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1、唐山市玉田县2016高考英语完形填空二轮练习(2)及答案【2015高考复习】完形填空Armed with two overpacked suitcases,we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight.As I watched her unload my luggage,I could see the_16_in her eyes.One last hug and a final goodbye,and I would be on my way to a new life_17_.“Youd better go or youll mi

2、ss your flight,”she said.“Ill_18_ you,”I replied,and with those words I_19_.By the time I reached the customs I was_20_.While boarding the plane I was still crying.I did not have the_21_to put my bag in the overhead locker,so I put it on the empty seat next to mine.Born barely fifteen months_22_,we

3、not only looked alike,we were alike.We both had that same mix of_23_and fear of all things unknown to us.One sunny summer day I was playing outside when she came_24_to me and said,“What to come to the attic(阁楼)?”The answer was always“_25_”We were frightened of the attic but also_26_by its smells and

4、 sounds.Together we would flight many spiders and battle through the numerous boxes_27_we found what we needed.The plane shook_28_and my bag fell on the floor.My aspirin,hairbrush and some other things were_29_on the floor.I_30_over to gather them up when I saw a(an)_31_little book in the middle of

5、my belongings.It was a diary.Immediately I_32_my sisters handwriting.“Hi Sis.What a day it has been today.You let me know that you are moving abroad.”Only_33_did I realize that my sister had been_34_a diary for the past month.I read about my sisters comings and goings during the flight.Even though a

6、 large ocean_35_us,at some point it felt like she was actually there.16A.honesty BconcernCsadness Dsatisfaction答案C姐妹俩在机场分别,眼中应该充满忧伤。sadness“忧伤”;honesty“诚实”;concern“关注”;satisfaction“满足,满意”。17A.abroad Bhome Cagain Dalong答案A根据倒数第二段中“You let me know that you are moving abroad.”可知答案。18A.remember Bremind

7、Cmiss Dthink of答案C句意:我会想你的。remember“记住”;remind“提醒”;think of“想起”;miss“想念”。19A.was out Bwas offCleft off Dleft away答案B句意:说完这些话,我离开了。be off“离开”;be out“外出”。20A.smiling Bsneezing Csighing Dsobbing答案D分别时心情难过,所以在抽泣。由后一句“I was still crying”也可知答案。sob“呜咽,抽噎”;smile“微笑”;sneeze“打喷嚏”;sigh“叹气”。21A.courage Benergy

8、Cidea Dspirit答案B她还在伤心地哭,所以没有精力去把行李放到头上方的架子上。energy“精力”;courage“勇气”;idea“想法”;spirit“精神,灵魂”。22A.before Bafter Cbetween Dapart答案D句意:出生只相差15个月。apart“分开”。如:The 2 buildings are 200 meters apart.两座建筑相距200米。23A.curiosity Banxiety Csympathy Dworry答案A对未知的事物既好奇又害怕。curiosity“好奇”;anxiety/worry“焦虑”;sympathy“同情”。2

9、4A.about Bacross Cdown Dup答案Dcome up to“走到跟前”。25A.No BYes CSorry DCertain答案B回答总是“好的”。这也说明两人的性格很相像。26A.surprised BboredCattracted Dinterested答案C前文说两人对未知事物既好奇又害怕,所以她们既害怕阁楼又被它的气味和声音所吸引。27A.until Bunless Cthough Dsince答案A句意:我们会一起赶走许多蜘蛛,在无数的箱子间作战“直到”找到我们想要的东西。28A.hardly Bslightly Cweakly Dheavily答案D句意:飞机

10、猛烈地晃动。heavily“猛烈地”。29A.spread Bthrown Cdropped Dpushed答案A我的东西散落在地上。spread“摊开,铺开”。30A.turned Bwent Cbent Dlooked答案C我弯下身把东西捡起来。bend over“弯下腰”。31A.familiar BunfamiliarCimportant Dunimportant答案B我看到了一本小小的不熟悉的本子夹在我的东西里,从下文知道这是姐姐的日记,所以“我”不熟悉。32A.knew BsawCobserved Drecognized答案D句意:我马上就认出了姐姐的笔迹。recognize“认出

11、”;observe“观察”。33A.when Bthat Cthen Dthis答案C句意:直到“那时”我才意识到姐姐在过去的一个月里一直在记日记。34A.keeping Bwriting Cusing Dmaking答案Akeep a diary“记日记”。35A.faced BseparatedCsurrounded Dblocked答案B句意:即使大洋把我们隔开,此时我觉得她就在这儿。完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On a cold November afternoon,my mother and 1 were w

12、alking home from a 1 We were dressed 2 1 was feeling a little 3 as 1 was carrying our shopping,and decided to throw away somethingSo I started to walk towards a 4 when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of usHe 5 over to another nearby dustbin and started looking through itI

13、 suddenly felt very guilty because 1 was about to throw away a new drink just because it was 6 1 walked up to him and handed the 7 and some snacks over to himThe man looked up 8 and took what I gave himA huge smile 9 across his face and this 10 me to feel indescribable satisfactionI felt I couldnt b

14、e happier 11 myselfBut then he said:“Wow,this is my sons lucky day!”With that,he thanked me happily and started off on his bike,I 12 heard him whistling a song as he rode awayI got a warm 13 insideI now understand 14 is meant by the saying “giving is getting”Although it only 15 a little action and a

15、 few words,I gained and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the monthEveryone in the world needs 16 ,everyone can 17 help and everyone will be helped by 18 kindnessThe image of that mans happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every 19 I have the chance to do som

16、ething niceThis is the 20 of charity1Astore Bschool ChospitalDfactory2Apoorly Bcoldly CwarmlyDexpensively3Aglad Binterested CboredDtired4Astreet BdustbinCtoiletDcorner5Awalked Blooked CthoughtDtook6Acheap Bheavy CtastelessDfull7Amoney Btoys CdrinkDclothes8Ain silence Bin surprise Cin interestDin a h

17、urry9Aspread Bcame CwentDran10Aforced Bhelped CmadeDcaused11Awith Bto CatDfor12Astill Bnever CevenDever13Aopinion Bmind CideaDfeeling14Awhich Bwhat CthatDit15Acost Btook CspentDasked16A1ove Bmoney ChelpDdrink17AgiveBsend CofferDhave18AshowingBexpressing C1endingDsaying19Amoment Bday Cminute Dtime20A

18、aimBmeaning CstrengthDpower【参考答案】15、ACDBA 610、BCBAD 1115、ACDBB 1620、CAADD完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Im an operating engineer, running crane(起重机) in New York City. I was in the countryside, playing golf when we got the call that a plane had 1 the World Trade Centre. We checked out of

19、 the hotel immediately and started 2 our way downtown. When I got home, I called the rescue center and they told me to come 3 and get on the 4 list.The next morning I went down to the 5 at about 5 a.m., and four hours later I 6 the call to come down to West Street. I called my wife and told her not

20、to 7 me, and that I would stay in 8 with her. I took the subway. It stopped at West Fourth Street, so I had to 9 the rest of the way.And somewhere in there I became frightened that I was going into something I 10 . I once worked there in 1966 for the 11 of the World Trade Centre. On halfway on Septe

21、mber 12, I was frightened to see the World Trade Centre was a huge pile, maybe ten stories 12 . And it was burning. I started to ask 13 in which my crane might be 14 a whistle blew suddenly warning us of some danger. I saw people running away and I really didnt know what to do. So I did the same, to

22、o. It was as if they had let the bulls go in 15 and we were running through the street. People falling down, people 16 them up as they came by, and carrying them, just to get them out of the way, because something was extremely 17 . I didnt even look back. We stopped running when we got to the Batte

23、ry Tunnel, and I caught my 18 and said, “Oh, my God, Im going to 19 .”Then I settled down a little bit, thinking about what we should do next. As we started again we 20 into a fire chief officer and we asked, “What can we do to help you?”1.A. landedB. reachedC. hitD. passed2.A. findingB. makingC. fi

24、ghtingD. losing3.A. awayB. nearC. inD. down4.A. volunteerB. soldierC. policeD. fireman5.A. companyB. hotelC. centerD. home6.A. answeredB. madeC. heardD. got7.A. missB. forgetC. stopD. expect8.A. peaceB. touchC. silenceD. anger9.A. walkB. completeC. cancelD. smooth10.A. builtB. metC. designedD. had11

25、.A. constructionB. planC. destructionD. use12.A. thickB. longC. tallD. deep13.A. waysB. numbersC. positionD. directions14.A. asB. whyC. whenD. because15.A. AmericaB. SpainC. JapanD. Australia16.A. pushingB. givingC. holdingD. picking17.A. dangerousB. distinctC. safeD. important18.A. viewB. sightC. b

26、reathD. sense19.A. leaveB. dieC. remainD. work20.A. turned B. ran C. gotD. put【参考答案】完形填空15 CBDAC 610 DDBAA 1115 ACDCB 1620 DACBB完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Im an operating engineer, running crane(起重机) in New York City. I was in the countryside, playing golf when we got the call that

27、a plane had 1 the World Trade Centre. We checked out of the hotel immediately and started 2 our way downtown. When I got home, I called the rescue center and they told me to come 3 and get on the 4 list.The next morning I went down to the 5 at about 5 a.m., and four hours later I 6 the call to come

28、down to West Street. I called my wife and told her not to 7 me, and that I would stay in 8 with her. I took the subway. It stopped at West Fourth Street, so I had to 9 the rest of the way.And somewhere in there I became frightened that I was going into something I 10 . I once worked there in 1966 fo

29、r the 11 of the World Trade Centre. On halfway on September 12, I was frightened to see the World Trade Centre was a huge pile, maybe ten stories 12 . And it was burning. I started to ask 13 in which my crane might be 14 a whistle blew suddenly warning us of some danger. I saw people running away an

30、d I really didnt know what to do. So I did the same, too. It was as if they had let the bulls go in 15 and we were running through the street. People falling down, people 16 them up as they came by, and carrying them, just to get them out of the way, because something was extremely 17 . I didnt even

31、 look back. We stopped running when we got to the Battery Tunnel, and I caught my 18 and said, “Oh, my God, Im going to 19 .”Then I settled down a little bit, thinking about what we should do next. As we started again we 20 into a fire chief officer and we asked, “What can we do to help you?”1.A. la

32、ndedB. reachedC. hitD. passed2.A. findingB. makingC. fightingD. losing3.A. awayB. nearC. inD. down4.A. volunteerB. soldierC. policeD. fireman5.A. companyB. hotelC. centerD. home6.A. answeredB. madeC. heardD. got7.A. missB. forgetC. stopD. expect8.A. peaceB. touchC. silenceD. anger9.A. walkB. complet

33、eC. cancelD. smooth10.A. builtB. metC. designedD. had11.A. constructionB. planC. destructionD. use12.A. thickB. longC. tallD. deep13.A. waysB. numbersC. positionD. directions14.A. asB. whyC. whenD. because15.A. AmericaB. SpainC. JapanD. Australia16.A. pushingB. givingC. holdingD. picking17.A. dangerousB. distinctC. safeD. important18.A. viewB. sightC. breathD. sense19.A. leaveB. dieC. remainD. work20.A. turned B. ran C. gotD. put【参考答案】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)15 CBDAC 610 DDBAA 1115 ACDCB 1620 DACBB


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