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2012届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 BOOKⅡUNIT 3 ART AND ARCHITECTURE.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2012届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版此学案为QQ1084591801原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。Unit 3Art and architecture艺术与建筑核心词汇1David Beckham likes to change his hair_ (式样)frequently.2It has been terribly hot recently,I can hardly _(忍受)it.3During the course of the socialist_(建设),were sure to meet with all kinds of difficultie

2、s but well surely overcome them.4Some articles of _(家具) were lost when we moved.5With the _(发展)of modern agriculture,farmers are leading a better life.6My son likes to describe his _(荒诞的) dreams to me.7We will go to the _(体育场) to watch a football match.8The more help a man has in his garden,the less

3、 it _(属于) to him.9I _ my English classes to other classes,that is because my English teacher should not show _ for any one of his pupils.(prefer)10My house is in a _ place,near the station,please come to me at your earliest convenience.(conveniently)1.style2.stand3. construction4.furniture5.developm

4、ent6.fantastic7.stadium8.belongs9.preferpreference10.convenient高频短语1_充当,扮演;担当2_ 用装满3_ 属于;是成员4_ 把置于一旁;留出;拨出5_ 拆毁;摧毁6_ 用来装饰7_ 与相比较8_ 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事9_ 违背;违反10_ 与分享/分担11_ 靠近;接近1.act as2.fill up with3.belong to 4.set aside5.pull down6.be decorated withpare with8.remind sb.of 9.go against10.share.with11.s

5、tand close to重点句式1What words and phrases _ will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture?当你想谈论艺术和建筑时,你认为什么词及短语是有用的?2When you look around at buildings,streets,squares and parks,you will _ in different styles.当你环顾周围的建筑、街道、广场和公园时,你会发现它们是用不同的风格设计、规划和建造起来的。3_ he used traditional materia

6、ls,Gaudi was a modern architect.尽管高迪使用传统材料,他仍是一位现代建筑家。4A nest_a bird _ a house _ a man.鸟巢之于鸟就如同房子之于人一样。1.do you think2.find them designed,planned and built3.Despite the fact that4.is to;what;is to知识详解1.design vt.& n 设计;计划【教材原句】(P17)If you were free to design your own dream house,what would that hous

7、e look like?假如让你自己来设计你梦想中的房子,它会是什么样子?(1)vt.设计;计划(牛津P540)The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier.我们设计的所有银行卡都可以让你的生活更加便捷。(2)n.设计;计划;意图Whether this happened by design or not we sha

8、ll never know.我们将永远无法得知这事是不是有意安排的。1完成句子(1)这些锻炼活动是为了增强肌肉力量而设计的。These exercises _develop and strengthen muscles.答案:are designed to(2)这些书是为中学生编写的。These books _middle school students.答案:are designed for即境活用2.convenientadj.方便的;近便的【教材原句】(P18)It is also convenient to live close to your work.在离你上班近的地方居住对你来说

9、也很方便。(牛津P436)A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.在城镇骑自行车常常比开车更方便。What time would it be convenient for me to come round?我什么时候过来您方便呢?Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.请在你方便的时候来看望我。思维拓展(牛津P436)We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers.为了方便顾客我们备有座位。(牛津

10、P436)Can you telephone me at your convenience to arrange a meeting.你能不能在你方便时给我打个电话,安排见一次面?即境活用2Would it be_for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?Afree BvacantChandy Dconvenient解析:选D。句意:四点钟接我并把我送到机场,你方便吗?It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人做某事很方便。3.If it is quite_to you,I w

11、ill visit you next Tuesday.Aconvenient BfairCeasy Dcomfortable解析:选A。此题考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你方便的话,我将在下周二拜访你。fair公平的;easy容易的;comfortable舒适的。3.stand vt.忍受;经受;承担【教材原句】(P20)Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings ,ancient architecture stands much closer to nature.从选材和建筑物的式样方面,古代的建筑与大自然非常接近。(1)vt

12、.忍受,忍耐;承担,经受stand the test of time 经受时间的考验stand (doing)sth.忍耐(做)某事;忍受(做)某事(朗文P2002)How can you stand letting her talk to you like that?你怎么能容忍她那样对你说话?I cant stand the hot weather there.我受不了那儿的炎热天气。Which songs from the last year will stand the test of time?去年有哪些歌将经受住时间的考验呢?【温馨提示】stand 作“忍受”讲时,多用于否定句和疑

13、问句,强调不喜欢,不能用于进行时态,常和can/could 连用,后接名词或动名词,类似词put up with,bear,tolerate 等。(2)vi.处于状态,情况如何The door stood open.门开着。We stood in a terrible financial crisis.我们处在可怕的财政危机中。(3)vi.坐落;屹立The house stands at the top of the hill.这座房子坐落在小山顶上。【高效记忆】4I want to leave now.I cant_nothing useful here.Astand to doBstand

14、 doingCstand being done Dstand to be doing解析:选B。stand作“忍受”解时,后可跟名词、代词或动词的ing形式;I是动作的发出者,因此,do必须用主动形式。即境活用4.impress vt.铭刻,给极深的印象;使感动【教材原句】(P19)Modern buildings impress us because they are huge,but many people do not find them beautiful.现代建筑物因为宽敞给我们留下印象,但是许多人并不觉得他们美。impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人铭记某物;使某人深

15、深意识到某物impress sth./itself on ones mind/memory 使铭记impress sb.with/by sth.给某人深刻印象;使某人钦佩而起敬be impressed on ones mind memory 被印在脑海里Father impressed on me the value of hard work.(Father impressed me with the value of hard work.)父亲对我强调努力工作的重要意义。(牛津P1026)Her words impressed themselves on my memory.她的话语我铭记在

16、心里。I was deeply impressed by/at/with his speech.他的演说给我留下了深刻的印象。思维拓展impression n.印象;感觉have/leave/make/create a(n).impression on sb.,给某人留下的印象(牛津P1026)I did not get the impression that they were unhappy about the situation.我并不觉得他们不满于当时的状况。The headmaster made a good impression on the parents.校长给家长们留下了很好

17、的印象。5All the athletes from all over the world tried their best to make a good _on the audience in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Aidea BeffectCopinion Dimpression解析:选D。idea 想法,主意;effect 效果;opinion 观点;impression 印象。make a good impression on sb.给某人留下良好的印象。即境活用6.He_all the people present that day with

18、his great courage.AimpressedBremindedCordered Dbrought解析:选A。句意:他极大的勇气让在场的所有人记住了他。impress sb.with sth.给某人深刻印象。5.set aside【教材原句】(P23)The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as very different from Chinese architecture.建筑物简朴的风格和德国式样使他们在中国建筑中与众不同。(1)拨出,存蓄,留出(牛津P

19、1823)She tries to set aside some money every month.她每个月都尽量存点钱。(2)(暂时)把放在一边(牛津P1823)Lets set aside my personal feelings for now.目前咱们就不顾及我们的个人感情了。He set aside his book and lit a cigarette.他把书放在一旁,点了一支香烟。思维拓展What time will we have to set off for the station tomorrow?我们明天得在什么时候出发去车站?For all three years

20、I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill set up my own business someday.三年来我一直为他人工作。我希望有一天我能建立起自己的事业。7.People are often advised to_some money for their old age.Apick upBset asideCput off Dgive away解析:选B。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:人们经常被建议要留出(积蓄)一些钱以备养老。set aside留出,此句中也可用lay aside或put aside。pick up拾起;学会;搭车;恢复;

21、加速;put off推迟;give away送掉;分发;放弃;泄露;出卖。这三个词与句意不符。即境活用8.(2011年武汉模拟)Try to_a few hours each week for exercise.Aput away Btake awayCpick up Dset aside解析:选D。句意:尝试着每周留出几个小时来做运动。set aside有“留出,空出”之意。6.belong to 属于【教材原句】(P21)What other materials belong to these groups?其他的什么材料属于这些小组?(牛津P168)Who does this watch

22、 belong to?这块手表是谁的?China is a country belonging to the Third World.中国是一个属于第三世界的国家。 The future belongs to you,young men.年轻人,未来是属于你们的。 Put it back where it belongs after you have read it.读完后,请你把它放回原处。9(2009年高考重庆卷)Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future_to the welleducated.Abelong

23、s Bis belongedCis belonging Dwill be belonged解析:选A。句意:Williams 教授不断告诫他的学生们未来属于受过良好教育的人。belong to 没有被动形式,故B和D两项被排除;C项现在进行时不符合句意,故A项正确。句型梳理1. 【教材原句】(P19)When you look around at buildings,streets,squares and parks,you will find them designed,planned and built in different styles.当你环顾周围的建筑、街道、广场和公园时,你会发

24、现它们是用不同的风格设计、规划和建造起来的。【句法分析】 在此句中designed,planned与built分别是三个过去分词用作宾语补足语。see,hear,watch,feel,think,find,want,like等动词,可以跟过去分词作宾语补足语。Soon you will find many problems settled in this way.不久你就会看到许多问题就这么被解决了。Never have I seen the play performed so well.我还从未看见过这个戏剧被表演得这么好。Tom was disappointed to find his s

25、uggestions turned down.汤姆因为自己的建议遭到拒绝而感到很失望。10A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending,but the reader must not be left _.AunsatisfiedBunsatisfyingCto be unsatisfying Dbeing unsatisfied即境活用解析:选A。本题考查“leave宾语宾补”结构,意为“使处于某种状态”。分词和不定式都可作该结构的补语,但据题意此处应为“不满意的”,故应用unsatisfied作宾补。2.【教材原句

26、】(P21)A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.鸟巢之于鸟就如同房子之于人一样。【句法分析】 A is to B what C is to D.A对B而言正如C对D一样。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.读书对于思想就如同运动对于身体一样。A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.渔网对于渔夫的重要性正如枪对猎人的重要性一样。11Engines are to machines _ hearts are to animals.AasBthatCwhat Dwhich解析:选C。句意为“发动机对于机器正如心脏对于动物一样”。该句式是一个固定句型,其基本结构是“A is to B what C is to D”。即境活用高考资源网独家高考资源网Ks5uK&S%5#U精品资源,欢迎下载!高考资源网Ks5uK&S%5#U高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!


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