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2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版英语选修七优练:UNIT 21 LESSON 3 WORD版含答案.docx

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2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版英语选修七优练:UNIT 21 LESSON 3 WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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1、Lesson 3Epidemics Explained课时过关即时巩固一、单词拼写1.Please translate the u words into Chinese within five minutes.答案:underlined2.He is kind and honest and we all have f in him.答案:faith3.They will have a t cleaning to welcome the arrival of a new year.答案:thorough 4.Its just a r medical examination,nothing to

2、get worried about.答案:routine5.It is an a for children of a play by him.答案:adaptation二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空wipe outup tohave faith inas long aslead to1.You can keep the cat for a week you take good care of it.答案:as long as2.It was his carelessness that his failure.答案:led to3.Only in this way can we the te

3、rrible disease.答案:wipe out4.The driver is now facing a fine of 1,000 yuan.答案:up to5.If you want to succeed,you must yourself.答案:have faith in三、阅读理解ABaby girls make their way directly for dolls as soon as they can crawl,while boys will head for cars,a study has shown.The findings,the first to show di

4、fferences in very young babies,suggest there is a biological basis to their preferences.Psychologists Dr Brenda Todd from City University London carried out an experiment involving 90 babies aged 9 months to 36 months.The babies were allowed to choose from seven toys.Some were typically boys toysa c

5、ar,a digger,a ball and a blue teddy.The rest were girls toys:a pink teddy,a doll and a cooking set.They were placed a metre away from the toys and could pick whichever toy they liked and the amount of time they spent playing with each toy was recorded.Of the youngest children (9 to 14 months),girls

6、spent significantly longer time playing with the doll than boys,and boys spent much more time with the car and ball than the girls did.Among the two-and three-year-olds,girls spent 50 percent of the time playing with the doll while only two boys briefly touched it.The boys spent almost 90 percent of

7、 their time playing with cars,which the girls barely touched.There was no link between the parents view on which toys were more appropriate for boys or girls,and the childrens choice.Dr Brenda Todd said,“Children of this age are already exposed to much socialization.Boys may be given toys that go wh

8、ile girls get toys they can care for,which may help shape their preference.But these findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interests in particular kinds of toys.There could be a biological basis for their choices.Males through evolution have been adapted to prefer moving obj

9、ects,probably through hunting instincts(本能),while girls prefer warmer colours such as pink,the colour of a newborn baby.”1.Baby boys and girls have different toy preferences probably because .A.baby boys are much more activeB.baby girls like bright colours moreC.their parents treat them differentlyD

10、.there is a natural difference between them解析:根据第一段的“The findings,the first to show differences in very young babies,suggest there is a biological basis to their preferences.”可知,孩子的选择有天性因素。答案:D2.Which of the following belongs to both the boys and the girls toy?A.A ball.B.A teddy.C.A car.D.A doll.解析:

11、根据第二段的“Some were typically boys toysa car,a digger,a ball and a blue teddy.The rest were girls toys:a pink teddy,a doll and a cooking set.”可知答案为B项。答案:B3.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?A.Nine-month-old baby boys dont play with dolls at all.B.Two-year-old baby girls sometimes play with cars and ba

12、lls.C.The older the babies are,the more obvious their preference is.D.Parents should teach their babies to share each others toys.解析:根据第三段可知A、B项错误,D项没出现。答案:C4.What conclusion did Dr Brenda Todd draw from the results of the study?A.Adults purposely influence their babies preference.B.Babies preferenc

13、e may not be affected by social surroundings.C.Baby boys preferring to moving toys will be good at hunting.D.Baby girls preferring warmer colours will be warm-hearted.解析:根据第四段的“But these findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interests in particular kinds of toys.There could

14、be a biological basis for their choices.”可知答案为B项。答案:B5.We may read this passage in a(n) section of a newspaper.A.scienceB.healthC.fashionD.entertainment解析:由文中多次出现a study,the findings等词语可知,本文应是关于科学研究的。答案:ABWhile watching a sports event the other night,I came across an amazing sight.It was not a gold

15、medal,or a new world record,but a show of pure determination and courage.The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks.For one reason or another,two of them made false starts,so they were disqualified.That left only one to compete.That would have been difficult enough,not havi

16、ng anyone to race against,even though the time on the clock is whats important.I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that something was wrong.Im not an expert swimmer but I can tell a good dive from a poor one,and this was not exactly medal quality.When he resurfaced,it was eviden

17、t that the man was not out for the goldhis arms were flailing(摆动) in an attempt at freestyle.I heard the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time.Finally he made his turn to start back.It was pitiful.He made a few desperate strokes(划水) and you could tell he was tired.

18、But in those few awkward strokes,the crowd had changed.No longer were they laughing,but beginning to cheer.Some even began to stand and yell things like,“Come on, you can do it!”and “Go for it!”He did.The crowd went wild.You would have thought that he had won the gold,and he should have.This man sho

19、wed more heart than any of the other competitorsa man that gave his all,knowing that he had no chance but competed because of the spirit of the games.6.We know from the passage that the swimmer .A.was not professionalB.had two competitorsC.had a wrong startD.didnt try his best解析:根据文章第三、四段中的“.was not

20、 exactly medal quality.”以及awkward strokes等可知,他并不是很专业。答案:A7.What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?A.The swimmer lost his spirit.B.The swimmer didnt win the gold.C.The audience was moved by the swimmer.D.The crowd supported the swimmer from the beginning.解析:根据文章最后两段中的“No longer were they la

21、ughing,but beginning to cheer.”以及went wild可知,他们被这名运动员坚持不懈的精神所感染。答案:C8.The authors attitude towards the swimmer is that of .A.toleranceB.disappointmentC.admirationD.carelessness解析:根据文章所传达的信息可知,作者对这位不被大家看好的运动员不惜一搏敢于尝试的体育精神怀有崇高的敬仰之情。答案:C9.What can be the best title for the passage?A.Successful Swimmers

22、B.Go for ItC.Watch an EventD.Awkward Strokes解析:全文讲述了一名运动员参加游泳比赛的故事。他那笨拙的动作先让观众窃笑,后来受到观众的鼓励。他锲而不舍、顽强拼搏的精神永远激励着人们。B项Go for It(努力争取)概括了文章的主旨。答案:B10.Which of the following old sayings best describes the story?A.God helps those who help themselves.B.Actions speak louder than words.C.Great hopes make grea

23、t men.D.A bold attempt is half success.解析:文章讲述的是这名运动员在赛场上不顾别人对他的看法而勇敢拼搏的故事。答案:D四、语篇填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It is easy to overlook 1._ role that your body plays in 2. _ (influence) your mood.When you are ill,you may find 3. _ blaming work pressures or an unknown future.However,it could just

24、 be that you have been sitting behind your desk too long.One way 4. _ (improve) your mood is exercise.Psychologically,it provides you 5. _ a break from the stresses in your life.Also,in the process,you may aim for clear goals,like a new 6. _ (person) running record or a better body shape.The achieve

25、ment of a particular goal 7. _ (make) you feel good and contributes to your 8. _ (confident).That is why exercise has been shown to build up your self-respect.You do not have to train yourself hard to feel the psychological benefits of exercise.What 9. _ (real) matters is frequency,not intensity of your exercise.You can try walking for 30 minutes five times per week or 10. _ (simple) gardening on weekends.答案:1.the2.influencing3.yourself4.to improve5.with6.personal7.makes8.confidence9.really10.simply


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