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宁夏贺兰县景博中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.docx

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1、景博高中 2020-2021 学年第一学期高一年级期末考试 英语考试时间:120 分钟;试卷总分:120 分第 I 卷(选择题)第一部分 听力(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试 卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What did the woman plan to d

2、o this weekend?A. Have a swim.B. Camp in the mountains.C. Go hiking.2. Who catches the fish?A. Jason.B. The man.C. The woman.3. How many people will go to the park? A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A festival.B. Foods.C. TV programs.5. What does the woman suggest the m

3、an do?A. Buy neither of the two items.B. Save money for a better laptop.C. Make a quick decision.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。6. What happened to the

4、man?A. He had a terrible weekend.B. He was hit by a car.C. He fell off his bike.7. How is the bike now?A. It is in good shape.B. It is under repair.C. It is completely damaged.听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。8. How does the woman help the man?A. By opening the door for him.B. By carrying the box for him.C.

5、By putting the books into the box.9. What will the speakers do in the evening?A. Do some shopping.B. Visit their aunt.C. Go to the cinema.听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。10. Whats the date today?A. August 17th.B. August 27th.C. September 5th.11. Why is the woman going to China?A. To be on business.B. To t

6、ake a vacation.C. To visit her relatives.12. What surprises the woman?A. Amandas visit.B. The first-class flight.C. An amazing travel book.听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。13. What does the woman want to find out?A. The suitable work for the man.B. The information on building.C. The nearby workplace.14. Wh

7、at are the mans interests?A. Buying and selling things.B. Building and repairing things.C. Repairing and collecting things.15. What has the man been doing this year?A. Delivering newspapers.B. Helping build a house.C. Selling advertising space.16. In which column does the woman write down “sales”?A.

8、 “Education”.B. “Interests”.C. “Experience”.听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。17. What is the most important in looking for an apartment?A. Enough time.B. Lots of patience.C. A little preparation.18. What does the speaker suggest people do first?A. Spare some time.B. Decide the price range.C. Think about th

9、e facilities.19. What should people consider first when picking out apartments?A. Location.B. Price.C. Traffic.20. What may disappoint people?A. All the great apartments are expensive.B. It will take a long time to find a perfect apartment.C. Apartments dont look as good as described on the website.

10、第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWarm weather gets thousands of people to gather outdoors and celebrate for various events. Here are a few fun festivals that you should travel to see this summer.Naadam (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)Naadam, also known

11、 as “the three games of men”, is the biggest traditional festival held in Ulaanbaatar, the Mongolian capital. Each July, men compete in Mongolian wrestling, horse racing and archery(射箭). Today, women also take art in the archery and girls in the horse racing.Elvis Week (Memphis)If moving your body t

12、o Blue Suede Shoes this summer sounds good to you, then head to Memphis for Elvis Week, usually held in August. Movies, special performances and the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest are just a few activities to keep fans busy. The week of events is held to mark the anniversary(周年纪念日) of the dea

13、th of Elvis Presley, the “King of Rock and Roll”.Glastonbury Festival (Somerset, England)Around 175,000 people gather on a dairy farm in Somerset, England every year for the Glastonbury Festival. Famous bands and singers appear at the 5-day music celebration. The ticket for the festival was 1 when t

14、he festival started in 1970, but today, full-weekend general tickets go for about 248.World Bodypainting Festival (Klagenfurt, Austria)During the annual World Bodypainting Festival in Austria, artists from as many as 50 countries compete using a variety of techniques, including brushes, sponges and

15、airbrushes. Alex Barendregt organized the first festival in 1998, when he was tasked with organizing a new summer event.21. Where can we watch exciting games when attending the festival?A. Peru.B. Austria.C. England.D. Mongolia.22. Which of the following is in memory of a musician?A. Naadam.B. Elvis

16、 Week.C. Glastonbury Festival.D. World Bodypainting Festival.23. What can we learn about the Glastonbury Festival?A. It is held to celebrate the harvest.B. It is held in the downtown area of a city.C. Its ticket price has greatly increased since it started.D. It offers actors a good chance to show t

17、heir talents.BSomeone online sold my mailing address, so now instead of just getting letters from the few charities I can afford to support. I am also getting letters from a dozen other charities asking for my help. One of my more cynical(愤世嫉俗的) friends talked a lot about the old saying, “No good de

18、ed(行为) ever goes unpunished.” I just smiled and didnt argue knowing it wouldnt change his mind. My own mind, however, was remembering another moment from many years ago.It was a windy, snowy day. I was a young dad who had saved just enough cash to buy my children a few presentsfor New Year. As I wal

19、ked to the store I saw a man ringing a bell standing beside a kettle. Next to him was his daughter, a little girl no more than three feet tall. They got together against the biting cold. I took a one-dollar bill out of mywallet and dropped it into the kettle. As the man was thanking me, though, I fe

20、lt pressure on my legs. I looked down and saw that the little girl was giving me her own thank-you hug. I smiled down at her, bent down and hugged her back.Then I went inside feeling the warmth that no winter wind could ever take away.Thinking back to that moment in time reminded me that no good dee

21、d ever goes unrewarded. We may not always get a heartfelt hug but in time every act of giving, every act of kindness, and every act of love that we make flows from heart to heart, around the world and back to us again.No good deed is ever wasted. Dont let this sometimes cynical world get you down th

22、en. Share your love today!Give from your heart. Fill your life with acts of kindness.24. Why did the author receive a lot of letters?A. He had a good many friends.B. His mailbox was made public.C. He let out his personal information.D. Many charities had his mailing address.25. For what purpose did

23、the author go out on a windy, snowy day?A. To ask for help.B. To buy presents.C. To raise money for the poor.D. To give the passers-by warmth. 26.Which of the following can best describe the author?A. Hard-working.B. Thankful.C. Helpful.D. Brave.27. What does the author really want to say in Paragra

24、ph 3?A. A good deed is never lost.B. A little help is worth a deal of pity.C. No good deed ever goes unpunished.D. Treat others as you want to be treated.CListen carefully. Dont answer too quickly. At least, dont say “yes” too soon. A friend might ask, “Want to take a hike?” You should say, “Where?”

25、 If he replies “The entire Appalachian Trail(阿巴拉契亚国家步道)”,take warning. Heres why.The trail is one of the longest marked footpaths in the world. It starts at Springer Mountain, Georgia. It winds(蜿蜒) along the top of the mountains. It goes through 14 states. It ends at Mount Katahdin, Maine. As the cr

26、ow flies, this is about 2,200 miles. But when walked, the trail is 2,600 miles. If you walk nonstop, it takes about six months to walk through the trail.Most hikers begin from Springer Mountain. They start around April 1. This is why. The snow has probably melted(融化) in the south. But there may stil

27、l be snow in the north. By the time they reach Maine, the snow will have been long gone. Whats the chance of making it nonstop? Here is the data. About 1,500 people try it each year. About300 people make it. It is a great challenge.Careful planning is necessary. There are problems to solve. The bigg

28、est one is the weight on ones back. Too many hikers start out with too much. Wise ones dont carry food. They send packages to post offices along the way. There are no campfires allowed. Some shelters are near the path. But the trail is crowded. It is hard to find space. A perfect tent is necessary.

29、And it rains a lot. Great rain gear(用具) is needed. It should be light.Benton MacKaye founded the trail. The first section of the trail was opened in 1923. It is cared for by volunteers in each state. Do you plan to go? Read lots of books by people whove done it.28. What is the example of the crow in

30、 Paragraph 2 used to show?A. The trails view.B. The trails height.C. The trails danger.D. The trails distance.29. What can we know about the Appalachian Trail?A. Only about one fifth of the hikers succeed in hiking every year.B. Most hikers spend a whole year hiking the trail.C. It goes through 14 m

31、ountains in all.D. It is about 2,200 miles long.30. What does the author advise hikers to do?A. Carry enough water and food.B. Wear heavy and warm clothing.C. Bring enough maps and equipment.D. Send packages along the way ahead of time. 31.What is the best title for the text?A. Advice on hikingB. Da

32、ngers of hikingC. Go hiking on the Appalachian TrailD. Introduction of great mountainsDWhen it comes to having a healthy body, seeing may be believing. Experiments suggest that people who are shown pictures of their clogged arteries(动脉阻塞) may be more likely to stay healthy than people who do not.Res

33、earchers studied just over 3,500 people. These people were between 40 and 60 years of age. Each person had at least one risk for heart disease, but no signs of the disorder. The researchers divided these subjects into two groups. The first group received what was called usual care like taking medici

34、ne or talking with health care workers about heart disease. However, the members of the other group were shown pictures of their arteries. Researchers also gave them special guidance on why those pictures might be a sign of future health problems. One year later, the people who watched the images of

35、 their own arteries had less risk for heart disease than those who werent shown the pictures. That is where the “pictures” part may help.Doctors warn that many people think they have healthy hearts but, actually, they do not. Clogged arteries can be a silent killer. It takes many years to develop an

36、d patients may show no signs until the condition is serious and difficult to treat. Because it is a silent killer, experts say patients only remember a small part of what their doctor tells them to do. Seeing a picture is much more effective. To use a popular English expression, “A picture is worth

37、a thousand words.”Smoking, an unhealthy habit, and being short of exercise increase the risk of heart attacks. Exercising for at least30 minutes every day of the week will help to prevent heart disease. Eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, and limiting(限制) your salt intake to

38、 less than one spoon a day, also helps to prevent heart attacks.32. What can we learn from the second paragraph?A. Both of the two groups received so-called usual care.B. More than 3,500 people of all ages took part in the study.C. Seeing pictures of possible illness helps people to keep healthy.D.

39、Heart disease is more difficult to treat without medicine.33. Why are clogged arteries a silent killer?A. Some people are doubtful about what doctors say.B. People cant feel the development of the disease.C. Clogged arteries can kill a person in a short time.D. The illness has a bad influence on peo

40、ples brain health.34. What does the underlined word “effective” probably mean in Paragraph 3?A. Interesting.B. Dangerous.C. Common.D. Helpful.35. What should we do to prevent heart attacks according to the text?A. Stop or avoid smoking.B. Take as much sugar as salt.C. Exercise once a week.D. Eat as

41、many nuts as possible.第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As teens grow older, its normal for them to spend more time with friends. Its a normal part of teens development and a lot of socialization(社会化) is healthy. 36 If you notice any of these signs, its important t

42、o limit the amount of time your teen spends with friends.Time with friends influences other responsibilities. If your teen ignores his responsibilities because hes spending too much time with friends or chatting with them on social media, he needs help in managing his time. It shouldnt get in the wa

43、y of doing homework, finishing things, or taking care of other responsibilities. 37 Provide enough guidance until hes better able to refuse invitations from friends. 38 Dont stop your teen from having any contact with his friends. However, that is likely to cause bad results. Your teen may simply th

44、ink he cant hang out with his friends because you wont let him not because he recognizes theyre bad. Create rules that will help your teen make healthy choices. Make it clear that there will be results for misbehavior.Your teen is breaking the rules. Spending time with friends is a special right. 39

45、 Dont give him unlimitedaccess(接触的机会) to his friends if hes not earning that special right.Your teen is hardly at home. 40 If your teen wants to spend the night at friends homes more often than usual, set some limits to make sure that hes spending time with family.A. But you should pay attention to

46、it at once.B. Your teen is hanging out with the wrong crowd.C. He is also learning how to spend time with his friends.D. But there are a few times when it can become unhealthy.E. If your teen doesnt follow the rules, take away that special right.F. Time management is an important skill that will ser

47、ve your teen.G. While it is normal, friends shouldnt take up all of your teens time.Its important for you to pay attention to your teens activities. Its also important that your teen is around so that hes still being influenced by you and your family values.第三部分 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,从

48、短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was a Thursday evening when I began experiencing stomach pain. I thought it would be fine the next day; however, that was not the 41 .I woke up with even more pain than I had 42 but I just took some medicine and went to my friend Veras house, where her mum

49、saw pain in my eyes but I 43 to be OK. I even took more medicine after a couple of hoursnothing 44 .I was unwilling to go to the doctor, but after a lot of 45 from Vera and her family, I decided to visit the walk-in clinic. Then the doctor said, “You have appendicitis.” I was so 46 .But I had to go

50、to the hospital.The doctor asked the necessary questions and 47 where the pain was coming from. After many 48 , it was confirmed (证实) it was appendicitis. He said I had to have an operation and 49 it for the next morning. My mind was flooded with so many questions. How long would I be out of 50 ? Ho

51、w much would it all cost? Would I be 51for the surgery? If not, what if I couldnt wake up?Veras mom gave me the 52 to my never-ending questions. She said, “Why are you so bothered about the wrong things? This is your life! You can worry about anything, but what if it is too 53 to treat you? What wil

52、l you worry about then?” I 54 had my surgery the next morning and it turned out to be 55 .I was on bed resting for a little over a week. I 56 not to take life for granted. In that week, I found myself 57 my free timenot having to work, just relax. Sometimes its good to take some time off our daily r

53、outines. We shouldnt wait till something 58 us to. Take time out of this 59 moving world to stop and enjoy the wonders of 60 . Enjoy the beautiful people and things around us.41. A. problemB. caseC. questionD. reason42. A. expectedB. plannedC. knownD. discovered43. A. wantedB. agreedC. managedD. pre

54、tended44. A. remainedB. changedC. leftD. continued45. A. pressureB. informationC. descriptionD. introduction46. A. movedB. excitedC. angryD. shocked47. A. thought ofB. blocked outC. found outD. looked for48. A. testsB. surveysC. discussionsD. experiments49. A. challengedB. scheduledC. triedD. studie

55、d50. A. controlB. dateC. workD. order51. A. aloneB. asleepC. awakeD. alive52. A. answerB. methodC. attitudeD. response53. A. lateB. earlyC. rareD. much54. A. finallyB. actuallyC. exactlyD. simply55. A. harmfulB. successfulC. helpfulD. meaningful56. A. happenedB. forgotC. preferredD. learned57. A. im

56、aginingB. appreciatingC. spendingD. using58. A. advisesB. forcesC. persuadesD. reminds59. A. completelyB. quicklyC. graduallyD. obviously60. A. lifeB. chanceC. hopeD. medicine第(II)卷 主观题 第四部分 语法填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Xuan paper, known as one of the Four Treasure

57、s of the Study, first came into 61.(exist) in the Tang73. I always considered myself a very healthy person. Im(身体上地)active.74. However, technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to(解决)a problem, touching lives in countless ways.75. Join a small group bike tour for an evening of(探索)i

58、n the heat of Washington,DC.76. We can observe that(人工的)intelligence has already made an impact on our lives in many ways.77. The change in the colour of the ocean will be one of the early warning(信号)that we really have changed our planet.78. He recommended that she do some research and talk to dent

59、ists about what a healthier candy would(包含).79. If a child approaches him, he will pause to give that child his undivided(注意力).80. Upon graduation from high school, I designed a website to promote the project. The(回应)was enthusiastic.第六部分 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下

60、作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Its been a long time before I left my hometown. I remember it was the beautiful place with an excellent environment, and people

61、there were very kind-hearted. From the pictures sending by my friends, I can see that greatDynasty. The traditional skill of making the paper 62.hand has been passed down through generations. Thechanges have been taken place there. For example, the streets have become wide, and the buildings are hig

62、her. Beside,process takes more than 100 steps, all of 63.require high skills.Take papermaking master Zhou Donghong, for example. He filters (过滤) a mixture of water and fibers, lifts it up, and makes a sheet of paper. It takes him only 15 seconds 64.(form) and shape it, but he has devoted65.(he) to p

63、erfecting the skill for decades.“There are a lot of tricks of filtering the fibers, and timing is the 66.(difficult) part of all. We have only one chance to filter the right amount of fibers, and only the proper weight ensures the paper is neither too thin nor too thick, and the margin (差额) for erro

64、r is 67.(extreme) small, said Zhou.The skill of papermaking, 68.(recognize) as a national treasure, has also proven to be an international one. We felt 69.great sense of pride as it was listed as an intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)by UNESCO in 2009. Since then, many technical schools in Jingxia

65、n County 70.(teach) papermaking.第五部分 单句填空 (共 10 小题,共 10 分) (注意:请运用必修二 Unit1-Unit 4 所学词汇填写)71. Peter Bullock was not only an exciting teacher, but also the man who founded the(辩论)club in my school.72. “It was beautiful.” Naomi said after listening to the recording. “The music was(值得)saving.the people

66、 are dressed modern clothes. Several large shopping mall are being built. My hometown has changed so greatly where I can hardly believe my eyes. I hoped my hometown can become better and better in the future.第七部分、书面表达(满分 15 分)假如你叫李明,在伦敦学习期间,你待在 Jonathan 的家里。请你给 Jonathan 写一封电子邮件表示感谢,并邀请 他明年暑假来你家。内容要点

67、:1. 感谢 Jonathan 让你住在他家;2. 他们给你创造了一个很好的家庭氛围;3. 明年你将中学毕业,届时你将有两个月的假期,你和家人诚邀 Jonathan 暑期来银川度假。 注意:1.词数:100 词左右。2.内容应包括以上要点,并适当增加细节,以使内容连贯。参考答案第一部分 听力15CBBAA 610ABACA 1115BBABC 1620CBABC第二部分 阅读理解21-23 D B C 24-27 D B C A 28-31 D A D C 32-35 C B D A 3640 DFBEG第三部分 完型41-45 BADBA 46-50 DCABC 51-55 CAAAB 56

68、-60 DBBBA第四部分 语法填空61. existence 62. by 63. which 64. to form 65. himself 66. most difficult 67. extremely 68. recognized 69. a 70. have taught 第五部分 单词拼写71. debate 72. worth 73. physically 74. solve 75. exploration 76. artificial 77. signals 78. contain 79. attention 80. response改错1. before-since2. t

69、he-a3. sendingsent4. been删除5. widewider6. BesideBesides7. are dressed后面加in8. mallmalls9. wherethat10.hopedhope第七部分 写作 【参考范文】Dear Jonathan, I cant tell you how much I appreciated your kindness in letting me stay at your home while I was in London. It was a delight to see a loving family. You kept me

70、company and created a great home atmosphere for me. I shall always treasure the time when we were together. Next summer, I will graduate from senior high school and it will be about two months before I go to university, so my parents and I would really like you to come here on vacation. There are a lot of beautiful and historic places in Yinchuan. Im sure you will like it. Meanwhile, we will have a nice time and enjoy ourselves again. Im looking forward to your reply. Please send my best regards to your parents!Yours,Li Ming


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