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05-06年上学期高一同步优化训练英语:UNITS 9-10 A卷(附答案).doc

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1、Units 9-10知识网络1.重点短语in our everyday life 在日常生活中be disturbed 被打扰no matter 不管as much as 200 yuan 多达200元no longer不再die out灭绝in the jungle 在丛林中that is 即是,即为take measures 采取措施give sb.some advice 劝告某人stay in touch with 与保持联系in case of an emergency为防紧急情况cut down trees 砍树be in danger处于危险中take turns to do st

2、h.轮流做某事keep.from阻止make a great difference 影响极大devote to. 专心做according to 按照;根据所说take over 接收;接管as a result (of) 作为(的) 结果lead to 导致某种结果adapt to 适应(新环境等)at present 现在;目前set free 释放in the wild 在自然环境下throw away 扔掉add.to.给增加;加上break down (机器、车辆等)坏了;出故障by force 靠武力,用武力take steps 采取措施;采取步骤care about 介意,关心c

3、ome up with 想出2.重点句型Now its your turn.Its time to do sth.to stop AXL.A computer center is being built for the students.The number of milu deer has grown every year.To love animals is to love ourselves.He told us that.He told me to do sth.He asked if.Thats a good point.Thats worth thinking about.Mode

4、rn cellphones are more than just phones.We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.3.重点语法被动语态考查要点简述被动语态的构成方式:be+过去分词,口语也有用“get /become+过去分词”表示的。被动语态的基本用法:不知道或没必要提到动作的执行者是谁时用被动语态;强调或突出动作的承受者时常用被动语态(by短语有时可以省略)。(1)使用被动语态时应注意的几个问题。主动变化被动时双宾语的变化。看下列例句。My friend gave m

5、e an interesting book on my birthday.An interesting book was given to me(by my friend)on my birthday.I was given an interesting book (by my friend)on my birthday.主动变被动时,宾补成主补(位置不变);(作补语的)不定式前需加to。The boss made him work all day long.He was made to work all day long(by the boss).短语动词变被动语态时,勿要掉“尾巴”。The

6、 children were taken good care of (by her).Your pronunciation and spelling should be paid attention to.情态动词和be going to,be to,be sure to,used to,have to,had better等结构变被动语态,只需将它们后面的动词原形变为“be+过去分词”形式。当句子的谓语为say,believe,expect,think,know,write,consider,report等时,被动语态有两种形式:(A)谓语动词用被动语态,动词不定式作主补。(B)用it作形式

7、主语,真正的主语在后面,用主语从句来表示。如:People say he is a smart boy.It is said that he is a smart boy.He is said to be a smart boy.People know paper was made in China first.It is known that paper was made in China first.Paper was known to be made in China first.类似的句型有:It is said/known/suggested/believed/hoped/ thou

8、ght that.(2)不能用被动语态的几种情况。所有的不及物动词或不及物动词词组不能用于被动语态之中。表示状态的谓语动词,如:last,hold,benefit,contain,equal,fit,join,mean,last,look like,consist to等。表示归属的动词,如:have,own,belong to等。表示“希望,意图”的动词,如:wish,want,hope,like,love,hate等。宾语是反身代词或相互代词时谓语动词用主动语态,不能用被动语态。宾语是同源宾语,不定式,动名词等谓语动词不用被动语态。有些动词以其主动形式表示被动意义,特别是当主语是物时,常见

9、的动词有sell,write,wash,open,lock等。(3)主动形式表被动意义。feel,look,smell,taste,sound等后面接形容词时;cut,read,sell,wear,write等词带状语修饰语时;动词表示“开始、结束、关、停、转、启动”等意义时。This kind of cloth washes easily.这种布易洗。These novels wont sell well.这些小说不畅销。My pen writes smoothly.我的钢笔写起来很流畅。The door wont lock.门锁不上。The fish smells good.鱼闻起来香。当

10、break out,take place,shut off,turn off,work out等动词表示“发生、关闭、制订”等意思时。The plan worked out successfully.计划成功实施。The lamps on the wall turn off.墙上的油灯灭了。want,require,need后面的动名词用主动表示被动含义。be worth doing用主动形式表示被动含义。在“be+形容词+to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动表示被动。This kind of water isnt fit to drink.这种水不适合喝。The girl i

11、snt easy to get along with.这个好孩子不易相处。另外:be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动。(4)被动形式表示主动意义的几种情况。be seated坐着He is seated on a bench.=He seats himself on a bench.坐在凳子上。be hidden躲藏He was hidden behind the door.(He hid himself behind the door.)他藏在门后。be lost迷路be drunk喝醉be dressed穿着The girl was dresse

12、d in a red short skirt.这个女孩穿着一条红色的短裙。(5)被动语态与系表结构的区别被动语态强调动作;系表结构表主语的特点或状态。如:The book was sold by a certain bookstore.(被动语态)这书由某所书店专卖。The book is well sold.(系表结构)这书很畅销。范题精讲【例1】 I shall attend the meeting_he comes or not.A.no matter B.no matter whetherC.ifD.however解析:no matter不能单独使用,它与后面的疑问词what,wher

13、e,how以及连词whether连用表示让步意义,引导让步状语从句。whether常和or not连用,表示“是否”。however表示“无论如何,不管怎样”,相当于no matter how,与形容词或副词连用,其语序为:however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语。答案:B【例2】 He is the only one of the students who _a winner of scholarship for three years.A.isB.areC.have beenD.has been解析:本题考查主谓一致及时态的用法。在“one of+名词复数+定语从句”结构中,定语从句中的单

14、复数要根据其先行词来判断,因此先行词的选定是解此题的关键。当one前没有the only修饰时,其先行词是名词复数,此时定语从句中的谓语动词用复数;当one前有the only修饰时,其先行词是one,因此,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。结合语境及明显的表示一段时间的时间状语for three years,故用现在完成时态。答案:D【例3】 Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?Yes,they have better players,so I _them to win.A.hope B.preferC.expect D.want解析:该题的考试目

15、标是在语境中考查动词词义辨析。首先排除A选项,因为没有hope sb.to do sth.结构,尽管B、C、D选项后面均可跟“宾语+不定式结构”,但体会语境,所填选项应具有“料想,预想”之意,而B、C、D选项中惟有expect具有此意。答案:C【例4】 But for electricity,human life_so easy today.A.isntB.will not beC.would not have beenD.would not be解析:表示与现在事实相反的假设时,状语从句的动词用过去式,be动词用were,主句谓语动词用“would+动词原形”。有时否定的虚拟条件句可由wit

16、hout,but for等介词短语代替。答案:D【例5】 (NMET 2004,重庆) Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents _.A.worriedB.to worryC.worryingD.worry解析:get 后接复合宾语。表示“人感到担忧”应该用过去分词worried。答案:A 试题详解高中同步测控优化训练(十一)Units 910(A卷)第卷(三部分,共80分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分15分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分)听下面5段对话。

17、每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。W:You havent written to your folks for quite a while,have you?M:No.How about you?W:I havent either.1.What does the man want to know?A.If she is in good health.B.If she has written to her relatives.C.If she is abou

18、t to write to her folks.答案:BM:How much are these pens,please?W:Four dollars and fifty cents each or eight dollars for the pair.2.How much does one pen cost?A.$4.0. B.$4.50. C.$8.00.答案:BM:Will you be teaching this summer?W:No,Im going to take the summer off.I plan to go to Paris to work on a novel.3.

19、What does the woman intend to do during the summer?A.To teach.B.To write a book.C.To stay at home and rest.答案:BM:What do you think we should do about that mistake?W:Why not ask Betty?M:Good idea!4.What does the woman mean?A.Betty will probably have the answer.B.They dont think Betty will take it.C.B

20、etty is the one who made the error.答案:AW:Can you accompany me on the piano while I sing?M:I dont play very well,but Ill give it a try.W:Thank you.5.What does the woman want the man to do?A.Play the piano.B.Keep her company.C.Teach her to sing.答案:A第二节(共5小题,每小题1.5分)听下面2段对话。对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最

21、佳选项,并标在试卷上的相应位置听对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第67题。M:Thank you very much,Ms Timms.That helped me a lot.W:Im glad I could be of some help,Carlos.Let me know if you have any questions later.M:I will.And thank you for giving up your coffee break to help.I know you need one

22、after teaching three classes.W:Oh,I dont mind.Teaching is what I love most.M:Well,goodbye,and thanks again.W:Youre very welcome,Carlos.See you in the class Monday.6.Why does the man thank the woman?A.She has helped him with his problems.B.She has invited him for coffee.C.She has agreed to see him on

23、 Monday.答案:A7.When does the conversation take place?A.Before class.B.After class.C.During class.答案:B听第7段对话,回答第810题。M:When do you want to leave for that seaside town,Martha?W:Im not sure yet,but maybe we should leave Friday after work.Its a long drive,but Id rather get there late Friday than midday S

24、aturday.We have three days off this time,after all.M:How long is it?W:Five or six hours.M:Say you leave at four thirty right after work and you will be there around nine or ten.W:I suppose so.And we could still have a good nights sleep.M:What are you going to take?W:Mostly shorts and T-shirts.M:You

25、dont think its going to be a bit cold at night at the seaside?W:Maybe,Im going to take a sweater or a light coat-just in case.M:Hope you have a good time there.8.What is the woman going to do?A.Attend a party.B.Take a holiday.C.Go on a business trip.答案:B9.When does the woman plan to arrive?A.Late Fr

26、iday.B.Midday Saturday.C.Saturday night.答案:A10.What is the weather like in the town during the day?A.Cold.B.Wet.C.Warm.答案:C第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。11.Although he is considered a great writer,_.A.his works are not widely readB.but his works are widely rea

27、dC.however his works are not widely readD.still his works are not widely read解析:although为连词,意为“尽管”。它和though一样,不能与but,however等并列连词连用,但可与副词yet或still在be动词后连用。答案:A12.As she had forgotten his telephone number,she didnt know how to keep_him.A.touching B.to touchC.in touch withD.touching with解析:keep in tou

28、ch with是固定短语,意思是“与保持联系”。答案:C13._weather it is,we will go.A.No matterB.WhateverC.HoweverD.No matter how解析:whatever修饰名词weather,引导让步状语从句。本句句意为:不管什么天气,我们都要去。答案:B14.Rainforests_ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A.cutB.are cutC.are being cutD.had been c

29、ut 解析:该题考查现在进行时的被动语态。句子的意思是:雨林现在正在遭到砍伐和烧毁,因此在不久的将来雨林会消失。答案:C15._some of the tasks done by man before,computers are sometimes called thinking machines.A.Take overB.Taking overC.To be taken overD.Having been taken over解析:take over表示“接替,接管”,是及物动词短语,在句中用现在分词短语作原因状语。答案:B16.My mother is interested in _ yo

30、u have said.A.all thatB.all whatC.thatD.which解析:all that等于what,“母亲对你说的一切感兴趣”。答案:A17.The wild flowers are so special that I would do_ I can to save them.A.whateverB.thatC.whichD.whichever 解析:whatever引导宾语从句,并且在宾语从句中作宾语。答案:A18.No area in the world is completely free of air pollution.We must_to control

31、it.A.take measuresB.take measureC.measureD.take care解析:take measures是固定短语,意思是“采取措施、设法”。答案:A19.I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some_.A.at lastB.in caseC.once againD.in time 解析:根据句意:我虽然不需要钱,但还是带上一些以防万一。in case表示“以免,万一”。答案:B20.The world market price of coal is_relatively low,but this is b

32、ound to change in the future.A.at the presentB.in the presentC.at presentD.in present解析:at present是固定短语,意为“目前、当前、现在”。答案:C21.People who love peace_ a peaceful solution to help the poor out of danger.A.came upB.came alongC.came up withD.came over 解析:该题考查固定短语,come up with“想出”。答案:C22.Theres _ in todays

33、newspaper.A.something seriously wrongB.something serious wrongC.seriously something wrongD.seriously wrong something解析:不定代词的修饰应后置,而副词修饰wrong应前置。答案:A23._better equipment,we couldnt have finished the work so soon.A.WithB.If we hadC.WithoutD.Having had解析:Without better equipment相当于一个含蓄条件句,意为“要是没有较好的设备,

34、我们就不会这么快完成工作”。答案:C24.If you want to phone long distance,_the operator.A.dial B.to dialC.dialing D.dialed解析:本句为一个含有条件状语从句的主从复合句,主句为一个祈使句,所以用动词原形开头。答案:A25.The company worked out this kind of cell phones_ the sales among Chinese high school students in big cities.A.to increaseB.to add upC.improving upD

35、.set up 解析:该题考查不定式作目的状语。表示“增加;提高”用increase。答案:A第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Most of us can remember the days when we didnt use e-mail as an everyday vehicle for communication.Slowly but surely,it crept into 26 .E-mail is a 27 tool for college students at any level

36、.Its available 24 hours a day,7 days a week and 28 at holidays.Most universities assign students an account upon entrance, 29 there is usually not even an option(选择) involved.You can do everything from consulting on homework and projects, 30 classmates,family and friends,and getting daily new servic

37、es to 31 you informed of world 32 .But,what are the 33 ?E-mail can be e-jail.You might 34 hours writing and replying to e-mail 35 you should be busy with the books for an upcoming exam. 36 ,you might be signed up for so many daily services, 37 horoscopes,new services,or personals,that your mailbox i

38、s so 38 “junk mail,”that finding the 39 e-mails through your box might take hours.If yous re a student, 40 is precious.Create and organize your e-mail folders into important school-related mail,correspondence with friends and family,and a folder for jokes,horoscopes and other new services. 41 put th

39、e mail into the proper folders first,and when youve finished,head for the important school-related folder first.Respond to the most important e-mails first and, 42 you have time,you can get to the others. 43 your friends from forwarding those tiresome jokes,tiresome quizzes,and chain mails.The minut

40、e you 44 youve got one,delete it 45 so you wont be tempted to read it.26.A.the livesB.lifeC.our livesD.us life解析:尽管比较慢,但E-mail一定会渗入到我们的生活。答案:C27.A.valuableB.changeableC.favorableD.usable解析:根据下文的叙述可知E-mail对大学生来说是一种非常有用的工具。changeable意为“易变的”,此意不符合事实。usable意为“可用的”。故A项为最佳选项。答案:A28.A.evenB.stillC.everD.ye

41、t解析:我们随时都可以使用E-mail,一天24小时,一周七天,甚至是在节假日。答案:A29.A.butB.soC.becauseD.except that解析:根据上下文可知,此处应表示因果关系。答案:B30.A.keeping touch withB.getting touched toC.losing touch withD.keeping in touch with解析:“和保持联系”应用“keep in touch with”。答案:D31.A.keepingB.keepC.leavingD.leave解析:此空前的“to”为介词,与前面的“from”是连用在一起的,即“from .


43、”。故应选A。答案:A35.A.forB.becauseC.sinceD.when解析:此句意为:你可能会花费很多时间来写信或回信,而此时你本来应该忙于看书准备考试的。所以此处需用when来引导时间状语从句。答案:D36.A.OtherwiseB.OrC.ButD.However解析:根据文意,此处是转折的意思。but后接句子,常不用逗号。otherwise意为“否则,要不然”,不合文意。只有however无论从意思上还是结构上都是最合适的。答案:D37.A.such asB.such likeC.for exampleD.so as解析:such as用于列举,如:I visited sev

44、eral cities such as New York,Chicago and Paris,而for example用于举例子;Id like to keep a petfor example,a cat.所以结合文意应选A。答案:A38.A.full up withB.fullC.filled up withD.fill with解析:表示“充满的,装满的”可以用be filled(up)with或be full of。答案:C39.A.importantB.necessaryC.practicalD.possible解析:结合文意此处肯定是表示查找重要的邮件。necessary必要的;p

45、ractical实际的,实用的。答案:A40.A.moneyB.markC.gradeD.time解析:作为学生,时间应是最宝贵的。答案:D41.A.SometimesB.AlwaysC.AlmostD.Usually解析:通常都是先将邮件放入邮件夹里。答案:B42.A.ifB.althoughC.sinceD.because解析:首先回复最重要的信件。然后,若有时间的话,可以再回复其他的。答案:A43.A.EncourageB.WatchC.DiscourageD.Refuse解析:discourage+名词(人)+from doing为固定用法,意为“打消(某人)要做的念头”。例如:Her

46、 parents tried to discourage her from marrying him.她父母试图劝她打消嫁给他的念头。答案:C44.A.examineB.check upC.findD.realize解析:examine,check up,find都意味着你肯定要看这些信息,所以与下文相矛盾。答案:D45.A.laterB.immediatelyC.afterD.soon解析:立即删去,这样你就不会想着去读了。答案:B第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。AComputers have many uses

47、 today.Computers can solve difficult problems and control other machines.Many people use small computers called calculators to solve simple maths problems quickly.Scientists use large computers to solve many problems at the same time.You can play games with computers,and some computers can help you

48、learn languages.The Kurzweil Reading Machine is a special kind of computer.It can read books for blind people.To use the Kurzweil machine,a blind person can simply open the book and put it down on the scanner.The machine “reads”the words on the page.When one page is finished,the blind person turns t

49、he page and puts the book on the scanner again.The Kurzweil machine can read in a normal voice or in a special fast voice.It can read words with small letters and large letters.Blind people like the Kurzweil machine because they can “read”anything with it:newspapers,magazines,books,even typed letter

50、s.Many libraries now have Kurzweil machine for blind people to use.The Kurzweil machine can also help shortsighted children learn to read.46.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?A.Uses of computers.B.Calculators.C.Computer languages.D.The Kurzweil Reading Machine.解析:该题为主旨大意题。文章第一段主要说明了计算机在人们

51、的工作和日常生活中所起的重要作用。答案:A47.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A.How computers work.B.How to use a Kurzweil machine.C.How to use the scanner.D.The Kurzweil machine can read in two voices.解析:该题为主旨大意题。该段的第一句话“To use the Kurzweil machine.”,就是该段所要说明的中心问题。答案:B48.Which of the following is true?A.Co

52、mputers can solve all the problems people cant do.B.Large computers can only solve one problem at one time.C.When using the Kurzweil machine,a blind man neednt do anything.D.The Kurzweil machine can help not only the blind people but also the shortsighted children.解析:该题为细节题。根据文章第三段的介绍可以判断出答案。答案:D49.

53、The underlined word “it”refers to_.A.the bookB.the scannerC.the Kurzweil machineD.the blind 解析:it应该指代的是上一个句子的主语,即the Kurzweil machine。答案:C50.Why do blind people like the Kurzweil machine?A.It can help them learn languages.B.It can help them read books,newspapers,etc.C.It can read in a normal voice.D

54、.It can read words with small letters and large letters.解析:第一段最后一句话“It can read books for blind people.”就介绍了该机器的功能。答案:BBLife in the Eskimo lands cannot change completely.You do not often see an igloo(a small round house with blocks of snow) or a kayak(the Eskimos boat) today,but you will see Eskimos

55、 fishing through a hole in the ice or waiting for a seal to come to the surface for air.The Eskimos sledge has an engine;his fishing boat has an engine;and the young men have a skill with machines that equals their fathers skill with dog teams,kayaks,and harpoon.The trouble is that cleverest and the

56、 most skillful of the Eskimos can find work in the cities of Canada and the United States when they leave college.Everything that they have learnt in school and college has prepared them for city life.If the natural leaders leave the Eskimo lands,what will happen to the Eskimos?The Eskimos taught th

57、eir children with great care.The old stories were told in words which never changed,and the children had to tell them again and again until they knew them perfectly.They learnt the old Eskimo songs and dances which expressed their ideas about nature and the spirit world,and most of all they learnt t

58、he skills which kept the Eskimos alive in a hard landthe skills which used every part of the animals,birds and fish and the few plants and trees.51.The first paragraph is mainly about_.A.the Eskimos life in the pastB.the Eskimos life nowC.some changes in the Eskimos lifeD.the young Eskimos解析:作者用了“Yo

59、u do not often see.,but you will see.”来描述所发生的变化。答案:C52.In the first paragraph the word “equal”means_.A.be the same asB.be different fromC.be more thanD.be less than答案:A53.The Eskimos taught their children_.A.Eskimo songs and dancesB.old storiesC.skills of huntingD.all of the above解析:答案在最后一段。答案:D54.N

60、ow the Eskimos have hot sledges with engines and fishing boats with engines.It means that_.A.their life has completely changedB.nothing important has changedC.everything is the same as beforeD.there are some changes in their life解析:通读全文可知爱斯基摩人现在的生活正在发生一些变化。答案:D55.Now,_can find work in the city.A.all

61、 the EskimosB.none of the EskimosC.the cleverest and the most skillful who get education in collegeD.the leaders解析:阅读第二段可获得。答案:CCJohn James Audubon was born in 1785 and died in 1851,but his name is still talked about every day.Audubon was a scientist who loved nature.He wanted to show people the imp

62、ortance of nature in their lives.He was especially interested in birds,and painted many beautiful pictures of them.In 1950,the National Audubon Society was formed by people who were also interested in birds and wanted to continue Audubons nature studies.Even now,when people think of the Audubon Soci

63、ety,they usually think of birds.But the society does other things besides watching birds.The members of the Society try to improve the environment as much as they can.They let the public know about laws that are needed.They have helped to pass many laws that protect birds and animals,and people,too.

64、They teach young people how to protect their environment.They try to make their own communities clearer,better places to live in.John James Audubon knew that nature was important.He did not know how important his work would become.56.“His name is still talked about every day.”means “_”.A.People seld

65、om speak of his name.B.He is still remembered by people.C.His name is very important.D.Pay attention to his name,please.答案:B57.The National Audubon Society was founded by_.A.Audubons supportersB.Audubon himselfC.the scientistsD.the painters of birds 解析:由第二段第一句话“In 1950,the National Audubon Society w

66、as formed by people who were also interested in birds and wanted to continue Audubons nature studies.可以推断出,该组织的成立并非Audubon本人,而是后来和他有共同的爱好,并且愿意继续他的研究的人发起成立的。答案:A58.People often think of birds when the Audubon Society is told about because _.A.the Society did a lot in protecting birdsB.some birds had

67、joined the Society C.the Society had no interest in birdsD.all the members of the Society were painters of birds解析:该题为推理判断题。正是因为该组织在鸟类保护方面的工作而被人们所了解并记住。答案:A59.Which of the following is NOT done by the members of the National Audubon Society?A.Watching birds.B.Teaching people how to protect environme

68、nt.C.Improving the environment.D.Passing laws that protect birds,animals and people.解析:该题为细节判断题。根据第三段中“They have helped to pass many laws that protect birds and animals,and people,too.”这句话我们知道,他们帮助促成保护动物的法律,但他们并非法律的制定者。答案:D60.What do you think is the best title for the article?A.Audubon and the Nati

69、onal Audubon SocietyB.How to Protect Birds C.How to Keep Our Environment CleanD.The Greatest Society 解析:该题为主旨大意题。该篇文章主要介绍了Audubon其人及以他的名义发起组织的National Audubon Society。答案:A 第卷(共20分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分20分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断。如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把

70、多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。Sandy is busy.Like many other girl about her61._age,she spends hours in the telephone,talking to her62._friends.She often go out on weekends.She looks63._after children for other famili

71、es get some money.64._And,of course,during the school years she herself65._has many homework to do.During the football season,66._She and the other pretty girls are leaders for school67._football games.They led the crowd in cheering (加68._油)for school team.The cheers are not long,but it69._takes a l

72、ong time to practise shout together.70._答案:61.girlgirls 62.inon 63.gogoes 64.get前加to65. 66.manymuch 67.去掉the 68.led lead 69.school前加the70.shoutshouting第二节:书面表达(满分10分)假设你是一名叫李华的中学生,你想给未来的统治者超级电脑Q12写一封信,介绍你对“爱和友谊”的看法。信要包括以下内容:1.说明写信的目的。2.说明“爱和友谊”是怎样使世界更美好的,并举例说明。3.说明有了“爱和友谊”之后世界将会是个什么样子。注意:120词左右。参考答案

73、:April 1,2374Dear Q12,My name is Li Hua and I am a middle school student in Beijing.I would like to tell you about two things that I think are very important.Please read what I have to say,because I think it may be helpful to you.I want to tell you about love and friendship.Love is difficult to expl

74、ain,but I will try.Love is a feeling between two people.It is a very happy and warm feeling.When two people love each other,they almost become one person.For example,if a father loves his child,he will feel sad when the child is sad and happy when the child is happy.Friendship is also a kind of love

75、.When two people are friends,they try to understand and help each other.A good friend will be there for you even when you are having a difficult time.Friends do things together and share thoughts,feelings and ideas.Love and friendship are necessary if we want a happy world.If there is love,people wi

76、ll not do bad things to each other;if we have friends,we wont have to feel lonely or afraid.When people feel lonely and afraid,they often get angry with others and do mean things.If we learn to love and be friends,we can live happily together and solve the problems and difficulties we must face in life.Yours,Li Hua


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