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1、高二英语Unit11 Scientific Achievement单元练习题Fill in the blanks.1 Generally speaking, the C_ is the fundamental law of a country.2 When you are making big decisions, it is important to get s_ from your family.3 The old man goes to the park_( 每天) to feed the birds.4 No one can a_ anything without effort.5 H

2、e is l_(有可能) to be late.6 Here is a forbidden_(地区).7 You shouldnt read others p_ letters without permission.8 My son wants to go to the English language _(研习所).9 He didnt have a thorough g_ of this sentence, because he was sleeping when the teacher explain it.10. It is difficult to _(征服)nature.11. H

3、e a_ that the meeting should be put off for a week.12. Dont _(指望) on me seeing you off, and I am busy.13. Success came after many f_.14. His theory has a solid b_ in fact. 15.The teacher _(标出)the important words with a red pencil.16.The _(突破) made by scientists gives hope to cancer patients all over

4、 the world.17. Science never stops _(前进) on.18. My brother _(立志) to be a novelist.19.The news was _(宣布) to the public on TV.20.Many soldiers died in the field of b_.Complete the following sentences.1._ _ _(有可能)that many of great achievements will be born in northeastern Beijing.2.The center _ _ (开始于

5、)in the early 1980s.3.The spirit of creativity and scientific skills has_ this city_ _.(使成功)4.Years of failure, years of trying have_ _ (导致)great scientific achievements.5.China has long been a leader in the field of genetic research_ _(旨在) improving agriculture.6. If you want to _ _ _(实现自己的目标),you

6、must work hard.7. Edison _ _(建立了) a chemical lab _ _ _(自己的) at the age of ten.8.After 20 years working abroad, he _ _ _(踏上) the motherland again.9.We shouldnt _ too much _(依赖) our parents.10.If you want to succeed, you should_ _ (准备)to_ _ _(接受别人的建议).11.When the kids saw the beautiful birds, they_ _

7、_(兴致勃勃) at once.12.His house _ _ _(坐落于)the city.13.We have discussed the suggestion _ _(被提出的) by our monitor.14.He is reading a book_ _(论述、处理) reading, writing and speaking.15.The city is not_ _ _ _ _(以前的样子了).Choose the best answer.in store aim at at first sight have an effect rely on set foot on pu

8、t forward break through come to life give rise to1. Neil Armstrong is the first person to _ the moon.2. All your efforts to persuade them are beginning to _. They will probably support our plan at the meeting.3. At present, many people now _ the Internet for news.4. When I mentioned our plans for a

9、picnic, the kids _ at once.5. The UN _ a peace plan that it hopes to stop the war in the country.6. Scientists think they are beginning to _ in the fight against AIDS.7. The new laws are _ reducing heavy traffic in cities.8. I have a surprise _ for you. You have to prepare yourself for it.9. _, it l

10、ooked like diamond. Actually, it was made of glass.10. The Presidents unexpected absence from the important conference has _ speculation(推测) about his health. . Multiple choice.1. Du Li was admitted into the Science and _ College of Shan Dong after the 28th Athens Olympic Games .A . EngineerB .Engin

11、eering C .Engine D .Engaging 2 . Dont be so cruel to him ;treat him as a _ .A .mankindB .human C .manD .person3 ._ that evening was due to his ill health .A . He failed to come B . That he failed to coming C .His failure to comeD . His failure in coming 4 .- How many time _are there in the earth ? -

12、 Twenty four .A .zones B .areas C .regions D .districts5 .It is common for the college graduates to work in _ enterprise now.A .own B .secret C .private D .privacy6 .What do you mean? I cant _ you and I cant _ your meaning .A .understand; catchB .follow; grasp C .follow; understandD .all the above 7

13、 .He _ the rope and pulled it .A .graspedB .seized C .gripped D .all the above8 .Generally speaking , dogs are loyal to their _ while cats are not like this .A .mastersB .bosses C .employersD .mistress9 .Sometimes you cannot be the _ of your own fate .A .controllerB .master C .employerD .ruler10 .Hi

14、s performance was _ in every way .A .completeB .accurateC .perfect D .utter11. We arranged that the meeting _ till next week. Which is wrong?A .shall be put off B .be put off C .should be put off D. put off12. The management decided to _ their new European office in Paris.A. lieB. situate C. locate

15、D . set 13 .These are _ for _ .A .toys; boys B .toy; boy C .boys; toys D. boy; toy14. At last, she _ her purpose.A .reachedB .wonC .gained D .achieved15. To our joy, there are so many _in science and technology all over the world in recent years.A .discoveryB .breakthroughsC. findings D .invention16

16、. Her speech was _ ,that is to say , we _ her speech .A .impressive; were impressing by B .impressed; were impressed atC .impressive; were impressed by D .impressing; were impressing at 17 .The result of this examination will be _ tomorrow.A .publishedB .declaredC .announced D .opened 18. Mr. Green

17、announced _ his friends his engagement _ Miss White.A . / ; to B .to ;to C . / ; with D .to ;with19 . Can you understand Darwins theory of _ ?A .revolutionB .developmentC .evolutionD .reform20 .They found they had a lot in _ and got on well .A .common B .generalC .ordinaryD .usual21. I have some goo

18、d news _ for you .A .to tell B .in store C .in order D .in public22. A new government _ after the civil war.A .was set up B .came into being C .was founded D .all the above 23 .The pupil set out _ his homework as soon as he went home.A .doing B .to do C .for doing D .to doing 24 .Sarah, hurry up .Im

19、 afraid you wont have time to _ before the party .A .get changed B .get change C .get changing D .get to change 25 .The wish of our four modernizations will certainly _ true.A .go B .come C .seem D .look26. Your dream of becoming a pilot will_ someday.A .realize B .carry out C .come aboutD .come tru

20、e 27. In 1969, Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut , _ the moon for the first time, which announced man began to march at the universe . A .walkedB .climbedC .set foot in D .set foot on28 .The new law will come into _ on the day it is passed.A .effect B .use C .service D .existence29. Punishment h

21、ad very little _ on him .A .affect B .effort C .effect D .effects30. I _ back the money.A .rely on him to pay B .rely on his paying C .depend on him to pay D .all the above 31. Professor Yang is working on a book _ the war between America and Iraq .A .dealt in B .dealt with C .refer to D .dealing wi

22、th32. When it _ tennis, you cant beat her.A .comes to B .comes at C .comes into D .comes in33.When the teacher told the students they would have three days vacation, they _ at once .A .came to themselves B .came to lives C .came to their sense D .came to life 34 .He _ a good plan _ opening a kinderg

23、arten in their own unit .A .put forward; for B .offered; for C .suggest; to D .raised; to35 .You can take anything from the shelf, but please _ the books when youve finished with them .A .put on B .put downC .put backD .put off36. At the meeting, they _ the plan for developing the mines properly.A .

24、put out B .pointed out C .mapped out D .took out 37. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may _ run over by a car .A. have B. get C. become D. turn38. As we joined the big crowd, I got _ from my friends.A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed 39. They have a lot in _ and hav

25、e become close friends.A. common B. usual C .ordinary D. general40. We should try our best to _ our dreams.A. realize B. get C. turn D. come true41. _ with many other university students, he likes classical music better than rock music.A .To be like B .Getting on C .Together D. In common 42 .While I

26、 was walking along a street, I _ an old friend of mine.A .came across B .came on C .came out D .came at 43. She sent him a telegraph _ her immediate return to London.A .declaring B. announcing C. told D .talked 44. You should learn _ with people around you.A .what to deal B .how to deal C .how about

27、 dealing D .what about dealing 45 .The new rule was _ at once the moment it was made.A .put into effectB .brought into effect C .carried into effect D .all the above 46. It is wise to have some money _ for old age.A. put away B. kept on C. given away D. lay up47 .In the Spring Festival children feel

28、 like _ firecrackers ( 炮竹) very much .A .setting off B .setting out C .setting foot on D .giving off48 .- How long will it take us to get there ? - That all _ .A .depends B .relies C .speaks D .expects49 .The group _ a project to build a new school building in place of the old one . Which is wrong ?

29、A .offered B .suggested C .mapped out D. raise 50. Is_ still progressing?A .men B .human race C .mankind D .humans51. His efforts ended in _. Thats to say, he is _ as a nurse .A .a failure; a failure B .a failure; failure C .failure; a failure D .failure; failure 52 .The small boy _ his mothers hand

30、 firmly .A . caught B .took C .grabbed D .grasped 53 .The diplomat (外交官) _ several foreign languages ,so he is expert at the diplomatic affairs .A .learned B .studied C .grasped D .mastered 54 .Liu Xiang _ his goal of becoming the world champion in 100-metre hurdles in the 28th Athens Olympic Games

31、.A .achieved B .gained C .got D .reached 55 .Mother arranged an appointment _ me _ the dentist.A .for; with B .with; for C .for ; to D .to ;for 56.We arranged _ his team to play a game of basketball .A .for B .with C .to D .within57. The government announced _ the public its new economic policies.A

32、./ B .at C .to D .for58. The weather seemed perfect _ fishing that day , I remember .A .to B .in C .for D .at 59. Dont run _ fast. We still have 20 minutes left. A. that B. much C. more D. any60. Computer are widely used in our _ life. A. usual B. every day C. daily D. every one61.- What do you thin

33、k is _ to happen tomorrow?-Sorry, I dont know.A. possible B. likely C. probably D. perhaps62. If you work hard, you will _ success.A. arrive B. get to C. take up D. achieve63. We will _ for her to be examined.A. arrange B. ask C. order D. suggest64. The teachers words have a great _ on the child.A.

34、affect B. effect C. result D. use65. At the meeting they _many suggestions.A. put away B. put up C. put forward D. put off66. Practice makes _.A. interesting B. smooth C. successful D. perfect67. You should _ your own efforts.A. make up B. rely on C. bring out D. get off68. You should _ every opport

35、unity to practise speaking English.A. grasp B. master C. hold D. receive69. He was so busy that he couldnt help_ the housework.A. doing B. did C. do D. done70. Im sure his dream will _. A. realize B. follow C. be true D. come true71. How did you _ the problem?A. do with B. deal with C. go with D. end with72. He _ a small factory in his hometown. A. put B. owed C. ran D. led73. Exercise is good _ your health. A. to B. with C. of D. for74. _ he read interested his younger brother. A. Whatever B. No matter what C. That D. Which


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