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1、高考资源网提供高考试题、高考模拟题,发布高考信息题本站投稿专用信箱:ks5u,来信请注明投稿,一经采纳,待遇从优动词和动词词组基础练习1. I could tell the story much more easily if you dont _ so often. Abreak out Bbreak in Cbreak into Dbreak away2She _ten dresses before she found one that fitted her Atried with Btried on Ctried out Dtried for3Last night a quarrel_ b

2、etween the two brothers in our neighborhood Abroke out Bbroke up Cbroke away Dbroke in4Our monitor was asked to _the new textbooks Agive off Bgive in Cgive out Dgive up5The experiment,though they had tried their best,_ to be a failure Aturned up Bturned out Cturned in Dturned on6Once he _to do somet

3、hing,he will never change his mind Aset up Bset down Cset off Dset out7Three months have _since I got here Agone on Bgone by Cgone out Dgone down8The shop assistant _a skirt for Joan to try on Aheld out Bgave out Csend out Dhanded out 9The student_ his seat in the bus to an old womanAgave away Bgave

4、 in Cgave up Dgave off10Can you _what the teacher wrote on the blackboard? Amake up Bmake of Cmake out Dmake from11My study of biology has _much of my spare time,but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment Ataken off Btaken down Ctaken up Dtaken away12Xiao Li didnt _in her lessons though she had b

5、een ill for a long time Afall back Bfall behind Cfall off Dfall down13We shouldnt _any of our plan Aset out Bput out Ctook out D1et out14If you want to see the play,_your name on this piece of paper Aget down Bput down Ctake down D. copy down15He went to the bookstore and_ two books for his daughter

6、 as a birthday present Apicked out Bpicked up Cpicked off Dtook up2005-2006年全国模拟探究性专项测试动词和动词词组1(2005北京东城综合)The teacher has a peculiar way of_ her studentsnervousness when they speak EnglishAbreaking down Bgoing over Ctaking off Dgiving away2(2005北京崇文统练)At times the balance in nature is _,resulting i

7、n a number of possibly unforeseen effectsAtroubled Bconfused Cdisturbed Dpuzzled3(2005和平质检)一So how is your new roommate?一She really_Shes always making loud noises at mid-night and when I remind her,she always makes rude remarksAturns me over Bturns me down Cturns me off Dturns me out4(2005潍坊统考)There

8、s no beer left and the pubs are shut so youll have to_Ago out Bgo off Cgo without Dgo through5(2005潍坊统练)The film“A World without Thieves” _a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinemaAappreciated Benjoyed Cwon Dseized6(2006荆州质检3月)We were _for half all hour in the traffic and so we arr

9、ived late Akept up Bheld up Ccut up Drounded up7(2006荆州质检3月)Small as it is,the ant is as much as a creature as _all other animals on earthAare Bdo Cis Dhave8(2006福州3月)一How is the experiment getting on?一That is the way it_. Alooks Bgoes Cbecomes Dgets9(2006江西九校3月)I was _in the middle of my call becau

10、se I had no more coins to put in the box Acut off Bbroken in Chung up Dput down10(2006黄冈质检4月)Have you ever felt your cheeks get hot,your palms sweaty or been afraid to _your teachers eyes when they are about to call on someone?Atake on Blookk into Coccur to Dlook up11(2006东北三校3月)Traditionally,the yo

11、ung are used to doing what they are told,but then their ideas would _in their brain and not heardAbe locked Bbe rooting Cbe fastened Dbe tying12(2006青岛1月)After 15 years in the USA,he has finally decided to _American citizenship Aconcentrate on Bapply for Clook out for Dappeal to13(2006烟台诊断3月)She tol

12、d me she wanted to _her two oclock appointment in order to take care of her sick husband. Aput down Bcall off Chang up Dtake off14(2006江南十校3月)We hoped to be able to move into our new house at the end of the month,but things didnt _as we expected Awork out Bmove out Ccarry out Dget out15(2006潍坊3月)Bad

13、 habits are easily _while good ones are hard to develop Akept up Bcaught up Cdrawn up Dpicked up2007年全国模拟探究性专项测试动词和动词词组1(北京海淀期中)一H0w do you like the roast chicken?-It _ good Aturns Btastes Cfeels Dkeeps2(北京海淀期中)When moving to a new city,one often finds it not easy what to take and what to_ A1eave be

14、hind Bpass away Cbring in Dget across3(北京西城抽样)一Thats a lovely dressYou look good in it一Really? Thank youMy aunt gave it to me for my birthday,but I dont _the colorAgo in for Bcare for Cfeel about Dconcern about4(北京宣武期末)Please _a situation where you can use the daily expressions Acome out Btake out C

15、make up Dturn up5(哈尔滨三中)The big strike of the workers would _the production of cars for several months Ahold down Bhold on Chold with Dhold up6(山西实验二次)Red _against a white background Astands in Bstands for Cstands out Dstands up7(山西实验二次)If you dont want to fall behind others,you must _current events

16、 Akeep track of Bkeep track Ckeep touch with Dkeep in touch8(黄冈中学11月)I need the money badly now and I have to _ my car though Im not at all willing to do so Adestroy Bsacrifice Cundertake Dguarantee9(黄冈中学11月)His eyes were _Della,and there was _ in them that she could not _Afixed on;expression;read B

17、fixing upon;expression;believe Cfixed on;an expression;find Dfixed upon;an expression;understandlO(黄冈中学11月) _hunting animals and birds for food, kooris _roots and nuts AAdding;got BAdd;gathered CIn addition to;collected DIn addition to;gathered11(湖北重点)Because of bad weather the plane was _for half a

18、n hour Aput off Bpostponed Cdrawn out Ddelayed12(石家庄二中期中)一could I leave my case here until its time for my train? 一Yes,of courseIll _it Asend Someone for Bkeep an eye on Cmake Use of Dtake a look at13(河南实验期中)The world _seven continents and four oceans Amakes up of Bmakes out of Cis consisted of Dcon

19、sists of14(山西试验三次)I always have so many things to _when I come into the office after a trip abroad Aadd to Bcontribute to Cattend to Dappeal to15(银川一中三次)He worked hard before the college entrance examination,and it _His dream to go to college came true A. showed off Bpaid off Cput off Dtook off03-06

20、 高考试题精练1. The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to_. Amake it out Bmake it off Cmake it up Dmake it over2. If anybody calls,tell them Im out,and ask them to _ their name and address Apass Bwrite Ctake D1eave3.The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _their pa

21、rentssilver weddingAcelebrate Bmemorize Ccongratulate Dwelcome4Joe Jones,the eldest of the eight children,had to _out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm A1eave Bdrop Cfall Dgo 5. Words_ me when i wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning

22、houseAfailed B1eft Cdiscouraged Ddisappointed 6一He was in hospital for six monthsHe felt as if he was _from the outside world Acut 0ut Bcut off Ccut up Dcut through7. How about eight oclock outside the cinema? -That _ me fineAfits Bmeets Csatisfies Dsuits8. Happy birthday,Alice! So you have _ twenty

23、one already!Abecome Bturned Cgrown Dpassed9They see you as something of a worrier,_ problems which dont exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them Asettling Bdiscovering Cseeing Ddesigning-lO一How do you _ we go to Beijing for our holidays? 一I think wed better fly thereIts much more comf

24、ortable Ainsist Bwant Csuppose Dsuggest11. It is certain that he will _ his business to his son when he gets old Atake over Bthink over Chand over Dgo over12. 一If you are feeling so tired,perhaps a little sleep would _ Aact Bhelp Cserve D1ast 13Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work o

25、f discovering the valuable chemical Amade for Bset out Ctook off Dturned up14A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night Aadvised Battended Cattempted Dadmittedl5He accidentally _ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks A1et out Btook car

26、e Cmade sure Dmade out16Theyve _ us150,000 for the houseShall we take it? Aprovided Bsupplied Cshown Doffered17. We have to _ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way Aget away Bget across Cget through D get in18.Once a decision has been made,all of us should _ it Adirect to Bstic

27、k to C1ead to Drefer to19.一Will $200 _ ? 一Im afraid notWe need at least 50 more dollars Acount Bsatisfy Cfit Ddo20. John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been _ by a heavy storm Akept Bstopped Cslowed Ddelayed21.In some western countries,demand for graduates from MBA courses

28、has _ Aturned down Bturned over Cfallen down Dfallen over22The evening news comes on at seven oclock and _ only thirty minutes Akeeps Bcontinues Cfinishes D1asts23. Before building a house,you will have to _ the governments permission Aget from Bfollow Creceive Dask for24. 一Julia said she sent you a

29、 birthday card yesterdayHave you got it?- Ohreally! I havent _ my mailbox yet Aexamined Breviewed Ctested Dchecked25. John is leaving for London tomorrow and 1 will _ him _ at the airport Asend:away B1eave;off Csee:off Dshow;around26. If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,_ him or her leave a

30、message Ahave Bget Cask Dtell27. We went to Canada to travel and my cousin _ as our guideAplayed Bshowed Cacted Dperformed28. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _ Aspare Bcatch C1cave Dmake29. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his note

31、s Abringing up Breferring to Clooking for Dtrying on30. 一0w! Ive burnt myself! 一How did you do that? 一I _ a hot pot Atouched Bkept Cfelt Dheld31. He is such a man who is always _ fault with other people Aputting Bseeking Cfinding Dlooking for32. Modern plastics can _ very high and very low temperatu

32、res Astand Bhold Ccarry Dsupport33. Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you _ yesterday? Atried on Bput on Chad on Dpulled on34. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not _ her to do so A. forbid Ballow Cfollow Dask35We _ the last bus and didnt hav

33、e any money for taxiso we had to walk home Areached Blost Cmissed Dcaught36Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _ his leg Adamaged Bhurt Chit Dstruck37We want to rent a bus which can _ 40 people for our trip to Beijing Aload Bhold Cfill Dsupport38. 一How are you managing to do your work

34、without all assistant?-Well,I _ somehow Aget along Bcome on Cwatch out Dset off39. She _ Japanese when she was in JapanNow she can speak it freely Apicked out Bmade out Cmade up Dpicked up40. 一One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _ healthy eating habits Agrow Bdevelop Cincrease Draise41

35、. The building around the corner caught fire last nightThe police are now _ the matter Aseeing through Bworking out Clooking into Dwatching over42. It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the tea house Aleft Bremained Cdelayed Ddeserted43. 一Four dollars a pair ? I think its a bit

36、too much-一If you buy three pairs,the price for each will _ to three fifty Acome down Btake down Cturn over Dgo over44. After he retired from officeRogers _ painting for a while,but soon lost interest Atook up Bsaved up Ckept up Ddrew up45.If your race car isnt insured, you may _ losing everything when it hits something solid Adelay Bdeny Cavoid DriskKey: 基础练习BBACB DBACC CBDBA 2005-2006年全国模拟探究性专项测试动词和动词词组ACCCB BABAB ABBAD 2007年全国模拟探究性专项测试BABCD CABDD DBDCB 03-06 高考试题精练ADABA BDBCD CBBCA DDBDD CDDDC ACABA CACBC BBADB CBAAD共5页第5页


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