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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破课时分层作业7 MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅱ LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.doc

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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破课时分层作业7 MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅱ LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、课时分层作业(七)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1He never studies hard,resulting (result) in his failure.2Why did you have to bring up the subject of money? 3The old man came in,supported (support)by his son.4There are two ways to work (work)out the maths problem.5In face of increasing energy limits, China needs a major b

2、reakthrough in mining and exploration.6There are large quantities (quantity)of rain in this area.7He is a man of little education(educate)8Teachers will never be replaced(replace) by computers in the classroom.9The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to figure out

3、its reality.10The key to keeping (keep) this country a comfortable and clean place to live in is to control industrial pollution.句型转换1No one can replace her father in her heart.No one can take the place of her father in her heart.2He was caught drunk driving. As a result, he was put into prison.He w

4、as put into prison as a result of drunk driving. 3A large quantity of sand has been washed away by the heavy rain.Large quantities of sand have been washed away by the heavy rain.4Most people in the town support the plan to build a playground for children.Most people in the town are in support of th

5、e plan to build a playground for children.5We plan to build another middle school for the peasants children.Our plan is to build another middle school for the peasants children.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解It might be difficult to accept,but a new way to live happily with teenagers is for parents to look at their

6、own behaviour.“The key to getting teenagers to respect you is to respect them first,” says Penny Palmano,who has written a bestselling book on teenagers.“You cant continue to treat them the same way that you have been treating them for the last 12 years:they have opinions that count.Imagine if youd

7、spent two hours getting ready to go out for the evening and someone said,Youre not going out looking like that,are you? Youd be very upset and youd never say that to an adult.”Palmano,who has two daughters aged 19 and 16,has even allowed the children to hold several teenage parties at her home.“Ive

8、found that if you have brought them up to do the right thing,and then believe in them,usually theyll behave well,” she says.“I make them sandwiches and leave them alone.But I make it clear that they have to clean up.Ive never had a problem;in fact,the kitchen was sometimes cleaner than Id left it.”S

9、he agrees that teenagers can be annoying:enjoying a world that is free of responsibility,yet in great need of independence.She doesnt think,however,that they are trying to annoy you.Until recently,scientists discovered that the part of the brain that controls common sense and feelings is not fully d

10、eveloped until the early twenties.“This would explain why many teenagers cant make good decisions,control their feelings,or focus on several different things at the same time,” says Palmano.She suggests showing a bit of consideration when it comes to other things,too.“Dont criticise(批评) teenagers fo

11、r having an untidy room,then suddenly criticise them for other things.On these occasions(场合),parents are likely to mention all the other things that they may or may not have done wrong.”【语篇解读】本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了父母如何与青少年孩子友好相处。1With children growing up to be teenagers,parents Aare more likely to treat the

12、m like adultsBare more willing to accept their opinionsCshould show more consideration for themDbecome more worried about their relationshipC推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The key to getting teenagers to respect you is to respect them first”和“You cant continue to treat them the same way that you have been treating t

13、hem for the last 12 years”可知,当孩子处于青少年阶段时,家长应该多顾及孩子的情绪等需要。2Palmano mentions her daughters holding parties at home to show the importance of AtrustBcareClisteningDcommunicationA推理判断题。根据第三段中的believe in them可知,Palmano举自己女儿在家举办派对的事例是想说明家长对孩子信任的重要性。3In Palmanos opinion,teenagers Aarent annoying at allBdon

14、t cause trouble on purposeChave a strong sense of responsibilityDhave problems expressing their feelingsB细节理解题。根据第四段中的“She doesnt think,however,that they are trying to annoy you”以及下一段中Palmano说的“This would explain why many teenagers.”可知,Palmano认为青少年并不是存心找茬。4We can infer from the last paragraph that p

15、arents Ashould learn to hide their feelingsBexpect too much from their childrenCshould choose their arguments carefullyDusually criticise their children too heavilyC推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,Palmano想指出:家长应该慎重选择批评的内容,切忌劈头盖脸地胡乱批评。.完形填空I went to Frankfurt for a conference last spring.It was just a oneday 1 ,bu

16、t I thought Id 2 for a night so I could do a bit of sightseeing.Anyway,I 3 early on a Friday morning flight and got there a couple of hours later.It was 4 that a friend was waiting to pick me up.We took a taxi to the 5 and she showed me around.She had to get back to her 6 soon after that since it wa

17、s a workday,so we said 7 It was still early,so I thought Id look around a bit 8 checking into the hotel.Then I walked through the city centre 9 Around 1 pm,I had a sandwich and then 10 I ought to get over to the hotel.I followed the 11 Id printed off to where the hotel should have been,but when I 12

18、 there,there was a sign on the door that said it was 13 Id booked it a few months earlier,but it seemed to have closed down since then. 14 ,Id already paid half the money up in advance.I 15 to get into another hotel,but 16 all the other hotels in the area were full.After about three hours of 17 ,I d

19、ecided that Id had enough so I 18 my friend and told her what had happened.She was very 19 and agreed to put me up for the night.I slept on the sofa,which was a bit 20 ,but at least I had somewhere to stay! I was very thankful for her offer!【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者去外地开会,住宿却出了意外。1A.campBcourseCeventDcelebrati

20、onC由上文的a conference可知,去开会也就是一天的“事情(event)”。2A.go outBstop overCdress upDstay upB由下文的I could do a bit of sightseeing可知,作者想在法兰克福“停留(stop over)”一晚以便逛一逛。3A.got upBcame outCset offDmoved awayC由下文的got there a couple of hours later可知,作者周五一早就坐飞机“出发(set off)”了。4A.greatBterribleCstrangeDimportantA由下文的a friend

21、 was waiting to pick me up可知,作者的朋友在那里接她,所以这是一件“好(great)”事。5A.schoolBlibraryCcompanyDdowntownD由上文的sightseeing和下文的she showed me around可知,作者和朋友坐出租车去了“市中心(downtown)”。6A.bedBofficeCtableDpartyB由下文的it was a workday可知,作者的朋友必须得回去上班了,故填office。7A.goodbyeBthanksChelloDsorryA作者要和朋友告别了,故填goodbye。8A.afterBwhileCu

22、nlessDbeforeD由上文的It was still early和下文的Around 1 pm,.I ought to get over to the hotel可知,作者打算到宾馆办理住宿手续前先去逛一逛,故填before。9A.quicklyBsecretlyCslowlyDhopelesslyC然后,作者在市里面“慢悠悠地(slowly)”闲逛起来。10A.forgotBdecidedCagreedDinsistedB由下文的I followed the.Id printed off to where the hotel should have been可知,作者吃过三明治后“决定

23、(decide)”去宾馆。11A.mapBletterCsignsDrulesA由下文的to where the hotel should have been可知,作者把“地图(map)”打印出来了。12A.leftBworkedCwaitedDarrivedD由下文的Id booked it a few months earlier,but it seemed to have closed down since then可知,当作者“到达(arrive)”宾馆后发现它已经“关闭(shut)”了。13A.noisyBexpensiveCshutDuntidyC解析见下题。14A.Luckily

24、BStupidlyCFinallyDPossiblyB由下文的Id already paid half the money up in advance可知,作者已经提前付了一半费用而这家宾馆现在却关闭了,所以她觉得自己很“傻(stupidly)”。15A.triedBfailedCrefusedDregrettedA由后面的all the other hotels in the area were full可知,作者“试图(try)”去联系另一家宾馆,让她“吃惊的(surprisingly)”是其他所有宾馆都满了。16A.interestinglyBnecessarilyCencouragin

25、glyDsurprisinglyD解析见下题。17A.trainingBperformingCwalking aroundDshowing offC作者走了大约三个小时,到处找宾馆,故填walking around。18A.foundBcalledCpraisedDbelievedB由下文的told her what had happened可知,作者给朋友打了电话,故填called。19A.kindBbraveChonestDcleverA由下文的agreed to put me up for the night可知,作者的朋友非常“友善(kind)”。20A.boringBdifferentCdangerousDuncomfortableD由上文的I slept on the sofa可知,睡在沙发上有点“不舒服(uncomfortable)”。


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