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2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修九同步课件:UNIT 2 SAILING THE OCEANS PERIOD 3 .ppt

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1、返回目录 Sailing the oceans Unit 2 返回目录 Period Grammar谓 语返回目录 课堂要点精析课末随堂演练目录Contents 返回目录 课堂要点精析谓语(predicate)是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样”。一、谓语的分类谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词主要动词)构成,依据其在句中的繁简程度可把谓语分为简单谓语和复合谓语两类。返回目录 1简单谓语不论何种时态、语态、语气,凡由一个动词(或动词词组)构成的谓语都是简单谓语。They explore the possibilities for improvement.

2、他们探索改善的可能性。You must carry out my orders.你必须执行我的命令。返回目录 2复合谓语复合谓语有两种:动词性复合谓语和名词性复合谓语。(1)动词性复合谓语情态动词动词原形/动词短语This party may go out at next election.该政党在下次选举时可能下台。have to,happen to,seem to,used to等结构动词原形/动词短语He used to go shopping every morning.他以前每天上午都去购物。返回目录 复合宾语的句子被改为被动语态She has been kept waiting f

3、or two hours.有人让她等了两个小时。返回目录(2)名词性复合谓语系动词表语Her hobby is collecting stamps.她的爱好是集邮。有些不及物动词后跟表语The carpet is wearing thin.地毯磨得很薄了。返回目录【提示】不及物动词名词/形容词(相当于表语),用来说明主语的状态。(也被称为双重谓语)A group of bad children ran wild in the park last Sunday and were criticized by the guards.一群坏孩子上周日在公园里撒野,被警卫批评了。返回目录 带形容词或名词

4、的复合宾语的被动式。The walls were painted light green.墙被漆成了浅绿色。返回目录 二、谓语的五种基本句型(1)主语系动词表语(2)主语谓语(vi.)状语(3)主语谓语(vt.)宾语(4)主语谓语(vt.)双宾语(5)主语谓语(vt.)宾语宾语补足语返回目录 This kind of food tastes good.这种食物好吃。He runs quickly.他跑得很快。I regret that I cannot come.我来不了,很抱歉。My husband bought me a bunch of roses last night.我的老公昨晚给我

5、买了一束玫瑰。I found this answer wrong.我发现这个答案是错误的。返回目录 课末随堂演练.单词拼写1A large number of _(参考)books are bought for our reading room.2If you want something done,ask a _(可信赖的)person to do it.3 Im sorry there is a serious mistake in your _(计算)4 They try to provide a safe world without _(紧张)for students.referenc

6、ereliablereckoningtension返回目录 5Hes been informed that he doesnt qualify for the scholarship because of his academic _(背景)6The old lady saved much money and _(存钱)it in the bank.7John is a born boxer with a strong square _(下巴)8The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical _(

7、事件)But alternative explanations are hard to find.backgrounddepositedjawincidents返回目录 9Its more likely that none of us start a conversation because its _(难应付的)and challenging.10More efforts,as reported,will be made in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural _(改革)awkwardreform返回目录.选词填

8、空in a dilemma,in relation to,cope with,set loose,owing to,work out,be caught in,jaws of death,at the mercy of,take over1What he said put me _shall I stay or leave?2We _ the snowstorm and couldnt go back home.3Investigations show that the accident is _drunk driving.in a dilemmawere caught inin relati

9、on to返回目录 4Henry _ the company upon Mr Allans retirement.5Susan was absent from the relay race _ her ankle injury.6Firefighters rescued the baby from the _.7_the strong wind,many newly-planted trees were blown down.8My cousin decided to _ for New Zealand to study economics.took overowing tojaws of d

10、eathAt the mercy ofset loose返回目录 9I couldnt _ where the sound of piano was coming from.10The young man couldnt _ the stresses and strains of the job.work outcope with返回目录.语法与写作1Barbara is easy to recognize as shes the only one of the women who _(穿晚礼服)2The palace caught fire three times in the last c

11、entury,and little of the original building _(现存)3Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do.Lets _(开始着手)it.4John opened the door._(那儿站着一个女孩)he had never seen before.5The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She _(以前没飞行过)wears evening dressremain nowget down toThere stood a girlhadnt flown before


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