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2020届新高考艺考英语二轮课件:第三板块 第三部分 第4讲 说明文 .ppt

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1、第 三 板 块完 形 填 空第三部分体裁应对策略第 四 讲说 明 文高考总复习大二轮 山东版 英语(1)开篇点题,目标明确。做说明文体裁的完形填空时,要明确说明的对象是什么,比如是具体实物还是理论概念。因为明确说明的对象是掌握说明细节的前提。在近几年的说明文类完形填空中,作者一般在文章的首句直接提出说明的对象。(2)难度较大,结构严谨。说明文往往比较正式,表述准确严谨,句子较长,结构较为复杂。(3)用词简练,条理清晰。说明文一般采用简练的语言,按一定的方法介绍事物的类别、性质、特点、构造、成因、关系或事物的运动变化、发展的过程以及规律等。说明文十分讲究条理性,一般采用时间顺序(先后顺序)、空间


3、由现象到本质等。)文本示例 (2019全国卷)The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March_41_six months out of the year.“Of course,we_42_it when the sun is shining,”says Karin Ro,who works for the towns tourism office.“We see th

4、e sky is_43_,but down in the valley its darker its like on a_44_day”But that_45_when a system of high-tech_46_was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley below.Wednesday,residents(居民)of Rjukan_47_their very first ray of winter sunshine:A row of reflective boards on a

5、 nearby mountainside were put to_48_.The mirrors are controlled by a computer that_49_them to turn along with the sun throughout the_50_and to close during windy weather.They reflect a concentrated beam(束)of light onto the towns central_51_,creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters.When

6、 the light_52_,Rjukan residents gathered together.“People have been_53_there and standing there and taking_54_of each other,”Ro says.“The town square wastotally_55_.I think almost all the people in the town were there.”The 3,500 residents cannot all_56_the sunshine at the same time._57_,the new ligh

7、t feels like more than enough for the towns_58_residents.“Its not very_59_,”she says,“but it is enough when we are_60_.”41.A.only BobviouslyC.nearly Dprecisely42.A.fear BbelieveC.hear Dnotice43.A.empty BblueC.high Dwide44.A.cloudy BnormalC.different Dwarm45.A.helped BchangedC.happened Dmattered46.A.

8、computers BtelescopesC.mirrors Dcameras47.A.remembered BforecastedC.received Dimagined48.A.repair BriskC.rest Duse49.A.forbids BdirectsC.predicts Dfollows50.A.day BnightC.month Dyear51.A.library BhallC.square Dstreet52.A.appeared BreturnedC.faded Dstopped53.A.driving BhidingC.camping Dsitting54.A.pi

9、ctures BnotesC.care Dhold55.A.new BfullC.flat Dsilent56.A.block BavoidC.enjoy Dstore57.A.Instead BHoweverC.Gradually DSimilarly58.A.nature-loving Benergy-savingC.weather-beaten Dsun-starved59.A.big BclearC.cold Deasy60.A.trying BwaitingC.watching Dsharing考场思维第一步 速读全文,查找说明对象Whats the passage mainly a

10、bout?高科技反射板让山谷中的居民在冬天能享受阳光。第二步 理顺脉络,把握结构文章结构:分总第三步 按部就班,验证答案41.C 根据上文中的“from late September to mid-March”可知,这段时间将近半年。故选 C。only“仅仅”;obviously“显而易见地”;precisely“准确地”。42.D 当阳光照耀时,我们就可以注意到它。句中的“it”指代第一段中的“sunlight”。43.B 天空是蔚蓝色的,但山谷却是比较阴暗的,犹如阴天一般。根据句中的“but”可知,本空填入的词语与“darker”相对应,故 blue“蓝色的,蔚蓝色的”符合语境。44.A

11、参见上题解析。45.B 根据下文内容可知,采用反射板后,小镇的面貌发生了改变。46.C 根据下文中的“The mirrors”可知答案。47.C 星期三,Rjukan 的居民接收到了他们的第一束冬日阳光。remember“记得”;forecast“预报”;imagine“想象”。48.D 根据语境可知,镇上的居民们能享受到冬日的阳光是因为小镇将引进的高科技反射板投入了使用。故选 D。repair“维修”;risk“风险”;rest“休息”。49.B 本空填入的词应与空前的“controlled”在语义上保持一致,故direct“指示,命令,管理”符合语境。forbid“禁止,阻碍”;predi

12、ct“预言,预告”;follow“跟随”。50.A 白天,电脑控制的镜子随着太阳的转动而转向。throughout the day“整个白天”。51.C 根据下一段中的“The town square”可知答案为 square。52.A 阳光出现时,Rjukan 的居民便聚集在广场上。53.D 根据语境可知,人们坐的坐,站的站,彼此拍着照片。54.A 参见上题解析。take notes of“记录”;take care of“照顾”;take hold of“握住”。55.B 根据语境可知,广场上挤满了人。56.C 3 500 名居民不能同时享受阳光。block“阻塞”;avoid“避免”;s

13、tore“贮藏”。57.B 根据语境可知,此处表示转折,应用 However。58.D 根据上文提到的 Rjukan 的居民将近半年都享受不到阳光可知,此处指镇上急需阳光的居民,故选 D。59.A 广场不是很大,但居民们彼此分享时,它足够了。60.D 参见上题解析。The way in which children learn is an ever-growing area of research.It is _1_ that children differ from adult learners in many ways,but what is interesting is that the

14、re are also quite a number of unexpected _2_ across learners of all ages.For much of the 20th century,most psychologists _3_ the traditional theory that a newborn babys mind was a(n)_4_ sheet of paper upon which the record of experience was gradually impressed.During that time,scientists believed th

15、at oral _5_ was necessary for abstract thought.In its _6_,scientists assumed that a baby could not have _7_ of abstract concepts.As babies were born with a(n)_8_ range of behaviours and spent most of their early months sleeping,they certainly appeared passive and _9_.Therefore,it was commonly though

16、t that babies _10_ the ability to form complex ideas.Until recently,there was no obvious way to prove anything to the _11_ to the researchers.In time,however,challenges to this _12_ arose.It became clear that with _13_ designed scientific procedures,psychologists could find ways to _14_ rather compl

17、ex questions about how much infants and young children know and what _15_ they have.Psychologists began to employ new methods to _16_ a large amount of data about the remarkable abilities that young children _17_.Their research findings stood in great contrast to the earlier _18_ in the field that f

18、ocused almost _19_ on what young children lack.The _20_ of young children came to life through this research.It became clear that very young children are both competent and active when it comes to their mental development.语篇解读 本文主要介绍了关于婴幼儿思维能力的研究。1A.doubtful BnecessaryCobvious Dsurprising解析:C 考查形容词。

19、根据语境和常识可知,孩子和成年人的学习方式显然是不同的,故选 C。2A.examples BpersonalitiesCpossibilities Dcommonalities解析:D 考查名词。根据上文中的 differ 和 but 可推知,此处表示不同年龄段的学习者之间尽管差异性很大,但也有许多共性(commonalities)。3A.accepted BresistedCstudied Dreplaced解析:A 考查动词。根据下文中“During that time,scientists believed that oral _5_ was necessary for abstract

20、 thought”可推知,此处表示 20 世纪大部分时期,大部分心理学家是接受这种传统看法的。4A.accessible BblankCconcrete Ddark解析:B 考查形容词。根据下文中的“paper upon which the record of experience was gradually impressed”并结合空前的“a newborn babys mind”可推知,此处表示新生儿的大脑是一张白纸,会被经历逐渐填充。故选 B。5A.agreement BcommunicationCsuggestion Dtreatment解析:B 考查名词。根据空前的“oral”可推

21、知,此处表示口头交流,故选 B。6A.absence BdisappearanceCreturn Dsense解析:A 考查名词。此处承接上文“During that time,scientists believed that oral5(communication)_was necessary for abstract thought”,另结合空后的“scientists assumed that a baby could not have _7_ of abstract concepts”可推知,此处表示那些科学家认为,没有口头上的交流,婴儿是不能理解抽象概念的。absence“缺乏”符合

22、语境。7A.adaption BimaginationCcomprehension Dsatisfaction解析:C 考查名词。参见上题解析。comprehension“理解”符合语境。8A.average BunexpectedClimited Dreasonable解析:C 考查形容词。根据下文的“spent most of their early months sleeping”可推知,此处表示婴儿早期的行为是有限的,大部分时间都在睡眠中度过。limited“有限的”符合语境。9A.confident BunbelievableClovely Dunaware解析:D 考查形容词。根据

23、空处与 passive 的并列关系可推知,此处表示婴儿早期因大部分时间都在睡眠中度过而呈现出被动和无意识性。故选 D。10A.learned BrequiredClacked Dremembered解析:C 考查动词。根据语境可知,此处表示婴儿因为早期睡眠多而呈现出被动和无意识性,因此他们被普遍认为缺乏形成复杂想法的能力。此处与上文中的“In its 6(absence),scientists assumed that a baby could not have 7(comprehension)of abstract concepts”和下文中的“Their research findings

24、 stood in great contrast to the earlier _18_ in the field that focused almost _19_ on what young children lack”呼应。lack“缺乏”符合语境。11A.contrary BgoodCequal Dtruth解析:A 考查固定搭配。根据下文中的“In time,however,challenges to this _12_ arose”可知,因为没有相反的证据,先前的这种研究观点一直没有被推翻,故选 A。evidence/statements etc.to the contrary“相反

25、的证据/陈述等”为固定搭配。12A.action BproofCproblem Dview解析:D 考查名词。此处表示出现了另外一种与上文提到的不同的观点。view“观点”符合语境。13A.automatically BcarefullyCnaturally Dsimilarly解 析:B 考 查 副 词。根 据 空 后 的“designed scientific procedures,psychologists could find ways”可推知,这是精心设计的程序。故选 B。14A.take away Bshow offCturn down Dput forward解析:D 考查动词短

26、语。根据上文中的“Until recently,there was no obvious way to prove anything to the 11(contrary)to the researchers”“In time.arose”可推知,通过精心设计的程序,心理学家可以提出一些复杂的问题。put forward“提出”符合语境。15A.advantages BabilitiesCfeelings Dreasons解析:B 考查名词。根据上文中的“Therefore,it was commonly thought that babies 10(lacked)the ability to

27、 form complex ideas”和下文中的“abilities that young children _17_”可知,此处表示心理学家可以提出一些关于婴幼儿认知程度和其具有的能力的复杂问题。故选B。16A.collect BmarkCrestrict Dsupport解析:A 考查动词。根据空后的 data 可推知,此处表示收集数据。collect“收集”符合语境。17A.find BpossessCrecognize Dlose解析:B 考查动词。参见第 15 题解析。possess“具有”符合语境。18A.scientists BquestionsCstudies Dtradit

28、ions解析:C 考查名词。此处与上文中的“Therefore,it was commonly thought that babies 10(lacked)the ability to form complex ideas”呼应,因此可推知,这一研究与早期的研究结果相反,早期的研究关注的几乎全是幼儿缺乏的方面。故选 C。19A.entirely BpartlyCrelatively Dslightly解析:A 考查副词。参见上题解析。根据 almost 可推知,entirely“完全地”符合语境。20A.difference BfocusCidea Dmind解析:D 考查名词。根据上文中的“For much of the 20th century,most psychologists 3(accepted)the traditional theory that a newborn babys mind was a(n)4(blank)sheet of paper upon which the record of experience was gradually impressed”和下文可知,此处表示这一研究证明了婴儿大脑的活跃性。mind“头脑,大脑”符合语境。


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