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2022届新高考英语北师大版一轮训练:选修8UNIT 22 人与环境、人与动植物 WORD版含解析.doc

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2022届新高考英语北师大版一轮训练:选修8UNIT 22 人与环境、人与动植物 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、课下主题训练 人与环境、人与动植物课时练(一)一、主题语基拓展练 (一)主题词汇盘查 (已会词汇,在内打“”;欠熟练词汇,多翻阅识记)pollutionradiationrubbish litter damage smelly disappearance destruction environment expectation endangered forbid protect punish severe surroundings emission haze noisy consume (二)主题词汇训练.选词填空1Waste water from the factory is the main

2、 cause of the pollution (pollute)2The disappearance (disappear) of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents.3It will cause the destruction (destroy) of our seas and oceans.4Please give him lots of love instead of high expectations (expect); otherwise he will be loaded with great

3、 pressure.5Hes devoted his whole life to the protection (protect) of the rare animals.6A good judge will try to make the punishment (punish) fit the crime.7Everyone should realize the importance of wildlife protection, because some animals are endangered (endanger)8The soldier who disobeyed the comm

4、ander has been severely (severe) punished.写出下列句中加蓝词的汉语意思1The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm. 辐射2Dont leave any rubbish, and dont forget that the ecology of Antarctica is very delicate. 垃圾3Our teacher told us not to drop litter carelessly anywhere. 垃圾4Once the damage is don

5、e, it will take many years for the farmland to recover. 损害5The once beautiful rivers have turned into smelly and dirty dustbins. 难闻的6Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment where they live. 环境7Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning. 禁止8Some

6、insects take on the color of their surroundings to protect themselves. 环境9Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models. 消耗10The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level. 排放二、主题语篇押题练.阅读理解More and more

7、rare species are being threatened by tourism on the Galapagos Islands. Among them are lizards (蜥蜴), birds and other animals that live on the islands. Most of them are killed by the growing number of cars and buses that cross the highlands. Especially finches (雀类), birds that helped Charles Darwin pr

8、ove the theory of evolution, are in danger of dying out completely.The Galapagos, volcanic islands in the Pacific, about a thousand kilometers off the coast of Ecuador, represent a whole ecosystem with animals and plants that cannot be found elsewhere on Earth. UNESCO made the islands a World Herita

9、ge Site.However, the islands are being ruined by environmental changes. Coastlines and harbors show signs of oily water as boatloads of tourists arrive there.Towns have hotels that are only halffinished.The Galapagos Islands have witnessed an economic boom over the past years. About 40,000 people li

10、ve in the richest place in Ecuador, where wages are almost 70% higher than the wages in most of the country. Although Ecuadorian authorities restrict immigration to the islands, many go there in search of a new life. With them arrive new species of ants and insects. They also bring along dogs, cats,

11、 rats and other animals that destroy the natural ecosystem of the islands.What started out as ecotourism with only a few thousand people visiting the Galapagos Islands every year has turned into mass tourism. Today almost 200,000 tourists come to the islands annually. However, they are not so much i

12、nterested in biology or wildlife but in spending a nice vacation.The fight to save the endangered islands has long been underway. Even though the Galapagos Islands are being helped with money from environmental organizations, local people do not always know how to use it. The government has also rea

13、lized that they need to protect the islands, because tourism is a big source of income to the poor Latin American country.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了旅游业对加拉帕戈斯群岛上的生态造成了极大的破坏。1What makes the Galapagos become a World Heritage Site?AThere exists unique wildlife.BTheir economy develops quickly.CA large number o

14、f tourists pour in every year.DThey are the origin of the theory of evolution.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段的“represent a whole ecosystem with animals and plants that cannot be found elsewhere on Earth”可知,加拉帕戈斯群岛因其独特的动植物被联合国教科文组织选为世界文化遗址。2Whats the main reason why immigration to the islands is restricted?AIt brin

15、gs competition to the local labor force.BIt widens the gap between rich and poor.CIt makes the islands very crowded.DIt threatens the ecosystem of the islands.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段可知,厄瓜多尔当局限制移民,主要原因是他们带来的外来生物对岛上的生态造成了威胁。3What do we know about the ecotourism carried out on the islands?AIt has destroyed th

16、e tourism on the islands.BIt has brought real benefits for the locals.CIt has gone into the wrong way.DIt has proved to be a success.解析:选C推理判断题。根据最后两段可知,原本加拉帕戈斯群岛进行的环保旅游结果却变成了大规模旅游,破坏了岛上的生态。4What can be a suitable title for the text?AThe Galapagos Islands begin to appear on UNESCOs listBMass tourism

17、 endangers the ecology of the Galapagos IslandsCThe Galapagos Islands get help from environmental organizationDThe Galapagos Islands are experiencing a period of economic boom解析:选B标题归纳题。本文主要讲了旅游业对加拉帕戈斯群岛上的生态造成了极大的破坏。.完形填空(2021天津模拟)Some of the greatest problems we face today are concerned with the gr

18、adual destruction of our environment.Brown clouds; wildlife _1_; polluted water.These _2_ all seem so huge.So my family does what we can.We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags.We walk where we dont have to _3_.But does it do any good?I recently learned something about flamingos (

19、火烈鸟)These beautiful birds gather in _4_ groups of a thousand or more.Every year, when the time _5_ for migration, a few flamingos start the process by taking off from the lake.But _6_ of the others seem to notice, so the tiny group returns.However, the next day they _7_ again.This time a few more st

20、ruggle along with them, but the vast majority still _8_ no attention, so these pioneers come back.The _9_ continues for several more days.Every time a few more birds join in but, _10_ the thousands of others still take no _11_, the great migration plan is once again _12_.Then one day something _13_.

21、The same small group of birds takes wing and a tiny number more join in, just as before.And this time their total number, though still quite _14_, is enough to tip the balance.As one, the whole group takes flight and the migration _15_.What a _16_ sight it must be thousands of flamingos taking to th

22、e sky at once!A few can make a _17_.Its true that all of the great problems of the world have been solved because of the _18_ efforts of a few.If you believe in a cause (事业), dont _19_! Others will someday take notice and together we will _20_ even our greatest problems.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者从那些准备迁徙的火烈鸟

23、先行者身上认识到少数人也可以产生大影响,最终会带领大多数人行动起来解决与环境破坏有关的大问题。1A.protectionBextinctionCmigration Dseparation解析:选B此处与“Brown clouds”和“polluted water”并列,表示三个严重的问题,指的是野生动物灭绝(extinction),故选B。2A.questions BcostsCexamples Dproblems解析:选D根据第一句中的“problems”可知,这些问题看起来都很严重,故选D。3A.drive BrunCcycle Dstand解析:选A根据本空前的“We walk wher

24、e we dont have to”可知,作者和家人步行去不需要开车(drive)去的地方,故选A。4A.tiny BdifferentChuge Dsimilar解析:选C根据空后的“groups of a thousand or more”可知,一个鸟群有很多只火烈鸟,规模非常大(huge),故选C。5A.comes BpassesCvaries Dmoves解析:选Athe time comes for .表示“到的时候了”,故选A。6A.all BanyCnone Dmost解析:选C根据空后的“so the tiny group returns”可知,其他的火烈鸟中没有谁(none)

25、注意到它们,于是这一小群火烈鸟又飞回到湖面上,故选C。7A.gather BtryCsing Dappear解析:选B根据空后的“This time a few more struggle along with them”可知,第二天,这些少数的先行者会继续尝试(try)起飞(准备迁徙),故选B。8A.attract BrequireCescape Dpay解析:选Dpay no attention to表示“不理会”,故选D。9A.plan BtrendCactivity Dmovement解析:选B此处指火烈鸟起飞准备迁徙的尝试趋势(trend),故选B。10A.since Bthough

26、Cunless Dwhile解析:选A因为(since)成千上万的火烈鸟仍然没有注意到它们,所以大迁徙计划再次被推迟,故选A。11A.responsibility BnoticeCchance Dmeasure解析:选B“take no notice”与上文“pay no attention to”意思相近,表示“没注意到”,故选B。12A.put off Bcut offCcarried out Dworked out解析:选A根据上文先行者又飞回来可知,迁徙计划又被推迟了(put off),故选A。13A.approaches BworksCchanges Ddisappears解析:选C

27、根据空后的“The same small group of birds takes wing and a tiny number more join in”可知,情况发生了改变(changes),又有一些火烈鸟加入,故选C。14A.significant BreasonableCadequate Dsmall解析:选D根据空前的“though”及空后的“is enough to tip the balance”可知,尽管总数仍然很小(small),但足以扭转局面,故选D。15A.continues BdelaysCfinishes Dbegins解析:选D经过多次尝试后,大迁徙终于开始了(be

28、gins),故选D。16A.familiar BstrangeCmagnificent Dunrealistic解析:选C根据空后的“thousands of flamingos taking to the sky at once”可知,成千上万只火烈鸟同时飞上天空,场面一定非常壮观(magnificent),故选C。17A.point BdecisionCdifference Dmistake解析:选Cmake a difference表示“有意义,有影响”,故选C。18A.useless BtirelessCextra Dspecial解析:选B根据上文可知,正是因为那些少数先行者一次又一

29、次的尝试,最后火烈鸟大军才成功迁徙。tireless“孜孜不倦的”,故选B。19A.give up Bgive inCgive away Dgive out解析:选A如果你相信你的事业,那么不要放弃。give up“放弃”,故选A。20A.identify BunderstandCpredict Dsolve解析:选D根据第一段提到的那些与环境破坏有关的问题可知,此处指我们将一起解决(solve)我们最大的问题,故选D。课时练(二)一、主题语基拓展练 (一)主题词汇盘查 (已会词汇,在内打“”;欠熟练词汇,多翻阅识记)preventdeclinereduce replacement natur

30、al disappointment atmosphere challenging environmentallyfriendly recycle harmony species conservation unbearable unbelievable catastrophe widespread circumstance alternative absorb (二)主题词汇训练.选词填空(有两词多余)decline, species, atmosphere, environmentallyfriendly, reduce, recycle, prevent, harmony, widespre

31、ad, alternative 1Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.2There is a great deal of evidence indicating that listening to soft music can reduce stress.3The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxid

32、e into the atmosphere.4Fashion isnt very environmentallyfriendly because it makes people buy things they dont need, just because theyre new.5It is wellknown that the giant panda has become an endangered species.6Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.7There has been a sharp decline in profits this

33、 year.8Carbon dioxide prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.单句语法填空1The country wants to play an active role in the prevention (prevent) of violent conflict.2To our disappointment (disappoint), it turned out that the button didnt work any more.3My se

34、cretary leaves us next week, so we are advertising for a replacement (replace)4When the artificial flowers are contrasted with natural (nature) ones, you can hardly tell the difference.5Challenging (challenge) as the task is, we are confident that we will succeed sooner or later.6The conversation wa

35、s carried on in a harmonious (harmony) and friendly atmosphere.7It was unbearable (bearable) to see the sorrowful eyes of the mourning people.8It would be unbelievable (believable) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.9The surrounding villages have been_absorbed (absorb) by th

36、e growing city in the last ten years.二、主题语篇押题练.阅读理解Meet the longestliving vertebrate(脊椎动物)in the world, the Greenland shark.Found primarily in the very cold waters of the North Atlantic, these slowswimming sharks can be as big as the largest great whites, reaching up to 21 feet in length.Theyre amon

37、g the largest of carnivorous (食肉的) fish, and yet grow perhaps only a centimeter or so a year.Such slow growth yet big size is usually an indicator of a longlived animal.“We only expected that the sharks might be very old,” Julius Nielsen, at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, told NPR.“But we

38、did not know in advance.And it was, of course, a very big surprise to learn that it was actually the oldest vertebrate animal.”Imagine being 150 years old before youre ready to have your first child! Imagine being born before the United States was even a reality.For humans who rarely make it to a ce

39、ntury mark its difficult to fully understand.Little is known about Greenland sharks, even basics such as where they give birth or how many of them there are, though researchers at a conference at the University of Exeter thought that they may mate in “hidden”Arctic fjords.No one has even witnessed o

40、ne hunting, though they have been found to have various vertebrate ones in their stomachs such as polar bear, seals, fastswimming fish and even moose etc.Given the sharks incredibly long lifespans, scientists are diving into the sea creatures genome, looking for clues.That conference also highlighte

41、d the work being done to separate the sharks longevity gene, with complete DNA information gathered from almost 100 sharks, including some born in the 1750s.Finding such a gene could go a long way in explaining why some vertebrates, like humans, have such limited lifespans.These sharks also serve as

42、 swimming history books.Their tissue, bones and DNA could tell us a great deal about the waters of the world from a time before the Industrial Revolution, largescale commercial fishing and the pronounced ocean pollution we see today.Check out what its like to swim with one in this encounter with wha

43、t is a small and young and yet to us, still fairly old Greenland shark.1What can we know about Greenland sharks from the first two paragraphs?ALongestliving, and slowswimming carnivorous vertebrate.BLongestliving, and slowestswimming vertebrate.CLargest, but fastgrowing carnivorous vertebrate.DLonge

44、stliving, largest carnivorous vertebrate but fastgrowing.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第一段可知,格陵兰鲨鱼是世界上最长寿的脊椎动物。根据第二段第一、二句可知,这种鲨鱼游泳缓慢并且食肉。故选A。2Why were scientists surprised after they examined Greenland shark?AGreenland shark can live as old as humans.BGreenland shark is the largest animal in the world.CGreenland sha

45、rk can live more than one hundred years.DGreenland shark is really the oldest vertebrate in the world.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段中的“a very big surprise to learn that it was actually the oldest vertebrate animal”可知,科学家们因为发现格陵兰鲨鱼是世界上最古老的脊椎动物而感到惊讶。故选D。3What kind of animals do Greenland sharks prefer?ABoth polar b

46、ear and seal.BOnly fastswimming fish.CVarious vertebrate animals.DPolar bear, moose and fish.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,格陵兰鲨鱼喜欢吃各种各样的脊椎动物。故选C。4What information can we get from the passage?AScientists declare that they have known all about Greenland sharks.BScientists want to get more information about l

47、ongevity from their study on sharks.CScientists consider sharks can only serve as swimming history books.DScientists just want to know why Greenland sharks have a long life.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第六段可推知,科学家们希望从他们对鲨鱼的研究中获得更多关于长寿的信息。故选B。.阅读七选五(2021潍坊模拟)Hotels in Shanghai are requested to stop offering disposabl

48、e toiletries (一次性洗漱用品) unless customers ask, in order to make efforts to reduce waste and pursue (追求) green development. _1_.The move is stated in a set of regulations on garbage sorting and recycling that went into effect in Shanghai.Under the new regulations, most household plastic wastes should b

49、e sorted and recycled.The city also encourages individuals and companies to reduce their use of disposable plastic products.Kunlun Jing An hotel is one of those that answered the government call that “not offering disposable toiletries unless asked”_2_.“Shanghai is taking a lead in the country to fi

50、ght against plastic waste,” said Gerd Knaust, general manager of Kunlun Jing An hotel.“Hotels should make contributions to sorting and recycling garbage._3_.” _4_. “It is a good thing to reduce waste in daily life,” said Zhang Wei, 40, from east Chinas Shandong Province who checked in the hotel for

51、a business trip.He brought a reusable toothbrush after being informed by the hotel in advance.At least 6.5 million sets of disposable toiletries are said to be used every day if the occupancy rate (入住率) is 50 percent for the 13 to 15 million hotel rooms across China, said Du Liangliang of the Hotel

52、Business Unit of Ctrip, Chinas leading online travel agency. “ _5_,” Du said.AThe hotel said the new measure will help reduce plastic wasteBGuests are encouraged to use recyclable toiletries during their stayCIf hotels stop offering disposable toiletries, it will be great progressDIt is one of the s

53、teps that the government takes to protect our environmentEAlso, we should encourage customers worldwide to lead an ecofriendly lifeFThe hotel has informed people of the change through online and offline meansGPlastic products harm our environment so greatly that we shall reduce their use语篇解读:本文是一篇说明

54、文。为了减少浪费和追求绿色发展,上海的酒店被要求停止提供一次性洗漱用品,除非顾客提出要求。1选B结合上下文可知,在上海实施的一套垃圾分类和回收条例中,酒店被要求停止提供一次性洗漱用品,除非顾客要求。B项“酒店鼓励客人在入住期间使用可重复使用的洗漱用品”承接上下文。故选B。2选A根据下文“在全国范围内,上海在打击塑料垃圾方面处于领先地位”可知,A项“该酒店表示,新措施将有助于减少塑料垃圾”承接下文。故选A。3选E根据上文“酒店应该为垃圾分类和回收做出贡献”可知,E项“同时,我们应该鼓励世界各地的消费者过一种环保的生活”承接上文。故选E。4选F根据下文的举例及本段最后一句中的“being info

55、rmed by the hotel in advance”可知,F项“酒店已经通过线上和线下的方式告知了人们这一改变”符合本段语境。故选F。5选C根据上文“如果全国1 300万到1 500 万间酒店客房的入住率为50%,那么每天至少有650万套一次性洗漱用品被使用”可知,C项“如果酒店停止提供一次性洗漱用品,那将是一个巨大的进步”承接上文。故选C。.书面表达假定你是李华,你校计划周六举行主题为“保护环境,人人有责”的演讲比赛,请给交流生Chris写封邮件,内容包括:1邀请对方参赛;2告知比赛时间、地点;3就如何准备提出建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear

56、Chris, Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Chris,I am writing to invite you to take part in a speech entitled “Start from ourselves to protect our environment”Here are more details.As scheduled, the contest is to be held in our lecture hall by the Student Union on March 10th.You are supposed to get adequately pre

57、pared before the contest.Above all, its strongly recommended that you should talk about the present coronavirus outbreak which caused great loss to our lives and economy, and further analyze the causes and future prevention measures.If you want to attend, please come to the school assembly hall, which is located in the third floor.Dont hesitate to take part! Im sure you will do your part in protecting our Earth.Yours,Li Hua


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