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2011届高考英语二轮专题复习学案:专题二 完形填空之说明文.doc

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1、2011届高考英语二轮专题复习学案:专题二 完形填空之说明文(2)(新课标)二、说明文【体裁诠释】 说明文一般用简练的语言,按一定的方法介绍事物的类别、性质、特点、构造、成因、关系或事物的运动变化、发展的过程及规律。说明文十分讲究条理性,一般采用时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑顺序。 1. 说明文一般分为三类: 事物的说明;事理的说明; 文艺性的说明。 2. 说明文通常具有下列特点: (1)多用现在时态。因为说明文通常是对客观事物或事理的一种介绍与解释,而这种客观介绍与解释一般是不随时间变化而变化的。 (2)采用客观描述。说明文一般是对客观存在的说明与介绍,因此,语言的表述也应该尽可能地给人以客观可信

2、的感觉。 (3)遣词用字简练、平实、确切。 说明文的主要目的是帮助读者认清事物,明白事理,故其语言通常较为浅显、通俗,比较易于读者理解。其内容也很客观真实,它的用词总是贴近事物的本来面目,不会使用华丽的词藻和夸张的写作手法,一般也不加描述和议论。 3. 做好说明文完形填空,最主要的是抓住文章说明的中心,这要求考生做好三方面: (1)注意文章的说明顺序,常见的说明顺序有时间、空间、逻辑(指先因后果或先果后因,先主后次的顺序)和认识顺序(指由此及彼,由浅入深,由局部到整体,由现象到本质,由具体到抽象的顺序)。把握了说明的顺序,就能准确把握文章的脉络,抓住文章中心。 (2)注意段落之间的逻辑关系,说

3、明文的首段往往是文章的主题段,每段的首句也是主题句,一定把握好主题段和主题句,这是做好这类完形填空题的前提。 (3)注意文章结尾,文章结尾的段落往往对说明的问题进行总的概括,有时就是文章的点睛之处。【典例探究】(2010安徽卷)Most people give little thought to the pens they write with , especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very 36things are handwritten .All too often, people buy

4、 a pen based only on 37and wonder why they are not satisfied 38 they begin to use it .However, buying a pen that youll enjoy is not 39 if you keep the following in mind. First of all, a pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be 40 to use .The thickness of the pen is the most important character

5、istic(特征)41comfort. Having a small hand and thick fingers, you may be comfortable with a thin pen. If you have a 42 hand and thicker fingers, you may 43 a fatter pen .The length of a pen can 44 influence comfort. A pen that is too 45 can easily feel top-heavy and unstable.Then, the writing point of

6、the pen should 46 the ink to flow evenly(均匀的) while the pen remains in touch with the paper. 47 will make it possible for you to create a 48 line of writing .The point should also be sensitive enough to 49 ink from running when the pen is lifted. A point that does not block the 50 may leave drops of

7、 ink, 51 you pick the pen up and put it down again. 52 , the pen should make a thick , dark line. Fine-line pens may 53 bad handwriting, but fine, delicate lines do not command 54 next to printed text ,as , 55, a signature on a printed letter .A broader line, on the other hand ,gives an impression o

8、f confidence and authority (权威)。 36.A.many B. few C. pleasant D. important37.A.looks B. reason C. value D. advantages38.A.once B. if C. because D. though39.A.convenient B. practical C. strange D. difficult 40.A.heavy B. easy C. hard D. safe41.A.taking B. finding C. determining D. seeking 42.A.strong

9、er B. weaker C. smaller D. larger43.A.prefer B. recommend C. prepare D. demand 44.A.hardly B. also C. never D. still45. A. thick B. light C. long D. soft KS5U.COM46. A. change B. allow C. reduce D .press 47. A. They B. One C. This D. Some48. A. from B. rough C. black D. smooth49. A. prevent B. free

10、C. protect D. remove50. A. way B. sight C. flow D. stream51. A. so B. as C. and D. yet52. A. Meanwhile B. Generally C. Afterwards D. Finally53. A. show up B. differ from C. break down D. compensate for54. A. attention B. support C. respect D. admission55. A. at most B. for example C. in brief D. on

11、purpose【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了什么样的钢笔才算是得心应手的钢笔。36【解析】选B。既然现代家庭和办公室里有了打印机,那么手写的东西就少了。many多的;pleasant令人愉快的;important重要的few 少的。37【解析】选A。下文提到“人们一旦开始用钢笔,却并不满意”可知当时挑选钢笔时,主要是根据其外观买的。looks 外表,外貌; reason原因; value 价值;advantages优点,优势。38【解析】选A。此处应是时间状语从句,用once 引导,“一旦开始用钢笔,却并不满意”; once 一旦;if 如果; because因为;though 虽然,尽

12、管。39【解析】选D。句意:如果你记住了以下几点的话,买一支你喜欢的钢笔是不难的。convenient 方便的;easy容易的; strange奇怪的,陌生的; difficult困难的。40【解析】选B。根据常识可知,好的钢笔应该是用起来很好用,很舒服的。heavy重的; easy容易的,舒适的; hard硬的,难的; safe安全的。41【解析】选C。钢笔的粗细是决定舒服度的最重要的特征。determine决定;seek追求,寻找。42【解析】选D。和上句的small hand and thick fingers相对照,此处应是larger hand and thicker fingers

13、。43【解析】选A。句意:如果你的手比较大,手指比较粗的话,你可能更喜欢粗点的钢笔。prefer喜爱;recommend推荐,建议;prepare准备;demand要求,需要。44【解析】选B。上文提到钢笔的粗细是决定舒服度的最重要的特征,此处又提到其长度也影响舒适度。故选also 也。hardly 几乎不;never从不;still仍然。45【解析】选C。上文提到长度也会影响钢笔的舒适度,那么造成钢笔给人不平稳感觉的就应是钢笔太长了,所以选long长的。thick粗的;light轻的;soft柔软的。46【解析】选B。此处的意思应是“笔尖应让墨水出水均匀”,故选allow允许; change

14、改变; reduce 减少;press 按,压。47【解析】选C。this指代上文中提到的“钢笔出水均匀”。48【解析】选D。出水均匀的钢笔能够让字体线条流畅。smooth流畅的,光滑的;thin纤瘦的;rough粗糙的,不平的;black黑色的。49【解析】选A。笔尖应该是当钢笔拿起来时,不再出水。prevent from doing 阻止做某事,此处指防止墨水流出free from 使免除; protect . from保护不受到伤害;remove from把从消除。50【解析】选C。不能阻止墨水流出的笔尖会在你拿起钢笔在放下时留下一滩滩的墨迹。way道路;sight视力;flow流量;s

15、tream小溪。51【解析】选B。as引导的时间状语从句。当你拿起钢笔在放下时留下一滩滩的墨迹。52【解析】选D。此处是列举的最后一条。meanwhile与此同时;generally一般情况下;afterwards后来;finally最后。53【解析】选D。细线条的钢笔或许会补偿差的书写。show up出席;differ from不同于;break down出故障,垮掉;compensate for补偿,赔偿。54【解析】选A。细线条的文字和印刷的文字在一起时,细线条的文字不会得到人们的注意,例如作为打印信件签名时。attention注意力;support支持;respect尊重;admiss

16、ion许可。55【解析】选B。举例说明用for example;at most至多;in brief 简言之;on purpose故意地。【跟踪演练】1、(2011吉林省实验中学高三第二次模拟考试)“ Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, practical and easy to deal withIt is 36 to find someone who is down-to-earthA person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to 37 accepts other

17、 people as equalsA down-to-earth is just the 38 of someone who acts importantly and proudly.Down-to-earth persons may be 39 members of society, of courseBut they do not let their importance “ go to their 40 ”They do not 41 themselves to be better persons than others of less importance, someone who i

18、s filled with his own importance and 42 , often without cause, is said to have “his nose in the air”There is no way a person with his nose in the 43 can be down-to-earthAmericans use another expression that means almost the same 44 “down-to-earth”The expression is “both-feet-on-the-ground”Someone wi

19、th both-feet-on-the-ground is a person 45 a good understanding of realityHe has what is called “ 46 sense”He may have 47 , but he does not allow them to 48 his knowledge of what is realThe opposite kind of person is 49 who has his “head-in-the-clouds”A man with his head in the clouds is a dreamer wh

20、ose mind is not in the 50 world.Sometimes 51 a dreamer can be brought back to earth 52 words from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming student down-to-earth.Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very 53 to have both-feet-on-the-ground. 54 we have both our feet on-the-ground, when we are

21、down-to-earth, we act 55 and openly toward othersOur lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.36Acommon Bsad Cpleasant Dsurprising37Abut Byet Cand Dwhile38Akind Blike Cexample Dopposite39Aimportant Bfamous Csuccessful Dnecessary40Anose Bheads Cminds Dforehead41Awish Bdesire Cexpect Dcons

22、ider42Aproud Bpride Cfamous Dfame43Aair Bsky Ctree Dcloud44Alike Bwith Cof Dfor45Ahas Bwho Cis Dwith46Ausual Bordinary Ccommon Ddaily47Adreams Bfortunes Cadvantages Dluck48Aprevent Bprotect Cblock Dgain49Aone Bthose Cthat Dthe one50Areality Breal Cdreamful Dtrue51Aso Bsuch Ceach Dthat52ASharp BNo CA

23、ll DBad53Aable Bprobable Clikely Dpossible54AWhen BWhile CAs DSince55Akindly Bdirectly Cfriendly Dhonestly 2、(2011福建省南安第一中学高三毕业班期中考试)My bed is supposed to be the best part of my home the place where I go to find 36_ and relaxation after a long, stressful day. So, lately, why do I get 37 just looking

24、 at it? I cant leave this problem unsolved to the next day, because I cant get to 38 in the first place: I am a victimof insomnia (失眠).Im not 39 _: studies show that more than one in three people worldwide 40 insomnia. It takes different 41 : some people can get to sleep on time, but 42 much too ear

25、ly; others get a full-nights sleep but still 43 very tired when they wake up. And then there are people like me, ordinary insomniacs who toss and turn all 44 , trying to fall asleep.Insomnia is most commonly a side effect of depression, but it can 45 be caused by many other ailments (小病痛). To find t

26、he 46 , doctors first find out the cause by 47 a “sleep diary,” in which you record your sleep habits. The diary may reveal (揭示) lifestyle patterns, 48 an afternoon nap, which are causing your 49 . Dr. Mark Dyken, a specialist in sleep disorders, writes that, “a good sleep diary can often 50 the pat

27、ients to cure themselves.”A good nights sleep is created during the day. 51 in the beginning or middle of the day, and 52 from caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes in the afternoon and evening. After dark, dim (使暗淡) the lights and try to 53 stress. Our bodies like consistent (一贯的) patterns, so we should

28、 let 54 know that its time to wind down. If you cant fall asleep, keep the lights 55 . Try reading a book or listening to soft music. Youll most likely be asleep. 36. A. courageB. knowledgeC. decisionD. energy37. A. nervousB. comfortableC. calmD. satisfied38. A. liveB. restC. sleepD. play39. A. sadB

29、. aloneC. pleasedD. afraid40. A. suffers fromB. benefits fromC. quarrels aboutD. struggles for41. A. waysB. effectsC. resultsD. forms42. A. get upB. wake upC. dreamD. turn over43. A. feelB. becomeC. proveD. look44. A. eveningB. dayC. nightD. time45. A. stillB. alsoC. evenD. only46. A. causeB. reason

30、C. excuseD. cure47. A. keepingB. discussingC. writingD. describing48. A. asB. likeC. forD. about49. A. illnessB. questionC. problemD. worry50. A. haveB. allowC. letD. make51. A. SleepB. WorkC. ReadD. Exercise 52. A. stay awayB. come outC. stay outD. make out53. A. rememberB. increaseC. keepD. reduce

31、 54. A. itB. thatC. themD. this 55. A. bright B. low C. bad D. good3、 What is in the drug that makes you sick or dead? For example, cocaine is harmful, but what makes it harmful? I cant tell you all about drugs, but I can _36_ you think about them in this _37_ way. Your body is a very complicated ma

32、chine, _38_ a lot of chemical machinery, all of which is finally turned _39_ it all works together. Special chemicals, which we call drugs, can affect it in many different ways. Some drugs are _40_ when your body has a problem, as with diseasecausing bacteria. Then someone may give you aspirin to ke

33、ep your temperature from going too _41_ or some penicillin (青霉素) _42_ it stops the growth of some kinds of bacteria. _43_, all drugs are really poison, _44_ if you take too much, so you must always use them _45_. Why do some people take drugs like cocaine? For a little while they seem to make you fe

34、el better, or happier. But _46_ their effects have _47_, your body has to pay an extra _48_ to get back to normal. That makes you want to get _49_ of the drug. Drugs like cocaine have their special effects because they act as _50_ for your nervous system. They cut off some of your nerve pathways and

35、 take away some of your senses and your _51_. They make you want always more. And just a little too much can even _52_ nerves to your heart and stop its beating Many of us worry about the _53_ around us and what pollution does to us. How about your internal environment and what goes on _54_ you? You

36、 control that all by yourself in what you put into your _55_. Most drugs are pollutants. You would not want pollutants in the air and water around you. Why would you want pollutants in your body?36.A.makeB.causeC.helpD.let37.A.funnyB.differentC.simpleD.true38.A.justB.reallyC.especiallyD.sometimes39.

37、A.as if Beven ifC.whereD.so that40.A.powerfulB.helpfulC.painfulD.helpless41.A.highB.tallC.muchD.hot42.A.whenB.untilC.asD.before43.A.besidesB.thusC.howeverD.naturally44.A.at mostB.at leastC.at timesD.at first45.A.carefullyB.easilyC.carelesslyD.a lot46.A.whereB.beforeC.afterD.until47.A.workedB.wornC.a

38、ppearedD.lost48.A.numberB.quantityC.amountD.price49.A.Some moreB.nothingC.a littleD.a few50.A.guardsB.medicineC.chemicalsD.poisons51.A.worriesB.happinessC.freedomD.pride52.A.leadB.blockC.offerD.stick53.A.placesB.natureC.peopleD.environment54.A.insideB.aroundC.outsideD.next55.A.heartB.headC.bodyD.min

39、d4、When I moved into an empty dormitory for the first time two years ago, I was certain of a few things. Firstly, I realized that I didnt 31 anybody at the school. Secondly, I knew that I wanted to work hard at my lessons and 32 something useful. And thirdly, I wanted to have a good time with new cl

40、assmates, without my parents around.The first 33 frightened me in the beginning. But that 34 quickly disappeared. It was the other two goals 35 ended up being my difficulties. I knew that it was 36 to devote enough time to class and to social efforts. But I wanted to 37 in both. I knew this would be

41、 a 38 , but I didnt realize how much until classes began.I got on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm. 39 , instead of finishing my homework 40 it was due, I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor. I always finished it the next day between classes. I knew 41 wasnt very good and

42、the grade I 42 showed my lack of effort.I was 43 that I needed to find some sort of balance.So I created a schedule that would 44 my time up between going to class, doing homework, and relaxing. It seemed like a good idea, 45 I was only able to 46 it for a few days. A schedule like that was too much

43、 pressure.So I tried another 47. Each week I made a list of everything I had to get done during that week.Then, under the list of things I had to get done, I 48 a list of things I could do if I had time.This is the method I have used since then. Im glad that Ive learned to 49 things and it has 50 pr

44、epare me for what is to come after graduation.31. A. knowB. recognizeC. realizeD. like32. A. understandB. learnC. tryD. tell33. A. teacherB. dayC. classD. realization34. A. happinessB. excitementC. fearD. desire35. A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who36. A. hardB. easyC. interestingD. nice37. A. winB. succe

45、edC. getD. wish38. A. chanceB. jobC. challengeD. time39. A. OftenB. SeldomC. UnluckilyD. Fortunately40. A. becauseB. whenC. afterD. before41. A. itB. oneC. theseD. I42. A. demandedB. tookC. acceptedD. received43. A. asleepB. awakeC. ashamedD. aware44. A. fixB. divideC. putD. build45. A. soB. andC. b

46、utD. however46. A. useB. keepC. followD. make47. A. planB. energyC. pressureD. effort48. A. madeB. foundC. pickedD. brought49. A. doB. controlC. balanceD. hold50. A. hadB. helpedC. letD. forced5、 Mars is not, it seems, the dry old planet we once believed (36) Astronauts who are (37) to go there in t

47、he next decade may find plenty (38) water to slake (消除) their thirstAnd with water present the (39) of finding some sort of life of Mars are (40) brighterThis is the view of forty geologists who have been analyzing (41) of pictures and other scientific (42) obtained by robot explorers in the sixties

48、 and seventiesTo begin with, scientists thought the Red planet was as (43) as the Moon (44) dust storms swirling over vast sandy (45) But now the picture is very different (46) mountains and valleys carved by (47) glaciers and rivers rushing and rumbling deep undergroundIn a report on the analysis o

49、f the Martian pictures DrMichael Car of the USGeological Survey comments: “I am convinced (48) lots of water on Mars” Any surface water will be in the (49) of iceBut it could save explorers from (50) to take so much (51) with themThe report says (52) Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages (53) d

50、ue to its axis (轴) having been more tilted (倾斜) towards the sun(54) signs of plant or animal life have been detected by instruments landed on Mars, (55) the landing vehicles have been sent there for a few years36Ait is Bit Cit to be Dwas37Aexpected Bhoped Crequired Dsent38Ato Bof Cmore Din39Achances

51、 Bopenings Coccasions Dpossibility40Aquite Bvery Cmuch Dmore41Aa few Bmany Cthousand Dthousands42Askills Bnews Cintelligence Dinformation43Apeaceful Bquiet Clifeless Ddead44Aof Bwith Cfor Dthrough45Adeserts Bmountains Crivers Dseas46Afrom Bbetween Cfor Dwith47Aenergetic Bgreat Cheavy Dpowerful48Athe

52、res Btherere Cheres Dherere49Aappearance Bway Cform Dshape50Ahave Bhaving Ccarry Dcarrying51Awater Bice Cequipment Doxygen52Awhat Bif Chow Dthat53Apass Bpast Cago Dbefore54ANot BNo CNor DNever55Aprobably Bperhaps Csupposed Dalthough6、 Every country has its own dining customs. Americans feel that the

53、 first rule of being a 1 guest is to be on time. If a person is invited to dinner at six thirty, the hostess 2 him to be there at six thirty or 3 a few minutes after. Because she usually does the cooking, she has to time the meal 4 the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when

54、the guests come. If they are late, the food will not be so 5 , and the hostess will be 6 . 7 the guest cannot come on time, he should call his host or hostess on the phone, give the reason, and tell 8 what time he can come. 9 the situations, guests sometimes bring a box of candy, a bottle of wine or

55、 a bunch of flowers to give to the hostess as a 10 of appreciation. As guests continue to arrive, it is usually considered polite for the 11 in the group to 12 when a woman enters the room and continue to stand until she is seated. 13 , most young people and some groups of elder people 14 stress equ

56、ality of the sexes no longer observe the custom. A visitor should be 15 to each situation and follow the lead of the Americans present. When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is a 16 for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them. However, some Americans 17 do this, so the

57、 visitors must notice what others do and do the 18 . 19 the meal is under way and if the dinner is in a private home, a guest 20 avoid embarrassment by leaving talking to someone else. 1. A. polite B. elegant C. honored D. serious2. A. tells B. expects C. asks D. hopes3. A. at most B. less than C. a

58、t least D. more than4. A. in case B. as long asC. so that D. on condition that5. A. tender B. nutritious C. good D. enough6. A. angry B. nervousC. shameful D. disappointed7. A. If B. Unless C. Whether D. Although8. A. at B. in C. on D. about9. A. Looking at B. Combined withC. Depending on D. Related

59、 to10. A. matter B. heart C. sense D. sign11. A. host B. men C . hostess D. women12. A. smile B. stand C. applaud D. nod13. A. As a result B. MoreoverC. In addition D. However14. A. whose B. what C. who D. which15. A. aware B. similar C. active D. sensitive16. A. custom B. regulationC. habit D. prin

60、ciple17. A. even B . no longer C. still D. no more18. A. following B. same C. deed D. example19. A. Unless B. Until C. While D. After20. A. shouldnt B. must C. neednt D. may7、 The purpose of a letter of application is to help you to “sell” yourself. It should state 1 the job you want, and should tel

61、l what your abilities are and what you have 2 . It should be simple, human, personal and brief without 3 out any necessary fact. In writing a letter of application, keep in 4 that the things a possible employer is most 5 to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your a

62、ims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. 6 the first few sentences fail to 7 the readers attention, the rest of the letter may not be 8 at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not 9 your own need or desires. For example, instead of begi

63、nning with “I saw your 10 in todays paper. ”you might say“I have made a careful 11 of your advertising during thepast six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighbourhood to find out how many housewives 12 your product and why they like it. ” Try to 13 generalities. Be clear about the kind of jo

64、b for which you are now 14 . College graduates looking for their first positions often ask“What can I 15 in a letter? Employers want experience, which, naturally, no 16 has. ”The answer is that everything you have ever done is 17 . It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. 18 a

65、 specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent 19 is to enclose(内附)a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it 20 for a possible employer to get in touch with you. 1A. clearly B. carefullyC. obviously D. easily

66、2A. found B. done C. known D. heard3A. sending B. taking C. leaving D. picking4A. brain B. sight C. order D. mind5A. probable B. possible C. likely D. able6A. While B. Although C. As D. If7A. pay B. win C. show D. fix8A. kept B. continued C. written D. read9A. to B. for C. into D. from10A. advertise

67、ment B. reportC. article D. introduction11A. watch B. searchC. study D. discussion12A. change B. make C. sell D. use13A. avoid B. remember C. protect D. gain14A. losing B. applying C. preparing D. fitting15A. offer B. supply C. mean D. provide16A. worker B. beginner C. owner D. manager17A. success B

68、. developmentC. practice D. experience18A. Make B. Ask C. State D. Get19A. result B. decision C. promise D. idea20A. happier B. easierC. cheaper D. safer8、 It seems as if cellphone could be the protection that parents expecting the kids to have freedom and be safe have been looking for. Lets 1 your

69、11-year-old son is going on a long bike ride with a friend, so they take along your cellphone 2 they need help. Not only could they call you if necessary, but 3 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) equipped on many mobile phones today, your son and his friend could also be 4 easily. Plus, with an additi

70、onal service, you could track the boys 5 location. Or consider this: If your daughter is 6 herself and three friends to a concert, she could 7 out exactly how to locate the concert location and get back home by using her equipped cellphone. And through a(n) 8 software package, you could 9 her wherea

71、bouts (行踪). 10 tracking devices as we all consider useful, however, have 11 . If the boys urgently needed help during the ride, 12 might be too late by the time someone found them. And if they wanted to, the concert-going girls could deviate (偏离) from the 13 route and go to a night club after the 14

72、 they could turn off the phone or leave it in their own car and drive with someone else. Cellphones and their accompanying programs are tools for 15 children safely today, but all of them are 16 extremely reliable. Under no circumstances does 17 else replace a well-established parent-child relations

73、hip 18 love and trust. If you do decide to let your kids use these devices, dont rely 19 on them for protection. Your children need you to watch them,but 20 will never take the place of your time, attention, eyes, and ears when overseeing your childs whereabouts. 1. A. pretend B. see C. prove D. say

74、2. A. even if B. only ifC. in case D. so that3. A. with B. asC. also D. for4. A. called B. observedC. contacted D. located5. A. obvious B. clearC. exactD. safe6. A. leading B. drivingC. headingD. guiding7. A. mapB. makeC. workD. get8. A. additional B. universalC. another D. exceptional9. A. learnB.

75、knowC. follow D. search10. A. These B. SuchC. SomeD. Few11. A. faults B. shortcomingsC. difficulties D. disadvantages12. A. parents B. it C. policemenD. we13. A. considered B. establishedC. located D. planned14. A. drive B. ride C. showD. party15. A. guaranteeing B. providingC. caring D. parenting16

76、. A. never B. alwaysC. usuallyD. merely17. A. everything B. nothingC. anything D. something18. A. relied on B. based onC. laid on D. kept on19. A. specifically B. believablyC. only D. particularly20. A. relationship B. cellphoneC. protection D. technology答案1、3640CCDAB 4145 DBABD 4650 CACAB 5155 BACA

77、D2、3640 DACBA 4145 DBACB 4650 DABCB 5155 DADCB 3、3640 CCBDB 4145 ACCBA 4650 ACDBB 5155 ABDAC4、31.A 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.C 36.A 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.D 41.A 42.D 43.D 44.B 45.C 46.C 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.B5、36.C 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.C 41.D 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.D 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.B 51.A 52.D 53.B 54.B 55.D6、 【文章

78、大意】本文介绍了美国人的用餐习俗。 1.【解析】选A。根据常识及下文If they are late, the food will not be so 5 可知准时是礼貌的,故选A。2.【解析】选B。根据上文Americans feel that the first rule of being a 1 guest is to be on time. 可知主人期望他在六点半或超过六点半至多几分钟到。3.【解析】选A。上文Americans feel that the first rule of being a 1 guest is to be on time. 暗示出主人期望客人只能超过六点半几

79、分钟到,故选A。4.【解析】选C。分析上下文语境可知主人必须按时做饭目的是当客人到时饭菜是最可口的时候,故选C。5.【解析】选C。结合上句的. . . the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when the guests come. 可知,如果客人晚到,食物就不会那么可口了,故选C。6.【解析】选D。上文的. . . she has to time the meal 4 the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when t

80、he guests come. 暗示出如果客人晚到主人就达不到预期的目的,当然就会失望,故选D。7.【解析】选A。从下文的he should call his host or hostess on the phone, give the reason, and tell 8 what time he can come. 可看出从句意为:如果客人不能按时到达。8.【解析】选A。在什么时刻应用介词at。9.【解析】选C。根据下文的bring a box of candy, a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers暗示此处意为依情形而定,depend on 取决于

81、,依而定。10.【解析】选D。客人带礼物到主人家是表示感谢,故选D,sign符号,标记,信号。11.【解析】选B。根据下文的when a woman enters the room及常识可知选B。12.【解析】选B。下文的continue to stand表明此空选B。13.【解析】选D。结合上文语境及下文的stress equality of the sexes可知上下文为转折关系,故选D。14.【解析】选C。此处为定语从句,从句缺少主语且指人,故选C。15.【解析】选D。结合下文的follow the lead of the Americans present 可推知来访者应对不同的情况做

82、出及时的反应,即要敏感些,故选D。16.【解析】选A。根据常识可知这种做法是他们的习俗,故选A。17.【解析】选B。However转折词暗示出下文为转折意,故选B。18.【解析】选B。结合常识“入乡随俗”可知选B。19.【解析】选C。结合本文按时间为序的说明顺序,上文的When the guests sit down at a dinner table及该空后的the meal is under way可知是在吃饭时,故选C。20.【解析】选D。客人可能会用和其他人谈话的方式避免尴尬。【思路点拨】做这篇文章时要注意结合美国文化常识,且要注意文章是以时间为序进行说明的。7、【文章大意】本文向读者

83、介绍了如何写好求职信。1【解析】选A。求职信上应该语言明确,表达清晰。2【解析】选B。信上写明你的能力和工作经历。前面已说明your abilities,故此处不选C、D。3【解析】选C。leave out表示“遗漏”,不遗漏任何必要的内容。4【解析】选D。keep sth. in mind为固定搭配,表示“记住”。5【解析】选C。A、B不能修饰人,因此,用be likely to do表示“可能会”。6【解析】选D。if引导表假设的状语从句,阐述如果求职信的开头不能吸引别人的注意会有什么结果。7【解析】选B。如何开头几句没有能够吸引到读者的注意力。8【解析】选D。如果开头几句吸引不了读者,其

84、余部分对方就不会去看了。来源:高考资源网KS5U.COM9【解析】选A。与上文形成对照与呼应,“针对雇主的要求”而不是“针对你的要求”。10【解析】选A。下文的your advertising是明确的提示,指对方在报上刊登的招聘广告。11【解析】选C。此处用make a study与下文的make a survey均表示“研究,考虑”。12【解析】选D。下文说“她们为什么喜欢”,可见与“使用”是相联系的,喜欢才会去用,用过才觉得喜欢。13【解析】选A。generality表示“笼统”,说清楚你的需求,不要过于笼统抽象。14【解析】选B。apply for表示“申请”,既然是求职信,当然是为了“

85、申请工作”。15【解析】选D。“求职信中应该给对方提供什么信息呢? ”provide表示“(为)提供”;offer表示“(愿意)给”;不合文意。16【解析】选B。既然是no. . . has experience,只有刚开始找工作的graduates没有经验,因此选B。17【解析】选D。从上下文看,作者说只要你做过的事都可以称为经验。18【解析】选A。make a request for sth. 相当于request (vt. ),“恳请,要求”,make的此类用法十分常见,如make an answera reply。19【解析】选D。在信内附上一张有地址和邮票的信封,这是个好主意,而不是

86、结果、决定、保证等。20【解析】选B。这种情况下雇主与你联系就很简单了,因为回信信封已准备好了,邮票也贴了,地址也写了。8、【文章大意】利用手机上的一些功能,父母可以跟踪孩子的行踪,确定他们的所在位置,然而,技术也不是绝对可靠的,它无法取代父母对孩子的关注。1.【解析】选D。动词词义考查。say 假定,比方说。让我们假定你11岁的儿子正和一个朋友进行一次骑自行车的旅行。2.【解析】选C。in case以防,万一;even if 即使;only if 表示假设条件;so that 以便,目的是。3.【解析】选A。许多手机都配备了GPS全球定位系统。with在句中用于引出一个宾语复合结构。4.【解

87、析】选D。GPS定位系统的作用是确定用户所处的位置,故这里located适合语境。5.【解析】选C。从下文的. . . out exactly how to locate the concert location可知,用手机提供的附加服务,你可以追踪这两个男孩的确切位置。6.【解析】选B。在第二个例子中,女儿驾车和三个朋友一起去参加音乐会,其他选项不合语境。7.【解析】选B。考查动词短语用法。句意为:通过装载的设备,她能准确地分辨出如何确定音乐会的位置。make out 理解,分辨出。map out 制订;work out 设计出,计算出;get out 出去,摆脱。8.【解析】选A。an a

88、dditional 附加的,额外的; universal 普遍的, 通用的。exceptional 例外的,异常的。9.【解析】选C。通过一个附加的软件包,你就可以了解她的行踪, follow跟踪,了解。10.【解析】选B。such. . . as是常用句式结构。11.【解析】选D。从下文可知,带有跟踪装置的手机也有自己的缺点。disadvantages缺点,不足,短处。 faults 过失;shortcomings 缺点;difficulties困难。12.【解析】选B。it在句中用作代词,用来指时间。13.【解析】选B。established route指的是事先已经制订好的路线。esta

89、blished 已经制订的,确定的。 14.【解析】选C。在听完音乐会后去了一个夜总会。show在这里指上文提到过的concert。15.【解析】选A。手机及附加的程序是保证孩子安全的工具。guarantee担保,保证,其他三个动词选项与句意不符。16.【解析】选A。手机的这些功能并不是永远极其可靠。本句all与never否定副词连用,为部分否定结构。17.【解析】选C。与前面的under no circumstances相对应,否定句中用anything。18.【解析】选B。任何情况下什么东西都不能取代建立在爱和信任的基础上那种parent-child关系。Well-established

90、已经确立的。relied on 依赖,信赖;based on 以为基础,在基础上;laid on 加于人,kept on 坚持,继续。19.【解析】选C。作者在上文提到手机的这些功能也不是绝对可靠,因此在决定让孩子使用这些设备时,不要单纯只依靠它们为孩子提供保护, only 仅仅,在这里符合句子语境。20.【解析】选D。手机及其附加的程序的这些跟踪功能,都属于技术范畴。【真题在线】1、 (2010重庆高考)Introduction to Letters to SamDear Reader, Please allow me to tell you something before you rea

91、d this book. When my 36 , Sam, was born, my heart was filled with joy. I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then, and I have been 37 ill many times. So I wondered if I would have the 38 to tell Sam what I had 39 . For years I have been hosting a program on the 40 and writing articl

92、es for a magazine. Being 41 to move freely, I have learned to sit still and keep my heart 42 , exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and 43 . So when Sam was born, I 44 to tell him about school and fridship, romance and work, love and everything else. Thats how I started to write these 45

93、. I hope that Sam would 46 them sooner or later. However, that expectation 47 when Sam showed signs of autism (自闭症) at the age of two. He had actually stopped talking before the discovery of the signs. He 48 to communicate with others, even the family members. That was 49 for me but didnt stop me wr

94、iting on. I realized that I had even 50 now to tell him. I wanted him to 51 what it means to be “different” from others, and learn how to fight against the misfortune hell 52 as I myself, his grandfather, did. I just 53 if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life. Now, 54 the bo

95、ok has been published, I have been given the chance. Every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam: some about my life, and all about what it means to be a 55 . Daniel Gottlieb36. A. sonB. nephewC. brotherD. grandson37. A. seriouslyB. mentallyC. slightlyD. quietly38. A. abilityB. timeC. courageD. res

96、ponsibility39. A. writtenB. sufferedC. observedD. lost40. A. radioB. televisionC. stageD. bed41. A. readyB. unableC. anxiousD. eager42. A. warmB. brokenC. closedD. open43. A. hostsB. visitorsC. readersD. reporters44. A. beganB. stoppedC. forgotD. decided45. A. lettersB. emailsC. booksD. diaries46. A

97、. findB. readC. collectD. keep47. A. developedB. disappearedC. changedD. arrived48. A. triedB. refusedC. regrettedD. hoped49. A. excitingB. acceptableC. strangeD. heartbreaking50. A. lessB. everythingC. moreD. nothing51. A. understandB. explainC. believeD. question52. A. fearB. faceC. knowD. cause53

98、. A. feltB. guessedC. sawD. doubted54. A. asB. onceC. thoughD. if55. A. teacherB. childC. manD. writer2、(2009上海高考)Most people believe they dont have much imagination. They are 50 .Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to 51 it. Creativity isnt always 52 with gre

99、at works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time 53 think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! Here are three techniques to help you. Making connections This technique involves taking 54

100、 ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example, a candle. Write down all the idea/words 55 with candles: light, fire, matches, wax, night, silence, etc. Think of as many a

101、s you can. The next stage is to relate the 56 to the job you have to do. So imagine you want to but a friend an original 57 ; you could buy him tickets to match or take him out for the night. NO limits! Imagine that normal limitations dont 58 . You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Th

102、ink about your goal and the new 59 .If your goal is to learn to ski, 60 , you can now practise skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). Now 61 this to reality. Maybe you can practise skiing ever day in December, or every Monday in January. Be someone else! Look at the

103、 situation from a 62 point of view. Good businessmen use this technique in trade, and so do writes. Fiction writers often imagine they are the 63 in their books. They ask question: What does this character want? Why cant she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? If your goal invo

104、lves other people, put yourself in their 64 . The best fishermen think like fish! 50. A. wrongB. unbelievableC. reasonableD. realistic 51. A. put up withB. catch up withC. make use ofD. keep track of 52. A. equippedB. comparedC. coveredD. connected 53. A. skillfullyB. routinelyC. vividlyD. deeply 54

105、. A. familiarB. unrelatedC. creativeD. imaginary 55. A. presentedB. markedC. litD. associated 56. A. ideasB. ambitionsC. achievement D. technique 57. A. experienceB. serviceC. presentD. object 58. A. workB. lastC. existD. change 59. A. possibilitiesB. limitationsC. tendencyD. practice 60. A. in fact

106、B. in particularC. as a wholeD. for example 61. A. devoteB. adaptC. leadD. keep 62. A. privateB. globalC. differentD. practical 63. A. positionsB. dreamsC. imagesD. directions 64. A. positionsB. dreamsC. imagesD. directions 3、(2009江苏高考)The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in

107、 my community. As a result, all students must 36 sixty hours of service learning, 37 they will not receive a diploma. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community. 38 of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student. 39

108、 a service experience, students must keep a journal(日志)and then write a 40 about what they have learned.Supporters claim that there are many 41 of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think 42 their own interests and become 43 of the needs of others. Students are also a

109、ble to learn real-life skills that 44 responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team. 45 , students can explore possible careers 46 service learning.For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoon

110、s each month. 47 there are many benefits, opponents (反对者) 48 problems with the new requirement. First, they 49 that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills. Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend 50 time studying the core subjects. Second, they

111、believe that forcing students to work without 51 goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away an individuals freedom to choose.In my view, service learning is a great way to 52 to the community, learn new skills, and explore different careers. 53 , I don t believe you should for

112、ce people to help others the 54 to help must come from the heart. I think the best 55 is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility, and as young adults, we must lea

113、rn to handle both wisely.36. A. spendB. gainC .completeD. save37. A. andB. orC. butD. for38. A. SubjectsB. ideasC. ProceduresD. Examples39. A. WithB. BeforeC . DuringD. After40. A. diaryB, reportC . noteD. notice41. A. coursesB. benefitsC . challengesD. features42. A. beyondB. aboutC. overD. in43. A

114、. carefulB. proudC. tiredD. aware44. A. possessB. applyC. includeD. develop45. A. GraduallyB. FinallyC . LuckilyD. Hopefully46. A. throughB. acrossC. ofD. on47. A. SoB. ThusC . SinceD. While48. A. deal withB. look intoC . point outD. take down49. A. argueB. doubtC . overlookD. admit50. A. muchB. ful

115、lC . lessD. more51. A. costB. payC. careD. praise52. A. contributeB. appealC. attendD. belong53. A. ThereforeB. OtherwiseC. BesidesD. However54. A. courageB. desireC. emotionD. spirit55. A. decisionB. purposeC. solutionD. result4、(2008安徽高考)There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first

116、 timeOne of them is to walk around it,guide-book 36 hand. Of course,we may 37 with our guide-books the history and 38 developments of a town and get to know them. 39 then,if we take our time and 40 in a town for a while,we may get to know it better. When we 41 it as a whole,we begin to have some 42

117、,which even the best guide-books do not answerWhy is the town just 43 this,this shape,this plan,this size? Why do its streets 44 in this particular way, and not in any 45 way?Here even the best guide-book 46 usOne cant find in it the information about how a town has developed to the 47 appearance. I

118、t may not describe the original(最初的) 48 of a townHowever,one may get some idea of what it 49 look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine 50 the town was first planned and builtThen one can learn more about in what direction the town 51 to developWhat is the 52 of studying towns in thi

119、s way?For me,it is 53 that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with ones own eyesA 54 visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive 55 just reading about it in a guide-book36Ain Bat Cby Don37Awrite Bstudy Ctell Dremember38A. strange Bsimilar Csepa

120、rate Dspecial39ABut BBefore CSince DUntil40Amarch Bwork Cstay Dwait41Alook at B1ook after C1ook for D1ook up42. Aideas Bopinions Cfeelings Dquestions43Aof Bfor C1ike Das44Aopen Brun Cbegin Dmove45Aone Bmore Cother Dsuch46Ahelps Btricks Cfails Dsatisfies47Aold Bnormal Cfirst Dpresent48Acapital Bmeani

121、ng Cdesign Dchange49Aused to Bseemed to Chad to Dhappened to50Awhat Bhow Cwhen Dwhere51Astops Bappears C. starts Dcontinues52A. point Bview Cproblem Ddifficulty53Anearly B. simply Cgenerally D. hardly54A. costly Bformal Cgroup Dpersonal55. A. from Bthan Cthrough Dwith5、(2007安徽高考)It was the night of

122、the full moon, a time which always drives Java s young people mad with excitement.Fireworks were lit long before the moon 36 . The big noise brought people out 37 the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene. Everywhere, there were the paper remains of 38_ fireworks lying on the ground. Little boys

123、 39 more and covered their ears as they waited _ 40_ for the explosions.The moon appeared above the horizon(地平线) : huge, 41 ball high above the city, and the _42 filled with people, as Java began to enjoy one of the year s greatest _ 43 _ : the Night of the Full Moon , a festival(节日) that is especia

124、lly popular 44_ young people.More and more young Javanese 45 together and walked slowly through the 46 Joking and chatting, they moved towards the mountain _ 47 the city. They continued to climb 48 they reached the old temple( 寺庙 ) at the 49 of the mountain.After they were _ 50 the temple, they dran

125、k their water and ate their moon-cakes - delicious home-made ones, 51 of dried fruit and nuts. Outside, on the mountain, young people 52_ cross-legged in circles, chatting and telling each other jokes. And 53 , in their hundreds, more young people continued to make their way up the mountain to 54 th

126、e brightly shining moon.By midnight, the fireworks had stopped shooting up from the 55 city in the valley below them. But during the night, the sound continued to be heard from the distance.36. A. let outB. gave outC. came outD. set out37. A. intoB. atC. ofD. from38. A. burningB. usedC. explodingD.

127、broken39. A. litB. boughtC. piledD. removed40. A. patientlyB. calmlyC. worriedlyD. excitedly41. A. silverB. newC. colorfulD. gold42. A. mountainsB. valleysC. streetsD. shops43. A. gamesB. meetingsC. sportsD. events44. A. forB. toC. withD. in45. A. dancedB. gatheredC. drankD. shouted46. A. villageB.

128、sceneC. nightD. ground47. A. on the edge ofB. on the way toC. in the center ofD. in the direction of48. A. whileB. untilC. unlessD. though49. A. tipB. backC. topD. bottom50. A. insideB. nearC. offD. across51. A. fondB. littleC. fullD. free52. A. jumpedB. satC. stoodD. bent53. A. soB. evenC. yetD. st

129、ill54. A. followB. showC. noticeD. admire55. A. cleanB. grayC. peacefulD. empty6、(2006广东B卷)The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can 36 from a different kind of povertyof the spirit. 37 , one Western count

130、ry alone now sees 14, 000 attempted suicides (自杀)every year by children under 15, and one child 38 five needs psychiatric(心理)advice.There are many good things about 39 in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbours for example.In

131、 the West,the very nature of work puts distance between 40 and children.But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices. 41 ,the child sees mother and father, relations and neighbours working 42 and often shares in that work.A child 43 in this way

132、learns his or her role through joining in the communitys 44 :helping to dig or build,look after animals or babies-rather than 45 playing with water and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets 46 playing with dolls.These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the 47 child

133、ren. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world, 48 , are provided with a watch as one of the 49 signs of growing up, so that they can 50 along with their parents about being late for school time

134、s, meal times, bed times, the times of TV showsThird World children do not usually 51 to stay indoors, still less in highrise apartments(公寓).Instead of dangerous roads,keep off the grass signs and dont speak to strangers,there is often a sense of 52 to study and play. Parents can see their children

135、outside rather than observe them 53 from ten floors up. 54 , twelve million children under five still die every year through hunger and disease.But childhood in the Third World is not all 55 .36. A. come B. learn C. suffer D. survive37. A. As usual B. For instance C. In fact D. In other words38. A.

136、by B. in C. to D. under39. A. childhood B. poverty C. spirit D. survival40. A. adults B. fathers C. neighbours D. relatives41. A. Anyhow B. However C. Instead D. Still42. A. away B. alone C. along D. nearby43. A. growing up B. living through C. playing D. working44. A. activity B. life C. study D. w

137、ork45. A. by B. from C. through D. with46. A. and B. but C. or D. so47. A. Eastern B. good C. poor D. Western48. A. at any moment B. at the same time C. on the other hand D. on the whole49. A. easiest B. earliest C. happiest D. quickest50. A. care B. fear C. hurry D. worry51. A. dare B. expect C. ha

138、ve D. require52. A. control B. danger C. disappointment D. freedom53. A. anxiously B. eagerly C. impatiently D. proudly54. A. Above all B. In the end C. Of course D. Whats more55. A. bad B. good C. rich D. poor7、(2006安徽高考)Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV o

139、n a weekend? Now you 36 do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks(网络) have become a 37 for many people to shop without 38 having to leave their homes.Some shoppers are 39 of department stores and supermarkets 40 the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes 41 of finding anythin

140、g they want to buy. Theyd rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and 42 a friendly announcer describe a product 43 a model shows it. And they can 44 around the clock, buying something 45 by making a phone call.Department stores and even mail-under companies are 46 to join in the success o

141、f home shopping. Large department stores are busy 47 their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future. 48 can ask questions about products and place 49 , all through their TV sets.Will shopping by television 50 take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so. 51

142、many people find shopping at a 52 store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to 53 or try on dresses they want to buy. Thats 54 specialists say that in the future, home shopping will 55 together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it.36A. mustB. shouldC

143、. shallD. can37A. programmeB. wayC. reasonD. purpose38A. everB. neverC. stillD. once39A. proudB. fondC. tiredD. careful40A. fightingB. strikingC. treatingD. stopping41A. senseB. doubtC. hopeD. feeling42A. seeB. watchC. letD. notice43A. untilB. sinceC. ifD. while44A. shopB. waitC. turnD. deliver45A.

144、suitablyB. cheaplyC. simplyD. hardly46A. nervousB. luckyC. equalD. eager47A. putting up B. making upC. setting upD. looking up48A. GuestsB. AssistantsC. ManagersD. Customers49A. ordersB. goodsC. booksD. answers50A. lastlyB. finallyC. especiallyD. fortunately51A. ThenB. YetC. HoweverD. Therefore52A.

145、generalB. popularC. realD. true53A. designB. makeC. wearD. touch54A. howB. whyC. whatD. when55A. existB. practiseD. followD. appear 答案1、【语篇解读】本文介绍了“Letters to Sam”这本书的创作背景和写作目的。36. 答案D【解析】根据as I myself,hisgrandfather可判断,Sam是“我”的孙子。37. 答案A【解析】由I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before th

146、en和I wondered if I would have the time可知作者在这期间重病了几次。所以用seriously.38. 答案B【解析】由这一段可知,作者是想告诉他的孙子,但担心自己的身体,所以不知道是不是有时间。此处用time符合上下文。39. 答案C【解析】observe看到,注意到。根据全文内容的理解,作者想告诉他孙子的是他的经历,只有observe合题意。40. 答案A【解析】由下文的with thousands of listeners可知,作者是主持广播节目,所以选radio.41. 答案B【解析】由第一段可知,作者在轮椅上待了20年,所以不能自由活动。42. 答案

147、D【解析】由下文中与听众和读者交流思想可知,作者敞开心扉,所以选open。43. 答案C【解析】由第二段开头可知,作者主持广播节目和为杂志写文章,所以此处是和听众和读者交流。来源:高考资源网KS5U.COM44. 答案D【解析】由下句这就是我怎样开始写这些信的可知,这儿应用decided.是因为我决定告诉Sam学校与友谊、浪漫与工作、爱情与其它一切,才开始写这些信。45. 答案A【解析】由本文的题目可知是介绍的Letters to Sam 这本书,下文中也告诉我们这本书的每一章都是一封信,所以这儿选A。 46. 答案B【解析】因为信是写给Sam的,所以作者希望Sam迟早会读到这些信。47. 答

148、案C【解析】由于Sam患了自闭症,所以作者的这种期望改变了。48. 答案B【解析】因为Sam患了自闭症,这儿是说他拒绝与别人交流。49. 答案D【解析】由上文可知,作者对Sam 希望很大,而Sam却患了自闭症,这对作者来说是令人心碎的。50. 答案C【解析】由上面一句语,但是并没有阻止我继续写下去和下文中的我想让他理解与别人不同意味着什么,学会和我一样与面对的不幸作斗争可知,作者是有了更多的东西要写。51. 答案A【解析】见第50题。52. 答案B【解析】见第50题。53. 答案D【解析】由上文可知,作者的身体不好,所以他怀疑他是不是能写下所有他想说的话。54. 答案A【解析】as引导原因状语

149、从句。句意:因为这本书出版了,所以我有机会让Sam看到我所有想说的话。55. 答案C来源:高考资源网KS5U.COM【解析】这本书的每一章都是一封信,一些是关于我的,所有都是关于作为一个人意味着什么的。2、50.A 51.C 52.D 53.B 54.B 55.D 56.A 57.C 58.C 59.A 60.D 61.B 62.C 63.D 64.A 3、36.C 37.B 38.D 39.C 40.B 41.B 42.A 43.D 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.C 51.B 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.C4、36.A 37.B 38.D 39.A

150、 40.C 41. A 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.C 46.C 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.B5、36. C37. A 38. B 39. A 40. D 41.A42. C 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. A 51. C 52. B 53. D 54. D 55. B6 、36.C 37.B 38.B 39.A 40.A 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.D 45.C 46.C 47.D 48.C 49.B 50.A 51.C 52.D 53.A 54.C 55.A 7、36.D 37.B 38.A 39.C 40.A 41.C 42.B 43.D 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.B 51.B 52.C 53.D 54.B 55.A


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