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《名师一号》2014-2015学年高中英语随堂演练必修二 5-3.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家随堂演练及时体验 巩固提升.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1_ (perform) by a famous musician, the music sounds wonderful.答案与解析Performedperform与the music为被动关系,再结合时态可知此处应用过去分词形式的一般式。2 How is Mark getting along with his new job? Well, he could always come up _ ideas for increasing sales.答案与解析withcome up with ideas“想

2、出办法”。3The theory which he stuck to _ (prove) to be wrong.答案与解析proved句意:他坚持的理论证明是错误的。which he stuck to为定语从句修饰theory;proved“证明是(无被动形式)”,作句子的谓语。4It looked as if he _ (know) the answer.答案与解析had known从题意可知,as if引导的从句应该用虚拟语气,且从句动作早于主句动作,应该用过去完成时。5I feel it _ (pain) to drive to the seaside on such a stormy

3、 day.答案与解析painful句意:我认为在这样的暴风雨天里开车去海边是件麻烦事。feel itadj.to do sth.“认为干某事”。.词语知识1On our way to the work place we made a _ visit to the bookshop.A. instant B. briefC. small D. last答案与解析B句意:我们上班途中到书店看了看。此处可用brief来修饰visit, make a brief visit to“在某处短暂停留”。2Every student is required to watch the teacher care

4、fully before _ the chemistry experiment.A. performing B. takingC. picking D. having答案与解析Aperform an experiment“做实验”。3This English man is rich, educated and _ kind to others.A. above all B. first of allC. at all D. after all答案与解析A句意:这位英国人有钱、受过良好教育而且最重要的是他很平易近人。此处选above all强调kind to others这一点。at all“到

5、底;究竟”,常用在疑问句、否定句或条件状语从句中,因此at all在这里不合适。4There is little time left, so Ill tell you about it _.A. in detail B. in briefC. in general D. in all答案与解析Bin brief“简要地”;in detail“详细地”;in general“通常;大体上”;in all“总共”。由句意可知选B项。5Yao Ming was _ as the best basketball player in the team.A. recognized B. realizedC

6、. looked D. thought答案与解析Abe recognized as“被承认是;被认为是”。realize没有这种搭配,C项应改成looked on/upon,D项应改成thought of。6The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _ to the sudden change of weather.A. sensitive B. sensibleC. flexible D. positive答案与解析Asensitive“敏感的”;sensible“明智的”;flexible“有弹性的”;positive“积极的”。从句意可知,老人对天气的突变是“敏感的”。- 3 - 版权所有高考资源网


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