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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 19 PERIOD 5(北师大版选修七广东专用).doc

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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 19 PERIOD 5(北师大版选修七广东专用).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 19 Language Period Five Communication Workshop课时精练(北师大版选修7,广东专用)时间:40分钟.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Our area was just a few miles from the largest wildfire in Colorados history.We were on“evacuation alert”(疏散警报)If we got the_1_to evacuate,we would have to grab whatever we could to

2、 save and leave immediately.We_2_suitcases with a few clothes and toiletries(洗漱用品)and set them by the door.We didnt think these things were_3_,but time was.We moved the computers because I earned a living with my computer.Now,what else?We took family pictures off the_4_and packed them in boxes.These

3、 were truly valuable and could not be replaced.Then we took a hard look at all that_5_.There was a lamp that belonged to my great grandmother.It was a_6_to my family.A piano my wife learned to play when she was a little girl.It was not of_7_in itself,but it was also another family connection.It was

4、impractical to move everything from our home and store them for an indefinite time.Some important items would have to stay behind.The thought of_8_something passed down from our family saddened me deeply,_9_Id never been much attached to these things.It was about what they_10_family and love.They ea

5、ch had a story to tell,and some of them spoke in the_11_of our parents and grandparents.The fire_12_reached our home.We were lucky.And although I felt grateful that all was_13_,I also realized just how fortunate I had been in another way.I saw just how rich my life had been.Someone_14_said,“There ar

6、e people so poor that the only thing they have is money.”And now I know I am indeed rich.I am rich in friends and family.Rich in memories.Rich in everything that has ever really_15_to me.I am wealthier than I ever believed possible.It took a fire to teach me.I wonder if there is any other kind of we

7、alth worth seeking.【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者通过自己面临火灾时的感受告诉我们:最平凡的东西才是最珍贵的财富。【重点词语】 earn a living谋生;belong to属于;stay behind留下来;pass down传递,传承;be attached to依恋,喜爱1A.callBchanceCanswer Dtask答案A上文提到evacuation alert,因此这里“接到要求紧急疏散的电话”最恰当。2A.bought BpackedCsearched Dplaced答案B我们把衣服和洗漱用品收拾到行李箱里,把它们放在门口。pack“收拾(行李),

8、装(箱)”,符合语境。.3A.expensive BconvenientCvaluable Dcheap答案C下文中的“but time was”给出暗示,我们认为收拾到行李箱里的东西并不珍贵,珍贵的是时间。4A.windows BceilingsCwalls Dalbums答案C由前面的off一词的搭配可排除D项的albums,从“墙上”取走照片才合乎常理,故选C。5A.burnt BunmovedCremained Dpacked答案C从上文可知我们已经收拾了一些东西,所以这里应该是看“剩下”的东西了,故用remained。6A.fortune BconnectionCsymbol Dpr

9、esent答案B下文的“.but it was also another family connection”给出了暗示,故用connection表示“关系,关联”。7A.quality BtasteCsense Dvalue答案D本句的意思是:这架钢琴虽然不值钱,但却是另一个维系着家庭关系的东西。8A.leaving behind Bgiving awayCpicking out Dpointing out答案A这里leave behind指“留下,丢弃”,符合语境。give away丧失,分发;pick out挑选;point out指出。9A.but BunlessCthough Dor

10、答案C前后两个部分是让步关系。句意:尽管这些东西我以前没有太在意,但当要放弃的时候仍觉得舍不得。10A.gathered BrepresentedCcontained Dincluded答案B这些东西代表(represent)的是家人和爱。gather收集;contain和include均指“包括,包含”。11A.sounds BspeedsCfeelings Dvoices答案D后面的our parents and grandparents暗示这些故事和父辈、祖辈有关,speak in the voice of“以的口吻讲述”。12A.never BseldomChardly Dfinall

11、y答案A由下文的“We were lucky”可知,大火没有烧来,故用never。13A.stopped BsparedCreturned Dfound答案Bspare本意为“赦免,使逃脱”,此处引申为“幸免于难”。14A.seriously BcalmlyCwisely Daccidentally答案C根据文章内容可知,作者认为被引用的这句话很有道理,故用wisely来表明其观点。15A.influenced BdesiredCdone Dmattered答案D此处指每一样东西对“我”来说都很重要,matter作动词意为“要紧,有重大影响”。.阅读理解AYouve got a problem

12、.Youre going to go to university in a different town and you need somewhere to live.Or perhaps you just dont get on with your parents.What can you do?Have you ever thought of sharing a flat?I know all about it because Ive been sharing flats for the past four years,since I moved to Edinburgh to study

13、.I must admit my first experience was a bit of a disaster.I saw an ad in the newspaper from a girl who had a flat and was looking for a flat mate.When I met her,she seemed really nice,and I noticed that she had lots of great CDs I wanted to hear and a big TV.However,I changed my mind about her a few

14、 days after I moved in.I came home from college one day and threw my books and jacket onto the living room sofa.My flat mate looked at them,looked at me and shouted:“I hope youre not going to leave those there!”It was then that I found out that she was absolutely obsessive(着魔似的)about being tidy.It w

15、as obvious that we were incompatible(合不来),as Im definitely not the worlds tidiest person.I moved out after the first month.I then decided to try sharing a house with several people.I rented a room in a big old house,which I shared with four other girls(two Brazilians,a Russian,and an Italian)It was

16、great because the house was always full of young people from all over the world and we had lots of parties.However,there were three problems.Firstly,it was almost impossible to do any work because the house was so noisy.Secondly,there was only one bathroom,and there was always someone in it,especial

17、ly first thing in the morning when I was already late for class.But the biggest arguments we had were always the day the phone bill arrived!After a year the foreign girls went home,and I decided to look for a new,preferably quieter flat!This time I decided to share with a friend,somebody I already k

18、new well.Weve been living here now for nearly a year and we got on really wellexcept for her irritating(气人的)habits of eating my yogurts(milk)and finishing the coffee!But its great having someone else to help pay the rent,to share their dinner with you when youre too exhausted to cook,and who,unlike

19、your parents or your partner,doesnt mind what time you get up or if youve left your bedroom in a mess(脏乱)And best of all,when youve had a bad day or youve broken up with your boyfriend you know theres always someone to talk to.1Why did the writer move out again from the big old house?ABecause she co

20、uldnt do any homework due to the noise.BBecause she was always late when she lived there.CBecause she always left the room in a mess.DBecause the foreign girls had left.答案D从“After a year the foreign girls went home,and I decided to look for a new,preferably quieter flat!”看出,作者从the big old house搬出的原因

21、是the foreign girls走了。2What does the underlined“partner”mean?AFriend. BRoommate.CHusband/Wife. DParent.答案C从“to share their dinner with you when youre too exhausted to cook,and who,unlike your parents or your partner,doesnt mind what time you get up or if youve left your bedroom in a mess(脏乱)”首先排除D项,F

22、riend和Roommate一般不在乎你的起床时间。唯独C项的Husband/Wife在乎你的起床时间和介意你把卧室弄得脏乱。3We can know from the passage that_.Athe writer is a college studentBthe writer is a foreign teacherCthe writer cant get along well with othersDthe writer doesnt like to live with her friend答案A从文章的开头“Youre going to go to university in a

23、different town”看出,作者是个大学生。4What is the intention of the author?ATo persuade the reader not to share a flat.BTo tell us how to get along well with the flat mate.CTo show her opinion about sharing a flat.DTo tell us the university life.答案C本文多次举例说明了作者对同租公寓的看法,包含B项的含义。5What is the attitude of the writer

24、 towards flatsharing?AShe is against it.BShe is for it.CShe is upset with it.DShe is worried about it.答案B从最后一句“And best of all,when youve had a bad day or youve broken up with your boyfriend you know theres always someone to talk to.”看出,作者支持同租公寓。BAmerican scientists reported Wednesday that they had

25、cloned embryos(胚胎)from a 9yearold male monkey and gained stem(主干)cells from them,reaching a longsought goal that may pay off someday in new treatments for people.The researchers warned that even if their procedure could be used to produce human stem cells,it is far too inefficient to be used in medi

26、cine.Human eggs are in short supply and are slow to obtain.The monkey work required 304 eggs from 14 female monkeys to produce just two batches(批)of stem cells,they wrote.Still,Dr.George Daley of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute,who was familiar with the work,told the AP it was “a very important evid

27、ence” that the process is practical in primates(灵长类动物),the group that includes monkeys and humans.Nature also published an evidence of the results by an Australian team.In an email to the AP,the journal said one reason was the highly publicized 2004 fraud(欺骗)that came out of South Korea,where resear

28、chers claimed to have produced stem cells from a cloned human embryo.The journal emphasized that its request did not indicate mistrust of scientists in the cloning field.Instead,the statement said,because of “questions will likely be raised about the truth of the (American) experiments,given recent

29、history in the cloning field,we view this as a relatively easy way of putting these questions to test. ”The Australian study,by David Cram and others at the Monash University,used DNA analysis of the male monkey,the two monkeys that donated eggs for creating the embryos,and the stem cells.The result

30、 “proves beyond any doubt”that the stem cells came from cloned embryos,the Australians wrote in their Nature paper.【解题导语】 本文首段报道了美国科学家成功地克隆了猴子的胚胎并提取了干细胞,最后两段对此加以证实。1Whats the main idea of the passage?AAmerican scientists cloned embryos from a male monkey and gained stem cells from them.BAmerican sci

31、entists reached a longsought goal that may pay off someday.CHuman eggs are in short supply and are slow to obtain.DSouth Korea claimed to have produced stem cells from a cloned human embryo.答案A主旨大意题。由短文的第一段可知。2What do the researchers mean according to the second paragraph?AThe procedure could be use

32、d to produce human stem cells.BThere is still a long way to go to produce human stem cells.CThe monkey work required 304 eggs from 14 female monkeys.DThe procedure could not be used to produce human stem cells.答案B段落大意题。从第二段第一句可知。3. The attitude of Dr. George Daley to the research work of cloned embr

33、yos is_.Ashocked BnegativeCapproval Dannoyed答案C细节题。由“it was.a very important evidence.”可知。4The author gives the example of the 2004 fraud of South Korea_.Ato criticize South KoreaBto show this research is doubtfulCto emphasize this research is trueDto give recent history in the cloning field答案C推理判断题

34、。由“did not indicate mistrust of scientists”可知。5From the last paragraph we can infer that _.Athe Australian scientists are also doing the same experiment nowBthe Australian scientists donated eggs for creating the embryosCDavid Cram and others from the Monash University work in the USADthe Australian scientists confirmed the truth and success of the procedure答案D推理判断题。最后一段阐述了澳大利亚科学家对此进行了研究,证实了它的可靠性。


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