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2011-2012学年高一英语同步作业:UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP 基础练习(新人教版必修1).doc

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2011-2012学年高一英语同步作业:UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP 基础练习(新人教版必修1).doc_第4页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship1. add vt./viadd up sth. =add sth. up 把加起来add to sth. 增添、加某事物addto 把加到里 add up to=amount to 共计,总计 If you _ 5_3 you will get 8. This bad weather _ our difficulties. His whole school education _ no more than one year.2. point n./v.There is no point (in) doing st

2、h. 做没用,无意义at/on the point of 就要的时候point at/to指向 point sth. at/ towards sb./ th 我们正要离开这时你们来了。 We were _ leaving when you came. 我们赢(输)了5分。We won (lost) the game _ 5 _ Can you tell us the main _ of the story? “Thats the man who did it,” she said, _ me. The robber _a gun _ the bank clerk.3. concern vt./

3、n.be concerned about/for 关心 as concerns=concerning (prep.)关于as/so far asbe concerned 就而言 concerned adj. 有关的担心的 就英语而言,他是我们班最好的_, he is first in our class. I am living in school, and mother _me. He doesnt bother about things that dont _ him. Present at the meeting were leading members of the departmen

4、ts _. This book deals with questions _Anti-Japanese War.4. share v/n Let Tom play with your toys as well, Clare-you must learn to_ A. support B. care C. spare D. share Culture refers to a group or community _we share common experiences that shape the way we understand the world.A. with which B. that

5、 C. which D. what 我不得不与家里人共用一个浴室。I have to _ the bathroom _ the rest of the family. 他是唯一的一位与我的观点相同的人。 He is the only person who _my opinion.5. reason n.+ for/to do sth. for the reason of. This is the reason _he explained to me just now. A. why B. which C. because D. about which The reason _ he is la

6、te is _ there was a breakdown on the railway.A. why; why B. because; that C. that; because D. why; that Give your reason _changing the plan.6. go through sth.经历忍受或遭受;被正式通过或接受;仔细检查;(书) 发行次数;用光或消耗get through 穿过;(使)通过;使(读)完;接通 Two months later, the law _. I rang you several times but couldnt _. I have

7、_ all my pockets but I cant find my keys. The dictionary has _ ten editions. When you _ with your work, lets go out.7. join ; join in ; take part in; attend Will you _ the lecture on science? Would you like to _ us _ playing football? After _ the League, he often helps others. She _ the music compet

8、ition. We _ a country club that year. Were going to visit the flower show tomorrow. Will you _ us? The boy _ the English Evening and had a good time. He didnt _ school yesterday because of his illness.8. Put away the tools after work, will you? _He puts away part of his wages each month. _She put aw

9、ay the idea of going home. _He put away his wife without good reasons. _9. - Is it high time we _ to school?-Oh, its seven oclock. Lets go.A. will go B. shall go C. went D. would go 这是她第一次跟英国人交谈每次我见到他,他总是在备课。_._.10. It is/was + 被强调部分+that/who+其他成分 It was 8 oclock _ I went back home last night.A. tha

10、t B. when C. which D. what _ you missed such a fine lecture? A. How it was that B. It was how that C. How was it that D. Was it how that I just wonder _ that makes you so excited.A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is It was not until she got home _ Mary realized she had lost her

11、keys. A. that B. when C. where D. beforeKeys to Exx1 add to / added to / added up to 2 on the point of / bypoints / pointing at /pointed at 3 As far as English is concerned / is concerned about / concern / concerned / concerning 4 D / A / share with / shares 5 B / D/ for 6 went through / get through

12、 / gone through / gone through / get through 7 attend / joinin / joining / took part in / joined / join / attended / attend 8 把收起来 / 储存 / 放弃 / 抛弃 9 It is the first time that she has talked with an English man / Every time I see him ,he is always preparing his lessons. 10 B / C / D / A高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!


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