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2016年高中英语(新标准)高中阶段顺序选修8 教案 MODULE 5 THE CONQUEST OF THE UNIVERSE .doc

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2016年高中英语(新标准)高中阶段顺序选修8 教案 MODULE 5 THE CONQUEST OF THE UNIVERSE .doc_第1页
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2016年高中英语(新标准)高中阶段顺序选修8 教案 MODULE 5 THE CONQUEST OF THE UNIVERSE .doc_第3页
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2016年高中英语(新标准)高中阶段顺序选修8 教案 MODULE 5 THE CONQUEST OF THE UNIVERSE .doc_第4页
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2016年高中英语(新标准)高中阶段顺序选修8 教案 MODULE 5 THE CONQUEST OF THE UNIVERSE .doc_第7页
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1、英语(新标准)高二英语选修八模块五整体解读及分析模块整体解读及分析英语(新标准)选修八Module5 The Conquest of the Universe话题人类首次登月、首次航天飞机飞行、“挑战者”号爆炸,土星及其卫星,科幻电影星球大战,科幻广播剧世界之战功能用英语就一话题展开辩论任务阅读并正确理解文章;针对太空探索这一话题,展开辩论,能够表达观点及陈述理由;写一篇新闻报道,介绍一次想象的太空探索计划;训练归纳段落和全文大意的阅读技巧。课时划分第一课时Introduction+Reading(1) 精读课第二课时Listening+Speaking+Everyday English听说课

2、第三课时Reading(2)+Writing 读写课第四课时Reading Practice+ Cultural Corner 泛读课第五课时Grammar +Revision 语法复习课分课时教学设计及教案格式第一课时一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(新标准)选修八Module5 Introduction + Reading(1)教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容人类探索太空的主要事件;“挑战者”爆炸及对世人的影响词语Accustomed;ones hearts in ones mouths, in spite of; at the very beginning of; witness;tune结

3、构Be no more dangerous than 其他教学目标语言知识阅读中能识别新学词汇、短语;正确理解文中含义语言技能掌握课文中出现的新学词汇、短语;能用自己的语言简述人类探索太空的主要事件语言运用能用自己的语言简述人类探索太空的主要事件;运用所学短语正确表达事实和陈述观点文化意识了解人类不断探索太空的历史,了解太空探索历史上具有划时代意义的重大事件,增强开发外空、谋求人类和平与发展的意识情感态度学习航天英雄们不畏艰难、为人类探索太空奥秘和平开发利用空间资源而奋斗不止的精神学习策略1)在新旧语言知识之间建立联系;(2)掌握一些太空用语(3)控制和调整英语学习过程中的情绪和情感;(4)根

4、据语言使用环境,得体地使用语言。教学重点提高阅读能力教学难点快速归纳段落大意运用任务通过阅读提取信息教学方法任务型教学教学媒体PPt.二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的3Lead-in show some pictures about Yang Liwei and Fei Junlong and Nei Haisheng. At the same time, then ask some questions:1) What is the name of this Chinese man?2) How much do you know about him?3) When wa

5、s he sent into space and what did he do in space?4) Who are they? What are they famous for? 5) When were they sent into space and how long did they stay there?6) Can you tell some other events about space exploration?See the pictures and answer the.To introduce the important events in space explorat

6、ion by introducing the Chinese achievements 4Activity1 Read the eight sentences in Activity 1 to learn the big events and match them with the dates. (if they cant, present the answers.)Read and match the dates.To learn the big events in history1Lead-in ask two questions to introduce to Part1,Reading

7、 1What is the giant leap for mankind?What is the biggest space disaster so far in America?Answer questions To introduce Part1,Reading15Fast-readingRead quickly to find which parts mention the two events.What is Para.2 about?Read the passage quickly and answerPara.1 the first moon landingPara.2 the f

8、irst space shuttle Para.3-4 the explosion训练快速阅读全文的能力及归纳段落大意的能力13Careful reading Read carefully and answer questions.How did people feel when they watched the first moon landing?(Para.1) Para.21 How did people feel about space travel a few years later? Why?2 What was different about the space shuttle

9、?3 Whats the aim of the flight of the Columbia?Para.3-6 How did people feel about space travel at that time?Why did so many people tune in to witness the take-off on TV?When it exploded, how did the world feel?Read carefully andAnswer the questions 通过精读查找有效信息,促使学生进一步理解和熟悉课文。同时在所设问题的答案中含有本节所学的生词和短语,学

10、生在回答问题时,教师强调并解释。3Post-reading Thinking: Why does the writer call the passage Space: the last Frontier?answer整合全文,通过阅读“挑战者”爆炸事件意识到太空探索的艰难和危险,激发学生对航天英雄的崇拜之情。同时为下文的讨论做铺垫。30 scecondsLead-in When the Challenger exploded, all the world was in shock. Lets look at how a school boy felt.导入到Part24Fast reading

11、Part 2 How did the boy felt after witnessing the accident on TV?What did he think about space travel a few weeks later?Read quickly and find the answers.这篇文章篇幅短、内容简单,一边阅读即可。通过第二个问题导出讨论的话题10DiscussionAnd act out Is it worthwhile or not to explore the universe? Discuss in groups and take down some not

12、es.通过所学知识就探索太空这一话题展开讨论,陈述自己的观点和理由。homeworkSearch on the Internet or refer to some books to make a time line of Chinese space exploration from 1999 to 2008培养学生的自主探究的学习能力 第二课时 一 教学内容分析教学内容英语(新标准)选修八Module5 The Conquest of the Universe教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容听一段采访录音,完成相关练习;针对太空探索这一话题,展开辩论,学习表达观点及陈述理由;正确理解几个短语在

13、具体语境中的含义词语At the end of day, how about you, short cuts, food for thought结构其他教学目标语言知识能识别对话中新学词汇、短语并正确理解其含义;听懂听力材料并完成相关练习语言技能能听懂对话中有关故事情节的信息;能从中提取有用信息语言运用能够就人类是否应该继续探索太空这一话题展开辩论,陈述自己的观点和理由。文化意识了解人类不断探索太空的历史,了解太空探索历史上具有划时代意义的重大事件,增强开发外空、谋求人类和平与发展的意识情感态度学习航天英雄们不畏艰难、为人类探索太空奥秘和平开发利用空间资源而奋斗不止的精神学习策略在听力过程中提

14、取有效信息的技巧教学重点提高听力能力教学难点用英语进行辩论运用任务通过听提取有效信息教学方法任务型教学教学媒体PPt. 二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的4PresentationAsk ss to present the time line of Chinese space exploration from 1999 to 2008.Present the time line of Chinese space exploration from 1999 to 2008.检查上节课作业,展示学生作品培养学生的自主探究的学习能力。再次就太空探索展开话题。同时为下面的热身练习

15、做铺垫。6Warming upWork in groups of four students. Check the events which you think are possible and discuss your answers.1 An international organization is created to control all space travel.2 A permanent base for scientific research is set up on the moon.3 Lots of families choose to spend their holi

16、days in space.4 The first astronauts land on Mars.5 Humans establish contact with life on another planet. Discuss and share their opinions about the possible events.这部分是introduction中的Activity2.通过这一环节激发学生对未来太空探索的想象,促进学生对这些问题的思考,从而对听力材料的这些话题不会感到陌生。1Lead-in Different people have different opinions. Her

17、e are Joan and Mark. They are talking about some of the events.Lets find what their opinions. But firstly we listen for the background about them.To introduce listening for the background.5listening for the background.1.Where are they speaking? A. in a restaurant B. in a hotel C. in a studio2.Whats

18、the name of the programme? A. The big debate B. The space C. The exploration3. What are Joans and Marks jobs? A. a science fiction writer and a scientist B. a film star and a scientist C. a scientist and science fiction writer4. Do they always have different opinions on the same question? A. yes B.

19、no C. it is not clear5. What are they talking about?A. travel B. space exploration C. decisions for futureListen carefully and answer the questions.根据问题从听力材料中提取有效信息9Listen for the structure and main ideaQuestionsJoanMark MarkQuestion1:live on moon?Question2:Question3:Question4:Question5:What questio

20、ns are they talking about?What are their opinions?(Yes or No) Listen and make some notes通过听力材料了解更多的太空探索的知识,提高语言运用能力。在这一环节设疑,Mark就第四个问题的观点是什么。在下文的细节听力中可以获得答案5Listening for detailsExtract1:MARK: ., yes. As I just said, _ we find out from space research is important for us on earth Today physicists are

21、 looking for a single theory of everything, which will explain all the _ _ And that means we have to look at the whole _ INT: Joan, _ _ _?do you think.?JOAN: You expect me to say yes, dont you? But _ _ _ _ _, I think it is more important to spend that money on problems on problems nearer home, like

22、fighting_ and _.Extract2:INT: so if there is some form of life out there, will human beings one day be travelling to _ _with them?MARK: no, I am afraid not the fact that we cannot travel faster than_, means it will take more than a _ to reachINT: Joan?JOAN: I dont agree. You day we cant travel than

23、light. But maybe we wont need to travel in _ _. Maybe we will be able to take _ _.MARK: Thats food for _.I think he is right.INT: ok, so you agree on that one.Listen and take notes深入任务:捕捉具体信息,掌握Note-taking的技能2Everyday EnglishChoose the best meaning for the words and phrases.1 How about you? Do you t

24、hink?(a) How are you today? (b) What do you think?2 But at the end of day, I think it is more important to spend that money on problems.(a) when you consider everything (b) after thinking for a day3 Maybe we wont need to travel in straight lines. Maybe we will be able to take short cuts.(a) quick wa

25、y of getting somewhere(b) a quick decision about something 4 Thats food for thought, I think he is right.(a) something interesting to eat (b) something to think about Read the extracts and choose the best meaning正确理解几个短语在具体语境中的含义13SpeakingShould we continue space exploration?In groups of 8: 4 for an

26、d 4 againstTake notes of your reasons. (refer to useful ideas in Activity 3 on Page 63)Carry on the debate. (refer to the useful expressions in activity 3 on Page 63)Act out your debateDiscuss and act out their debate.通过听力材料了解了更多关于太空探索的知识,利用所学知识学会用英语表达自己的观点进行辩论。在辩论中尽量多用名词性从句Homework Write a short pa

27、ssage about your opinion of whether we should continue space exploration 将口头练习落实到笔头上,锻炼学生的写作能力 第三课时一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(新标准)选修八Module5 Reading 2+ Writing教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容关于土星及其卫星的一篇新闻报道;写一篇新闻报道词语Be made of;other than; amazing; probe; rings结构新闻报道其他教学目标语言知识阅读中能识别新学词汇、短语;正确理解文中含义语言技能掌握课文中出现的新学词汇、短语;掌握新闻报道的结构及

28、特点语言运用模仿该文章结构,写一篇关于太空探索的新闻报道文化意识了解人类不断探索太空的历史,了解太空探索历史上具有划时代意义的重大事件,增强开发外空、谋求人类和平与发展的意识情感态度学习航天英雄们不畏艰难、为人类探索太空奥秘和平开发利用空间资源而奋斗不止的精神学习策略在阅读过程中提高归纳文章特点的技巧教学重点归纳新闻报道的特点教学难点写一篇新闻报道运用任务通过阅读总结新闻报道的特点并写出一篇教学方法任务型教学教学媒体PPt.二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的2Lead-in How many planets have been found in the solar sys

29、tem? What are they?Answer the.questionsTo introduce one of the planets 5Fast-readingThis class, well learn the secret of one planet. Its called giant gas. Read the passage quickly and find:What is the gas giant?Why is it called so?What do the pictures show? Read and find the answers快速阅读,提高查找能力3Think

30、ingWhere does the passage come from? Which sentences helped you decide?Thinking and Answer questions 通过速读判断本文是何种类型的文章并说明理由9Careful reading Read and find which sentences show the features:the main newsextra detailsthe history a surprising fact an expert opinionthe futureWhat tenses does the writer us

31、e for the main news and opinions?Read the passage Carefully and find the information仔细阅读文章发现新闻报道的特点,为下面的写作做好铺垫。同时通过提问让学生注意到新闻报道中的时态。10Writing Imagine a space probe or mission and write a news report .Use the features in Reading 2 to help youAttention:运用本模块所学词汇尽量使用非谓语,连词学会写复杂句式正确运用时态Write the news re

32、port 通过前文的阅读对新闻报道的结构及特点有所了解,结合本模块的话题写一篇新闻报道。5Peer Revision 1. 要点全面,结构完整 2. 注意拼写和语法错误(用红笔标出) 3. 遣词造句和长、难词、句的使用Read others reports and find their mistakes and their good sentences通过小组互评,发现对方的错误和优点,同时反思自己的文章3CorrectionRead and correct your own mistakesRead their own reports and correct mistakes通过小组互评,发

33、现对方的错误和优点,同时反思自己的文章,订正错误发现优点8PresentationShare your reports with usTwo or three students read their reports and others listen carefully.通过展示,给学生有效建议或积极评价Assignment 经典再现: (2009浙江) 5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者 Li Yue和 Zhang Hua 去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home) 开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要求用英语写一则100-120个词的新

34、闻报道。 (1)时间、地点、人物、活动; (2)老人们的反应; (3) 简短评论。巩固课堂所学的新闻报道的特点第四课时一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(新标准)选修八Module5 Reading Practice+ Cultural Corner教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容对科幻电影星球大战及广播剧世界之战的介绍词语a series of; be acknowledged as;accuse sb of sth.;make an impact on sth;set out to do; set sth in motion; relief; consistent with; commitmen

35、t结构其他教学目标语言知识阅读中能识别新学词汇、短语;正确理解文中含义语言技能掌握课文中出现的新学词汇、短语;了解广播剧The war of the Worlds语言运用阅读并正确理解文章,训练归纳段落和全文大意的阅读技巧文化意识了解美国科幻大片及科幻小说,激起学生看原声电影、阅读英文小说的兴趣情感态度体验影片中force 一词的含义及影片的哲学含义学习策略在阅读过程中提高归纳文章大意的技巧教学重点提高阅读能力教学难点快速归纳段落大意运用任务通过阅读提取有效信息教学方法任务型教学教学媒体PPt.二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的3Lead-in show one pict

36、ure about Star Wars. At the same time, ask some questions:Do you know the film Star Wars?If you are interested in a film, what do you want to know?the charactersthe plotsthe importance/influencethe message the film See the pictures and introduce the film if they know or answer the questions.To intro

37、duce the film and what will be talked about in the passage6First reading for general understandingRead Para.1-3 quickly to know the characters and the plots and answer the questions.Who is Anakin Skywalker?Who is Darth Vader?Who is Luke Skywalker?Whats the relationship between Luke Skywalker and Dar

38、th Vader?Which side win the war in the end, the evil Empire or the Rebel Alliance?Read Para48 quickly and answer:What abstract concepts does Star Wars reflect?What is the broad theme of Star Wars philosophy?What philosophy influences Star Wars most?Choose the best summaryThe structure of the passage

39、Read quickly and answer the questions快速阅读了解主要故事情节在了解故事梗概的基础上,选出概括本文大意的最佳选择,同时了解文章的篇幅结构12Reading for further understandingFinish Activity 5 and find the supporting sentencesRead and answer questions and find the supporting sentences 对文章进行深层理解。在指出支持句时教师给出方法指导并讲解短语4Post readingThinking What does the fo

40、rce mean?Read the passage quickly and think over to answer对文章的升华,加深对本影片哲学观的理解3Lead in and skim the first paragraph in Cultural CornerWe have learned the science fantasy film. Do you know the fantasy novel the war of the worlds.Skim Para.1 to find some information about the novel.Who wrote the book?W

41、hat is it about?Who is Orson Welles? What did he do?Read quickly andAnswer the questions 通过速读查找有效信息,了解世界之战的一些信息。17Second reading Read again and finish the following questions.What does this passage mainly talk about? (within 15 words)2Replace the sentences with the closest meaning?3. Why will the dr

42、ama be remembered as a piece of broadcasting history?4 .Translate the following sentence.Read quickly and finish the exercises对本篇文章采用阅读表达的形式提高学生的应试技巧。同时在讲解时强调新学短语。homeworkSearch on the Internet or refer to some books to find Chinese folk stories which shows one or two of the following concepts and w

43、rite a short passage to describe them.Vengeance; predicting the future; controlling ones destiny; personal dignity; violent passion培养学生的自主探究的学习能力第五课时一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(新标准)选修八Module5 Grammar+ Revision of the module教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容名词性从句的复习;本模块的复习词语a series of; be acknowledged as;accuse sb of sth.;make an

44、 impact on sth;set out to do; set sth in motion; relief; accustomed; abstract; airspace; assume; dramatic结构名词性从句其他教学目标语言知识掌握Module File 中出现的词汇、语法和日常用语语言技能掌握Module File 中出现的词汇、语法和日常用语;了解名词性从句的结构语言运用运用本模块所学词汇和短语完成练习;能够在书面表达中根据需呀正确运用名词性从句文化意识情感态度学习策略在阅读过程中提高归纳文章大意的技巧教学重点名词性从句的复习教学难点名词性从句的注意要点运用任务通过复习,掌

45、握相应的语法结构教学方法任务型教学教学媒体PPt.二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的3Lead-in Find out the clause, and tell what kind of clause it is :1.When we will start is not clear.2. I wonder whether/if he is fit for the job.3. The problem is who will be equal to the task.4. I had no idea that you were her friend.Read and sum

46、mery the noun clauses 根据对名词性从句的判断,帮助学生归纳一下名词性从句的基本概念5Summarize the conjunctives in the noun clauses连接代词:连接副词:连接词:Review, think and remember 通过复习强化名词性从句的连接词4Doing exercises in pptCheck the answers and explainCheck the answers and explainDoing exercises in ppCorrect and think通过练习强化对名词性从句的理解和运用15Doing

47、exercises in Grammar 1 and 2Check the answers and explainCheck the answers and explainDoing exercises in Grammar 1 and 2Correct and think18Revision of this module Read the passages in this module to find the noun clauses;Read to remember the important sentences and phrases and wordsRead to find the difficulties and try to solve themRead the passages in this module to find the noun clauses;Read to remember the important sentences and phrases and wordsRead to find the difficulties and try to solve them通过复习本模块内容,强化名词性从句的理解同时发现困难及时解决homeworkMake notes of this module通过整理笔记巩固本模块所学


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