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2018届高三英语译林版(江苏专用)一轮复习课时强化练1 必修1 UNIT 1 SCHOOL LIFE WORD版含解析.doc

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2018届高三英语译林版(江苏专用)一轮复习课时强化练1 必修1 UNIT 1 SCHOOL LIFE WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、课时强化练(一)必修1Unit 1School life.单项填空1Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for building.ArespectBfriendshipCreputationDcharacter【解析】respect尊重,方面;friendship友谊;reputation名声;character性格,品格。句意:独自远足可能是一件有趣的事,也是对健康有好处的事。它还有利于一个人品格的发展。build培养,发展(思想、品格等)。【答案】D2As we know, is the

2、best teacher.AexperimentBexperienceCeffortDskill【解析】句意:我们都知道,经验是最好的老师。experience经验,不可数名词。【答案】B3Jumping out of airplane at ten thousand feet is quite exciting experience.A/;/B/;anCan;anDthe;the【解析】an airplane泛指“任何一架飞机”;experience作“经历,体验”讲,是可数名词,其前应加不定冠词。【答案】C4Dont expect too much of him.After all,he

3、is a child of intelligence.AaverageBslightCstrangeDdifferent【解析】根据前句“不要对他期望太大”可以推断,后面要表达的是这个孩子智力水平一般,故A项正确。【答案】A5The money collected should be made good use the people who suffered a lot in this terrible earthquake.Aof helpingBto helpCto helpingDof to help【解析】正常语序为make good use of the money collecte

4、d to help the people.。故选D项。【答案】D6The centre was bought with money by former Beatles,George Harrison.AdonatingBdonatedCto donateDhaving donated【解析】句意:这个中心是用前披头士乐队歌手乔治哈里森捐的钱买下的。money和动词donate之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。【答案】B7This is the very chance Im looking forward to.Ato whichBwhichCwhoseDthat【解析】先行词被序数词、最高级、

5、the very等修饰时,关系词用that。【答案】D8To have a full discussion of the issue,the committee spent a whole hour their ideas at the meeting.AexportingBexchangingCgoverningDinterrupting【解析】exchange their ideas交换他们的看法(观点)。【答案】B9Dina, for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local adverti

6、sing agency.AstrugglingBstruggledChaving struggledDto struggle【解析】句意:Dina,奋斗了几个月,想找个做女服务员的工作,最后在当地一家广告社谋到了一个职位。此题考查非谓语动词作定语,因Dina与struggle之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且struggle发生在took之前,故用现在分词的完成形式作定语。【答案】C10(2016江苏高考)Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of selfconfidence is his ,I am afra

7、id.AAchilles heelBchilds playCgreen fingersDlast straw【解析】考查情景交际。句意:“杰克还是不由自主地担心自己的工作面试。”“恐怕缺乏自信是他的致命弱点。”A项Achilles heel意为“唯一致命的弱点”,符合语境。childs play 很容易的事;green fingers园艺技能;last straw救命稻草。【答案】A【导学号:36742189】.完形填空(2017扬州中学高三检测)When I look back at my decision to be a working mom,I realize that I didnt

8、 think I had any other choice.Hubby and I had been a twoincome family 1 the time we were married.It didnt occur to me that we would be anything else though its hardly news that the choice has its 2 Hubby travelled a lot when our kids were young,and I often was a weekday single mom.I had an understan

9、ding boss,who allowed me to work a(n) 3 schedule for about 12 years.My 32hour work week provided the chance to 4 in my kids kindergarten classrooms.The woman who cared for the kids in our 5 was truly a gift from God.Nan and I 6 values and parenting styles.Never underestimate(低估)the value of 7 When D

10、ad was away,the kids knew the drill.Though sports activities and piano lessons 8 interrupted our schedules,generally we got up,fed and out without much commotion(混乱)and back in,fed and 9 with a little time left over for a game or a favourite TV show.Mom got a few minutes of 10 before crashing hersel

11、f(睡觉)Looking back on the past,I realize we could have made other 11 We could have been vegetable gardeners.Lots of families 12 on one income.But I think we would have lost something just as important as my 13 My work at the News Sentinel has been 14 and exciting.Ive worked with people I never would

12、have met had I been at home.Ive spent my career 15 sentences and stories and learning and passing along information about our community.My coworkers are my Tennessee family.My work has been 16 to me in important ways,and I think it has made me a more interesting and satisfied 17 and parent.And our f

13、amily has learned to 18 the time we do have together. 19 ,if I had to do it over again,I wouldnt change my decision to be a working mom.And I wouldnt change a single thing about the kids who 20 it.【语篇解读】我回顾我成为一个工作妈妈时,我意识到我没有别的选择。1A.fromBbeforeCatDby【解析】考查介词。句意:从我们结婚的时候开始。故选A。【答案】A2A.benefitsBchallen






19、解析】考查动词。A.income收入;B.children孩子;C.passion热情;D.life生活。“我”认为我们会失去一些像“我”的收入一样重要的东西。故选A。【答案】A14A.funBtiringCdullDdemanding【解析】考查形容词。A.fun乐趣的;B.tiring引起疲劳的;C.dull迟钝的;D.demanding要求高的。句意:“我”在News Sentinel(哨兵报)的工作是有趣的,令人兴奋地。从上文可知,作者很感激老板,珍惜自己的工作,所以此处需要一个褒义的形容词。故选A。【答案】A15A.readingBshapingCrecitingDdigesting



22、C.However然而;D.Otherwise否则。因此,如果“我”再做一次,“我”不会改变“我”是一个工作妈妈的决定。故选A。【答案】A20A.pushed forBcentered aroundCcatered toDlived through【解析】考查动词词组。A.pushed for推动;B.centered around围绕;C.catered to迎合;D.lived through经历过。关于孩子们经历过的“我”不会改变一件事。故选D。【答案】D.阅读理解(2016南京市高三第二次教学质量检测)After students come home from a tiring day

23、 at school,they tend to worry a lot about their homework.Whether students are working on English or chemistry homework,they are simply working on the assignment in order to get it done,attempting to memorize the concepts for the time being and do not absorb any of the information afterward.Students

24、are wasting their time on insignificant assignments rather than effectively using that time to achieve other accomplishments.According to ,many parents are concerned that homework is being assigned rather than being used to integrate(整合)what teachers are covering in the classroom.In their eyes,if le

25、ss homework is assigned,students would have much less stress and could focus more on their passions and hobbies.Homework gets in the way of participating in community service events as well as opportunities for getting a job or being a part of an extracurricular activity.These responsibilities are i

26、mportant for teenagers to take on because they prepare the teenagers for the“real world”Without the proper exposure to work that is not schoolrelated,students will find themselves lost after they graduate.If homework were no longer given,students would have a lot more time to mature in other fields

27、rather than being educated only on academics.In spite of the fact that teachers want students to do better on tests and absorb the material that they are teaching,homework is not accomplishing its purpose.Because school is becoming increasingly more competitive and challenging,homework is becoming a

28、 setback rather than extra practice.Its removal would benefit the wellbeing of teenagers as well as encourage them to get out in the“real world”and discover themselves instead of staring at a pile of assignments.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。过多的作业会妨碍学生参与一些社会活动,削弱学生的社会适应能力。作者认为作业是青少年发展的障碍,取消作业有利于青少年的健康发展。1Students

29、are wasting their time on insignificant homework because Athey are working on it carelessly and hurriedlyBthey attempt to get only part of the information memorizedCthey spend too much time doing it without understandingDthey fail to take in the information after finishing it【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“.atte

30、mpting to memorize the concepts for the time being and do not absorb any of the information afterward.”可知,学生只顾为了完成作业任务,在完成之后并没有吸收相关信息。故选D。【答案】D2Many parents think that teachers should Ahelp students integrate the homeworkBsimplify what they teach in the classroomCreduce homework to develop students

31、own interestsDassign more effective homework for students【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“In their eyes,if less homework is assigned,students would have much less stress and could focus more on their passions and hobbies.”可知,父母们认为老师应该减少作业,这样学生就可以发展自己的兴趣和爱好。故选C。【答案】C3From the third paragraph,we can infer that hom

32、ework might Aleave students lack of job opportunitiesBmake students lose the sense of responsibilitiesCweaken students social adaptation abilityDcause students to feel lost after graduation【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Homework gets in the way of participating in community service events.”,并结合下文可推知,过多的作业妨碍了学生参

33、与一些社会活动,削弱了学生的社会适应能力。故选C。【答案】C4The author insists that homework should be Amade simpler and easierBcompletely cancelledCconnected with social activitiesDswitched over to subject competitions【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“.homework is becoming a setback rather than extra practice.Its removal would benefit the we

34、llbeing of teenagers.”可知,作者认为作业是青少年发展的障碍,取消作业有利于青少年的健康发展。由此可推知,作者坚持认为作业应该完全被取消。故选B。【答案】B.翻译句子(关于人物介绍)提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。1李明是一名大学毕业生,他能说一口流利的英语。Li Ming,who is a university graduate,can speak fluent English.2自从毕业后,他掌管一家大公司。Since graduation,he has been in charge of a big company.3尽管他的工作有挑战性,但他工作很出色。Though his work is challenging,he does it very well.4他挣了很多钱,其中的一些钱捐给了慈善机构。He has earned a lot of money,some of which has been donated to charities.5他赢得了他同事的尊敬。He has won respect from his colleagues.


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