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《FRINDS老友记》第3季中英文对照完整剧本:309 THE ONE WITH THE FOOTBALL.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家309 The One With The Football Scene: Monica and Rachels, the whole gang is there, the guys are watching football, the girls are cooking Thanksgiving dinner.The Guys: (reacting to a play) Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Awww!Phoebe: Hey, its your Thanksgiving too, yknow, instead of watching footb

2、all, you could help.The Guys: We will. (they dont move) Monica: Okay, Rachel, you wanna put the marshmellows in concentric circles.Rachel: No Mon, you want to put them in concentric circles. I want to do this. (Rachel sticks a marshmellow into Monicas nose. Monica takes it out of her nose by closing

3、 one nostril, and blowing.) Monica: Every year.Opening CreditsScene: Monica and Rachels, continued from earlier.Phoebe: Yknow, for once, I am going to sit down and try to watch one of these things. (just as she sits down) .Ross: Halftime.Joey: Hey, who wants to ah, throw the ball around a little, ma

4、ybe get a little three on three going?Rachel: Oh! That would be sooo much fun!Phoebe: Oh, can I play too? Ive never played football, like ever. Joey: Great, you can cover Chandler.Chandler: No, no, no, I dont, I dont really wanna play.Joey: Come on man! You never want to do anything since you and Ja

5、nice broke up.Chandler: Thats not true! I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. I wanted to start drinking in the morning. Dont say that I dont have goals!Joey: Chandler, you have to start getting over her. All right, if you play, you get some fresh air, maybe itll take your mi

6、nd off Janice, and if you dont play, everyone will be mad at you cause the teams wont be even. Come on.Chandler: Yeah, all right, Ill play.Phoebe: Yay!Rachel: Lets do it! Ross?Ross: What?Rachel: Do you wanna play football?Ross: Um, Monica and I arent supposed to play football.Joey: Says who? Your mo

7、m?Monica and Ross: Yeah.Monica: Well, every, every Thanksgiving um, we used to have a touch football game called the Geller Bowl.Chandler: No, no, no, you say that proudly.Monica: Anyway, Ross and I were always captains, and um, it got kindve competitive and one year, Geller Bowl VI, I accidentally

8、broke Rosss nose.Ross: It was soo not an accident. She saw I was about to tag her, so she threw her big fat grandma arm elbow right into my face. And just keep running.Monica: To score the winning touchdown, by the way.Ross: Whoa, whoa, whoa, ho, ho, ho, you did not win the game, the touchdown didnt

9、 count, because of the spectacularly illegal, oh and by the way savage nose breaking.Monica: (to Chandler and Joey) I won the game.Ross: Oh yeah! Then how come you didnt get the Geller Cup?Rachel: Um, there was a Geller Cup?Ross: Yes, it was the trophy you got if you won the game. But our Dad said,

10、nobody won that game, and he was sick of our fighting, so he took the trophy and. (pauses to collect himself, as he is on the verge of tears saying this) threw it in the lake.Chandler: And was the curse lifted?Ross: Anyway. Thats when our Mom said we were not to play football ever again.Monica: Ykno

11、w what, I think we should play a game. I mean come on, its been twelve years.Ross: Can I see you for a second?(they walk over to the sink and discuss it for a moment) Monica: (shouting) Once!Ross: All right, were gonna play.Chandler: But wait a minute though, how are we gonna get there, though, beca

12、use my Mom wont let me cross the street.Scene: The Park, the gang is warming up for their football game.Monica: Okay. Lets bring it in.Rachel: Wait no, honey, honey throw it to me, throw it to me.Ross: Here you go. (throws her the ball) Rachel: (knocking it down instead of catching it) That almost h

13、it me in the face.Joey: All right, we have to pick captains.Chandler: And then Tineals.Phoebe: Okay, so how do we decide that?Monica: Well, why dont we just bunny up.Rachel, Chandler, and Joey: What?Monica and Ross: (holding both of their hands above their heads making rabbit ears with their fingers

14、.) Bunny!Monica: Okay, looks like Ross and I are captains. Okay, so um, I bunnied first so that means I get to pick first. Joey.Joey: Thank you.Rachel: Monica, Im your best friend.Ross: Sweetie, dont worry youll get picked. Chandler.Rachel: Ross!Monica: Phoebe.(Phoebe kisses Rachel on the cheek, the

15、n joins her team.) Ross: Sweetie, now I pick you.Rachel: You dont pick me! Youre stuck with me!Ross: Okay. All right. So lets see, lets play from the trash can, to the lightpost. Right. Two hand touch, well kick off.Monica: All right people listen, Ive got exactly twenty-eight minutes before I have

16、to baste again.Chandler: Wow! Just like in the pros.Monica: Huddle up.Joey: (to his team) All right, huddle up, right over here.Phoebe: Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me! Oh cool, this is my first huddle.Monica: Okay.Phoebe: Okay, so what do you guys really think of Chandler?Monica: Okay, Phoebe

17、 you know what youre doing right?Phoebe: Yeah.Monica: Okay, Joeys gonna catch it, and you and I are gonna block.Phoebe: Whats block?Monica: Phoebe, I thought you said you know what youre doing?Phoebe: I thought you meant in life.Monica: Break.(Chandler is getting ready to kick off, Ross is holding t

18、he ball between his foot and finger.) Chandler: The ball is Janice. The ball is Janice. (goes to kick the ball but kicks Rosss foot instead.) Ross: Oww! Son of a.! Ow! Come on!Chandler: Sorry. Im sorry. Yknow what, were just gonna throw it.(Chandler throws the ball to kick-off.) Joey: I got it. (cat

19、ches the ball) Phoebe: Go! Go! Go!(Joey runs up field and fakes out Ross and scores a touchdown. His team all celebrates the touchdown.) Monica: Score! 7 to nothing!Rachel: (coming over to Ross, who is just getting up) Are you okay?Ross: Come on, lets go!Monica: Losers walk!Ross: Yeah, losers talk!C

20、handler: No, no, no, actually losers rhyme.cut to later, Rosss team has the ball.Chandler: (coming up under center, just like a real quarterback does, and puts his hands between Rosss legs.) Twenty-three! Seventy-four! (Ross stands up and looks at him) You wanna go shotgun?Ross: Yeah!Chandler: (from

21、 the shotgun) Hike!Monica and Joey: One-Mississippi. Two-Mississippi. Three-Mississippi.(Rachel runs a quick slant.) Rachel: Over here!(Chandler throws her the ball, which she drops.) Rachel: (proud of her self) I almost caught that one!Chandler: Great! Now, the score is 7 to almost 7.Ross: Okay, (t

22、o Chandler) this play, I want you to do a down and out to the right. Okay. Break!Rachel: Wait, what am I gonna do?Ross: You, you go long.Rachel: Wait, how long?Ross: Until we start to look very small.Rachel: Okay.Ross: Break!cut to later, Monicas team has the ball.Joey: Set.hike!Ross: One-Mississipp

23、i, two-Mississippi, switch! Switch! Switch!Chandler: No, no, no, no, no!(Monica throws the ball over Joeys head, its stopped from rolling away by a very beautiful woman.) Joey: Haaaaa! Hey-hey, thanks for stopping our ball.Woman: (in a foreign accent) You are playing American football?Joey: Yeah! Wo

24、w, your like from a whole other country.Woman: Im Dutch.Joey: Hi-hi, Im Joey.Woman: Im Margha.Joey: Im sorry Dutch, I didnt get that last little bit.Chandler: (running up) Hey Joey, do you wanna play football or you wanna. (sees Marhan) Hi, Im Chandler.Margha: Hello, Chandler.Joey: Her name is Dutch

25、, and also Marklan.Margha: Margha.Joey: Mar-klan.Margha: Mar-gha.Chandler: Mar-haaaan.cut to Ross and Monica.Monica: Come on guys! Lets go! Come on, its second down.Ross: Uh, hello, its third down.Monica: No its not, its second.Ross: Wow!Monica: Wow, what?Ross: It just amazes me that your still pull

26、ing stuff like this.Monica: Pulling what? Its second down.Ross: Okay, its second down. (turns away) Take all the second downs you need.Monica: I heard that!Ross: Well, I said it loud.cut to Chandler, Joey, and Margha.Margha: It is okay, if I stay and watch?Chandler and Joey: Yeah! Why dont you stick

27、 around. You can sit right there.(she goes and sits down) Chandler: Well, that went well.Joey: I think so.Chandler: Yknow, I was thinking about ah, asking her for her number.Joey: Thanks man, but I think it makes a stronger statement if I ask for it myself, yknow.Chandler: Whoa-ho, whoa! No, I was t

28、hinking about yknow for me, as a part of that whole getting over Janice thing you were talking about.Joey: Oh, yeah, that. All right, means that much to ya, Ill let you have her.Chandler: Thanks. What, let me have her?! What do mean? Like if you didnt I wouldnt have a shot?Joey: Well I dont like to

29、say it out loud, but, yeah! Dont feel bad man, we all have our strengths. Youre better with numbers and stuff.Chandler: Math! Youre giving me math! All right, look yknow what, forget about it, you go for the girl, well see who gets her.cut to later, in Rosss huddle.Ross: Chandler, I want you to run

30、a post pattern to the left, okay. And sweetie.Rachel: Yeah, I know, go long. Yknow, its like all Im doing is running back and forth from the huddle.Ross: Well ah, you wanna just stay out there?Rachel: Can I see that for second.Ross: Yeah.(Rachel takes the ball from his hands and bounces it off of Ro

31、sss forehead and Chandler catches the rebound.) Ross: Okay. Hut! Hike!(Chandler runs around behind Ross, who pitches him the ball. Chandler runs upfield, and Joey knocks the ball out of his hands.) Joey: Fumble!(Joey starts to return the fumble and Chandler grabs Joeys shirt and rips it off of his b

32、ack.) Joey: What the hells the matter with you?! This is my favourite jersey.Chandler: Well now you have two. Hey, I am good at math.Joey: All right, thats it. Yknow I was still gonna let you have her. But now, forget about it. Prepare to feel very bad about yourself.Chandler: Hey! Well, Ive been pr

33、eparing for that my entire life! Or something about you thats mean!Monica: All right, come on guys, lets go! Tie score, and were runnin out of time. Forty-two! Thirty-eight! Hike! (the timer sounds as Monica throws the ball to Phoebe.) Phoebe: Oh I got it! (catches the ball) Oh! Ew! Broken boob! Ow!

34、Joey: Pheebs, run!Monica: Run, Phoebe, run!(Phoebe runs and scores a touchdown.) Phoebe: Touchdown! Touchdown!Ross: Uh, hello, the buzzer buzzed. It doesnt count.Monica: After the snap!Ross: Before the snap!Joey: After!Chandler: Before!Rachel: Now, does it really matter?All: Yes!Phoebe: Well, okay,

35、I made a touchdown. It was my first touchdown. So?Ross: Oh Pheebs, thats great. It doesnt count.Monica: Does so count!Ross: Cheater, cheater, compulsive eater.Phoebe: Oh my God!Monica: Yknow what, thats fine, maybe you havent grown up, but I have.Ross: Oh-ho, okay.Monica: Dead leg! (kicks him in the

36、 thigh.) Ross: Ow! Ow! Okay, okay, fine, fine! All right, you wanna win by cheating, go ahead, all right. Phoebe the touchdown does count, you win.Phoebe: Woo-yay!Monica: No! Listen, Im not gonna go through this with you again, okay. Just once I wanna beat when you cant blame it on the broken nose,

37、the buzzer, or the fact that you thought you were getting mono. Lets just call this, tie score and its halftime.Ross: Okay, first of all, I dont play with cheaters, and second of all, you know I had swollen glands!Monica: Yknow what? Ill think youll play.Ross: Oh really! Why is that?cut to Monica an

38、d Rachels.Monica: Because the winner gets this!Ross: The Geller Cup.Chandler: Is everybody else seeing a troll doll nailed to a two by four?All: Yeah.Chandler: Okay, good.Commercial BreakScene: The park, the gang is returning to play the second half of the game.Ross: Okay, where in the hell did you

39、get that?!Monica: When Mom and Dad drove you to the hospital to get your nose fixed, I swam into the lake and fished it out.Ross: That cup is mine!Monica: No its not! You want it, youre gonna have to win it!Rachel: All right, so are we not having dinner at all?Monica: Come on Phoebe, lets go! Come o

40、n, its time to get serious, huddle up. Joey, keep your head in the game.Joey: Its hard, yknow, his huddle is closer to Dutch girl.Monica: All right look, if I take Chandler out of the running will you be able to focus?Joey: What are you gonna do?Monica: All right, you just make sure that Chandler ca

41、tches the ball, Ill take care of the rest.Joey: Okay.Monica: Break!Joey: Here you go!(Joey throws the ball to Chandler) Ross: Chandler! Chandler!(Chandler catches the ball and starts to run upfield.) Chandler: (to Margha) Hi.(just as he gets in front of Margha, Monica comes up and tackles him) Monic

42、a: Whoa! Whoa! Tackled by a girl! Bet ya dont see that everyday, do ya?Ross: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whats with the tackling?Monica: What?! I just touched him and he went over.Ross: Okay, you wanna play rough, we can play rough.(They both stare each other down as we hear Lets get ready to r-r-r-rum-ble!)

43、(A long football sequence follows.) Sequence 1: Monica throws the ball over Chandlers head to Joey who catches it for a touchdown, and starts to dance in celebration. Chandler then tackles him, and he starts to dance in celebration.Sequence 2: Monica runs upfield and stops, waiting for a pass. Ross

44、runs over and pulls her pants down, steps in front of her and intercepts the pass.Sequence 3: Chandler throws a pass to Ross, who catches it. Phoebe starts screaming and runs up to him and tries to tackle him. But all she ends up doing is running around his waist and screaming.Sequence 4: Ross hikes

45、 the ball to Chandler, and the camera pans down to show Rachel standing deep in the end zone, playing with her gum. Something hits her on the head and she looks up to see where it came from.Sequence 5: Monica hands the ball off to Phoebe, who runs up field and delivers a fore-arm shiver to Chandler,

46、 knocking him over and scores the touchdown, and she yells.Phoebe: I love this game!cut to Ross who walks up to Rachel who is eating a baked pretzel.Ross: Hey, whered you get that?Rachel: I went really long.Monica: Forty-two to twenty-one! Like the turkey, Ross is done!Ross: Its no surprise that you

47、r winning, cause you got to pick first, so you got the better team.Monica: Youre so pathetic! Why cant you just accept it, were winning because Im better than you.(Ross makes a Yeah. Right. sound.) Monica: Oh, what a great argument, exhaling! All right, yknow what, Ill prove it to you, okay. Ill tra

48、de you Joey for Rachel, and Ill still win the game.Ross: What?! The guys against the girls? See, thats ridiculous Monica, because Im only down by three touchdowns.Monica: Oh, then bring it on! Oh, unless of course your afraid you might lose to a bunch of girls.Ross: Fine, fine, Rachel your with Moni

49、ca, Joey youre with me.Rachel: I can not believe your trading me!Monica: Come on Rach, come on. Lets see whats it like to be on a winning team for a change.Rachel: Are you gonna let me play?Monica: All right then.cut to the guys team.Margha: (coming over) The game is over, we eat now?Chandler: No-no

50、-no-no, the games not over, were just switching teams.Joey: Yeah, Chandler finds me so intimdating that its better if were on the same team.Ross: Right. Okay, lets play. Lets go.Chandler: No ah, hold on a second Joe, where do Dutch people come from?Joey: Ah well, the ah, Pennsylvania Dutch, come fro

51、m Pennsylvania.Chandler: And the other ah, Dutch people, they come on from somewhere near the Netherlands, right?Joey: Nice try. (to Margha) See the Netherlands is this make believe place where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell come from.Margha: Oh, my.Ross: Enough with geography for the insane, okay? Lets

52、play some ball, guys.Joey: Whoa, whoa, no, no, I-Im not playing with this guy, now.Chandler: Fine with me.Ross: Okay, yknow what, lets just cut to the chase here. Okay? Heidi, which of my boys do you like?Chandler and Joey: What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Margha: Which do

53、 I like?Ross: Yeah, yknow for dating, general merriment, taking back to your windmill.Margha: Well, if I had to chose right now, which by the way I find really weird, I would have to say, Chandler.Chandler: Yes!Joey: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! She obviously didnt understand the question.Chandler:

54、 Well, you dont you have Captain Hook explain it to her.Margha: Im sorry, Joey, that is my chose.Chandler: You hear that! That is her chose, mister Ill let you have her! I win! You suck! I rule all! A mini-wave in celebration of me! (does the wave.) Margha: Im now thinking I would like to change my

55、answer to, no one.Chandler: Wh-what?Margha: I now find you shallow and um, a dork. All right, bye.Joey: Nice going. You just saved yourself a couple months of sex.Chandler: Yknow what, it doesnt matter, cause she picked me. Me! From now on I get the dates and you have to stay home on Saturday nights

56、 watching Ready, Set, Cook!Ross: Save the breakthroughs for therapy, okay. The clock is ticking. We have no time, and we are losing, we are losing to girls.Chandler: Were not gonna lose to girls.Ross: Hey! Its 42-21!Joey: This sucks, I was just up by that much!Monica: Are we playing football or what

57、? Come on you hairy-backed Marries.cut to the girls huddle.Monica: We have to do this. We are playing for women everywhere. Okay, just think about every lousy date that you ever had, okay, every guy who kept on the TV while youre making out.Phoebe: Oh my God! You dated someone with a glass eye too?!

58、Monica: Come on, okay, come on this is for all womankind. Lets kill um!Rachel: Yeah! Kill um!Phoebe: All right, no, well I want to kill them to, but their boys, yknow how are we gonna beat three boys?(Another football sequence follows) Sequence 1: Chandler is running past Phoebe with the ball, Phoeb

59、e flashes him, he stops and stares dumbfounded at her. Phoebe then runs up and takes the ball away.Sequence 2: Phoebe throws the ball, and its intercepted by Joey, who starts to run up field. Rachel jumps on his back in order to try and tackle him, but she doesnt slow him down. Monica and Phoebe the

60、n both grab her legs in order to stop Joey, who still manages to fight through the tackle and score the touchdown.Sequence 3: Chandler is running with the ball, Phoebe flashes him again, but Chandler covers his eyes, and keeps running. He then runs into a tree at the end of the field.cut to the girl

61、s huddleMonica: All right, we still have a minute and a half to go, and were down by two points. Two points. (she gets interrupted by the guys, who are doing a slow-motion high five.) Phoebe you do a button-hook again. Rachel, you go long.Rachel: No! Come on! Dont make me go long. Use me. They never

62、 cover me.Monica: Honey, theres a reason.Rachel: God, Im not lame, okay. I can do something. I can throw, would you let me throw, come on this is my game too.Phoebe: Come on Mon, let her throw the ball.Monica: All right Rachel, you sweep behind, Ill pitch it to you, you throw it down field to Phoebe

63、. All right. Break.Rachel: Thank you! Break!Monica: Thirty-two! Seventy-one! Hike!(Phoebe snaps the ball to Monica, who pitches back to Rachel.) The Guys: One-Mississippi! Two-Mississippi! Three-Mississippi!(They all rush toward Rachel, who panics and runs away. She runs out of the park and up along

64、 the fence, she then comes back into the park and runs past Monica, as she gets to Monica, she throws the ball at Monica, and it hits her in the eye.) Rachel: Im so sorry! Are you okay?Monica: No! Im not okay!Rachel: Im sorry, they were just all coming at me, and I didnt know what to do.Joey: (looki

65、ng at the timer) Thirty seconds left on the timer!Chandler: Okay, okay, so we get to take that stupid troll thing home!Monica: Come on! Come on! Hurry! Were running out of time! Huddle up!Phoebe: Okay. Oooh! Oh, this is our last huddle, yeah.Monica: All right, Phoebe get open. Rachel, go long.Rachel

66、: (on the verge of tears) Okay.Monica: Break!(In slow motion, Phoebe snaps the ball, Rachel goes long. Joey and Chandler and all over Phoebe, leaving Rachel wide open. Ross starts to rush Monica, who sees Phoebe is double covered, in desperation she throws to Rachel. We see flying through the air, a

67、nd then Rachel running underneath it, then the ball, then Rachel again, then the ball, then Phoebe, Chandler, and Joey staring at it in shock. Then with the grace of Jerry Rice (no offense to Jerry Rice) , Rachel catches the ball, and she stops and spikes the ball. Both Phoebe and Monica erupt in ce

68、lebration.) Rachel: (in triumph) I got a touchdown! We did it!Chandler: Hey-hey-hey Rachel, funny thing. Actually, the ah, end zone starts at that pole, so youre five feet short, so we win!Phoebe: Wait-wait-wait-wait! So, explain something to me though, if, if nobody tagged Rachel, then isnt the pla

69、y still going.(they all start to dive for the ball and Monica and Ross grab it at the same time.) Ross: Let go! Let go!Monica: Let go! Im a tiny little woman!Chandler: Guys! Guys! Come on! Its Thanksgiving, its not important who wins or loses. The important thing is, (to Joey) the Dutch girl picked

70、me! Me! Not you! Holland loves Chandler! Thank you, Amsterdam! Good night!Monica: Ow!Closing CreditsScene: Monica and Rachels, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, and Joey are eating Thanksgiving dinner.Rachel: We should defiantly play football more often. Maybe theres a like league we could join or something

71、.Phoebe: Isnt there a national football league.Chandler: Yes. Yes, there is, they play on Sundays and Monday nights.Rachel: Oh shoot! I work Monday nights.Phoebe: Umm, this stuffing is amazing. Do you think we should bring them some?Joey: When theyre hungry enough, theyll come in.Scene: The park, it

72、s dark outside and Monica and Ross are still fighting over the ball.Monica: Let go!Ross: No! You let go!Monica: No!Ross: How come its always us left in the field holding the ball?Monica: I dont know. I guess the other people just dont care enough.(It starts snowing.) Ross: Hey! Its starting to snow.

73、(They both look up, and watch it start to snow. Then they both start fighting for the ball again.) Ross: Gimme the this!Monica: Let go!End309 橄榄球比赛拜托!你们也要过感恩节不要老看足球,来帮帮忙我们知道啊你要把棉花糖排成同心圆不,是你要把棉花糖排成同心圆我要的是这样年年如此十码、五码触地得分,太棒了我这倒想看足球试试看中场休息谁想出去玩玩球?来个3对37一定很好玩我可以参加吗?我从来没玩过足球太好了,你可以防守我不想玩球你跟珍妮丝分手之后就一直提不起劲



76、球队一样好,临场会议临场会议等等我太棒了!这是我的第一次老实说你们觉得钱德怎么样?你知道自己在做什么吧?乔伊接球,我们阻挡什么叫“阻挡”?我还以为你知道自己在做什么我以为你是指人生的方向开始球是珍妮丝该死拜托!对不起这样吧,我们用丢的好了我来接快得分,7此0亲爱的,你没事吧?我们来输家滚蛋是吗?输家只会说其实输家是押韵的四 三 七 四拉开进攻阵势好吗?好一秒钟、两秒钟这里我差点就接到了太好了,我们差点就得分了这场比赛,我要你往前场跑再用假动作往右边跑,好吗?开始等等,那我要干嘛?你?你跑远一点多远?到你几乎看不见我们为止开始一秒钟、两秒钟换防守位置谢谢你挡住了我们的球你们在玩美式足球?哇!你好

77、像是外国人我是荷兰人嗨,我是乔伊我是玛嘉对不起,荷兰人最后一个字我没听懂乔伊,你还玩球还是嗨,我是钱德哈罗,钱德她叫做荷兰人,又叫做玛亨来吧,开始了第二次十码进攻喂,是第三次十码进攻了才不是,这是第二次而已哇哇什么?我真没想到你现在还来这一套哪一套? 这是第二次进攻好,是第二次进攻你要来几个第二次进攻都可以我听到了我就是说给你听的我可以留下来看吗?你只管坐着看对啊,留下来吧我想也是我想跟她要电话号码谢了,老兄但我自己开口比较有说服力我是替我自己要的好帮我忘了珍妮丝对啊好吧,如果这么重要我就让给你吧谢了让给我?你是说如果你不让贤我就没有机会?我没有说得这么明显,不过没错别难过,我们各有优点你比较







84、这是最后一次临场会议了好,菲比,摆脱防守,瑞秋跑远一点好比赛开始我成功了,触地得分,成功了你们知道吗?很奇怪边锋的位置是在那个柱子那里所以你还差了五尺,所以我们赢了太好了等等,请你们解释一下如果没有人抱住瑞秋那比赛就还没结束吧?让开想都别想,放手放手?我是个小女人拜托,今天是感恩节输赢并不重要重要的是荷兰女孩选了我是我,不是你,荷兰爱钱德谢谢,阿姆斯特丹,晚安我们应该多抽空玩足球也许我们可以参加哪个联盟不是有个“国家足球联盟”吗?没错,星期天和星期一晚上比赛太可惜了我星期天晚上要上班这菜真好吃要给他们带一些过去吗?他们饿了自然会进来放手不,你放手为什么每次都只剩我们两个人抱着球不放?不知道,我想是因为其他人不太在乎吧开始下雪了把球给我,放手放手,快放手11 版权所有高考资源网


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