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上海市七宝中学高二下册英语第一单元同步翻译 KEY TO U1 TRANSLATION1-10.doc

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上海市七宝中学高二下册英语第一单元同步翻译 KEY TO U1 TRANSLATION1-10.doc_第1页
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上海市七宝中学高二下册英语第一单元同步翻译 KEY TO U1 TRANSLATION1-10.doc_第2页
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1、1. 它要求这些产品上要明确地贴有“中国制造”的标签。(label)要求require sb to do sth require that sb should do 贴有“中国制造”的标签label sth Made in Chinal It requires the products to be clearly labelled Made in China.l It requires that the products should be clearly labelled Made in China.2. 因为他常卷入到与客户的争吵中,他的同事把他称为/说成是麻烦精/惹事精。(involve

2、 , label)卷入到中be involved in sth / doing把称为/说成是麻烦精/惹事精label sb (as) a troublemakerl Because he is always involved in the arguments with the customers , his colleagues label him (as) a troublemaker . 3. 他们正在进行一个反吸烟的活动。(conduct)进行一个反的活动conduct a campaign against conduct an anti- campaign l They are con

3、ducting a campaign against smoking .l They are conducting an anti-smoking campaign .4. 在老师做实验的时候要仔细观察整个过程。(conduct)做实验conduct (do / make / perform) an experiment仔细观察整个过程observe the whole process carefullyl Observe the whole process carefully when the teacher is conducting an experiment .5. 沟通时不恰当的行为

4、会让听话的人觉得被冒犯了。(conduct)沟通时in communicationwhen you are communicating with others 不恰当的行为the improper conducts觉得被冒犯了make sb feel offendedl The improper conducts in communication will make the listeners feel offended .l The improper conducts when you are communicating with others will make the listeners

5、 feel offended .6. 如果你已经决定了就大胆地对你的老板说出你辞职的打算吧。(state)决定decide / determinebe determined make up ones mind make a decision / determination 对说出state sth to sb你辞职的打算吧your intention to quit the job / give up the job / resignl If you have decided , state your intention to resign bravely to your boss .7. 该

6、慈善机构已经对这个事件作出了正式的声明。(statement)该慈善机构the charity organization对这个事件作出了正式的声明give / make / issue a formal statement on that issue / incident / casel The charity organization has issued a formal statement on that issue .8. 这部著名的音乐剧是由一部莫言写的小说改编的。(adapt)这部著名的音乐剧this famous / well-known / noted / distinguis

7、hed musical由改编be adapted froml This distinguished musical is adapted from a novel (which is) written by Mo Yan.l This noted musical is adapted from a novel of Mo Yan.l This distinguished musical is adapted from a Mo Yans novel.9. 你有很强的适应能力,很快你就能适应这个学校的新的环境了。(adapt)适应能力adaptive abilityadaptability 适应

8、新的环境adapt (oneself) to the new environment = be adapted to the new environment l You have a very strong adaptive ability . As a consequence , you will soon adapt (yourself) to the new environment in this school .l Because you have a very strong adaptive ability, you will soon be adapted to the new e

9、nvironment in this school .l You have a very strong adaptive ability, so you will soon be adapted to the new environment in this school .10. 上大学时同住一屋的4个女孩子成为了终身的朋友。(beneath)同住一屋live beneath the same roof 成为了终身的朋友become lifelong friends l The 4 girls living beneath the same roof when studying in the university became lifelong friends .


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