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2016-2017学年高中(北师大版)英语选修7课时作业15 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、课时作业(十五)Unit 21Human Biology.单句语法填空1Tom and Mary have decided to postpone_(bear) a child.答案: bearing2Although the authorities prohibit people_climbing up that section of the Great Wall,some people still visit that area.答案:from 3All courses in this college are designed to cater_the market needs.答案:to

2、4Men will wipe_all the natural resources if they continue consuming them like that.答案:out5As soon as the Hope Project _(come) up at the meeting,it attracted many experts attention.答案:came6With the couple _(work) in a nearby town,their house seems pretty empty most of the time.答案:working7You know I c

3、an be reached by telephone.Why didnt you call me?I did several times,but couldnt get_.答案:through8You may make more mistakes if your paper is left_(uncheck)Thanks a lot.And would you give me some advice on how to polish it?答案:unchecked9As_ matter of routine a report will be sent to the director.答案:a1

4、0It doesnt matter to me _to go by ship or train.答案:whether.完成句子1Dont expect him to approve of your plan_(立刻,马上)答案:straight away2He is always looking for excuses to _(拖延做) something.答案:postpone doing3We are determined to _(彻底消灭) any enemy who dares to invade.答案:wipe out4She went on playing the comput

5、er game,_(让水流着)答案:leaving the water running/with the water running5Dont stand _(双手在口袋里)答案:with your hands in your pockets6The high cost of equipment_(阻止人们) taking up this sport.答案:prohibits many people from.完形填空Homeless animals have the right to be safe and loved.Ive had two_1_adoptions (收养) so far

6、and I want to_2_my story with you in hopes that it will encourage somebody else to realize what wonderful dogs you can find in a _3_.Several years ago my husband and I_4_a beautiful sixyearold German dog in a shelter and we _5_fell in love with him.When we visited him,he was so _6_to see us and gree

7、ted me with a kiss on my hand and knee.He was very naughty and needed to learn some general _7_.But with patience and good training,it didnt take long for him to _8_a gentleman.He was a wonderful dog that will _9_have a place in my heart._10_,he died from bone cancer.It broke my heart to_11_him and

8、I miss him very much._12_,when one door closes another door opens.We_13_our home and hearts to another German dog from the shelter just about a month ago,who is shy,sweet and full of love.Now he_14_ us at the door,waving his tail and is so_15_to see us!Hes such a joy and you can see the _16_ in his

9、big brown eyes.We named him Fritz which means Peaceful Ruler in German,very_17_for this sweet little guy.These are wonderful animals that needed a loving home and Im so happy Ive been able to _18_that for them.Its through no fault of their own that they found themselves abandoned and _19_.I am so th

10、ankful to the shelter for saving these animals so that people like us can find loving_20_.语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者收养流浪狗的故事。1Aunlucky BconvenientCuncomfortable Dsuccessful解析:阅读下文可知,本文讲的是作者“成功(successful)”收养两只流浪狗的故事。答案:D2. Apublish Bmake upCshare Dfigure out解析:由下句的it will encourage somebody else to realize

11、可知,作者是要与读者“分享(share)”自己的故事。答案:C3Ahospital Bshelter Chome Dzoo解析:根据下文的German dog in a shelter,German dog from the shelter以及I am so thankful to the shelter for saving these animals可知,作者是在“流浪动物保护中心(shelter)”收养的狗。答案:B4Afound Bkept Csold Dleft解析:由上文的adoptions一词以及German dog in a shelter可知,作者和她的丈夫在流浪动物保护中心

12、“发现了(found)”一只德国狗。答案:A5Aimmediately BusuallyCgradually Dsecretly解析:由下文作者对这只德国狗的感情可知,在流浪动物保护中心遇到它时,她立即就喜欢上了它。immediately此处表现了作者对狗的喜爱之情。答案:A6Abored Bnervous Chappy Dsad解析:由下文的greeted me with a kiss on my hand and knee可知,这只德国狗看到作者和她丈夫很“高兴(happy)”。答案:C7Amanners BknowledgeCproducts Dnews解析:由上文的He was ver

13、y naughty以及下文的with patience and good training可知,这只狗需要训练“行为习惯(manners)”。答案:A8Aenter into Bdevelop intoCrun into Dfall into解析:根据语境可知,经过耐心的训练,这只流浪狗没用多久就变得像绅士一样具有良好的行为习惯。develop into发展成为,养成。答案:B9Anever BforeverCsometimes Dseldom解析:由下文的It broke my heart可知,作者对这只六岁的德国狗感情很深,她会“永远(forever)”记住这只流浪狗。答案:B10AGla

14、dly BFinallyCHopefully DUnfortunately解析:由he died from bone cancer可知,这只六岁的德国狗“不幸(Unfortunately)”得病去世了。答案:D11Aforget Bmeet Close Dhurt解析:“失去(lose)”狗这件事让作者心碎。答案:C12ATherefore BBesidesCInstead DHowever解析:此处“when one door closes another door opens”表示转折意味。根据下文可知,作者在第一只狗死了以后,又遇到一只心仪的流浪狗。故此处用However较符合上下句意。

15、答案:D13Aopened Bmoved Cshut Dbuilt解析:由上句的when one door closes another door opens可知,失去第一只狗以后,作者全家再次“敞开(opened)”房门和心房,迎接下一只狗的到来。答案:A14Agreets Bwatches Cfollows Dsmells答案:A15Aannoyed Bpuzzled Cscared Dexcited解析:由下文的Hes such a joy可知,这里指第二只狗摇着尾巴,激动地在门口迎接主人。答案:D16Asorrow Bworry Canger Dlove解析:根据语境可知,流浪狗很温顺

16、、善良,眼里总是充满“爱(love)”。答案:D17Asuitable Buseful Cformal Dnormal解析:这里指这个名字非常“适合(suitable)”这只流浪狗。 答案:A18Aprotect Bprovide Cplan Dprevent解析:由上文的These are wonderful animals that needed a loving home可知,作者很高兴能够为流浪狗“提供(provide)”一个充满爱的家。答案:B19Aunafraid BunpreparedCunchanged Dunwanted解析:此句是说,这些流浪狗被遗弃,并不是由于它们自己的错

17、误。unwanted与abandoned(被遗弃)相呼应。答案:D20Aservants BrelativesCworkers Dfriends解析:这里是说,感谢流浪动物收养中心拯救了这些动物,使得人们可以找到心爱的朋友(伙伴)。答案:D.阅读理解Each year about 250,000 Americans study in other countries.Some studyabroad programs are trying harder to get students to learn about the local culture.One student,on his firs

18、t morning in Beijing,was brought to a distant part of the city.He received money and instructions on how to get back. It took some time but he succeeded.William Finlay heads the Sociology Department at the University of Georgia in the United States.He says challenges like this help students experien

19、ce another culture.In 2008,Professor Finlay started a program with South Africas Stellenbosch University.The program combines traditional classroom learning with community involvement through a nongovernmental organization.He says:“Weve been working with a particular nongovernmental organization in

20、the town and we do two things:we run a number of creches (托儿所),which are basically day care centers for children whose parents are working,and the library in the community where there are some computers.Our students typically work either with the little kids in the day care centers or they work in t

21、he library and teach very basic computer skills to mostly young adults.”Hillary Kinsey is studying international affairs.She spent three weeks in the Stellenbosch program.She says it was interesting to learn the history of the area and the recent development.When Ms Kinsey returned from South Africa

22、 recently,she and other students in the program created a nonprofit organization called Ubunto,whose goal is to help improve education and development in South Africa.Mark Lenhart is the executive director of CET Academic Programs.Each year,that company places more than 1,000 students in semester an

23、d summer study programs.The programs are in China,Jordan,the Czech Republic and other countries.He says:“In all of our locations,we place students with local roommates.” Students gain from that,he says,but the experience is not always easy.He says:“Not just in terms of language learning,but they als

24、o find the local culture can present challenges,and perhaps misunderstandings.They have to adjust to local life.Its no longer OK just to have a little Chinese,for instance.If a student is studying Chinese,they want to come home from a program like this fluent in Chinese.And this will enable students

25、 to become more employable when they graduate.”语篇解读许多留学计划帮助美国留学生通过融入当地生活等方式学习当地文化。1The student was taken to a distant part of Beijing to_.Apractice speaking ChineseBexperience Chinese cultureClearn to use Chinese moneyDfetch some money and instructions解析:推理判断题。根据第一段He says challenges like this help

26、students experience another culture可知,将留学生送到北京很远的一个地方的目的是让他们感受中国文化。答案:B2What would the students in the Stellenbosch program do?AThey would work in the library as a librarian.BThey would teach basic computer skills to little kids.CThey would take care of little kids in the day care centers.DThey woul

27、d study computer skills together with young adults in the library.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Our students typically work either with the little kids in the day care centers可知,参加Stellenbosch program的学生会在托儿所照看孩子。答案:C3From Paragraph 4 we can learn that Hillary Kinsey_.Ais willing to help improve education and devel

28、opment in South AfricaBknows everything about the history and recent development of South AfricaCcreated a nonprofit organization to learn more about South Africas culture Dcreated a nonprofit organization to improve Americas education and development解析:推理判断题。从第四段最后一句可知Hillary Kinsey愿意帮助改善南非的教育和发展。答

29、案:A4What would be the best title for the passage?AStudyabroad programs take deeper dive into local cultureBCultural differences challenge American students studying abroadCOrganizations help improve education and development in developing countriesDAmerican students study hard and help a lot in othe

30、r countries解析:主旨大意题。文章开篇提到了一些留学计划帮助留学生学习当地文化,并在下文中具体介绍了几个此类留学计划。答案:A.短文改错Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river.We found the water very dirty that we could hardly catch any fish in it.A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straightly into the r

31、iver,which made the river polluting.In this way most of the fish in the river was killed.Unless the rivers all over the country are polluted like this,no living things will be exist in the water.As we all know,environmental pollution do great harm to living things.Now more and more people have reali

32、zed what serious this problem is.Our government is doing her best to take measure to fight against pollution.We expect that water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.答案:Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river.We found the water dirty that we could hardly catch

33、any fish in it.A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish into the river,which made the river .In this way most of the fish in the river killed. the rivers all over the country are polluted like this,no living things will be exist in the water.As we all know,environmental pollution great harm to living things.Now more and more people have realized serious this problem is.Our government is doing her best to take to fight against pollution.We expect that water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.


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