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2021九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Great People Lesson 10 Touch the World教案(新版)冀教版.doc

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2021九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Great People Lesson 10 Touch the World教案(新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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1、Lesson 10: Touch the WorldI. Learning aims:Master the new words: planetary, Helen Keller, writer, educator, blind, deaf, illness, ability, Anne Sullivan, progress, community, greatly II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Helen Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at t

2、he age of 88.2) Before her illness, Helen was a bright and happy girl.3) Anne was filled with pride.4) She also learned to write and even speak.Language Points:1. blind【用法】作形容词,意为“失明的、瞎的、盲目的”,在句中作表语或定语。另,the blind表示“盲人”,是集体名词。【举例】Her uncle is blind in both eyes. 她叔叔双目失明。This is a very blind decision

3、. 这是一个很盲目的决定。2. progress【用法】作不可数名词,意为“进步、进展”,短语make progress表示“取得进步”。【举例】Danny has made great progress recently. 丹尼近来取得了很大的进步。【用法】作不及物动词,意为“发展、前进”。【举例】The soldiers will progress on. 战士们要继续前进。3. Helen Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88. 海伦凯勒,著名的作家和教育家,昨天去世了,享年

4、88岁。【用法】句中的at the age of 意为“在岁时”,后加基数词的单数形式,用来表示年龄,可以与“when + 主语 + be + 年龄”替换。【举例】He began to learn the accordion at the age of four. = He began to learn the accordion when he was four years old.他四岁时开始学手风琴。【拓展】类似的短语还有“in ones + 基数词复数形式”,意思是“在多岁时”。【举例】Mr. Wang went to America in his thirties. 王先生在他30

5、多岁时去了美国。4. Before her illness, Helen was a bright and happy girl. 在得病之前,海伦是个聪明快乐的孩子。【用法】before her illness是介词短语,意为“在生病之前”,在句中作状语。我们可以用时间状语从句Before she was ill替换它。这种介词短语作状语的句式可用从句进行替换。【举例】She didnt come to school because of illness. = She didnt come to school because she was ill. 由于疾病,她没来上学。Nothing can live without air or water. = Nothing can live if there is no air or water. 没有空气和水什么都不能生存。【举例】It is too late. Please stop playing games. 时间很晚了。请不要玩游戏了。


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