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1、Unit 4Section .阅读理解A(2014山西省康杰中学月考)Perfect DisasterAll around us buildings shook. We decided to leave the town. We stopped once we had left the buildings behind us. The carts were moving in opposite directions, though the ground was perfectly flat, and they wouldnt stay in place even with their whee

2、ls blocked by stones.In addition, it seemed as though the sea was being sucked(吸) backwards, as if it were being pushed back by the shaking of the land. Certainly the shoreline moved outwards, and many sea animals were left on dry sand.Behind us were frightening dark clouds that opened up to show fi

3、relike lightning, but bigger. Not long after that the clouds reached down to the ground and covered the sea. Now came the dust, though still thin. I looked back. A dense cloud appeared behind us, following us like a flood pouring across the land. Then a darkness came that was not like a moonless or

4、cloudy night, but more like being in a closed and unlighted room. You could hear women and children crying, men shouting. Some were calling for parents, others for children; they could only recognize them by their voices.Darkness and ashes came again, a great weight of them. We stood up and shook th

5、e ash off again and again; otherwise we would have been covered with it and crushed by the weight.At last the cloud became thinner and thinner until it was no more than smoke or fog. Soon there was real daylight. The sight that met our still terrified eyes was a changed world, buried in ash like sno

6、w.from Plinys letter to a friend文章大意:文章是Pliny写给朋友的信,介绍地震后地动山摇,天昏地暗的情景,和人们惊慌失措的样子。1Pliny left the town after _. Athe eruptionBthe sky became darkCthe buildings began shakingDthe sea went back答案:C细节理解题。从文章第一段的句子:All around us buildings shook. We decided to leave the town.可知Pliny离开城镇是在房屋开始摇晃以后,选C。2The

7、carts wouldnt stay still because _.Athe earth was shakingBthe sea sucked them backwardsCthe wheels had stones under themDthe lightening frightened the horses答案:A推理判断题。文章在说明“The carts were. flat, and they wouldnt stay in place.by stones.”之前已有交代,说明是大地抖动,这正是说明了产生此种结果的原因。选A。3The reason why it was dark i

8、s that _.Ait was very late at nightBclouds of ash covered the sunCthere was a very bad stormDthere was no moon that night答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段的句子:Now came the dust, though still thin. I looked back. A dense cloud appeared behind us, following us like a flood pouring across the land. Then a darkness came t

9、hat was not like a moonless or cloudy night, but more like being in a closed and unlighted room.可知天黑是因为灰尘掩盖了太阳,选B。4People tried to find their relations by calling out their names and _.Alistening to their voicesBrunning about looking for themCshaking the ash off peopleDwatching people as they ran pa

10、st答案:A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句:Some were calling for parents, others for children; they could only recognize them by their voices.可知人们想通过叫他们的名字和听他们的声音找到他们的亲戚。BA terrible storm destroyed fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them,and fifteen others had broken window

11、s or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to the hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.A farmer, Mr Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an ho

12、ur.“I was eating with my wife and children,” he said,“when we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him safe but very frightened.”Mrs Woo said that her

13、husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.“There was no time to take anything,” she said. “A few minutes later,the roof came down.”Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department brought them fo

14、od, clothes and shelter.文章大意:一场暴风雨摧毁了14个家庭,另外7个家庭也因为房屋等毁坏严重而不得不离开他们的家,还有15家,他们的窗户、房顶等都破了。在这次灾难中,一个人死亡,几个人受重伤,还有许多人受了轻伤。灾难发生后,战士们帮助他们安全转移,福利部门也给他们带来了食物、衣服、帐篷等急需品。5How many homes altogether(总共) were damaged in the storm?A Fourteen.BTwentyone.C Twentynine. D Thirtysix.答案:D细节理解题。根据第一段出现的三个数字fourteen, se

15、ven,fifteen可知D项为正确答案。6Where was Mr Tan when the storm first began?A He was in bed.B He was inside the house.C He was outside the house.D He was on the roof.答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段的I was eating with my wife and children.可排除A、D两项,由下文可知C项也不正确。7Mrs Woo and her children didnt get hurt because _.A her husband kne

16、w there would be a stormB they were all outside the house when the storm cameC she felt the house was moving and ran outside at once with her childrenD the welfare department helped her答案:C细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知答案为C项。8The underlined word “shelter” in this passage means _.A something to eat B something to w

17、earC somewhere to study D somewhere to stay答案:D词义猜测题。考虑全文意思及最后一段可知,暴风雨过后,房屋倒塌,人员伤亡。人们不仅需要食品、衣物,还需要住的地方。9Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?A A Terrible Storm B A Lucky WomanC Good Soldiers D Clever People答案:A主旨归纳题。由文章内容可知选A项。.完形填空(2014景德镇市高一期中)Frank was walking down the 6t

18、h Street on a hot sunny day when he saw smoke coming out of the street. He could _1_ the smoke, and it was getting thicker. Seeing the smoke coming out of a storm drain(雨水沟), Frank called the fire department immediately. “The storm drain is _2_ fire!” he said. The fire department asked for his where

19、abouts and he said he was near the 6th and Main. They said they _3_ be right there to investigate the situation. Frank neednt to go anywhere, so he waited for the _4_ to arrive. He was curious what could be burning beneath the street. As far as he knew, there wasnt anything beneath the street _5_ co

20、ncrete(混凝土). And everyone _6_ that concrete doesnt burn. A fire truck arrived a few _7_ later. “Are you the man who _8_?” asked the driver. “Yes. ” Frank answered. By now Frank could not only smell the _9_ but also hear crackling sounds, just like wood burning. The firemen didnt seem to consider it

21、an emergency. “_10_ do you think it could be?” Frank asked the driver. “Oh, we know what it is. We have to _11_ a problem like this every few months. Its the homeless people in their _12_”Homeless people have been living under the streets for years._13_ their knowledge of the storm drain system, the

22、y _14_ their own “houses” beneath the streets. These living areas have tables, mattresses, chairs, and sofas. The settlers often “borrow” electricity by connecting to a live wire above ground to _15_ their own lights and even TVs underground. Either this _16_ electricity or a cigarette can cause an

23、occasional fire. Frank watched _17_ some firemen lifted a manhole cover (井盖) and went beneath the street with a fire hose (消防软管). Then a few minutes later, the _18_ smoke turned white. Shortly _19_, the firemen reappeared with a _20_ person who seemed to have just been woken up. 文章大意:文章讲述Frank发现街上的雨

24、水沟里面有烟雾,就报火警,消防队员认为这肯定是无家可归的人在里面,因为借用电或是抽烟引起的,果然在消防队员进入雨水沟不久,就带了一个无家可归的人上来。1AtouchBhearCsmell Dtaste答案:C考查动词。touch触摸,hear听见,smell闻到,taste品尝,因为是烟雾,应该是闻到了,选C。2Ain BatCto Don答案:D考查介词。in在里面,at在地方,to到,on在上面,on fire着火了,选D。3.Awould BhadCmay Dwill答案:A考查情态动词。would会,had和to连用表示“不得不”,may可以,will将会,他们说他们会去那里调查这件事

25、,选A。4Apoliceman BfiremenCpostmen Dpowermen答案:B考查名词。policeman警察,firemen消防队员,postmen邮递员,powermen发电机专业人员,从前面的句子:The fire department asked for his whereabouts and he said he was near the 6th and Main.可知Frank等着消防队员来,选B。5Aexcuse BexpressCexact Dexcept 答案:D考查词义辨析。excuse借口,express表达,exact确切的,except除了,地下除了混凝

26、土什么都没有,选D。6Aknow BknowsCknew Dknowing答案:B考查时态。每个人都知道混凝土是不会着火的,这是客观事实,用一般现在时,选B。7Aseconds BhoursCminutes Dquarters答案:C考查名词。seconds几秒,hours几小时,minutes几分钟,quarters几刻钟,几分钟后,消防车到了,选C。8Acalled BsmeltCinvestigated Dsaw答案:A考查动词。called打电话,smelt闻,investigated调查,saw看见,从前面的句子:Frank called the fire department im

27、mediately.可知是问你是打电话的人吗?选A。9Afire BsmokeCstorm drain Dburn答案:B考查名词。fire火,smoke烟雾,storm drain雨水沟,burn燃烧,从前面的句子He could _1_ the smoke. 可知他不仅可以闻到烟雾而且能听见噼噼啪啪的声音,选B。10AWhat BWhyCWhich DWhen答案:A考查疑问词。What什么,Why为什么,Which哪个,When什么时候,Frank问消防队员:你认为会是什么?选A。11Asuffer BsolveCsurvive Dsurvey答案:B考查动词。suffer遭受,solv

28、e解决,survive幸存,survey调查,我们每隔几个月都要解决这样的问题,选B。12Aflats BapartmentsChouses Dsections答案:C考查名词。flats公寓,apartments公寓,houses房屋,sections部门,从后面的句子:the _14_ their own “houses” beneath the streets.可知这是无家可归的人在他们的房子里面,选C。13ALearning BTakingCUsing DGiving答案:C考查动词。learning学习,taking拿,using使用,giving给,无家可归的人在街道下面生活了很多

29、年了,利用他们对雨水沟系统的了解,他们把家建在地下,选C。14Aset down Bset outCset about Dset up答案:D考查动词短语。set down记下,set out出发,set about开始,set up建立,由上题可知他们把家建在地下,选D。15Apower BstrengthenCforce Denergy答案:A考查动词。power加强,用发动机发动,使有力量,strengthen加强,force强迫,energy能源,他们连接地面上的电线给自己的电灯充电,选A。16Abought BbroughtCbooked Dborrowed答案:D考查动词。boug

30、ht买,brought带来,booked预定,borrowed借出,从前面的The settlers often “borrow” electricity可知这种借的电或是香烟都会导致火灾,选D。17Afor BasCwith Dsince答案:B考查连词。for为了,as当时候,with介词(和一起),since自从,当消防队员打开井盖的时候,Frank在一旁观看,选B。18Ablack BredCblue Dbrown答案:A考查形容词。black黑的,red红的,blue蓝的,brown棕色的,几分钟后,黑色的烟雾变成了白色,选A。19Awestward BbackwardCafterw

31、ard Dforward答案:C考查副词。westward向西,backward向后,afterward之后,forward向前,之后不久,消防队员就又出现了,选C。20Acareless Bselfless Chelpless Dhomeless答案:D考查形容词。careless粗心的,selfless无私的,helpless无助的,homeless无家可归的,从前面的句子:Homeless people have been living under the streets for years.可知带着一个无家可归的人,选D。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内

32、单词的正确形式。As a working mom with three young sons, keeping the house clean is a big challenge. Even _1_ we clean the house every week, one hour later our bedrooms and bathrooms are back to their messy(混乱的) look. When _2_ (ask), my boys will help neaten their room, clear their plates from the table and

33、pick up their school junk. But I need to remind them _3_ it again and again. If I dont remind them, I will step over all the things _4_ make my house look like a garbage can. This is quite _5_ change from my prekid years when I never left any waste in the house._6_ seems that I cannot get these days

34、 back again at my own house.When last week I _7_(find) a program called “Share a Healthy Habit” on a newspaper, I saw a great chance to engage my sons in cleaning chores. Why not encourage these behaviors during the summer, while school is out and their life is _8_(relax)? The goal for my boys is to

35、 clean their own dorm room _9_themselves when they are free. The rewards for clean habits start young and continue as they get _10_ (old), so I need to start my plan as soon as possible.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1. though/if2. asked 3. of 4. that 5. a6. It 7. found 8. relaxing 9. by 10. older


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