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2014-2015学年高中英语(云南)同步教案(1):MODULE 2 NO DRUGS(外研版必修2).doc

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1、2014-2015学年高中英语(云南)同步教案(1):Module 2 No Drugs(外研版必修2)外延版Book 2 Module 2 No Drugs单元教学设计共六课时I.模块教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about smoking and drug use Talk about results Practise expressing strong opinionsLearn to use the infinitive of purpose and adverbial clause of result Learn to prepare a presentation

2、 on the dangers of smokingII. 目标语言功能句式Practise expressing strong opinionsI totally agree with you!I couldnt agree more.Im not sure I agree with that.Absolutely!Im not sure about that.Thats right.Thats a good point.You cant be serious!I completely disagree.Talk about results. so . as a result . as a

3、result of .词汇1. 四会词汇drug, cancer, cigarette, tobacco, addictive, danger, addict, inject, needle, powerful, reduce, nearby, burglary, crime, criminal, connection, illegal, ratio, shoplifting, treatment, likely, adult, caf, disagree, ban, horrible, affect, participant, recognize, leaflet, distraction,

4、 jogging, gymnastic2. 认读词汇Adam Rouse, Paul, California, bronchitis, cannabis, cocaine3. 词组related to, break into, belong to, become addicted to, take ones advice, in order to, so as so, give up语法The infinitive of purposeI stole something every day to pay for the drugs.How many of them break the law

5、in order to pay for their drugs?Adam went to the man so as to buy cannabis.Adverbial clause of resultSome people feel so nervous that they call the police.It was such a dangerous drug that he nearly died.重点句子1. Users become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.2. There are suc

6、h a lot of people that there isnt time to help them all.3. Drug use in Britain has increased by 30% in the last five years.4. A quarter of young people who smoke more than ten cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking.5. Decide which of these actions are most likely to stop teenag

7、ers from smoking. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本模块以No Drugs为话题,通过本模块的几篇阅读材料使学生对drugs和smoking有所了解,并通过对这两个问题的讨论使学生更深刻地认识到drugs和smoking对人体的害处,对社会的危害,以及可能引起的一些社会性问题,如:burglary, shoplifting等。 从而鼓励学生远离烟和毒品,养成良好的生活习惯,关爱社会关爱他人,并通过所学知识运用恰当方式规劝他人也远离烟和毒品。 1.1 INTRODUCTION通过对抽烟数据的检测,让学生了解吸烟的危害,并通过英英释义的方式进一步熟悉词汇,最后利用对三个问题的

8、讨论来引出另一个话题: drug use。 1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY 阅读部分是打乱顺序的两篇不同类型的文章,通过给两篇文章选标题的方式培养学生的逻辑分析能力。然后通过练习使学生掌握有关drug use的词汇,并培养学生获取准确信息的能力。 1.3 GRAMMAR 1 是学习不定式作目的状语的用法。在练习前先列出to 的几种不同用法来引出to 可作目的状语。接着又引出了其它可作目的状语的短语: in order (not) to, so as (not) to。 1.4 FUNCTION 这一部分先展现例句引出要学的短语,然后通过练习来巩固所学内容。 1.5 LIS

9、TENING AND VOCABULARY 是关于drug users 的一些信息。在听之前通过问答的方式先巩固词汇,然后采用问答和完成句子的形式对所听内容进行检测,培养学生获取信息并再现的能力。 1.6 GRAMMAR 2 通过不同类型的例句引出引导结果状语从句的词: so与such以及对so与such区别的讨论,然后通过练习来巩固其用法。 1.7 PRONUNCIATION学会在日常交际中表达语气和情感。 1.8 SPEAKING 通过回答问题的方式,继续展开对 smoking 这个话题的讨论。 1.9 WRITING 根据电子邮件的内容选择合适的题目,并对其内容做出讨论,根据讨论后的结果

10、写一封回信。 1.10 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 学习关于同意或不同意的表达方式,并通过真实语境来练习运用。 1.11 CULTURAL CORNER 通过介绍多种戒烟的方法给烟民提供一个适合自己的戒烟方式。并通过对问题的讨论,认识吸烟的害处,使自己成为一个有意志并且健康的人。 1.12 TASK 让学生收集有关抽烟危害的资料,然后进行讨论,并提交一个调查报告。2. 教材重组2.1 将INTRODUCTION, SPEAKING和EVERYDAY ENGLISH整合在一起,上一节口语课。 2.2 将READING AND VOCABULARY 设计成一节精读课。 2.3 将GRAMMA

11、R 1, FUNCTION和GRAMMAR 2 以及WORKBOOK中的 Grammar整合在一起,上一节语法课。 2.4 将LISTENING AND VOCABULARY, PRONUNCIATION和WORKBOOK中的Speaking and listening整合在一起,上一节听力课。 2.5 将CULTURAL CORNER和WORKBOOK中的Reading整合在一起,上一节泛读课。 2.6 将WRITING,TASK和WORKBOOK中的Writing整合在一起,上一节写作练习课。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Speaking 2nd Period Read

12、ing 3rd Period Grammar 4th Period Listening 5th Period Extensive Reading 6th Period WritingIV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇及短语bronchitis, burglary, cancer, cigarette, tobacco, injured, danger, ban, horrible, affectb. 重点句式 P18I dont agree with you. /

13、 I totally agree with you. / I couldnt agree more.Im not sure I agree with.Thats a good point.Im not sure about that.You cant be serious.I completely disagree.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to discuss the dangers of smoking.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss learn how to talk about the dan

14、gers of smoking and taking drugs.Teaching important & difficult points教学重点和难点Make sure the Ss realize smoking is harmful to health.Teaching methods 教学方法Discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备A multimedia computer and a recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inT: Good morning, everyone! Look at

15、 the screen please, what can you see on the screen?Show three pictures on the screen. S: There are some flowers. T: Are they beautiful?S: Yes. T: What is the name of these flowers?S: 罂粟花;大烟花T: What is this kind of flowers used for?S: They are used for making drugs.T: Yes, the flower is very beautifu

16、l. But if we use it in an incorrect way, it will become a kind of poison. Look at another two pictures on the screen.Show another two pictures on the screen.T: What is the boy doing?S: He is smoking.T: What does the man in the second picture look like?S: He is very thin.T: Why is he so thin?S: I gue

17、ss he suffers a lot from drugs.T: Yes, if a man takes drugs, he will become thinner and thinner till he dies. Do you like smoking?S: No. Smoking is harmful to our health. It can cause cancer.S: Smoking can make smokers cough badly. S: Smoking can pollute our environment. Because when people smoke, m

18、uch smoke that can pollute the air will be given out.S: I dont smoke, for it is harmful not only to our own health but also to the health of the people around us. T: Good. Anything else?S: Smokers have more chances to die than nonsmokers.S: I cant stand the smell of the smokers and I hate to talk wi

19、th them.S: Well, the smokers usually have yellow teeth. They make me uncomfortable. S: Every year large amount of money will be spent buying the cigarettes.S: There are many fires caused by smoking.T: Good jobs. Since there are so many disadvantages of smoking, we should not smoke. If our family mem

20、bers are smokers, we should try to persuade them not to smoke. Only by doing this can we have a healthy body and a clear environment to live in.Step II Warming upT: Now, open your books and turn to page 11. Look at some facts about smoking in Activity 1. Id like you to discuss them with your partner

21、s.After about five minutes.T: Have you finished? Which ones do you think are correct?T: From these facts, we can see every year there are many people who die as a result of smoking. Among these people there are many young men. There are also many people killed or injured in fires caused by smoking.

22、And many diseases occur as a result of smoking. So smoking is like a poison that can kill you slowly. We should say “Dont smoke.”T: Now lets come to Activity 2. Since smoking has so many disadvantages, lets look at some negative words related to smoking.Show the following words on the screen, and as

23、k the Ss to choose some to fill in the blanks in Activity 2. Then translate them into Chinese.bronchitis, cancer, cigarette, death die, heart disease, injured, tobaccoStep III SpeakingT: Since there are so many smokers in the world, do you know why people smoke?S: Some people smoke because they are

24、addicted to it. They feel uncomfortable without smoking. S: People smoke because they want to get high spirit. In the cigarette there is a substance called cocaine, it can make people feel energetic. T: Very good, thank you. How do you know it?S: I get the information from a magazine.T: Is there any

25、 anti-smoking advertising?S: Yes. “酷儿一脚踢开烟灰”(Queers Kick Ash). It is an anti-smoking advertising in America.T: Do you know where people can smoke and where they cant smoke?S: In some public places, there is usually a special room for smoking. So smokers can smoke in this kind of room. S: People cant

26、 smoke in public places. In most public places there are usually signs saying “No Smoking”.S: People cant smoke in the airport, the train station, or the gas station.T: Good. Has anyone been to our school to talk about the dangers of smoking?S: No. Even some teachers are heavy smokers. S: Usually, o

27、ur teachers tell us not to smoke and tell us many disadvantages of smoking.T: Quite right. I know that your head teacher is a heavy smoker. But now he is trying to give it up. Are your friends and family members smokers or nonsmokers?S: My father is a smoker. He usually smokes 20 cigarettes a day. W

28、hen he is at home, our house is always full of smoke. My mother usually asks him to smoke in the balcony. S: My father is also a smoker. When he smokes, my mother often quarrels with him. After the quarrel, my father always says, “I want to stop smoking, but I cant.”S: In my family, there is no smok

29、er. We usually have clean air in our house. When I ask my father why he does not smoke, he usually says, “Smoking isnt a habit with me.” So I think smoking is a habit, if we want to get rid of it, we can. It depends on ourselves.T: I agree with you. Many smokers succeed in giving up smoking, because

30、 they want to stop it.S: My father used to be a smoker, but now he does not smoke any longer. In the past years, he coughed badly, especially in winter. So he made up his mind to give up smoking.T: Did you do something to help your father?S: Yes, in the beginning, when my father wanted to smoke, I h

31、id all his cigarettes. I usually gave him something else to eat to help him forget it.T: You are a good boy. Do you think you will be a smoker when you leave school and start work?S: No, I wont. Because I know smoking is harmful.S: I will smoke lightly. When people meet each other, they usually use

32、cigarettes to start their talk. I think I will smoke, but I will control myself not to be addicted to it.T: Nowadays many people usually give cigarettes to start talk, it is a bad habit. We can start our talk in other ways. OK! You did a good job. Smoking has nothing good but harm, we should not smo

33、ke ourselves, and we should try to persuade others not to smoke.Step IV Everyday EnglishLet the Ss do Activities 1 2 on page 18. Then check the answers. After that, play the tape. While listening, ask the Ss to pay attention to the intonation, then practice Activity 2 with their partners according to the tape.Step V HomeworkT: Time is limited. Now lets come to the homework: Preview READING AND VOCABULARY.


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