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2015-2016学年高中英语(外研版必修五)课时作业:MODULE5 PERIOD THREE .docx

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1、Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.语境填词1The money was collected for a specific (特定的) purpose.2Mandela became a symbol (象征) of the antiapartheid struggle (反对种族隔离斗争)3He won the champion (冠军) in the National Games.4The material is of poor quality (质量)5He scored (得分) 98 on the test.6He ran well in the heats

2、 but came in last in the final(决赛).同义词辨析1用purchase,buy的适当形式填空(1)Employees are encouraged to purchase shares in the firm.(2)I shall use this money to buy a new coat.(3)They purchased life at the cost of honour.解析二者均有“买”的含义,不少场合可以互换,但前者属正式用语和商业用语,而后者为普通用语。purchase作动词时,还可意为“(以某种代价)换得”;作名词时,意为“购买;购买物”;作

3、“购买物”讲时,一般用复数形式。2用declare,announce,publish,proclaim的适当形式填空(1)The result will be announced soon.(2)The US declared her independence in 1776.(3)The news was announced by Radio Beijing.(4)Todays newspaper published this news.(5)The Government proclaimed a state of emergency.解析这四个词都含“明确地声明或宣布的意思”。declar

4、e经常用于正式场合,指“清楚,有力地,公开让人知道”。announce指“把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众”。publish指“通过口头和书面方式让公众都知道,但主要是后者”。proclaim用于公共或正式场合,特别指“重大的事件”,着重“庄严地向广大群众宣布”或“严肃认真地申明”。.完成句子1玛丽和她的父母一起去了长城。Mary together_with her parents has gone to the Great Wall.2我读过他所有的小说,包括最新的那本。I have read all his novels,including_the_latest_one/the_late

5、st_one_included.3她站起来感谢所有的观众。She rose_to_her_feet to thank all the audience.4我们一到达车站,火车就开走了。No_sooner had we arrived at the station than the train left.5人们认为他是个诚实的人。He is_thought_to_be an honest man.6由你作出这个决定。The choice is up_to you.单项填空1We should consider the students request _the school library pr

6、ovide more books on popular science.Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere答案A 解析句意:我们应该考虑学生提出让学校图书馆增加受欢迎的科技书籍的要求。request后接的从句说明的是其内容,从句中不缺少句子成分,故用that引导同位语从句。when引导同位语从句,在从句中作时间状语;which不引导同位语从句;where引导同位语从句,在从句中作地点状语。2Perseverance is a kind of _and thats what it takes to do anything well.Aquality Btemper Ctalent

7、 Dappearance答案A解析句意:毅力是一种品质,是做好任何事情所需要的。quality品质,素质,符合句意。temper脾气;talent天才,才能;appearance出现,相貌。3Life used to be _for the poor children in that area.Farm work took up most of their spare time.Apractical Bboring Ccolorful Dtough答案D解析句意:在那个地区对于穷孩子们来说生活曾经非常艰苦。农活占据了他们大部分闲暇时间。tough困苦的,艰苦的,符合句意。practical实际

8、的;boring枯燥的;colorful多彩的。4Wang Zhizhi isnt a good player in NBA._.He is a good player,even if he is not as good as Yao Ming.AYou are absolutely wrong BThats the pointCThats not the point DYour are quite right答案C解析不同意对方观点,表明“这不是问题的根本”,用Thats not the point。You are absolutely wrong“你绝对错了”,不符合语言环境。5Short

9、ly after the accident,two _policemen were sent to the spot to keep order.Ascore of Bscores of Cdozens of Ddozen of答案A解析句意:事故发生不久,40名警察被派往出事现场维持秩序。score,dozen前有数词时,用单数形式,score后可跟 of,也可不跟,dozen后不跟of。scores of,dozens of前不加数词。6Its reported that the United States uses _energy as the whole of Europe.Aas t

10、wice Btwice as many Ctwice as much Das twice much答案C解析考查倍数句型。句意:据报道美国用的能源是整个欧洲的两倍。倍数表达:倍数as形容词或副词原级as。7Youve been getting home very late recently._?Cant I enjoy myself if I want to?ASo how BSo what CSo why DSo where答案B解析句意:你最近回家太晚了。那又怎样?我想玩得开心一些,不行吗?此处只能用so what表示说话者不以为然的态度,so what意为“那又怎样?”。8With tw

11、o more professional hands _you with the work later on,scarcely will you have any trouble _your task ahead of time.Ahelping;fulfilling Bhelp;to fulfill Cwill help;fulfilled Dto help;fulfilling答案D解析第一空用不定式to help作宾补表示将要发生的动作;have.trouble (in) doing sth.为固定搭配。9Though having lived abroad for years,many

12、Chinese still _the traditional customs.Aperform Bpossess Cobserve Dsupport答案C解析句意:尽管在国外居住了多年,许多中国人仍然沿袭着传统的习俗。observe遵守,奉行(习俗)。10It was not until midnight _they reached the camp site.Athat Bwhen Cwhile Das答案A解析题干属于强调句型,所强调的是时间状语,that用于构成强调句型的基本框架。.完形填空Getting plenty of exercise is very important. I e

13、njoy swimming very much. Last summer I went to the _1_every day. I plan to go there _2_ summer too, but I may not be able to. I have a new_3_, and sometimes I have to work until_4_at night. Although I now work_5_hours than I used to, _6_ I do receive a larger salary. I did not receive much pay on my

14、_7_job.I like my new job,_8_had I known that it would take_9_so much of my free time, I would not have taken it. I prefer_10_to making more money.I have heard that bikeriding is a good exercise. Maybe I will be able to_11_enough money to buy a bike.My neighbor, Mrs.Wilson has a bicycle that I could_

15、12_, but I would rather buy my own bike.If I use _13_, I would worry about_14_it. Since I make_15_money now, I think I can afford to buy my own. Getting a bike is really a good idea because_16_I am riding to and from work, I will be getting_17_at the same time. It is easier to get to the seaside_18_

16、a bike,too. I might be able to go swimming every day after all. This new job is great! I am very_19_.This will be a summer full of_20_.1A.playground Bpool Cseaside Dsea答案C解析由前句I enjoy swimming very much和下文Its easier to get to the seaside可知。2A.last Bnext Cthis Dthat答案C解析由前句last summer,以及本句的plan to go

17、和最后一段This will be a summer.可知。3A.office Bjob Clove Dinterest答案B解析由下文I like my new job可知。4A.far Bdeep Clate Dlately答案C解析late at night深夜。5A.more Bno more Cless Dfewer答案A解析由前句until late at night可知。6A.yet Bbut Chowever Dbesides答案A解析yet或still可与although搭配使用。7A.favorite Bnew Cpast Dold答案D解析由前句I do receive

18、a lager salary可知,原来工作的薪水不高。8A.if Band Cor Dbut答案D解析由前后两部分的句意可知有语意上的转折。9A.up Bdown Caway Dback答案A解析take up占用。10A.riding Bswimming Cplaying Dworking答案B解析由前文I enjoy swimming very much可知。11A.keep Bsave Ctake Dcost答案B解析由下文可知作者工资不高,故需积攒钱来买自行车。12A.ride Blend Cborrow Drenew答案C解析由上下文可推知。13A.others Bhis Cher

19、Dhers答案D解析由上文可知作者借用Mrs.Wilson的自行车。14A.destroying Bdirtying Charming Dmissing答案A解析由worry可推断出,作者担心车子损坏。15A.spare Bmore Cless Dno答案B解析由上文的a larger salary可知。16A.as Bof Cfor Dwhile答案D解析because后为一含有时间状语从句的复合句,while在期间。17A.enjoyment Brest Cexercise Dmoney答案C解析由本段的第一句可知。18A.by Bwith Cin Don答案D解析on a bike骑自行

20、车。19A.moved Bexcited Cinterested Dsad答案B解析由前句可推断出。20A.exercise Bpleasure Cinterest Dhappiness答案A解析由文章第一句和上文可知。the chances are (that).是一种固定句式,意为“可能”,chance意为“可能性”。The chances are that you wont have to pay.你可能不用付钱。If you tell him the truth,the chances are you will be severely scolded by him.如果你告诉他事实真相,你有可能遭到严厉斥责。


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