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1、Unit 3 Computers 课时精练(2) (人教新课标,重庆专用)(时间:45分钟).短语填空1_many others, he applied for a training place. 2Im afraid your bike is _,so I cant pass by.3Could you _my clothes while I have a swim? 4_, the plan failed. 5What did you _ the problem? I cant wait to know it.答案1.In common with2.in the way3.watch (o

2、ver)4In total5.do with.单项填空1Both of my brothers work at the power station that_in my hometown.Ahas set up Bhas been set upCwas set up Dis set up解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:我兄弟们在我家乡的那个已经建起的发电厂工作。此处语境工作,肯定是发电厂建起后去工作的,由此推知建厂对现在的影响。答案B2_ the sports meet will be put off.AIve been told BIve toldCIm told DI told解析考查动词时

3、态和语态。句意:我已被告诉运动会已经推迟了。根据语境可知运动会推迟为将来时,但告诉已经发生并且为被动。答案A3She said it was not_to buy the car at a high price.Aworthwhile BworthCworthy Dvaluable解析be worthwhile to do sth/doing sth,be worthy of sth/being done sth,be worth doing sth均用主动语态,这三个词组都表示“值得的”,故选A项。答案A4How long_at this job?Since 1990.Awere you e

4、mployed Bhave you been employedChad you been employed Dwill you be employed解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:做这项工作已经有多长时间了?从1990年开始的。根据答语Since 1990可知问句时态用现在完成时,联系主语与动词employ有逻辑上的动宾关系可知答案。答案B5I usually take something to read when I travel by train _I feel bored.Ain case Bso thatCas if Deven though解析考查连词。根据此处句意“乘车旅游通常带东

5、西读以防枯燥”,故为表示条件的状语从句,答案A合适。答案A6Soon children in the camp had many new friends, _they shared food, stories and projects.Afor which Bwith whom Cof which Dto whom解析考查非限制性定语从句。根据对句子成分的划分确定先行词,然后把先行词还原到定语从句中可知此处为“与朋友一起分享”,故答案B合适。 答案B7Have you finished your fashion design?Not yet. Ill finish it if I_ten mo

6、re minutes.Aam given Bgive C.will give Dwill be given解析考查一般现在时的被动语态。在状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来。根据题中的语境可以判断,此处应该用被动形式,故排除B。答案A8It is reported that a similar technique can be_to the treatment of cancer.Aapplied BattachedCadded Dcompared解析考查动词。句意:据报道,一种类似的技术可用来治疗癌症。apply to“应用”;attach to“附在上”;add to“添加”;compare

7、to“拿与作比较”。答案A9To the parents worry, some middle school students are_computer games and completely forget their studies.Acrazy about Bvery fond of Cconcerned about Dtired of解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:令父母担忧的是,某些中学生对电脑游戏非常着迷并且完全忘了他们的学习。从父母的担忧推知对电脑游戏的入迷。be crazy about“对入迷”。答案A10_the help of this new type of calcula

8、tor, people will be able to_much faster with more accurate figures as a result. AWith;calculate BUnder;work outCBy;make out DFor;count解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:在新型计算器的帮助下,人们计算的快并且得出的结果准确。答案A11How are you going to_such problems?Ado with Bdeal with Cdeal Ddo up解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:你如何去解决这个难题?deal with“解决”符合句意。答案B12Whe

9、n the question_ at the meeting, no one could answer it.Arose Barose Ccame Draised解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:当这个问题在会上提出时,没有人回答。arise“提出”符合题意。答案B13They use specially trained dogs to_ their sheep at night.Atake care Bget along withCwatch over Dturn to解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:在晚上他们用受过特殊训练的狗来看护羊。由语境推知“看护;监视”。答案C14George was r

10、esponsible for the accident because he didnt give a_to other drivers.Anotice Bsignal Csymbol Dmark解析考查名词词义辨析。句意:乔治应对这起事故负责,因为他未向其他司机发出清楚的信号。notice“通知”;signal“信号”;symbol“符号,象征”;mark“符号,记号”。答案B15I cant see the words on the blackboard.Your head is _.Aon the way Bin a wayCby the way Din the way解析考查介词短语辨

11、析。句意:我看不见黑板上的字。你的头挡住了。in the way和in ones way 均表示“挡住去路;碍事”之意。按照句意D符合。on the way“在途中”;in a way“在某种程度上”;by the way“顺便说一下”。答案D.完成句子1She should have offered to pay shes a millionaire,_ _. 她应该主动提出付款别忘了,她是个百万富翁。2He said he was starting his own company, which sounded _ _ _.他说他要自己开公司,这听起来像是个聪明的做法。3It is _ _i

12、f you know how to type.如果你会打字,将对你有利。4All I get is_ _ _whenever I dial his number.我什么时候拨他的电话听到的都是忙音。5Farmers _ _nearly 80% of the population of China.中国农民几乎占了中国80%的人口。答案1.after all2.a smart move3.an advantage4a busy signal5.make up.完形填空(A)As a child,I was very shy.I wanted to be successful,but lacked

13、_1_.When I discovered climbing,I found something I was good at.I began to be_2_by my friends and this gave me the desire to climb harder and higher mountains.I found that nothing was impossible if I could find the_3_to try to achieve my goals.Both personal_4_and teamwork are important when you climb

14、.You need to rely on the_5_of your team and share in the achievement.But personal determination to keep going despite any difficulty is very helpful to team success.My greatest achievement in climbing was being the first ever to reach the top of the 5,000foot Troll Wall in Norway,which has the highe

15、st and most vertical(垂直的)rock face in Europe.A stone_6_from the top of the mountain will_7_nothing until it lands on the valley floor one mile below.So it was very_8_.Before our climb,the experts in Europe had said it was_9_to climb the Troll Wall.But with three companions,I decided to_10_.It took t

16、en days to make the climb and we_11_on ledges(岩石架)no more than a foot wide when we were tired._12_,we succeeded.Afterwards,I said to myself,“If I can do that,I can do anything.”Some years later,I climbed up Mount Everestthe highest mountain in the world.1A.money Bconfidence Cpurposes Dchances解析由上一句“

17、当我是个孩子的时候我很害羞”可知,此句表示“我想成功,但缺乏信心”,故用confidence。答案B2A.denied Battacked Crecognized Dtricked解析我开始得到了朋友们的认可(recognized)。答案C3A.place Bsecret Ccourage Dtime解析由上文我找到爬山的乐趣得出结论,只要有勇气(courage)努力实现自我目标,一切皆有可能。答案C4A.work Bbelief Caffairs Ddetermination解析爬山时个人的决心和团队合作非常重要。下文But personal determination to keep go

18、ing给出了提示。答案D5A.comfort Bsupport Cinterest Ddoubt解析本句讲团队合作的重要性,即团队的支持(support)。答案B6A.set Brolled Cdropped Dbroken解析从山顶落下(dropped)的一块石头将不会碰到任何东西。答案C7A.touch Bstop Cmove Dhurt解析touch意为“触,碰”,符合句意。此处描述山势陡峭。答案A8A.special Bexciting Cnervous Dadventurous解析由上文可知,这是一件充满冒险的(adventurous)事情。答案D9A.easy Bimpossibl

19、e Cexciting Duseful解析在攀爬之前,欧洲专家曾告诫说,征服巨人墙是不可能的(impossible)事情。答案B10A.try Blearn Creturn Descape解析尽管欧洲专家告诫,但我还是决定试一试(try)。答案A11A.ate Blived Crested Dstood解析累了的时候,我们在不足一英尺宽的岩石架上休息(rested)。答案C12A.Undoubtedly BEasilyCTemporarily DThankfully解析庆幸的是我们成功了。thankfully意为“庆幸的是”,符合语境。undoubtedly毋庸置疑;easily轻易地;tem

20、porarily临时地。答案D(B)Friendship is unconditional and uncritical,based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each others company.We could have fun doing absolutely nothing at all because the_13_we provided each other with was enough.Rather than discussing operas,Lewinsky,or the weather,we enjo

21、yed just_14_each other without any one of us trying to outsmart the others.Still,I realize that some authority figures had a_15_to be concerned about where my friends were heading;I also was concerned for them,but I wasnt about to_16_them.Many times I would advise my friends that some activities may

22、 be_17_or to think things through before doing something,but I would never claim the moral high ground and condescend(屈尊)to them.When Marvin would have a try at joints,when Alisa would tell me she skipped school because of a hangover,or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend was in a stre

23、et gang,I expressed my discomfort with their_18_.However,I never_19_them with the action of taking my friendship away.Contrary to the commercials on television,you can have_20_who use drugs.In fact,probably everyone does without realizing it.13A.gift Bpresent Ccompany Dfriendship解析这里要表达的意思是:我们在一起的时候

24、即使什么也不做,也会感到开心因为大家聚在一起就已足够。也就是说,彼此陪伴对方,所以应该选择company,前文也有暗示。答案C14A.hanging around Blearning fromCcommunicating with Djoining in解析hang around在这里表示“闲逛”。句意:不去谈论戏剧、莱温斯基或者天气,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去的惬意,谁也不用绞尽脑汁想着怎样一较高下,分清孰优孰劣。learn from向学习;communicate with与交流;join in加入,参加。答案A15A.prejudice Bpoint Csuggestion Dsituati

25、on解析point在这里表示“观点”。prejudice偏见;suggestion建议;situation情形。答案B16A.ignore Bupset Cblame Dleave解析“我”也很关心他们,但并没有打算要和他们绝交,即离开他们,所以选择leave。答案D17A.crazy Bdangerous Cboring Dimportant解析这里的activities指的是下文所列举的事情:Marvin想尝试一下大麻的滋味,Alisa因为宿醉而逃课,Merriam的新男友是街上的一个小混混。由此可以看出,这些事情都是很危险的(dangerous)。答案B18A.actions Bless

26、ons Cwords Dthoughts解析由语境可知,该空指的是上文提到的各项不良行为,所以用actions。答案A19A.force Bthreaten Cpersuade Dcheat解析force强迫;persuade说服;cheat欺骗。根据语境可知选threaten威胁。答案B20A.friends Bgirlfriends Cclassmates Dbrothers解析由语境可知文章一直在谈友谊,所以应该选择friends。答案A.阅读理解On February 1,1960,I met three of my friends at the North Carolina A &

27、T College Library,and together we walked to Woolworths.At that time in the South,African Americans werent allowed to eat with the white people.Woolworths had a separate lunch counter in the basement for “negroes”(黑人)My friends and I had agreed that we would sit at the white peoples lunch counter and

28、 ask to be served.And we did just that.Immediately,spoons stopped halfway to peoples mouths.Every eye was on us.Again,we asked the waitress for coffee,and she refused and said it was a custom not to serve the black people.And I asked,“But you do agree that the custom is wrong,dont you?”We were very

29、polite out goal was to make sure that people did the right thing.So we sat there,waiting.An angry policeman came in and stopped right behind me.I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he stood over me.I said to myself,“This is it.”But he just stood there for a minute and then backed away and start

30、ed pacing up and down.I came to realise:he didnt know what to do.An old white lady sitting farther down the counter finished her sandwich and headed straight for us.I prepared myself for a blast(一阵)of abuse.Instead,she put her hands on our shoulders and said,“Boys,I am so proud of you.I only regret

31、that you didnt do this ten years ago.” That added to my determination to see it through.We went back to that lunch counter every day for six months until African Americans were finally served in every restaurant.【语篇导读】上世纪60年代几名非裔美国人在一家餐馆被拒绝与白人同坐,他们勇敢争取平等的权利,最终赢得了胜利。1What does the underlined word,“ab

32、use”,in the third paragraph probably mean?AGreat encouragement. BGood praise.CUnkind words. DDirect advice.解析词义猜测题。由后句“Instead,she put her hands on our shoulders and said,“Boys,I am so proud of you.”可知作者没有想到老太太会支持和鼓励他,作者本料想老太太会咒骂他。只有C项unkind words(恶语)符合题意。答案C2Why did people focus on the author when

33、he asked to be served?ABecause he sat at the white peoples lunch counter.BBecause he asked for coffee,which wasnt served there.CBecause he was very loud and was disturbing other people.DBecause he was new to the Woolworths restaurant.解析细节理解题。根据第一段中“At that time in the South,African Americans werent

34、allowed to eat with the white people.”和“My friends and I had agreed.And we did just that.”可知作者的行为在当时是不被认可的。故A项正确。答案A3Which of the following words best describes the author?AStrange. BKindhearted.CCourageous. DStubborn.解析推理判断题。整篇文章讲述了作者要求得到与白人平等的待遇,与警察对峙并坚持到底直到赢得平等权利。可知作者是勇敢的(courageous),其他三项不能体现。答案C

35、4Which of the following is TRUE,according to the text?AThe authors friends were disappointed with him.BThe old lady was in support of the author.CThe old lady called the policeman in to deal with the matter.DThe authors friends stopped the matter from getting worse.解析细节理解题。根据第三段中老太太对作者说的话,可知她是站在作者这一方的,故B项正确。其他三项在文章没有体现。答案B


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