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2018届高考英语(外研版)总复习同步测试选修八MODULES 3~4 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、.阅读理解ANearly everyone has bad habits.Thats because, try as we might, bad habits are hard to break.On the other side, good habits, such as eating more healthfully or exercising regularly, never seem to stick.As a result, most people throw up their hands and surrenderBut now a new book, Better Than Be

2、fore: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by bestselling author Gretchen Rubin, offers some useful solutions.Rubin, who became interested in habits during her research on happiness, which resulted in two popular books, The Happiness Project (2009) and Happier at Home (2012), found that our in

3、ability to master unwanted behaviors was a major downer (令人沮丧的因素)So, after guiding millions of readers down the path of true contentedness,Rubin turned her investigative skills toward habits.Her most important find? Change is possible if we do some soul searching and identify how we respond to expec

4、tations.And, just about everybody falls into one of four personality categories:Questioners, Obligers, Rebels and Upholders.Rubin believes herself to be a classic Upholder, someone who forms habits relatively easily because she responds well to both other peoples deadlines and her own.As to the othe

5、r types, Questioners will only form a habit if it makes sense to them; Obligers work hard to meet other peoples expectations but often let themselves down.And Rebels resent (反感) habits.“Think about the habit that you want to form and then think: Whats everything I could do to set myself up for succe

6、ss?” says Rubin.For example, if you want to exercise more and youre an Obliger, call your friend who lives across the street and meet at 6:30 every morning for a walk.One common pitfall (陷阱), says Rubin, especially when it comes to changing your diet, is lack of clarity (清楚)“You cant make a habit ou

7、t of eating more healthfully,” she says.Instead, your habit should be something like: “Im going to pack a lunch every day and bring it to work instead of eating out.”As for exercise, Rubin recommends a strategy called pairingcoupling two activities, one that you need or want to do and one that you d

8、ont particularly want to do.Rubin, for example, only allows herself to read magazines while on fitness equipment at the gym.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了改掉坏习惯、培养好习惯的方法。1What does the underlined word “surrender” in Paragraph 1 mean?ACatch up. BSettle down.CGive up. DCalm down.答案C词义猜测题。由第一段中的bad habits are hard

9、to break.good habits.never seem to stick.As a result,most people throw up their hands可推断,画线词的意思是“放弃,投降”。2Why did Rubin start to study habits?ABad habits make people unhappy.BGood habits make people successful.CShe used to suffer from some bad habits.DHer two books about habits sold quite well.答案A推理判

10、断题。由第三段中的Rubin,who became interested in habits during her research on happiness及found that our inability to master unwanted behaviors was a major downer可推断,Rubin之所以开始研究习惯,是因为她在研究快乐的时候发现坏习惯是导致人们不快乐的主要原因。3Which kind of people try to meet other peoples expectations instead of theirs?ARebels. BObligers.

11、CUpholders. DQuestioners.答案B细节理解题。由第五段中的Obligers work hard to meet other peoples expectations but often let themselves down可知。4The pairing strategy_Acan help people have a healthy dietBis used to make people more efficientCencourages people to enjoy themselvesDforces people to do something necessary

12、答案D推理判断题。由最后一段中的pairingcoupling two activities,one that you need or want to do and one that you dont particularly want to do及所举例子可推断,这种策略强迫人们做一些自己不喜欢但很必要的事情。BWhat is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products displayed(展示)at the entrance? Or the soft background music?But have

13、 you ever noticed the smell? Unless it is bad,the answer is likely to be no.But while a shops scent may not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds,it is certainly there.And it is providing to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase.A brand store has become famous for

14、 its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance,via scent machines.A smell may be attractive but it may not just be used for freshening air.One sports goods company once reposed that when it first introduced scent into its stores,customers intension to purcha

15、se increased by 80 percent.When it comes to the best shopping streets in Pairs,scent is just as important to a brands success as the quality of its window displays and goods on sales.That is mainly because shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.Some years ago,the focus for bra

16、nd name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants disproving attitude and donttouchwhatyoucant afford displays.Now the rise of electronic commerce(ecommerce)has opened up famous brands to a wider audience.But while eshops can use sights and sounds,only bricksandmortar stores(实体店)can offer a

17、 full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave.Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop,but rather a destinationAnd scent is just one way to achieve this.Now a famous store uses complex manmade smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby pow

18、der floats through the kid department,and coconut(椰子)scent in the swimsuit section.A department store has even opened a new lab,inviting customers on a journey into the stores windows to smell books,pots and drawers,in search of their perfect scent.【语篇解读】本文介绍了现在的很多商店都运用一个新方法:味道,来吸引顾客。并解释了这样做的原因。这是与网

19、店比较起来实体店的一个优势。5According to the passage,what is an increasingly powerful tool in the success of some brand stores?AFriendly assistant. BSoft background music.CUnique scents. DAttractive window display.答案C推理判断题。根据文章第三段A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the

20、fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines.可知这家商店的成功的原因是店里很有特色的味道。故选C。6Eshops are mentioned in the passage to _Aurge shop assistants to change their attitudeBshow the advantages of brickandmortar storesCpush stores to use sights and soundsDintroduce the rise of ecommerce答案B推理判断题。根据

21、第五段But while eshops can use sights and sounds,only bricksandmortar stores(实体店) can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave.可知电子网店里可以使用声音和视觉来吸引顾客,那么实体店里就可以使用味道来吸引顾客。作者举电子网店是为了说明实体店也有自己的优势,故选B。7The underlined word “destination” in Paragraph 5 me

22、ans _Aa place where customers love to goBa spot where travelers like to stayCa platform that exhibits goodsDa target that a store expects to meet答案A推理判断题。根据本句Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop, but rather a destination.另外一家实体店通过种种方法努力让自己不仅仅是一个商店,而成为人们愿意去的目的地,既然来到这里,他们就可能多购物了。该词是指A

23、项含义,故选A。8The main purpose of the passage is to _Acompare and evaluate Binform and explainCargue and discuss Dexamine and assess答案B推理判断题。本文介绍了现在的很多商店都运用一个新方法:味道,来吸引顾客。并解释了这样做的原因。也就是说本文是为了告诉我们这样的行为并做出解释。故B正确。.完形填空My wife and I were on our way home and decided to stop at a local store to get coffee and

24、 something to eat.When we were done, we got back into our car and before I _1_ it, we noticed a man standing outside in front of the building.You could tell that he was a _2_man.His clothes were very dirty and worn and it looked like he had gone into the store and gotten him some coffee or something

25、 _3_ to drink since it was cold this time of the year.He must have not had enough _4_ to get something to eat.That is not something I _5_ too well, because that is not what _6_ me.The next thing I remember is a _7_ that walked up to the front of the building.Being a dog lover, I noticed that she was

26、 part wolf and probably part German shepherd (牧羊犬)I could _8_ she was a she, because you could see that she had been _9_ puppies (小狗)She was _10_ in need of something to eat and I felt so _11_ for her.I knew _12_ she didnt eat soon, she and her puppies would not make it.My wife and I sat there and _

27、13_ her.We noticed that people walked by and didnt even pet her.She might not have been as pretty and clean as most, but she _14_ deserved better.But we still did not do anything.But_15_did.The homeless man, who did not buy himself anything to eat, went back into the _16_And what he did brought _17_

28、to me and my wife.He_18_a can of dog food and fed that dog.I know that this story isnt as inspirational as some stories,_19_it plays a great part in our lives.You see, that was Mothers Day weekend.And a lot of people _20_that some animals are parents too.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一个无家可归的人给狗买食物的故事。1A.repaire

29、d Bstarted Ccleaned Dparked答案B作者和妻子在回家途中停下车去吃了点东西。吃完回到车里后,在“发动(started)”车之前,他们注意到一名男子。2 A.homeless Brich Cgentle Dhopeless答案A由下文的His clothes were very dirty and worn可推断,该男子是一个“无家可归的(homeless)”人。第四段中的The homeless man也是提示。3A.warm BniceCexpensive Dspecial答案A由下文的since it was cold this time of the year可推

30、断,男子到店里买了些“热(warm)”饮。4A.courage Benergy Ctime Dmoney答案D作者推测这个无家可归的男子一定是没有足够的“钱(money)”给自己买吃的。5A.receive BunderstandCremember Dconclude答案C由下文的The next thing I remember可推断,关于该男子当时的情况作者“记得(remember)”不是很深刻。6A.annoyed BinterestedCmoved Dprevented答案C由下文可知,真正让作者“感动(moved)”的,不是男子当时的情况,而是男子给一只狗买吃的。7A.boy Bca

31、tCman Ddog答案D由下文的Being a dog lover, I noticed that she was part wolf and probably part German shepherd可推断,此处是说一只“狗(dog)”。8A.realize Bdecide Cimagine Dtell答案D作者从狗的样子可以“辨别出(tell)”它是一只母狗。9A.feeding Bhelping Cbiting Dsaving答案A人们可以看出这只狗还在“喂养(feeding)”小狗。10A.equally BterriblyCsuddenly Dnaturally答案B由下文的she

32、 and her puppies would not make it可推断,这只狗“极度地(terribly)”需要吃东西。11A.cool BbadCstrange Dawkward答案B看到狗在挨饿,作者感到很“糟糕(bad)”。12A.as BunlessCif Dthough答案C作者知道“如果(if)”这只狗不尽快吃点东西,它和它的小狗就活不下去了。13A.waved at Blaughed atClooked at Dpointed at答案C由下文的We noticed that people walked by and didnt even pet her可知,作者和妻子坐在车

33、上“看着(looked at)”狗,观察着来来往往的人对这只狗的反应。14A.only BstillCeven Dnever答案B作者认为虽然这只狗不像绝大多数狗那样漂亮和干净,但它“仍然(still)”应该受到更好的待遇。15A.everybody BsomeoneCnobody Danyone答案B看到过往的人都没有帮助这只狗,作者和妻子尽管很同情它,但是也没有为狗做任何事。但是,“有人(someone)”做了。16A.store Bhospital Czoo Dkitchen答案A由第二段中的he had gone into the store可推断,男子返回了“商店(store)”。1

34、7A.power BluckCgifts Dtears答案D无家可归的男子没舍得给自己买吃的,却给狗买吃的,这种行为使作者和妻子热泪盈眶。故选tears。18A.made BboughtCborrowed Dprepared答案B上文讲到男子返回商店,再由下文的fed that dog可推断,他“买了(bought)”一罐狗粮。19A.and BbutCso Dsince答案B这个故事虽然不像有些故事那么鼓舞人心,“但是(but)”它对作者和他的妻子影响很大。20A.forgot BknewCbelieved Dexpressed答案A由上段中的people walked by and did

35、nt even pet her可推断,很多人“忘记了(forgot)”一些动物也是父母。.短文改错My friend Linda and I have set up small organization called Delivering Smiles with my mother.Linda and I do all of the work like collect toys and picture books.Before a month of collecting these things, my mother takes us to the hospital that she work

36、s as a nurse.When we take what we had collected to the hospital, my mother brings us to differently childrens rooms.We let each child pick out of what they want.We sit in each room for about ten minute, talking to and playing with each child.When I give a little of my time for children in the hospit

37、al and when I see their smiles, we feel quite happy.答案My friend Linda and I have set up ,a) small organization called Delivering Smiles with my mother.Linda and I do all of the work like toys and picture books. a month of collecting these things, my mother takes us to the hospital she works as a nur

38、se.When we take what we collected to the hospital, my mother brings us to childrens rooms.We let each child pick out what they want.We sit in each room for about ten , talking to and playing with each child.When I give a little of my time children in the hospital and when I see their smiles, feel qu

39、ite happy.书面表达某报记者在一所高中做了一项调查,题目为“你主要通过什么方式获取信息”;请写一篇100词左右的英语短文反映图表内容并发表自己的看法,谈谈报纸、杂志是否会被其他媒体所取代。被调查人数100人【参考范文】As is shown in the table, most students get information mainly by watching TV or surfing the Internet. Only 16 percent of them like to listen to the radio, while other 26 percent prefer t

40、o read newspapers and magazines.It shows the popularity of newspapers and magazines is declining. However, they wont be replaced because they have their own advantages. For example, they are easy to carry and you can read them whenever you want to. Besides, when you read a newspaper or magazine, you can choose whatever you like. Whats more, you can save many cuttings from newspapers and magazines.In a word,reading newspapers and magazines is more convenient in some degree.


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