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2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers Language Awareness 5练习 北师大版选修7.docx

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1、Language Awareness 5课时过关即时巩固一、用括号中所给的单词或短语完成句子1.很多人去看那部电影了。(plenty of )There are who have gone to see the film.答案:plenty of people2.玛丽比我细心得多。(much)Mary is than me.答案:much more careful3.她和儿子每两天去一次公园。(as well as)She her son to the park every two days.答案:as well as;goes4.老师提议我们立刻回家取行李。(suggestion)The t

2、eacher offered a that we fetch our luggage at once.答案:suggestion;go home to5.对不起,我们的经理现在没有空。(available )Sorry,but our manager at the moment.答案:is not available二、选用合适的代词填空littleneitherthe othersanysomeanothereithereachevery1.Look!We have sugar.Really?Lets go and buy some.答案:little2.There isnt milk in

3、 the fridge.Youd better buy .答案:any;some3.There are lots of English books here, and of them is easy to understand.答案:each4.These sweaters are too small for me.Please show me one.答案:another5.There are some trees on side of the street.答案:either6.Each of them has a dictionary and one of them can look u

4、p words in the dictionary.答案:every7.Which of the two dictionaries do you like better?I like ,because theyre not useful.答案:neither8.There are twenty teachers in this grade.Eight of them are women teachers and are men teachers.答案:the others三、阅读理解AScientists are developing a new kind of machine to take

5、 the place of humans.These machines can do jobs in places that are too dangerous for humans.For example,they are being developed to work in nuclear power centers,deep under the oceans and in outer space.John Marrit,a psychologist(心理学家) in Williamsburg Massachusetts,is helping develop the new machine

6、.This is how it works.A machine is placed in an area far away from the person who operates it.The person wears special hard hat with television screens and sound equipment.The screens and sound equipment let the person see and hear exactly what the machine is seeing and hearing.Mr Marrit says this g

7、ives the person the feeling of being in the same place as the machine.The idea,he says,is being there without going there.The person uses an electronic control to make the machine move.The machine duplicates the persons movements exactly.If the person raises his right arm,the machine raises the righ

8、t arm,too.This means a person can do a dangerous job while staying in a safe place.For example,a person can direct the machine to destroy a bomb without going near the bomb himself.1.The new kind of machine being introduced in the passage is .A.in existenceB.only an idea C.being tried outD.being res

9、earched and developed解析:从第一段第一句“Scientistsaredevelopinganewkindofmachinetotaketheplaceofhumans.”可以看出,这种机器正在开发当中。答案:D2.The machine .A.follows the persons orderB.is controlled by a computer C.does exactly what the person doesD.is controlled by a television on the persons head 解析:从第二段中的“Themachinedupli

10、catesthepersonsmovementsexactly.”可知选C项。A项有一定的干扰性,但这种机器是人通过电控开关控制的,所以应排除。答案:C3.The difference between such a new machine and a robot is that .A.the new machine is more difficult to make than a robotB.the new machine is more difficult to be controlledC.a robot is controlled by man indirectly D.a robot

11、 cant be used in places too dangerous or far away解析:这种机器还在开发当中,而机器人则已有几十年历史了,由此可以推知应该选A项。答案:A4.What is the meaning of the underlined word “duplicates” in the passage?A.Copies.B.Changes.C.Replaces.D.Understands.解析:由文章中的句子“.thepersonsmovementsexactly.Ifthepersonraiseshisrightarm,themachineraisestherig

12、htarm,too.”可知这里应该表示“复制,与完全一样地做”,故A项正确。答案:ABHas it come to this?Robots standing in for doctors at the hospital patients bedside?Not exactly,but some doctors have found a way to use a robot to check on patients while theyre miles from the hospital.One is at Baltimores Sinai Hospital.Equipped with came

13、ras,a screen and microphone,the robot is guided into the rooms of Dr Alex Gandsas patients where he speaks to them as if he were right there.“The system allows you to be anywhere in the hospital from anywhere in the world,” said the surgeon,who specializes in weight-loss operation.Besides his normal

14、 morning and afternoon personal visits,Gandsas uses the $150,000 robot to visit patients at night or when problems arise.The robot can circle the bed and adjust the position of its two cameras,giving the perception from the patients standpoint that the doctor is there.“They love it.Theyd rather see

15、me through the robot,” he spoke of his patients reaction to the machine.Nurse Florence Ford,who has worked with the robot since it was introduced about 18 months ago,said patients have reacted well,particularly because “seeing the doctors face gives them confidence.”Gandsas presented the idea to hos

16、pital leaders as a method to more closely observe patients following weight-loss operation.Since its introduction,Dr Alex Gandsas found that nearly one third of his 376 patients went out of hospital earlier than first expected.Michael Chan,president of InTouch Technologies,said his companys device a

17、llows doctors to “be in more than one place at the same time.”Speaking with Gandsas through one of the robots at company headquarters,Chan said the company designs applications for the devices in remote areas and for dealing with shortages of health care workers.“They will soon be big,”said Chan whe

18、n asked about their future.5.According to Dr Alex Gandsas,the purpose of using robots in the hospital is that .A.robots can provide patients with more fun than doctorsB.patients will be closely watched after being operated onC.robots can free doctors from their great work pressureD.hospitals can sol

19、ve the problem of lacking medical workers解析:根据第六段的“Gandsaspresentedtheideatohospitalleadersasamethodtomorecloselyobservepatientsfollowingweight-lossoperation.”可知甘瑟斯医生向医院领导提出此主意是想在病人做过减肥手术后能对他们进行更密切的观察。答案:B6.By using robots,Dr Alex Gandsas finds that .A.patients visited by robots may recover soonerB.

20、the number of patients in his hospital is decreasing a lotC.he can operate on different patients at the same timeD.the hospital doesnt need as many medical workers as before解析:根据第六段的“Sinceitsintroduction,DrAlexGandsasfoundthatnearlyonethirdofhis376patientswentoutofhospitalearlierthanfirstexpected.”可

21、知亚历克斯发现因为使用了机器人,近三分之一的病人比预料的要早出院,这说明病人恢复得更快一些。答案:A7.From the last sentence,we can learn that Michael Chan thinks that .A.people wont believe robots will do well in the futureB.in the future bigger robots will be made to satisfy the needsC.more robots of this kind will be used in hospitalsD.the price

22、s of the robots will be greatly reduced in the future解析:根据亚历克斯的实验可知在医院使用机器人有助于病人更快恢复以及从末段中可知使用机器人还可以解决医护人员短缺的问题,由此判断在未来医院会使用更多这种机器人。答案:C8.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Robots replace doctors to treat patients.B.Robots visit patients when doctors cant.C.High-tech makes patients communicate

23、with doctors better.D.Robots have begun to play a great part in hospital management.解析:C、D两项内容笼统,不能表达文章主旨;A项是对文章内容的曲解,因为机器人并不是代替医生给病人看病,只是在医生不在的时候,它们根据指令去看望病人,病人通过它身上的屏幕看到医生并和医生对话。答案:B四、七选五阅读理解根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When a child sits down in front of a computer,it is not only the m

24、aterial he views but the length of time he spends on computer that can influence his total social,physical and mental well-being.1.ComputerUseandaChildsPhysicalWell-beingExcessive(过多的) screen time is harmful to a childs health.2. Staring at a bright computer screen for hours on end can cause nearsig

25、htedness and eye focusing problem.ComputersVS.ActivePlay3. Perhaps the greatest concern about the overuse of computers in homes and in schools is that it interferes with a childs active playtime.Active play is necessary for overall physical health and greatly reduces the risk of childhood obesity.Co

26、mputersasLearningToolsWhen used in moderation(适度),computers are still useful tools for learning.4. Thanks to the Internet,kids are writing more than ever.For the first time,children are spending time writing detailed reviews of radio games and movies.PracticeComputerSafetyTo make sure computers are

27、helping and not harming your children,reduce glare on the computer.5. A computer is a useful tool only when used in moderation.A.However,with computers,moderation is key.B.Active play is important for a childs development.C.The greatest physical risk of too much computer use is eyestrain.D.Computers

28、 help kids better understand visual images like diagrams.E.Carefully monitoring computer use can be a great way to promote a childs learning.F.Dont forget to install child safety software so children dont come across dangerous websites.G.Too much computer time,even on “Educational sites”,can have a negative influence on a childs health.答案:15 GCBDF


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