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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc

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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第10页
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2020浙江新高考英语二轮复习教师用书:专题五 书面表达1 层级一 层级二 1 第一讲 靓化词汇——学会运用高级表达 WORD版含答案.doc_第11页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家书面表达是高考浙江卷的重要试题。本板块精研真题,引领考向;高考真题感悟与模拟题演练相互加力,讲解与练习环环相扣,帮助考生高效备考,轻松增分。年份考查点词数考纲解读2019.6第一节感谢信80左右浙江属于高考综合改革实验省份,实行一年两考。依据普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明(高考综合改革试验省份试用第一版)可知,2016年10月份开始的浙江英语新高考与自主命题的浙江卷写作部分发生了重大变化。其变化就是由原来的短文改错和书面表达变成了应用文写作和读后续写或概要写作两篇作文。第一篇是应用文写作。此题型对于考生来说并不陌生,因为我们在平常的学习中经常接触到这


3、质的飞跃,编者认为,那只是一个美好的憧憬而已。写作是一个人语言基本素养的流露,是综合能力的显现,非一朝一夕之功,但这并不等于写作水平已定型,无提升空间。因为英语写作的能力要求远低于汉语写作的能力要求,如果针对自己的薄弱环节训练得当、措施得力,是完全能够在短期内提升一个档次的。层级一审题准,表达清高考作文阅卷, 时间紧、任务重,一篇作文往往在一分钟内被判“生死”。要想赢得高分,首先要赢得阅卷老师的“印象分”。审题偏颇、错误百出的作文会让阅卷老师大倒胃口,阅卷老师会毫不怜悯地将其打入低分冷宫。所以,写作要想取得高分,先要把写作基础抓稳。一、准审题为写作定好基调审题是写作的前提,是一篇书面表达成功的

4、关键所在。审题正确可以保证得到基本分,所以真正开始写作前,必须花相当一部分时间做写前阅读、思考等准备工作,具体包含以下几方面:审体裁根据情景提示首先要弄清写何种体裁的文章审格式日记、便条、书信、通知等格式审结构明确开头、正文和结尾的主要内容,定好段落审内容弄清哪些是写作重点,哪些要略写,并注意内容的连贯性审人称和时态弄清书面表达要用何种人称并根据材料确定短文的基本时态 “提纲类作文”之审题典例(2019全国卷)假定你是校排球队队长李华。请写封邮件告知你的队友Chris球队近期将参加比赛,内容包括:1比赛信息;2赛前准备;3表达期待。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_

5、审题提纲类作文的审题要点:要注意合理组织要点,将题干中的要点和所给提纲中的要点进行有机地结合,切记不要遗漏题干中的重要信息。分析体裁告知信人称第一人称为主时态一般现在时和一般将来时结构与内容第一段告知队友比赛信息第二段赛前准备第三段表达期望参考范文Dear Chris,Are you excited about our coming volleyball game against Yucai Middle School next Friday? Here Id like to inform you of some detailed information so that you can mak

6、e full preparations for it.First and foremost, the competition to be held in our school stadium will begin at 2 pm and last for roughly 3 hours. So significant is the game that it is required that everyone should present themselves punctually. Further, it is necessary for you to take a good rest, wh

7、ich will provide enough energy for you. To sum up, I wish you could live up to the expectations of our school. And I firmly believe hard work will pay off!Looking forward to our victory!Yours truly,Li Hua二、准表达把内容表达清楚写作中一旦出现较多错误,会导致语意不清、表达不明,阅卷老师潜意识中会认为该考生基本功较差、能力较弱,给阅卷老师留下这样的印象,作文有可能要比想象中的低一档。写作中考生常



10、句给文章增添色彩,但是引导词that的缺失却令这种色彩暗淡了不少。(3)表语从句的一个易错点是高级表达The reason why.was that.中that的误用,考生容易误用because。(4)非限制性定语从句中误用that在作文中经常会见到,用which表示人的状况也是屡见不鲜。(二)高级表达中出现低级错误太遗憾在阅卷中,阅卷老师常为这样一类卷摇头叹息,无论是从要点的呈现、表达的优美还是衔接的顺畅等方面来看该类卷都近乎完美,应该给高分甚至满分,但偏偏有几处瑕疵给本应完美的习作徒添了些许不和谐的音符,甚至有点刺眼,从而影响了阅卷老师的好心情。阅卷老师为了稳妥起见,在阅卷中尽量避免争议卷

11、的出现,会“惋惜”地扣掉一些分数。因“低级错误”而影响高级得分,岂不遗憾!层级二低档作文如何升级为五档作文,策略告诉你书面表达得分较低的学生的写作特点:1.只使用简单的词或短语; 2.句式单一,单句较多; 3.缺乏承上启下的词语和句子; 4.不会使用从句; 5.不会正确运用谓语动词或短语; 6.不会使用倒装和强调句型。高考书面表达侧重考查考生的语言运用能力,这就要求考生能够正确运用高级的词汇和语法结构并能够熟练运用句与句之间的连接成分以使行文流畅。因此, 平时的写作训练中,要学会恰当地运用高级句式和过渡语,使文章“闪亮登场”。第一讲靓化词汇学会运用高级表达英语书面表达第五档作文中提到:语法结构

12、或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致。换句话说,如果考生使用高级词汇或句型,即使犯了少量或轻微的语言错误,也可不扣分,文章还是属于最高档次。因此,为了让文章档次高,首先要学会使用高级词汇。高级词汇的使用能够给文章增添色彩和画面感。它会大大提升文章的档次,从而帮助考生获得高分。要做到准确使用高级词汇,应该注意以下几个方面:一、使用亮点词汇的4种策略“语”众不同,避免人云亦云写作时恰当得体地使用别人可能想不到的词汇或表达,会给阅卷老师耳目一新的感觉。(2019北京卷书面表达)Im very glad to know that youre coming to tour in

13、China.Im more than delighted to know that youre coming to tour in China.(2019全国卷书面表达)I hope you can consider my application and allow me to be a volunteer.I hope you can take my application into consideration and allow me to be a volunteer.(2019全国卷书面表达)So I can serve as a volunteer to show the visit

14、ors around the gallery and I am sure that I am fit for the job. So I can serve as a volunteer to show the visitors around the gallery and I am convinced that I am qualified for the job. (2019全国卷书面表达)As a result, enough preparation is urgently needed, including practice, nutrition and a perfect plan.

15、As a consequence, adequate preparation is urgently needed, including practice, nutrition and a perfect plan.(2019天津卷书面表达)I want to make my voice heard.I feel an urge to make my voice heard.Only when you do more reading and writing can you succeed in improving your English.Only when you do more readi

16、ng and writing can you make it in improving your English.To our great joy, not only are our classes lively and appealing, but our school life is also rich and colorful.To our great joy, not only are our classes lively and attractive, but our school life is also rich and colorful.(2018全国卷书面表达)Great c

17、hanges have taken place in our school in the last few years. And the news came that a short film will be shown in our school.Our school has witnessed great changes in the last few years. And word came that a short film will be shown in our school.更新换代,避免重复写作时应尽量避免重复使用相同的词语,要用贴切多样的词语来展示自己的水平。用词不同、表达方

18、式迥异,也是高级用法。(2018天津卷书面表达)On hearing the news, some of my classmates and I formed a group to take part in the competition. I know you once took part in a robotics competition and won the award, so you must have accumulated much experience in it.On hearing the news, some of my classmates and I formed a

19、 group to take part in the competition. I know you once participated in a robotics competition and won the award, so you must have accumulated much experience in it.(2018全国卷书面表达)Moreover,we will build a new stadium and with the stadium built,a wide range of sports events are able to be held.Moreover

20、,we will build a new stadium and with the stadium set up,a wide range of sports events are able to be held.(2017全国卷书面表达)The team will hold many activities,some of which will appeal to you,including many matches.The team will hold a range of activities,some of which will appeal to you,including many

21、matches.词汇运用,短语优先当单词和短语表示同一个意思时,优先使用短语。恰当使用短语,一方面能使文章更加生动,另一方面也能展示出学生扎实的语言功底。(2019全国卷书面表达)Besides, I know English and I can express myself fluently and clearly, which helps me communicate with our distinguished guests efficiently.Moreover, I have a good command of English and I can express myself fl

22、uently and clearly, which helps me communicate with our distinguished guests efficiently.(2019全国卷书面表达)For one thing, I know Chinese painting well, for my father is a Chinese painter.For one thing, I am quite familiar with Chinese painting, for my father is a Chinese painter.(2018天津卷书面表达)We desperate

23、ly need your help.We are desperately in need of your help.(2018北京卷书面表达)Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture, which proved to be extremely rewarding.Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture,

24、which turned out to be extremely rewarding.用高级词汇取代简单词汇为了表现自己的语言功底,显示出自己的写作水平,应避免反复使用低年级学过的简单词汇,尽量使用高中阶段学到的词汇来代替。(2018北京卷书面表达)If you take my advice you are sure to have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing.So long as you take my advice you are bound to have the most unforg

25、ettable experience during your college in Beijing.(2017天津卷书面表达)Second,I am trying my best to acquire the essential knowledge and skills concerning my position.Second,I am sparing no effort to acquire the essential knowledge and skills concerning my position.(全国卷书面表达)I should say sorry for being unab

26、le to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.I should make an apology for being unable to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.二、写作的秘密武器24个高级词汇名词普通词汇高级词汇普通词汇高级词汇chanceopportunitychoicealternativeideaopinionpeopleindividualresultconsequenceeffectinfluence动词havepossessreplacesubs

27、titutebearput up withunderstandmake sense ofdeveloppromoteconsidertake into account形容词enoughadequaterichabundantproperappropriateimportantvital/ significantinterestingabsorbing/ appealingdifficultchallenging副词finallyeventuallyhardlybarelyimmediatelyin a flashnowadayscurrently连词sothereforeandas well

28、as(2017全国卷书面表达)It is of importance for you to understand the content,Tang poetry.It is of importance for you to make sense of the content,Tang poetry.It is of importance for you to be aware of the content,Tang poetry.(2017北京卷书面表达)Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtze River will be a better ch

29、oice.Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtze River will be a better alternative.In the coming three years,our school life will be difficult.In the coming three years,our school life will be challenging.三、写作的顶级装备27个加分词汇表达关注的名词attention, focus, concern表达争论的名词discussion, debate, argument表达现象的名词phe

30、nomenon表达优缺点的名词advantage, disadvantage, strength, weakness表达增长或下降的动词increase, accumulate, decrease, decline表达导致后果的动词短语result in, lead to, bring about, contribute to, give rise to表达支持、反对的动词短语approve of, be in favor of, object to表达可能性的形容词likely表达有好处的形容词beneficial表达强调的副词particularly, especiallyThe pict

31、ure shows a common phenomenon these days.这幅图显示了这些日子的一个常见现象。The Internet has brought about many changes in the workplace.网络给工作场所带来了很多变化。Our teacher is likely to get angry when she sees the dirty floor.我们的老师看到地面这么脏时,可能会发火。 请用高级词汇替换下列句子中的加黑部分1(2019全国卷书面表达)Now I will inform you of some detailed informat

32、ion to help you fully prepare for it.答案:make_full_preparations_for2(2019全国卷书面表达)You are welcome to give performances too.答案:as_well3(2018天津卷书面表达)We were so interested in the competition that we formed a group to take part in it.答案:keen_on4(2018全国卷书面表达)Im very glad to learn that you are coming in Sep

33、tember.答案:more_than5(2017全国卷书面表达)So,please spend some time taking a brief look at the history of the Tang Dynasty,which will help you prepare for your class.答案:Therefore;_make_preparations_for6(2017全国卷书面表达)In order to get a better understanding of Tang poetry,I advise you to learn some brief history

34、 of the Tang Dynasty in advance.答案:acquire7(2017全国卷书面表达)The craftsmen will show visitors how to cut paper into different shapes on the spot.答案:various/a_range_of8(2017天津卷书面表达)Firstly,the final exam of this term is coming so I am busy preparing for it.答案:To_begin_with;_around_the_corner 9(全国卷书面表达)My

35、job application form and personal resume have been prepared and I sincerely hope you can help me correct them.答案:polish10The teacher directed the gifted students towards the more difficult courses. 答案:challenging 习作升级练习假定你是李华,你想邀请你的朋友John在周六晚上去看科幻电影The Wandering Earth,请用英语给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1发出邀请;2介绍电影(主题

36、:保护人类共同的地球家园;观众评价等);3请求回复。注意:1.词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_考生作文Dear John,I know that you are interested in science fiction, so Id like to invite you to see a film this weekend.The Wandering Earth is being shown these days. Its purpose is to save the earth and protect our common home. Viewers describe i

37、t as a breakthrough of the Chinese film industry and it has received many positive reviews so far. Shall we go to watch the film if you are free? How about this Saturday evening? Please contact me when you are free so that I can book the tickets ahead of time.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li H

38、ua我来提升1将文中加黑词汇升级(1)purposeaim(2)manya_wide_range_of(3)freeavailable(4)when you are freeat_your_earliest_convenience(5)ahead of timein_advance2将文中加黑句式升级(1)Knowing_that_you_are_interested_in_science_fiction,_Id_like_to_invite_you_to_see_a_film_this_weekend.(分词作状语)(2)The_Wandering_Earth_is_being_shown_

39、these_days,_whose_aim_is_to_save_the_earth_and_protect_our_common_home.(定语从句)参考范文Dear John,Knowing that you are interested in science fiction, Id like to invite you to see a film this weekend.The Wandering Earth is being shown these days, whose aim is to save the earth and protect our common home. V

40、iewers describe it as a breakthrough of the Chinese film industry and it has received a wide range of positive reviews so far. Shall we go to watch the film if you are available? How about this Saturday evening? Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can book the tickets in advance.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua- 11 - 版权所有高考资源网


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