通工具,所以本活动结合交通工具图片,以师生问答的形式来谈论同学们最喜欢和最不喜欢乘坐的交通工具,为下面的对话内容做了很好的铺垫)Step 3: While-listeningTask 1: Listen and choose the correct answers.1. How long did Lingling stand on the train?A. Over 2 hours. B. Over 3 hours. C. Ove

4、r 4 hours.( ) 2. Why is travel so difficult in winter? A. Because of the weather. B. Because of the people. C. Because of the Spring Festival.( ) 3. What are Daming and Betty looking forward to at the end of the term?A. The school-leavers party. B. The school-leavers concert.C. The school-leavers ex

5、am.( ) 4. When do you think the conversation takes place? A. At the end of the term. B. At the middle of the term. C. At the beginning of the term.Task 2: Listen again and complete the table.WhereWhatHowLingling Henanwent to see her (1)_. by trainTony (2)_went to stay with his family.by(3)_Daming Ho

6、ng Kong (4)_ a boat to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland.by plane and boatBetty Beijingtook a (5)_ by coach to the Summer Palace ;Went for a long walk (6)_the lake. by bus, by(7)_and by coach Say some sentences with the help of the table.Eg: Lingling went to see her grandparents in Henan Province

7、 by train.(设计意图:一听为选择题,比较简单,让学生从整体上感知对话信息,了解对话大意。二听为表格题,此题培养学生获取细节信息,从对话到表格的信息转移能力。完成听力后,让学生根据表格信息说句子,此活动有利于培养学生的组织句子能力。)Step 4:Post-listening:一Read the dialogue and complete the passage with proper words:1. Lingling went to see her grandparents in Henan Province during the holiday. Her travel was a

8、 bit _, because winter is the busiest season in China _ _ the Spring Festival. The train _ _ _ people and she had to _ for over three hours2. Tony spent his holiday in the UK. He _ his family during the holiday and he is _ today.3. Daming went to Disneyland in Hong Kong. Though the plan left _ late,

9、 the pilot _ on time. And they enjoyed themselves there.4. Betty had quite a good time in Beijing. They toured the city by _ and by _. And they _ by coach to the Summer Palace and went for _ around the lake.(设计意图:自读对话,完成短文,此题有助于学生进一步熟悉对话内容,并初步感知对话中的重点短语的用法。)二、Language points: (教师精讲,学生造句训练)1. The tra

10、in was full of people, and I had to stand for over six hours. 火车上挤满了人,我不得不站了6个多小时。be full of 意为“充满;装满”,其同义词组为 be filled with。汉译英:(1). 瓶子里装满了水。(2).教室里盛满了学生。2. Well, its the busiest season in China because of the Spring Festival. 由于春节,冬季成了中国交通最繁忙的季节。becauseof意为“因为;由于”,后可接名词、代词或V-ing形式。because 连词,引导原因状

11、语从句汉译英:因为下雨,我们不能出去散步。3. But the pilot succeeded in landing on time. 不过飞行员成功地按时着陆了。succeed in doing 表示“成功地做”。汉译英:(1)、他成功地解出了这道数学题。(2)、我成功地登上了长城。4. But now, wed better get back to work. 但是这回儿,我们最好还是回去学习吧。had better do sth. 最好做某事,其否定形式为 had better not do sth.最好不要做某事汉译英:(1)、你最好照顾好你自己。(2)、你最好不要花费太多的时间玩电脑

12、游戏。5. Theres nothing to worry about as long as you work hard. 只要你努力,没什么好担心的。as long as在这里引导条件状语从句,表示“只要”,时态遵循主将从现的原则。(1)、只要我活着,我就会帮助你。 (2)、只要你不把书弄脏,这书你就可以借。6. Were all looking forward to it!我们都盼着呢!look forward to sth / doing sth 期待着、或盼望着、(1)、我们都期待着明天的足球比赛。(2)、今年暑假,她期待着去参观长城。(设计意图:通过精讲点拨并辅以造句练习,使学生理清

13、并学会应用节课的重点知识。)三、listen and read:(1) Ask students to read the conversation after the video.(2) Students read the conversation in groups of three.(3) Students role play the conversation.(设计意图:让学生跟随对话视频朗读对话,有助于学生模仿对话人物的语音、语调,关注对话人物的态度体现。随后的分角色朗读对话及分组展示有助于使学生感受真实的对话情景。)Step5:学以致用Talk about your holiday

14、with your partner.Eg : A: What did you do during the holiday?B:A: How did you get there?B:A: How was your travel? / What has happened? B:A: What are you looking forward to this term?B:(设计意图:通过生生对话,运用功能句型交流自己的假期生活,达到学以致用的目的。)Step6、当堂检测一、 根据汉语提示完成句子1._(欢迎回来),everyone.2. The train_. (挤满了人)3. We _(成功地完成

15、了)the task.4. You will be successful_(只要你努力学习)5. Its cold outside ,you_ .(最好穿上外套)6. Im _. (期待见到你)二、用方框内所给单词的恰当形式填空。coach flight succeed plane school-leaver1. The first _ was flown by the Wright brothers over 100 years ago.2. A _ is a large comfortable bus used for sightseeing or long-distance travel

16、.3. Will the head teacher attend the _ party next Friday? 4. Its only about forty minutes _ from Taiyuan to Beijing by air.5. Im sure you will _ if you work hard.(设计意图:检测一:巩固本课所学的短语,检测二,巩固本课所学的生词。)Step 7: SummaryThink about what you have learned today.本课时主要短语和句型1. be full of2. because of3. succeed i

17、n doing4. had better do sth5. as long as6. What did you do during the winter holiday? I went to see my grandparents in Henan Province by train.(设计意图:引导学生整理本节课的重点短语和句型,让他们进一步明确本节课的重点内容,同时为课后的复习巩固做准备。)【课后提升】Step8: Homework1. Have a talk with your parents and get more information about their holiday. Then make a short dialogue with your partner.2. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.7


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