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1、广东省北师大珠海分校附属外国语学校2021届高三英语10月月考试题考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。AFor some of us who long to travel, it can be difficult to find someone to journey with. Friends and family members are tied down in jobs, struggling to save money, and

2、 dont always want to go to the same places. The solution, of course, is to go it alone.Melbourne, AustraliaMelbourne is a hot-spot travel destination, which has beautiful beaches as well as busy and lively city life. Australia as a whole is considered a safe destination for international travel, and

3、 because of that, many solo(单独)travelers go there. Melbourne is incredibly easy to get around because you can walk or bike practically anywhere!ThailandThailand is great for solo travelers-perhaps because it is one of the Buddhist mentality, which promotes equality among the sexes. Thailand is known

4、 for its friendly hospitality, and as a travel hot-spot, there are plenty of chances to meet other like-minded travelers. Overall known for being very cheap, especially in the north, its a good choice if you want to get away on a budget.BhutanBhutan is one of the most cultural countries in the world

5、. It is also home to the worlds highest unclimbed peak, Gangkhar Puensum. The mountain is sacred (神圣的)and entry is only possible on a pre-booked tour, where you are accompanied around by your own personal guide. Plastic bags have been banned in Bhutan since 1999 and in 2004,it became the first count

6、ry in the world to outlaw tobacco.Costa RicaCosta Rica is a great place if youre looking for adventure, with surfing, volcanoes and other recreational activities. Youll never get a chance to feel lonely because theres an abundance of exciting adventures to experience! Costa Rica has never seen polit

7、ical unrest, class struggles or revolutions commonly associated with other Latin American Countries. Whats more, it doesnt have or need an army because its such a peaceful country.1.Which place is suitable for travelers short of money?A. Melbourne, Australia. B. Thailand. C. Bhutan. D. Costa Rica. 2

8、.What can we learn about travelling in Bhutan?A. You can climb the mountain without booking ahead.B. You can prepare some plastic bags for your rubbish.C. You can experience the rich culture there.D. Smoking is allowed at the foot of the mountain.3.Where does this text probably come from?A. A histor

9、ical document. B. A science magazine. C. A travel guide. D.A book review.BFor years, the U.S. has experienced a shortage of registered nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that while the number of nurses will increase by 19 percent by 2022,demand will grow faster than supply, and that the

10、re will be over one million unfilled nursing jobs by then.So whats the solution? Robots.Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to this trend. Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items.It foll

11、ows a specific individual, such as a doctor or nurse, who can use it to record and access patient data. This type of robot will likely be one of the first to be implemented in hospitals because it has fairly minimal patient contact.A robots appearance affects its ability to successfully interact wit

12、h humans, which is why the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research decided to develop a robotic nurse called Actroid F. It is so human-like that some patients may not know the difference. This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track

13、 patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions. During a month-long hospital trial, researchers asked 70 patients how they felt being around the robot and only three or four said they didnt like having it around.Its important to note that robotic nurses dont d

14、ecide courses of treatment or make diagnoses, though robot doctors and surgeons may not be far off. Instead, they perform routine and laborious tasks, freeing nurses up to attend to patients with immediate needs. This is one industry where it seems the interaction of robots will lead to collaboratio

15、n, not replacement.4.What does the author say about Japan?A. It ranks top in future robotics technology.B. It takes the lead in offering robotic nursing.C. It is in desperate need of registered nurses.D. It provides the best medication for the elderly.5.Which of the following best explains implement

16、ed underlined in Paragraph 3?A. cancelled. B. constructed. C. improved. D. applied.6.What do we know about the robot Actroid F?A. It has no difference from a human nurse.B. It gets favorable remarks from all the patients.C. It interacts with patients like a human companion.D. It uses body language e

17、ven more effectively than words.7.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Cooperation will not be replaced.B. Nurses will still play their roles.C. The robotics industry will be promising.D. Robots can meet patients immediate needs.CThis may look like an ordinary plastic straw(吸管),but it is

18、not made of plastic. Cameron Ross started the Celise Bio-products company, to produce single-use plastic alternatives from plant materials like these. They are made of poly lactic acid(聚乳酸) known as PLA from com starches(淀粉)。Cameron Ross said, We work with food service providers, mainly larger brand

19、s, to help them get quality sustainable and cost-effective solutions, made from plants to start getting rid of single-use plastics. Single-use plastics such as bottles or straws are major cause of pollution. When we throw these away, they end up in a landfill or in the water like rivers. According t

20、o researchers, it could take up to more than 500 years for them to properly break down.Ross says he wasnt always so environmentally conscious himself. But ever since the hiking trip in West Virginia, when he spent more time picking up trash than enjoying nature, his priorities changed. That meant ma

21、king biodegradable products that can break down in only a few years.While many cafes and restaurants are choosing paper products to be more eco - conscious, it isnt cheap. Paper straws can cost about eight times more than plastic straws. But bio-plastic straws cost less a penny a straw, not even dou

22、ble the price of plastic ones.Another problem with paper straws is that they get soft and wet. You dont want to be sipping (啜饮)something that alters your drink, or starts to melt while youre drinking and then you have to get which creates more wastes than needed. Ross hopes his Washington DC-based c

23、ompany will provide an eco-friendly solution for food service providers.8.Which aspect is NOT the focus of the Celise Bio-products?A. Material. B. Appearance. C. Quality. D. Cost.9.What inspired Ross to start the Bio-products company?A. High profits. B. Requests from food service providers.C. Lower

24、cost. D. His changed environmental awareness.10.What can we learn about the new straws?A. They are widely used in cafes and restaurants.B. They cost less than paper ones.C. They may soften or even melt while carrying water.D. They produce more waste.11.Whats the authors purpose of writing the passag

25、e?A. To persuade more food service providers to work with Ross.B. To explain the development of straws.C. To introduce a new eco-friendly straw.D. To compare different straws.DA decade ago, colored lights danced around the living room on New Years Eve and happy music was played. Upstairs, the childr

26、en were asleep. But I wasnt feeling happy. In mid-December, my husband and I had been informed that he had cancer and that he was going to die. He had less than a year left, the doctors said.In the years since that painful season, I have come to look back upon New Years Eve. New Years Eve brings a h

27、alt to the endless commitments that fill our daily lives and a chance to reflect. New Years Eve is full of possibility and anticipation. What will be the surprising experiences and delightful successes in the coming year? But also, what disappointments are waiting for us in the next twelve months?In

28、 many ways, New Years Eve and the days that surround it are a line between past and future. That line is made up of a series of moments of transition(过渡)that take us out of the old and into the new. Transition can be challenging for many of us. Its about letting go of the familiar and diving headlon

29、g(迅猛地)into the unfamiliar. Just as, back then, I had to face letting go of the life I had led with my beloved husband and stepping into a new world as a widowed mom, I find that each year I have to step out of the version of me that suited the year that is ending and ease into the version of me who

30、will rise to the goals I am holding for myself for the year ahead.Last year at this time,I sat in a chair in southern France and drank in the stillness(沉静)and beauty of the countryside around me. The three children I had brought into this world talked and laughed around the table beside me as we enj

31、oyed a lunch of bread and cheese.I was filled with a sense of joy and I had a glowing(热情洋溢的)heart that was full of hope. It was another ending and another beginning. May we all transition into the best of what lies ahead. May we all find happiness in this holiday season.12.What causes authors unhapp

32、iness on New Years Eve a decade ago?A. The pressure she faced in her work.B. The health problem her husband faced.C. The information received from her family.D. The relationship between her and her husband.13.What does the underlined word halt most probably mean?A. end. B. start. C. change. D. meani

33、ng.14.Whats the authors attitude towards the thing people should do at New Year?A. Set challenging goals for the next year.B. Break with daily routines and form a new habit.C. Spend more time with family members.D. Think about the past and get ready for the future.15.Whats the main purpose of writin

34、g the passage?A. To memorialize her husband.B. To show how she got through a hard time.C. To share her view of New Years Eve.D. To remind us that uncertainty is part of life.第二节 七选五(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项,并将答案写在答题卡相应位置上。Choosing the right career can be hard. Ma

35、ny people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it. For some, things work out fine._16_Your working life lasts an average of forty years, so its important to find a job you like and feel enthusiastic about. Luckily, there

36、 are many ways you can get help to do this.The Australian website, www. , compares choosing a career with going to the movies. Before you see a movie, you find out what films are showing._17_find out what jobs are available and what your options are. Next, decide which movie you like best; if youre

37、not a romantic person, you wont want to see a love story. In other words, with your career, you should decide which job will suit your personality. _18_. Meanwhile, you should find out where the theater is before you go. With your career, you need to find information about where you can work,how muc

38、h you will earn,and how to get a job in that profession.So, how do you start? Begin by asking yourself some questions._19_. Have you travel overseas? Do you have any extra certificates besides your degree, such as a first aid license, for example? Your physical state and build can also affect which

39、jobs you can do. A person, for example, who is allergic to cats would probably never become a veterinarian. Flight attendants, firefighters, and police officers have to be over a certain height, and be physically fit._20_. Are you outgoing and extroverted, or shy and introverted? If you like working

40、 alone, a job that requires lots of teamwork might not suit you.A. Your personality matters, too.B. Finally, decide how to get movie tickets.C. The site suggests you do the same with your career.D. Choosing a career can take time and a lot of thought.E. Some jobs require you to have certain life exp

41、eriences.F. But others often find themselves stuck in a job they hate.G. When you know you can work in your dream job, youll be glad.第二部分 语言知识运用(共二节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卡相应位置上。My son was playing with a bottle of bubbles. Dip the loop

42、 in the bottle, pull it out, and blow it to make bubbles. He understood the principle but was vainly 21 to blow bubbles. He would dip and dip and blow and blow, but alas,no 22 .He 23 me the bottle and loop and asked me, Daddy, can you make bubbles?I hadnt blown bubbles in years. I am a 24 by educati

43、on, fairly well-trained in surfactant(活性剂)technology. However, all that knowledge is completely 25 .I was having no more 26 than my son. I dipped and puffed, 27 no bubbles.After several 28 attempts, I changed strategies. 29 puffing on the loop of soapy water, I just gently breathed on it. My son 30

44、with delight as a big beautiful bubble formed and 31 away. I explained to him, Son, you cant blow hard. You must ever so 32 breathe on the loop to make bubbles. He 33 his urgent desire to make big bubbles by blowing hard and followed my advice. Big bubbles! There are some things that you can get wit

45、h 34 ,but other things only 35 from the gentleness of a soft breath.21.A. tryingB. managingC. expectingD. acting22.A. changesB. bubblesC. resultsD. drops23. A. lentB. handedC. threwD. cast24.A. researcherB. professionalC. chemistD. parent25.A. out of dateB. of no useC. in doubtD. in trouble26.A. tri

46、alB. confidenceC. patienceD. success27.A. evenB. thusC. somehowD. still28.A. fruitlessB. toughC. unwillingD. difficult29.A. DespiteB. WithoutC. OnD. Except30.A. screamedB. noddedC. rushedD. flew31.A. escapedB. floatedC. burstD. bounced32.A. silentlyB. slightlyC. eagerlyD. gently33.A. freedB. fueledC

47、. containedD. reduced34.A. brainB. actionC. forceD. science35.A. surviveB. separateC. jumpedD. arise第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式并将答案写在答题卡相应位置上。Tang Tianyuan from Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region (广西壮族自治区)was viewed as a lucky dog, for he succeeded 36 building a busin

48、ess based on a passion. Tang, 37 majored in ceramics(制陶艺术)and decorative sculpture design at college, set up a workshop after his studies to make Ningxi pottery, which is considered one of the top four 38 (variety) of pottery in China. 39 (initial),the pottery business was hard, as he had to make po

49、ttery himself while also 40 (take)care of management and sales. But the past five years of efforts have earned him many more orders, 41 (compare) to none at the very beginning. Up to now, 42 28-year-old has been engaged in making Ningxi pottery for five years, and the most impressive thing for Tang

50、is the happiness he 43 (achieve). He said that 44 was worthwhile starting a business based on his own interest that could support himself as well as gain public 45 (recognize).第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 应用文写作 (共1小题,满分1,5分)假定你是李华,得知你校外籍教师Peter计划在暑假回国,他想送给母亲可以代表中国文化特色的礼物,请给他写一封邮件,向他推荐礼物。内容包括:1.推荐礼物;2.推荐原因;

51、3.表达祝愿。注意:1. 词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Peter,_第二节 读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词数应为150左右。I was lacking in everything needed to start a new friendship.My parents moved to the town when they decided to look for new jobs but they didnt realize I was really hurt when I said good

52、bye to my old friends.It felt awful to be a new student in the school and when my classmates were chatting,what I could do was to be caught up in my thoughts watching the clouds outside the window.I was not good at math or history;nor was I good at drawing or dancing.I was shy and timid.I had a few

53、friends back at my hometown and it seemed that they were the only ones who I could be friends with for my whole life.I felt I had achieved a point of saturation with regard to having friends and I could make no further addition to my friend list.I was ashamed of myself,so I believed I deserved no no

54、tice from others until Emily came to my world.Emily was fearless,outspoken and easy to go.She was everything I was not and I was too shy to come out of my shell.I met Emily in school almost every day and yet I never talked to her.We were in the same class but we were like poles apart.How I wished I

55、could be like her or at least be a friend of hers!It was another ordinary day.I wandered to the bus stop in the morning and waited for the school bus.Birds were singing songs with their friends but who could I sing songs with?I got on the bus and went straight to my usual seat,complaining in a low v

56、oice about getting up early and going to school like every other day,and about how things were going to be the same all over again. Little did I realize something different would happen that day.Para. 1:When I got up to get down the bus,my schoolbag was stuck in the armrest._Para. 2:I got noticed by

57、 Emily,who brought me courage to start a new friendship!_(10月月考)英语试题参考答案阅读 A篇【答案】 1B 2C 3CB篇【答案】4B 5D 6C 7BC篇【答案】8B 9D 10B 11CD篇【答案】12B 13 A 14D 15. C七选五 【答案】16F 17C 18B 19E 20A完形 【答案】21. A 22. B 23B 24C 25B 26. D 27D28. A 29. B 30A 31B 32. D 33. C 34C 35. D【答案】36. in 37. who 38varieties 39Initially

58、 40. taking41compared 42the 43. has achieved 44. it 45. recognition4第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)Dear Peter,Im glad to hear that you want to buy some gifts for your mother that represent Chinese culture. And I am writing to give you some advice.Personally,I think you should buy the following two gifts:Qipao an

59、d Chinese knotQipao,a very beautiful traditional dress for Chinese women,can show the real beauty of a woman. I am sure your mother will like it very muchWhats more,it is also a good choice for you to buy the Chinese knotIt is usually hung in the sitting room or cars,which represents good luckWish y

60、ou a good vacationPlease give my best wishes to your family YoursLi Hua第二节(满分25分)Para 1:When I got up to get off the bus,my schoolbag was stuck in the armrestI didnt notice it and stood up with all my strengthUnfortunately,my schoolbag was torn apart and all the contents fell on the groundI knelt do

61、wn to pick them upSuddenly,I saw a hand passing me some of the booksI looked up and found it was Emily who was helping meWith her help,I put all the contents back to my schoolbagI began to talk with her and was surprised to find that we had much in commonPara. 2:I got noticed by Emily,who brought me

62、 courage to start a new friendship!One day when I told her that I admired her and how I wished to be a friend of hers,she said,“We have already been friends”I felt so happy that I even sang a songHearing my song,she thought highly of it and asked me to teach her to sing itShe made me realize how uni

63、que I was and at last I came out of me shell【解析】这是一篇读后续写作文。【详解】通过阅读所给文章可知,作者跟随父母来到了一个新城镇,作为一名新生在学校的感觉很糟糕,作者很害羞,胆小,为自己感到盖愧,作者注意到了无所畏惧,直言不讳,容易相处的Emily。作者希望和她成为朋友,直到某一天一个早上发生了一些不同的事情。续写部分分为两段。第一段开头是:当我起身下车时,我的书包被卡在扶手上了。所以后文应该是讲述作者的书包被卡住,东西掉了出来。而Emily帮助了作者,二人开始相识起来:第二段开头是:我被Emily注意到了,她给了我勇气去开始一段新的友谊!本段应

64、该写作者和Emily的友谊进展情况。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。 【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:with all my strength,fall on,talk with,have much in common等高级词汇;I began to talk with her and was surprised to find that we had much in common.运用了宾语从句:One day whenI told her that I admired her and how I wished to be a friend of hers,she said,“We have already been friends”运用了时间状语从句等高级句式。


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