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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx

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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第2页
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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第3页
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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第4页
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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第5页
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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第6页
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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第7页
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2017优化方案高考总复习·英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 3知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第8页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家.单句语法填空1. Its beyond (believe) that parents have to spend nearly 500,000 yuan bringing up a child in China nowadays.答案:belief2I was deeply (impress) with Professor Xis speech.答案:impressed3 (devote)to the study of science,she had little time to take care of her children.答案:Devoted4I b

2、elieve the teachers (explain) will throw light on this puzzling problem.答案:explanation5The scenery of nature there is so beautiful,in other words,its beyond (imaginative)答案:imagination6He has a number of interests, (range) from playing chess to swimming.答案:ranging7The students present at the meeting

3、 listened carefully to the socalled experts long (bored)speech.答案:boring8In some situations,those who are physically (attract) are more likely to receive aid.答案:attractive9. (2014安徽高考阅读理解)In my view,new architectural styles can exist (perfect)well alongside an older style.答案:perfectly10There is no d

4、oubt that international (cooperate) is the key to dealing with cybercrime.答案:cooperation.阅读理解(2016德州市高三模拟)A new computer program is being praised as a lifechanger for blind people.The new program is known as the KNFB Reader app.It can help users listen to an audio readbackthe soundof printed materia

5、l including from restaurant menus to studying papers in the classroom,which will make the blind peoples life much easier.The application software program costs $99.It is the product of a long relationship between the National Federation of the Blind and Ray Kurzweil,a computer scientist and an emplo

6、yee of Google.One user,named Gordon Luke,said that he was able to use the app to read his voting card for the recent election.The KNFB Reader makes use of new pattern recognition and imageprocessing technology,and new hardware for smartphones.People using the app can adjust,or change the position of

7、 the camera and read printed materials out loud and that gives some people greater independence.Mr. Kurzweil started working on what he called“reading machines” in the early 1970s.The idea came after speaking with a blind person who expressed frustration with the lack of technology to assist blind p

8、eople.The first reading machine was the size of a washing machine.It cost $50,000.The technology has continued to improve over the past 20 years,The new reading app can recognize and take printed material in one language and change it to another language.But it was not available on a mobile device u

9、ntil now.In the past,it cost more than $1,000 to use the software app with a camera and a mobile phone.【文章大意】这是一篇科技发明短文。文章主要介绍了智能手机程序为盲人带来光明,改变盲人的生活。1With the KNFB Reader,the blind can do the following EXCEPT Adrawing a picture Blearning in the schoolCreading menus Dvoting in the electionA解析:细节理解题。根

10、据文章第一段的第三句话It can help users listen to an audio readbackthe soundof printed material including restaurant menus to studying papers in the classroom,which will make the blind peoples life much easier.可知这种程序可帮助盲人读菜单、学校学习;又根据第二段的One user,named Gordon Luke,said that he was able to use the app to read hi

11、s voting card for the recent election.可知也可帮助盲人在选举中投票。未涉及可以画画。故选A。2After years of hard work,Kurzweil managed to make his reading app more Acomplex Bpractical CexpensiveDfashionableB解析:推理判断题。complex复杂的;practical实用的;expensive昂贵的;fashionable时髦的。根据文章第一、二段可知这种新程序对盲人来说很实用,排除A、C两项。D文章没提到。故选B。3Whats the best

12、 title of the passage?AWhat led to the invention of the first reading machineBWhy the KNFB Reader app is developedCSmartphone app gives “sight” to the blindDHow a reading app benefits all the disabledC解析:标题归纳题。A.什么促成了第一台阅读机器的发明;B.KNFB阅读软件为什么发展;C.智能手机应用程序给盲人带来光明;D.一个阅读程序怎样利于所有的残疾人。通读全文可知文章主要讲述这种智能手机程

13、序为盲人带来的益处。故选C。.完形填空(2016山东省实验中学模拟)Do you check your work emails when youre on holiday? Do you call your 1 to ask whats happening in the office even on a day off? To be 2 ,I do.When I see no signal on my mobile phone in a shopping centre or no WiFi by the beach,I get 3 Yes,Im 4 to work.Technology fue

14、ls our need to stay 5 all the time.Portable gadgets 6 us to work from home, 7 from the ninetofive routine endured by our parents. 8 ,they also make it more difficult for us to 9 and recharge our“batteries”Indeed,not all 10 want us to be connected all the time.German car maker Daimler, 11 ,has offere

15、d to automatically delete emails sent to employees while theyre 12 The sender of the email receives a message asking them to get in 13 with another employee whos on duty,or to resend the message at a later date.The response to this service is basically 14 ,with 99% of the employees considering it“ve

16、ry good”Occupational psychologists have been studying workers inability to relax when 15 duty.They found a number of people were 16 because they were traveling with technology,which allows them to remain connected with work all the time.However,employers and employees alike are 17 that were more pro

17、ductive if we get the worklife balance right.An app to deal with this problem has been created.If you are worried about spending too much time on your smartphone,this app is to 18 your usage.The app 19 you if you go beyond a certain limit.Perhaps we should all take some time out to consider 20 were

18、addicted to work,or addicted to technology,or both.Its good to switch off once in a while.【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。由于技术的进步,现代人即使在休假期间,也会利用手机等电子设备查看自己办公室的工作情况,结果导致自己无法好好休息。本文论述了这种现象,并介绍了一种帮助解决这个问题的应用软件。1A.colleagues Brelatives Cparents DspecialistsA解析:A项意为“同事”;B项意为“亲戚”;C项意为“父母”;D项意为“专家”。根据空格后的“in the office ev

19、en on a day off”可知,此处指在休假期间给同事打电话询问公司的情况。故选A。2A.exactBcertain ChonestDpositiveC解析:A项意为“确切的”;B项意为“一定的”;C项意为“真诚的,诚实的”;D项意为“积极的,乐观的”。根据空格后的“I do”可知,此处指作者承认自己会在休假期间给同事打电话询问公司的情况。to be honest为固定短语,意为“说实话”。故选C。3A.excited BrelaxedCtouched DanxiousD解析:A项意为“激动的”;B项意为“放松的”;C项意为“感动的”;D项意为“焦虑的,不安的”。根据上文中的“call

20、your to ask whats happening in the office even on a day off”可知,作者在休假期间都要打电话询问公司的情况,那么在手机没有信号或者没有网络,无法了解公司的状况时,自然会焦虑不安。故选D。4A.blind Baddicted Cfamiliar DsimilarB解析:A项意为“盲的,瞎的”;B项意为“上瘾的”;C项意为“熟悉的”;D项意为“类似的”。根据上文中的“Do you check your work emails when youre on holiday?”可知,度假时还想着公司事务的人应该是工作狂,这与最后一段中的“were

21、 addicted to work”相呼应。故选B。5A.devoted Bdiscouraged Cconnected DconfusedC解析:A项意为“忠诚的”;B项意为“灰心的,挫败的”;C项意为“有关的,有联系的”;D项意为“困惑的”。根据倒数第三段中的“because they were traveling with technology,which allows them to remain connected with work all the time”可知,先进的技术能够使人们随时保持联系。故选C。6A.allow Bforce Cpersuade DdriveA解析:A项

22、意为“允许”;B项意为“强迫”;C项意为“劝说”;D项意为“驱使”。根据倒数第三段中的“because they were traveling with technology,which allows them to remain connected with work all the time”可推知,便携式电子设备使我们不在家时也能工作。故选A。7A.freeBabsent Ctired DfarA解析:A项意为“自由的”;B项意为“缺席的”;C项意为“劳累的”;D项意为“远的”。空格前一分句指轻巧的电子设备可以使我们随处工作,由此结合空格后的“ninetofive routine end

23、ured by our parents”可知,此处应指轻巧的电子设备使我们不再受朝九晚五的工作时间的限制,可以随时工作。free from意为“免于”,符合语境。故选A。8A.ThereforeBOtherwise CInstead DHoweverD解析:A项意为“因此”;B项意为“否则,同样地”;C项意为“反而,替代”;D项意为“然而”。空格前描述的是技术的优点,即电子设备使我们可以随时随地工作;根据空格后的“make it more difficult for us”可知,空格后描述的是轻巧的电子设备的缺点。故此处表示逻辑上的转折关系。故选D。9A.concentrate Bcontin

24、ue Crelax DsucceedC解析:A项意为“集中,专心于”;B项意为“继续”;C项意为“放松”;D项意为“成功”。根据上文可知,易携带的电子设备使我们随时随地都可以工作,但同时也让我们很难放松自己,给自己充电,此处与倒数第三段第一句中的“workers inability to relax”相呼应。故选C。10A.friends Bemployers Ccustomers DassistantsB解析:A项意为“朋友”;B项意为“雇主,老板”;C项意为“顾客”;D项意为“助手”。根据下文中的German car maker,以及与下文中的“delete emails sent to

25、employees”形成呼应可知,此处指公司老板。故选B。11A.for example Bor rather Cto make it worseDjust in caseA解析:A项意为“譬如,例如”;B项意为“更确切地说”;C项意为“更糟的是”;D项意为“以防万一”。根据上下文可知,此处列举德国的一家汽车制造商Daimler的例子,对作者的观点“不是所有的公司老板都希望自己的员工能够随时联系上”进行解释说明。故选A。12A.in chargeBon holiday Cwithin reach Dat workB解析:A项意为“掌管”;B项意为“度假”;C项意为“够得着,触手可及”;D项意为

26、“工作中”。与第一段第一句“Do you check your work emails when youre on holiday?”相呼应,由此结合下一句中的“The sender of the email.get in with another employee whos on duty”可知,这个公司会自动删除发给正在度假的员工的邮件。故选B。13A.touch Btrouble Cline DeffectA解析:A项意为“联系”;B项意为“麻烦”,C项意为“线”;D项意为“影响”。根据语境可知,这家公司会自动删除发给正在度假的员工的邮件。发邮件的人会收到一条信息,要求他与另外一名正在值

27、班的员工联系。get in touch with sb.为固定搭配,意为“与某人取得联系”,符合语境。故选A。14A.special Bcasual Cpopular DpositiveD解析:A项意为“特别的”;B项意为“随便的,偶然的”;C项意为“流行的,受欢迎的”;D项意为“表示赞同的,拥护的”。根据空格后的“with 99% of the employees considering itvery good”可知,总的来说,雇员们对这项服务是赞同的。故选D。15A.on Boff Cwith DatB解析:A项意为“在上面”;B项意为“离开,从(某处)落下”;C项意为“和”;D项意为“在

28、(某处),在(某时间或时刻)”。根据空格前的“to relax”可知,此处应指休假,不值班的时候。off duty意为“下班,不值班”,符合语境。故选B。16A.cut off Bsettled down Cburnt out Dput awayC解析:A项意为“切断”;B项意为“定居”;C项意为“耗尽体力,累垮”;D项意为“放好,储存”。根据上句中的“inability to relax”和空格后的“because they were traveling with technology,which allows them to remain connected with work all t

29、he time”可推知,员工在下班或休假期间,也一直处于工作状态中,无法好好休息,精力会被耗尽。故选C。17A.pretending Brealizing CquestioningDblamingB解析:A项意为“假装”;B项意为“认识到,理解,领会”;C项意为“质疑,疑问”,D项意为“责怪,埋怨”。根据语境可知,此处指劳资双方都认识到适当的休息会让员工更有创造力这个道理。故选B。18A.complete Bruin Ccontrol DimproveC解析:A项意为“完成”;B项意为“毁掉”;C项意为“控制”;D项意为“改善,提高”。根据上一句“An app to deal with thi

30、s problem has been created.”可推知,当过度使用手机时,这个应用软件就会有所应对,即控制你使用手机的时间。故选C。19A.recognizes Bamuses Cconfirms DwarnsD解析:A项意为“认出”;B项意为“娱乐,使人发笑”;C项意为“确认”;D项意为“警告”。根据空格后的“if you go beyond a certain limit”可推知,当使用手机的时间超过某个限制值时,这款应用软件就会发出警告。故选D。20A.that Bwhether Cwhen DwhereB解析:与下文中的“or”呼应可知,此处表示选择,指我们应花点时间好好想想我

31、们到底是对工作上瘾,还是对技术着迷,或者两者都有。whether.or.为固定搭配,意为“是还是”,符合语境。故选B。.语法填空(2016河南省实验中学质检)There are two factors 1. (determine) an individuals intelligence.The first is the sort of brain he is born 2. Human brains differ considerably,some being more capable than others.3. however good a brain he has to begin wi

32、th,an individual will have a low intelligence unless he has 4. (opportunity) to learn.So the second factor is what happens to the individualthe sort of environment 5. he is brought up.If an individual is handicapped(受阻碍) environmentally,it is 6. (like) that his brain will fail to develop and he will

33、 never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be shown by 7. case of the twins,Peter and Mark.When the twins were three months old,8. parents died,and they were placed in separate foster homes.Peter was bro

34、ught up by parents of low intelligence with poor educational opportunities.Mark was educated in the home of welltodo parents who 9. (be) to college.This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens,when they 10. (give) tests to measure their intelligence.Marks IQ.was 1

35、25,twentyfive points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his twin brother.【文章大意】本文是一篇科普说明文。人的智力跟两种因素有关:天生的大脑、后天的成长环境。后者尤为重要,没有它,大脑便得不到开发。1determining解析:考查非谓语动词。分析该句结构可知,空格处修饰前面的名词“factors”,该名词和determine之间为主动关系。故填determining。2with解析:考查介词。be born with为固定搭配,意为“天生的”。句意为:第一个因素是天生的大

36、脑。故填with。3But解析:考查连词。分析空格处前后句的句意可知,前后句之间为转折关系。故填but。注意首字母大写。4opportunities解析:考查名词单复数。根据常识可知,人生学习的机会肯定不止一次。故填opportunity的复数形式。5where解析:考查定语从句引导词。分析该句结构可知,该句为定语从句,先行词为“environment”,在从句中作状语。故填where引导该定语从句。6likely解析:考查形容词。It is likely that.为固定句型,意为“很有可能”。故填likely。7the解析:考查冠词。根据该句句意可知,这里特指Peter和Mark这对双胞胎

37、的案例。故填定冠词the。8their解析:考查人称代词。根据该句从句中的主语“the twins”可知,parents是这对双胞胎的父母。故填their。9had been解析:考查动词的时态。根据主句中的“was educated”可知,Mark接受教育发生在过去;由语境可知,他的养父母接受教育发生在Mark接受教育之前。故用过去完成时。故填had been。10were given解析:考查动词的时态和语态。空格前的“they”代指“the twins”,和动词give之间是被动关系。故用被动语态;全文讲述的是过去的事,故用一般过去时。故填were given。- 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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